985 resultados para Self-sufficient


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Mining has severe impacts on its surrounding. Particularly in the developing countries it has degraded the environment and signigicantly altered the socio-economical dynamics of the hosts. Especially relocation disrupts people from their homes, livelihoods, cultures and social activities. Mining industry has failed to develop the local host and streghten its governance structures; instead it has further degraded the development of mineral rich third world countries, which are among the world poorest ones. Cash flows derived from mining companies have not benefitted the crass-root level that however, bears most of the detrimental impacts. Especially if the governance structure of the host is weak, the sudden wealth is likely to accelerate disparities, corruption and even fuel wars. Environmental degradation, miscommunication, mistrust and disputes over land use have created conflicts between the communities and a mining company in Obuasi, Ghana; a case study of this thesis. The disputes are deeply rooted and further fuelled by unrealistic expectations and broken promises. The relations with artisanal and illegal miners have been especially troublesome. Illegal activities, mainly encroachment of the land and assets of the mine, such as vandalising tailings pipes have resulted in profits losses, environmental degradation and security hazards. All challenges mentioned above have to be addressed locally with site-specific solutions. It is vital to increase two-way communication, initiate collaboration and build capacity of the stakeholders such as local communities, NGOs and governance authorities. The locals must be engaged to create livelihood opportunities that are designed with and for them. Capacity can also be strengthened through education and skills training, such as women’s literacy programs. In order to diminish the overdependence of locals to the mine, the activities have to be self -sufficient and able to survive without external financial and managerial inputs. Additionally adequate and fair compensation practises and dispute resolution methods that are understood and accepted by all parties have to be agreed on as early as possible.


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Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aineellista modernia ja materiaalisen kulttuurin muutosta Suomessa 1880-luvulta 1940-luvulle tutkimalla sitä, miten kolme kansainvälistä teknologiaa, gramofoni, polkupyörä ja valokuvaus, otettiin Suomessa käyttöön ja millaisia paikallisia ilmiöitä niiden ympärille kehittyi. Tutkimus koostuu johdanto- ja yhteenveto-osan lisäksi kuudesta artikkelista, joissa käsitellään seuraavia alateemoja: itse tehtyjä polkupyöriä, käyntikorttikuvien käyttöä maalaiskodeissa, maaseudun pyöräilyä ja sen muistelemista, vuoden 1929 gramofonikuumetta, valokuvausta teknisenä harrastuksena sekä maalaisia gramofonin käytön tapoja. Tutkimuksen lähteinä on käytetty laajoja muistitietoaineistoja, sanoma- ja aikakauslehtiaineistoja, arkistoaineistoja, aikalaiskirjallisuutta ja museoesineitä. Lähteistä on etsitty mikrohistoriallista lukutapaa noudattaen johtolankoja gramofoniin, polkupyörään ja valokuvaukseen liittyneihin käytäntöihin. Esitän, että muistitietolähteet, muiden lähteiden kanssa ristiinluettuina, antavat hyvän mahdollisuuden sellaisten arjen käytäntöjen tarkasteluun, joiden tutkiminen muiden lähteiden perusteella olisi vaikeaa tai mahdotonta. Tutkimuksessa käytetyistä teoreettisista kehyksistä niin teknologian sosiaalinen rakentuminen, arjen historia, materiaaliseen kulttuuriin liittyvä teoriapohja, kulutuskulttuurin tutkimus kuin käytäntöteoriatkin kannustavat tarkastelemaan sitä, miten käyttäjien toiminta muokkaa ja määrittää teknologiaa. Näiden teoriasuuntausten pohjalta olen tätä tutkimusta varten kehittänyt itse tehdyn modernin ja kansankeksinnön käsitteet, jotka tarkentavat katseen ajallisesti ja paikallisesti tyypillisiin teknologian muokkauksen ja määrittelyn tapoihin sekä paikalliseen teknologiseen kekseliäisyyteen. Itse tehdyn modernin käsite auttaa hahmottamaan materiaalisia muutoksia ja pysyvyyksiä ajanjaksolla 1800-luvun lopulta toiseen maailmansotaan. Suomalaiset muovasivat omanlaisensa modernin, jossa uutuudet ja muutokset sulautuivat osaksi sitkeinä jatkuvia ja hitaasti muuttuvia maalaisyhteiskunnan toimintatapoja ja muokkasivat niitä vähitellen. Itse tehty moderni sekoitti omavaraisuutta ja kulutuskulttuuria, käsillä tekemiseen perustuvaa taitavuutta ja kursseilla sekä koulutuksessa saavutettua teknistä tietoa, paikallisia aineksia ja kansainvälisiä vaikutteita. Puhumalla kansanomaisista keksinnöistä olen halunnut korostaa tällaisten yhdistelmien mahdollisuutta ruohonjuuritasolla ja massatuotettujen laitteiden sovittamista osaksi pitkälti itse tehtyä ja omavaraista esinemaailmaa.


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The St. Lawrence Seaway is a system of locks, canals and channels. Construction of the seaway began in 1954 and it opened on April 25th, 1959. It consists of a 189 mile (306 kilometer) stretch of the seaway between Montreal and Lake Ontario. The Seaway is considered to be an engineering feat with 7 locks in the Montreal – Lake Ontario section which lift vessels to 246 feet (75 meters) above sea level. The 28 mile (44 kilometer) Welland Canal is the fourth version of a link between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Today there are 8 Canadian locks which lift ships 326 feet (100 meters) over the Niagara Escarpment. The St. Lawrence Seaway Authority is a Canadian Government Crown Corporation which is financially self-sufficient. It depends on the tolls charged to the users of the Seaway for its revenue and operating expenses.


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Quel est le récit d’histoire littéraire québécoise que les étudiants retiennent à la fin de leur parcours collégial? Nous nous sommes intéressé à cette question. Par le biais d’un questionnaire, nous avons interrogé plus de 300 étudiants qui étaient à la fin de leurs études collégiales. Les réponses à ce questionnaire nous ont permis de tracer une ébauche du récit d’histoire littéraire québécoise, de mieux comprendre l’enseignement que les étudiants ont reçu et d’analyser ce récit. La première constatation que nous avons faite est que nous étions en présence d’une multitude de récits. En effet, il n’y a pas deux récits pareils et il y a une grande dispersion des résultats. Ensuite, ce qui a retenu le plus notre attention est l’absence de mise en intrigue. Les étudiants utilisent plusieurs éléments pour faire l’histoire de la littérature québécoise. Les plus importants sont : la Nouvelle-France, la littérature orale, le 19e siècle, le terroir, l’anti-terroir, le roman de la ville, les années 1960, la littérature migrante et la postmodernité. Mais il n’y a pas d’articulation entre ces éléments. Ils sont tous traités de façon autonome; nous avons l’impression d’être en présence d’un mur de briques sans mortier. L’absence de certains éléments semble expliquer la forme du récit : les étudiants font une histoire qui utilise seulement les courants, il y a une absence d’événements tant littéraires qu’historiques. Ils ne font pas de liens avec les autres littératures. Bref, les éléments pouvant servir à articuler un récit sont évincés. Il est donc difficile de considérer le récit des étudiants comme une histoire littéraire.


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Ce mémoire vise à mieux comprendre l'utilisation du concept d'autarcie à l'oeuvre dans les écrits d'Aristote et, ce faisant, à nous amener à une meilleure compréhension du lien entre l'éthique et la politique dans la pensée aristotélicienne. Pour ce faire, nous commençons tout d'abord par distinguer deux types d'autarcie, à savoir ce que nous appellerons dans la suite l'autarcie divine et l'autarcie humaine. L'autarcie divine doit être comprise comme le fait de se suffire pleinement à soi-même de la manière la plus rigoureuse qui soit et cette autarcie n'est, à proprement parler, attribuable qu'au divin. L'autarcie humaine, quant à elle, est celle qui est à l'oeuvre dans la définition que donne Aristote de la cité, à savoir qu'elle est un regroupement autarcique de personnes visant à vivre et à bien vivre. Par la suite, nous montrons que la pratique de la philosophie, qui est décrite comme une pratique autarcique en EN, X, est difficilement conciliable avec les activités de la cité et la constitution d'une communauté politique. En effet, comme c'est le besoin qui doit jouer le rôle de ciment de la cité, il est difficile de voir comment la philosophie peut s'insérer dans le cadre étatique de la cité, étant donné qu'elle n'est d'aucune utilité et qu'elle est recherchée pour elle-même. Toutefois, puisqu'Aristote ne présente jamais la cohabitation de la philosophie avec les autres activités de la cité comme problématique, nous tentons de voir comment il est possible de concilier la pratique de la philosophie avec la nécessité pour l'individu de vivre en cité. C'est en examinant la notion de loisir que nous en venons à conclure que la philosophie doit y être reléguée afin de pouvoir être pratiquée. C'est aussi en associant la philosophie au loisir et en étudiant le rôle que celui-ci doit jouer au sein de la cité que nous sommes en mesure de voir se dessiner le lien entre l'éthique et la politique.


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Ce travail se veut d’un rapprochement aux pratiques et savoirs des peuples amazoniens à partir de discours produits par ces nations. Nous y interpréterons des chants sacrés, des narrations ancestrales et des textes académiques de penseurs autochtones. Ce travail indique que les pratiques amazoniennes s’inscrivent dans un contexte de significations qui considèrent que tout être vivant possède des pensées et un esprit; qu’il existe des êtres spirituels qui défendent ces êtres vivants contre les abus possibles. Les êtres humains doivent transcender leur état de conscience, se déplacer vers les mondes invisibles et initier la communication avec ces esprits, pour ainsi maintenir l’équilibre existentiel. Selon les pensées de l’Amazonie, les communautés humaines ne peuvent pas se concevoir comme autosuffisantes; elles doivent plutôt maintenir de constantes relations avec les multiples êtres qui peuplent leur environnement visible et les mondes invisibles. Les trois concepts clés qui permettent de rendre compte des pratiques des peuples amazoniens sont la déprédation, la transformation et l’équilibre. Par déprédation, nous entendons les pratiques amazoniennes qui impliquent une destruction des autres êtres afin de sustenter la vie de la communauté. Selon les pensées de l’Amazonie, cette déprédation devrait être mesurée, dans le but de ne pas tuer plus que nécessaire à la survie. La déprédation est régulée par les êtres spirituels. Les pratiques amazoniennes de transformation sont destinées à la sauvegarde des liens de la communauté, en transfigurant tout ce qui entre ou sort de cette dernière, de manière à ce qu’aucun agent externe ne mette en péril les liens affectifs. Les pratiques de déprédation et de transformation sont complémentaires et elles requièrent toutes les deux de se produire de manière équilibrée, en respectant les savoirs ancestraux et les lois cosmiques établies par les esprits supérieurs. En ce qui a trait à la méthode d’analyse, nous aborderons les discours de l’Amazonie à partir leur propre logique culturelle, sans imposer des méthodologies préétablies, ce qui donne comme résultat un travail académique qui approfondie la production intellectuelle interculturelle, puisque ce sont les voix indigènes qui expriment elles-mêmes leurs conceptions et le sens de leurs pratiques. Dans son ensemble, le travail engage un dialogue critique avec son champ d’étude en discutant ou en approfondissant certaines conceptions forgées par la littérature anthropologique consacrée à l’étude de la région, à partir des savoirs ancestraux amazoniens qui nourrissent les pratiques de ces nations.


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Les agents des services correctionnels sont appelés à travailler et à intervenir quotidiennement auprès des individus incarcérés et se trouvent au cœur du fonctionnement des établissements de détention provinciaux du Québec. Leurs pratiques disciplinaires envers les individus incarcérés étaient auparavant considérées comme arbitraires et prenaient place dans un milieu défini comme autonome, autosuffisant, fermé sur l’extérieur et ne nécessitant pas le support de la société (Goffman, 1961). Les dernières décennies ont apporté de nombreux changements, tels la reconnaissance des droits des individus incarcérés, l’ouverture du milieu carcéral sur la société ou encore la normalisation des conditions de détention. A ceux-ci se sont ajoutés la Loi sur le système correctionnel du Québec et son Règlement d’application qui vient régir le processus disciplinaire. L’objet de cette recherche vise la compréhension des pratiques des agents correctionnels en matière de poursuites disciplinaires suite à ces changements. Cette étude vise également à comprendre les éléments venant influencer la décision, par un agent correctionnel, de dresser un rapport disciplinaire. Nos résultats se divisent en deux volets. Le premier suggère que le droit disciplinaire est une question d’équilibre carcéral. Les agents correctionnels, ayant la mission de maintenir la sécurité et l’ordre au sein du milieu carcéral, prennent également part à la mission de réinsertion sociale des individus incarcérés. Les agents doivent moduler leurs pratiques disciplinaires selon des éléments administratifs et institutionnels, tout en entretenant une relation avec les individus incarcérés basée sur la négociation et le marchandage. Le deuxième suggère que le droit disciplinaire est une question de pouvoir. En effet, malgré l’encadrement des établissements carcéraux par des textes légaux, les agents correctionnels détiennent un pouvoir discrétionnaire reconnu et accepté dans l’application de la discipline.


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The basic idea behind improving local food security consists of two paths; first, accessibility (price, stock) and second, availability (quantity and biodiversity); both are perquisites to the provision of nutrients and a continuous food supply with locally available resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate if indigenous knowledge still plays an important role in traditional farming in the Minangkabau`s culture, thus supporting local food security. If the indigenous knowledge still plays a role in food culture in the Minangkabau`s culture which is linked to the matrilineal role and leads to a sound nutrition. Further, it should be tested if marantau influences traditional farming and food culture in Minangkabau`s, and if the local government plays a role in changing of traditional farming systems and food culture. Furthermore this thesis wants to prove if education and gender are playing a role in changing traditional farming system and food culture, and if the mass media affects traditional farming systems and food culture for the Minangkabau. The study was completed at four locations in West Sumatera; Nagari Ulakan (NU) (coastal area), Nagari Aia Batumbuak (NAB) (hilly area), Nagari Padang Laweh Malalo (NPLM) (lake area), Nagari Pandai Sikek (NPS) (hilly area). The rainfall ranged from 1400- 4800 mm annually with fertile soils. Data was collected by using PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) to investigate indigenous knowledge (IK) and its interactions, which is also combining with in depth-interview, life history, a survey using semi-structured-questionnaire, pictures, mapping, and expert interview. The data was collected from June - September 2009 and June 2010. The materials are; map of area, list of names, questionnaires, voices recorder, note book, and digital camera. The sampling method was snowball sampling which resulted in the qualitative and quantitative data taken. For qualitative data, ethnography and life history was used. For quantitative, a statistical survey with a semi-structured questionnaire was used. 50 respondents per each site participated voluntarily. Data was analyzed by performing MAXQDA 10, and F4 audio analysis software (created and developed by Philip-University Marburg). The data is clustered based on causality. The results show that; the role of IK on TFS (traditional farming system) shown on NPLM which has higher food crop biodiversity in comparison to the other three places even though it has relatively similar temperature and rainfall. This high food crop biodiversity is due to the awareness of local people who realized that they lived in unfavourable climate and topography; therefore they are more prepared for any changes that may occur. Carbohydrate intake is 100 % through rice even though they are growing different staple crops. Whereas most of the people said in the interviews that not eating rice is like not really eating for them. In addition to that, mothers still play an important role in kitchen activities. But when the agriculture income is low, mothers have to decide whether to change the meals or to feel insecure about their food supply. Marantau yields positive impact through the remittances it provides to invest on the farm. On the other hand, it results in fewer workers for agriculture, and therefore a negative impact on the transfer of IK. The investigation showed that the local government has a PTS (Padi Tanam Sabatang) programme which still does not guarantee that the farmers are getting sufficient revenue from their land. The low agricultural income leads to situation of potential food insecurity. It is evident that education is equal among men and women, but in some cases women tend to leave school earlier because of arranged marriages or the distances of school from their homes. Men predominantly work in agriculture and fishing, while women work in the kitchen. In NAB, even though women work on farmland they earn less then men. Weaving (NPS) and kitchen activity is recognized as women’s work, which also supports the household income. Mass media is not yielding any changes in TFS and food culture in these days. The traditional farming system has changed because of intensive agricultural extension which has introduced new methods of agriculture for the last three decades (since the 1980’s). There is no evidence that they want to change any of their food habits because of the mass media despite the lapau activity which allows them to get more food choices, instead preparing traditional meal at home. The recommendations of this thesis are: 1) The empowerment of farmers. It is regarding the self sufficient supply of manure, cooperative seed, and sustainable farm management. Farmers should know – where are they in their state of knowledge – so they can use their local wisdom and still collaborate with new sources of knowledge. Farmers should learn the prognosis of supply and demand next prior to harvest. There is a need for farm management guidelines; that can be adopted from both their local wisdom and modern knowledge. 2) Increase of non-agricultural income Increasing the non-agricultural income is strongly recommended. The remittances can be invested on non-agricultural jobs. 3) The empowerment of the mother. The mother plays an important role in farm to fork activities; the mother can be an initiator and promoter of cultivating spices in the backyard. Improvement of nutritional knowledge through information and informal public education can be done through arisan ibu-ibu and lapau activity. The challenges to apply these recommendations are: 1) The gap between institutions and organizations of local governments. There is more than one institution involved in food security policy. 2) Training and facilities for field extension agriculture (FEA) is needed because the rapid change of interaction between local government and farmer’s dependent on this agency.


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New results are established here on the phase portraits and bifurcations of the kinematic model in system (1), first presented by H.K. Wilson in [3], and by him attributed to L. Markus (unpublished). A new, self-sufficient, study which extends that of [3] and allows an essential conclusion for the applicability of the model is reported here.


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Background. Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) treatment among children with type 1 diabetes is increasing in Sweden. However, studies evaluating glycaemic control in children using CSII show inconsistent results. Omitting bolus insulin doses using CSII may cause reduced glycaemic control among adolescents. The distribution of responsibility for diabetes self-management between children and parents is often unclear and needs clarification. There is much published support for continued parental involvement and shared diabetes management during adolescence. Guided Self-Determination (GSD) is an empowerment-based, person-centred, reflection and problem solving method intended to guide the patient to become self-sufficient and develop life skills for managing difficulties in diabetes self-management. This method has been adapted for adolescents and parents as Guided Self-Determination-Young (GSD-Y). This study aims to evaluate the effect of an intervention with GSD-Y in groups of adolescents starting on insulin pumps and their parents on diabetes-related family conflicts, perceived health and quality of life (QoL), and metabolic control. Here, we describe the protocol and plans for study enrolment. Methods. This study is designed as a randomized, controlled, prospective, multicentre study. Eighty patients between 12-18 years of age who are planning to start CSII will be included. All adolescents and their parents will receive standard insulin pump training. The education intervention will be conducted when CSII is to be started and at four appointments in the first 4 months after starting CSII. The primary outcome is haemoglobin A1c levels. Secondary outcomes are perceived health and QoL, frequency of blood glucose self-monitoring and bolus doses, and usage of carbohydrate counting. The following instruments will be used to evaluate perceived health and QoL: Disabkids, 'Check your health', the Diabetes Family Conflict Scale and the Swedish Diabetes Empowerment Scale. Outcomes will be evaluated within and between groups by comparing data at baseline, and at 6 and 12 months after starting treatment. Results and discussion. In this study, we will assess the effect of starting an insulin pump together with the model of Guided Self-Determination to determine whether this approach leads to retention of improved glycaemic control, QoL, responsibility distribution and reduced diabetes-related conflicts in the family. Trial registration: Current controlled trials: ISRCTN22444034


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Esta dissertação mapeia a rede de relações intertextuais em Half a Life (2001) e sua continuação Magic Seeds (2004), os romances mais recentes do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 2001, V. S. Naipaul, como contribuição para o estudo da obra do autor. A noção de intertextualidade permeia os estudos literários, e o termo tem sido largamente empregado desde que foi cunhado por Julia Kristeva nos anos sessenta. Desde então as mais variadas, e muitas vezes divergentes, teorias sobre intertextualidade compartilham a idéia de que um texto só adquire significado pleno na interação com outros textos. A abordagem metodológica proposta é baseada na teoria da transtextualidade de Gérard Genette. Esta escolha implica o estudo de intertextos, paratextos, metatextos, arquitextos e hipertextos que constituem a interface entre os dois romances e outros escritos. O nome do protagonista "William Somerset Chandran" constitui o fio que guia o estudo das várias relações transtextuais nos dois romances. A partir do prenome do protagonista – William – este estudo situa os romances no contexto da tradição do Bildungsroman, e argumenta que estes estabelecem uma paródia arquitextual do gênero na medida em que subvertem seu cerne, ou seja, a formação do caráter do protagonista. O nome do meio do protagonista – Somerset – remete à ficcionalização do escritor Somerset Maugham na narrativa, ao mesmo tempo em que esta desmistifica a ótica ocidental sobre o hinduísmo popularizada por Maugham em The Razor's Edge. O sobrenome do protagonista – Chandran – leva ao estudo do conjunto de referências à origem indiana de Naipaul e o papel desta na produção do autor. Este nome se reporta ao romance de Narayan The Bachelor of Arts, cujo protagonista também é nomeado Chandran. Narayan é um escritor de destaque na literatura anglo-indiana e referência recorrente na obra de Naipaul. Os temas de migração e choque cultural apresentados nos dois romances têm sido presença constante na obra de Naipaul. Esta pesquisa mapeia a relação de continuidade entre os dois romances em questão e o conjunto da obra de Naipaul, salientando o papel da ambientação geográfica da narrativa, marcada pela jornada do protagonista através de três continentes. A teoria da transtextualidade é uma ferramenta operacional para a pesquisa, a qual examina a densidade das referências geográficas, históricas e literárias em Half a Life e Magic Seeds, visando aportar elementos para o estudo da produção literária de Naipaul, na medida em que estes romances recentes condensam e revisitam a visão de mundo deste autor.


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O século XXI se iniciou com inúmeros desafios para sociedade. Apesar do evidente avanço global no que tange as políticas de combate a pobreza, ainda há muito espaço para evolução. Nesse contexto, surge o conceito de microcrédito que se utiliza de mecanismos de mercado para consecução de objetivos sociais. As incontáveis experiências mundiais e brasileiras relacionadas com o tema demonstram o avanço e desenvolvimento dessa política. Concomitantemente, a sociedade civil, através das organizações do Terceiro Setor, busca seu espaço na sociedade e procurar evoluir suas formas de organização para cumprir adequadamente seu papel social. Nesse trabalho, veremos como o microcrédito, dentro da realidade brasileira, pode ser um importante catalisador para chegada do “Novo Terceiro Setor”: autossuficiente e contemporâneo as demandas sociais do século XXI.


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The need to become energy self-sufficient a country with which Brazil has sought renewable energy sources due to the possibility of depletion of oil in coming decades. This paper will examine the perspective of social inclusion the latest energy plan developed by the Federal Government: the National Program of Biodiesel Production and Use - PNPB. It aims to find out whether that work with family farmers who participated in the PNPB socially included and what limits its inclusion. Secondly, the objective is to analyze the Brazilian biodiesel production and its uses. The methodology used for the preparation of this study was to examine the literature, visits to the study area, conducting interviews with the leadership of the settlement, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with families producing sunflower. Finally, the research dealt with the statistical data. After analyzing the data was verified that the instrument PNPB is able to promote the social inclusion of family farmers, but this occurred in the initial stages because the families involved need a minimum framework of organization and infrastructure to develop activities related to biodiesel


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The paper demonstrates how it is organized production chain of natural gas in Rio Grande do Norte and highlights some prospects for this sector. The study is backed by elements to understand the process of innovation as the driving force of capitalist dynamics as well as the features of the Brazilian economy in the years 1990 and 2000 that indicated the development of natural gas production in the energy matrix Brazil. It was found that the state has potiguar possibilities for structuring an energy based on elements from the region and with prospects of becoming self-sufficient in electricity, where natural gas has a share of participation in this segment. The automotive and industrial are the biggest consumers of this input. With emphasis on the textile industry. Signaling to a broad horizon of supply, this sector will depend on their investments in research and Deficient, and the policy adopted by government to develop the consumer market


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This study's goal was to caryy out an ethnobotanical survey focusing on the knowledge and use of medicinal plants within two rural communities (Marambaia and Camboinha), which are situated in an Environmental Protection Area in Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil. These communities use medicinal plants as an important therapeutic activity, which permits the rural inhabitants to be self-sufficient regarding health care. Data were collected through interviews with 26 families (24% of the total). The medicinal plants collected (98 species) were catalogued, identified and deposited at the Herbarium Rio Clarense (HRCB). They belong to 40 families so that Lamiaceae was the most cited. The majority of these species (78%) are cultivated, usually in backyards by local inhabitants. The leaf is the most common part of the plant used in medicinal preparations. The species with the greatest number of citations were Chenopodium ambrosioides L. and Lippia alba (Mill) N.E. Br. These species are also associated with the highest number of therapeutic uses. Use agreement and diversity index from this survey were compared to other surveys conducted in Brazilian Tropical Forests.