998 resultados para Sensitive techniques


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The mechanical properties and wear behaviour of B(SiC) fibre-reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) and aluminium alloy (2014) produced by metal infiltration technique were determined. Tensile tests were peliormed at different conditions on both the alloy matrix and its composite, and the tensile fracture surfaces were also examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Dry wear of the composite materials sliding on hardened steel was studied using a pin-on-disc type machine. The effect of fibre orientation on wear rate was studied to provide wear resistance engineering data on the MMCs. Tests were carried out with the wear surface sliding direction set normal, parallel and anti-parallel to the fibre axis. Experiments were perfonned for sliding speeds of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.6 m/s for a load range from 12 N to 60 N. A number of sensitive techniques were used to examine worn surface and debris, i.e: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Backscattered Electron Microscopy (BSEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Finally, the effect of fibre orientation on the wear rate of the Borsic-reinforced plastic matrix composites (PMCs) produced by hot pressing technique was also investigated under identical test conditions. It was found that the composite had a markedly increased tensile strength compared with the matrix. The wear results also showed that the composite exhibited extremely low wear rates compared to the matrix material and the wear rate increased with increasing sliding speed and normal load. The effect of fibre orientation was marked, the lowest wear rates were obtained by arranging the fibre perpendicular to the sliding surface, while the highest wear was obtained for the parallel orientation. The coefficient of friction was found to be lowest in the parallel orientation than the others. Wear of PMCs were influenced to the greatest extent by these test parameters although similar findings were obtained for both composites. Based on the results of analyses using SEM, BSED and XPS, possible wear mechanisms are suggested to explain the wear of these materials.


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We report on a series of Spanish patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in whom the t(12;21) [TEL/AML1] translocation could not be identified with two sensitive techniques: reverse transcript-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). 101 cases were analysed: 38 children (29 B-cell precursor; nine T-cell precursor) and 63 adults (48 B-cell precursor; 15 T-cell precursor). Specific RT-PCR to amplify the TEL/AML1 fusion transcript was negative in all 101 cases. Moreover, all 38 paediatric samples were also negative by interphase FISH analysis for the presence of the TEL/AML1 fusion. These results suggest the existence of geographic/race variations in the genotype of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).


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This archaeovitreological study deals with artefacts of Miranduolo site, Tuscany region (Italy), dated 1250-1350 AD. The Miranduolo site is a medieval hill-village dated from 7th to 14th century. The information obtained reveal that Miranduolo was under control of noble families, which displayed the social, economic and political power. It is marked by controlling the farmers and metal workers on the site, as well as having control over agricultural surpluses. No in situ glass workshop has been recovered, implying that the glass artefacts were imported. One aim of this work is application of SEM-EDS to visualize textural characteristics and thickness of the pristine glass and corrosion layers. Preliminary qualification and semi-quantification of major and minor chemical elements will provide the data on the glass group present and fluxes employed. The data obtained will be integrated with the one obtained by more sensitive techniques such as PIXE/PIGE and LA-ICP-MS. Twenty cross-sections of transparent glasses (colorless, azure, and different hues of yellow and) have been analyzed by VP-SEM. All the analyzed glasses display a homogenous matrix. Only four samples (MD 24, MD 139, MD 143, MD 259) show corrosion layers of various thickness with 2.25μm, 136-500 μm, 26.8 μm and 17.01 μm. EDS linescan analyses indicate strong depletion in the corrosion layers of Na and K, while Ca depletes to a minor extent. In general, both glass composition and the burial conditions were favorable for preservation. Samples can be classified as mainly plant ash Na-Ca-Si glasses made with both unpurified and purified Levantine ash. Only sample MD 243 is made from Barilla plant ash. Sample MD 139 cannot be classified into main compositional groups as K2O is 1.33 wt% and MgO 5.92 wt%. In 8 samples MnO content is lower than 0.8 wt%, meaning that in these samples MnO is naturally present. In other 12 samples, MnO above 0.8 wt% indicates deliberate addition as a decolorant agent to intentionally obtain different hues or the amount added was not successful in making the glass transparent. The results considering fluxes are compatible with archaeovitreological study from contemporary primary glass workshops in Tuscany. For determining the provenance of silica sources, further analysis with more sensitive techniques has to be carried out; Resumo: Este estudo “arqueovitreologia” lida com artefatos do local Miranduolo, região da Toscana (Itália), datados de 1250-1350 AD. O sitio de Miranduolo é uma colina vila medieval datada do séc.VII ao séc.XIV. As informações obtidas revelam que Miranduolo estava sob o controle de famílias nobres, que exibiu o poder social, económico e político. É marcado por controlar os agricultores e trabalhadores do metal no sitio, bem como ter controlo sobre os excedentes agrícolas. Não há na oficina de vidro in situ foi recuperado, o que implica que os artefactos de vidro foram importados. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho é a aplicação de SEM-EDS para visualizar características de textura e espessura das camadas de corrosão do vidro também como da áreas originais. qualificação preliminar e semi-quantificação de maiores e menores elementos químicos irá fornecer os dados sobre o grupo presente vidro e fluxos empregado. Os dados obtidos são integrados com os dados obtidos por meio de técnicas mais sensíveis, como PIXE / PIGE e LA-ICP-MS. Vinte secções transversais de vidros transparentes (incolor, azul celeste, e diferentes tons de amarelo) foram analisados por VP-SEM. Todos os vidros analisados exibir uma matriz homogénea. Apenas quatro amostras (MD 24, MD 139, MD 143, MD 259) mostram camadas de corrosão de várias espessuras com 2.25μm, 136-500μm, 26,8μm e 17,01μm. Análises Linescan EDS indicam forte esgotamento nas camadas de corrosão de Na e K, enquanto Ca esgota, em menor grau. Em geral, tanto a composição de vidro e as condições de depósito foram favoráveis para a preservação. As amostras podem ser classificados como vidros principalmente Na-Ca-Si feitas com cinzas de plantas do tipo levantino, não purificada e purificada. Apenas a amostra MD 243 é feita a partir de cinzas vegetais tipo “Barilla”. A amostra MD 139 não pode ser classificada em grupos principais de composição porque K2O é 1,33% em peso e MgO 5,92% em peso. Em 8 amostras, o teor de MnO é menor do que 0,8% em peso, o que significa que nestas amostras MnO está naturalmente presente. Em outras 12 amostras, MnO acima de 0,8% em peso indica adição intencional como um agente de colorante para obter intencionalmente diferentes matizes ou o valor acrescentado não foi bem sucedido em fazer o vidro transparente. Os resultados, considerando os fluxos são compatíveis com o estudo “arqueovitreologico” com as principais oficinas de vidro contemporâneos na Toscana. Para determinar a origem das fontes de sílica, uma análise mais aprofundada com técnicas mais sensíveis tem de ser levada a cabo.


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In our project within the DFG Priority Programme on Survey Methodology (SPP 1292) we conducted various methodological studies on survey techniques for asking sensitive questions. For example, we compared results from the randomized response technique (RRT) to true known data in a validation study, developed and evaluated implementations of the RRT for CATI and online mode, and compared the performance of the RRT to competing approaches. In our talk, we will give an overview of the studies conducted in this project and will present our key findings. Furthermore, we will identify open research questions and give guidelines for future research on asking sensitive questions.


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Diagnostic imaging techniques play an important role in assessing the exact location, cause, and extent of a nerve lesion, thus allowing clinicians to diagnose and manage more effectively a variety of pathological conditions, such as entrapment syndromes, traumatic injuries, and space-occupying lesions. Ultrasound and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging are becoming useful methods for this purpose, but they still lack spatial resolution. In this regard, recent phase contrast x-ray imaging experiments of peripheral nerve allowed the visualization of each nerve fiber surrounded by its myelin sheath as clearly as optical microscopy. In the present study, we attempted to produce high-resolution x-ray phase contrast images of a human sciatic nerve by using synchrotron radiation propagation-based imaging. The images showed high contrast and high spatial resolution, allowing clear identification of each fascicle structure and surrounding connective tissue. The outstanding result is the detection of such structures by phase contrast x-ray tomography of a thick human sciatic nerve section. This may further enable the identification of diverse pathological patterns, such as Wallerian degeneration, hypertrophic neuropathy, inflammatory infiltration, leprosy neuropathy and amyloid deposits. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful phase contrast x-ray imaging experiment of a human peripheral nerve sample. Our long-term goal is to develop peripheral nerve imaging methods that could supersede biopsy procedures.


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A total of 316 samples of nasopharyngeal aspirate from infants up to two years of age with acute respiratory-tract illnesses were processed for detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) using three different techniques: viral isolation, direct immunofluorescence, and PCR. Of the samples, 36 (11.4%) were positive for RSV, considering the three techniques. PCR was the most sensitive technique, providing positive findings in 35/316 (11.1%) of the samples, followed by direct immunofluorescence (25/316, 7.9%) and viral isolation (20/315, 6.3%) (p < 0.001). A sample was positive by immunofluorescence and negative by PCR, and 11 (31.4%) were positive only by RT-PCR. We conclude that RT-PCR is more sensitive than IF and viral isolation to detect RSV in nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens in newborn and infants.


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Two-photon resonant parametric four-wave mixing and a newly developed variant called seeded parametric four-wave mixing are used to detect trace quantities of sodium in a flame. Both techniques are simple, requiring only a single laser to generate a signal beam at a different wavelength which propagates collinearly with the pump beam, allowing efficient signal recovery. A comparison of the two techniques reveals that seeded parametric four-wave mixing is more than two orders of magnitude more sensitive than parametric four-wave mixing, with an estimated detection sensitivity of 5 x 10(9) atoms/cm(3). Seeded parametric four-wave mixing is achieved by cascading two parametric four-wave mixing media such that one of the parametric fields generated in the first high-density medium is then used to seed the same four-wave mixing process in a second medium in order to increase the four-wave mixing gain. The behavior of this seeded parametric four-wave mixing is described using semiclassical perturbation theory. A simplified small-signal theory is found to model most of the data satisfactorily. However, an anomalous saturationlike behavior is observed in the large signal regime. The full perturbation treatment, which includes the competition between two different four-wave mixing processes coupled via the signal field, accounts for this apparently anomalous behavior.


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Objective-To compare the accuracy and feasibility of harmonic power Doppler and digitally subtracted colour coded grey scale imaging for the assessment of perfusion defect severity by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in an unselected group of patients. Design-Cohort study. Setting-Regional cardiothoracic unit. Patients-49 patients (mean (SD) age 61 (11) years; 27 women, 22 men) with known or suspected coronary artery disease were studied with simultaneous myocardial contrast echo (MCE) and SPECT after standard dipyridamole stress. Main outcome measures-Regional myocardial perfusion by SPECT, performed with Tc-99m tetrafosmin, scored qualitatively and also quantitated as per cent maximum activity. Results-Normal perfusion was identified by SPECT in 225 of 270 segments (83%). Contrast echo images were interpretable in 92% of patients. The proportion of normal MCE by grey scale, subtracted, and power Doppler techniques were respectively 76%, 74%, and 88% (p < 0.05) at > 80% of maximum counts, compared with 65%, 69%, and 61% at < 60% of maximum counts. For each technique, specificity was lowest in the lateral wail, although power Doppler was the least affected. Grey scale and subtraction techniques were least accurate in the septal wall, but power Doppler showed particular problems in the apex. On a per patient analysis, the sensitivity was 67%, 75%, and 83% for detection of coronary artery disease using grey scale, colour coded, and power Doppler, respectively, with a significant difference between power Doppler and grey scale only (p < 0.05). Specificity was also the highest for power Doppler, at 55%, but not significantly different from subtracted colour coded images. Conclusions-Myocardial contrast echo using harmonic power Doppler has greater accuracy than with grey scale imaging and digital subtraction. However, power Doppler appears to be less sensitive for mild perfusion defects.