949 resultados para Self-explaining roads Intersezioni a raso Autoesplicativa Mobile Eye Tracker


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Little is known about the psychological underpinnings of young people’s mobile phone behaviour. In the present research, 292 young Australians, aged 16–24 years, completed an online survey assessing the effects of self-identity, in-group norm, the need to belong, and self-esteem on their frequency of mobile phone use and mobile phone involvement, conceptualised as people’s degree of cognitive and behavioural association with their mobile phone. Structural equation modelling revealed that age (younger) and self-identity significantly predicted the frequency of mobile phone use. In contrast, age (younger), gender (female), self-identity and in-group norm predicted young people’s mobile phone involvement. Neither self-esteem nor the need to belong significantly predicted mobile phone behaviour. The present study contributes to our understanding of this phenomenon and provides an indication of the characteristics of young people who may become highly involved with their mobile phone.


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Purpose This study aims to employ the Model of Goal-Directed Behaviour (MGB) to examine the consumer acceptance of technology-based self-service (TBSS) for a credence service instrumental to a social goal. Credence services are increasingly delivered via self-service technology and in social marketing, the achievement of social goals can be contingent on consumer acceptance of these services. However, little is known about the determinants of acceptance and extant marketing literature fails to account for emotional and goal influences which are likely to be important. Design/methodology/approach The authors interviewed 30 young adults with self-reported stress, anxiety or depression as potential users of a self-help mental health service delivered via mobile phone. The data were analysed deductively and inductively with the assistance of NVivo. Findings The findings generally support using the MGB to enhance understanding of consumers' acceptance of TBSS. The paper also found evidence of the importance of maintenance self-efficacy, the self-evaluation of the ability to continue using the service, and a previously ignored element of consumer level competition that arises between alternatives that achieve the same goal. Originality/value This study is the first to examine factors that influence consumers' acceptance of TBSS for credence services aimed at achieving a social goal. It builds on understanding of consumer decision making in social marketing, particularly the influence of self-efficacy and competition. It also contributes to attitudinal research by providing initial evidence for deepening and broadening the MGB in the context of TBSSs.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Il lavoro svolto consiste inizialmente in una presentazione generale della situazione attuale della viabilità sul territorio casalecchiese. Su di esso si affronteranno un buon numero di problematiche che rendono le strade, presenti sul territorio, a rischio di incidentalità. Inerente a questo si è analizzato i dati degli incidenti dell’ultimo anno avvenuti sul territorio attraverso il lavoro di raccolta dati effettuato dall’Osservatorio dell’incidentalità stradale della Provincia di Bologna. Dai dati ottenuti e dai rilevamenti effettuati nell’arco di questi quattro mesi passati nell’Ufficio Traffico del comune di Casalecchio di Reno, sulle strade comunali si è riscontrato una serie di situazione a rischio che ho presentato in un capitolo apposito e si è discusso anche le relative soluzioni di intervento. Tali situazioni comprendono sia strade leggermente attempate che necessitano di interventi di sistemazione, sia intersezioni a raso di vario tipo che presentano un ampio ventaglio di problematiche per la sicurezza stradale, sia attraversamenti pedonali non a norma, con situazioni al limite della sicurezza che necessitano di immediati interventi di sistemazione e messa in sicurezza. In particolare si è approfondito lo studio degli attraversamenti pedonali, presentando tutti i possibili scenari che questa particolare situazione può avere, elencando tutti i possibili interventi che si possono adottare al fine di ottimizzare la sicurezza e ridurre al minimo i rischi, ovvero ridurre il più possibile la probabilità che un incidente accada e il danno subito dal pedone. Infine si è studiato nello specifico una situazione di pericolo, fra quelle presentate, che probabilmente rappresenta una delle situazioni più a rischio presenti sul territorio casalecchiese: un attraversamento pedonale sulla via Porrettana, nei pressi del parco Rodari, situato all’incirca a mezzavia fra l’incrocio tra via Porrettana e via Calzavecchio, e la rotonda Biagi. Tale attraversamento pedonale, in alcuni orari della giornata assai utilizzato dai residenti del limitrofo quartiere Calzavecchio che raggiungono il parco Rodari e nel giorno di mercoledì mattina il mercato rionale situato accanto al parco, presenta flussi pedonali abbastanza corposi ed è situato su una strada caratterizzata da un elevato flusso veicolare. Dopo aver presentato in maniera approfondita la situazione attuale di tale attraversamento pedonale, si sono infine proposte due diverse soluzione di intervento: una da poter essere attuata nell’immediato, l’altra subito dopo che si ottenga la declassazione di via Porrettana, cioè all’incirca fra cinque o sei anni. Si è allegato, infine, come appendice, la Normativa che si è utilizzata al fine di progettare tali soluzioni.


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Le intersezioni stradali, sono le aree individuate da tre o più tronchi stradali (archi) che convergono in uno stesso punto, nonchè dai dispositivi e dagli apprestamenti atti a consentire ed agevolare le manovre per il passaggio da un tronco all'altro. Rappresentano punti critici della rete viaria per effetto delle mutue interferenze tra le diverse correnti di traffico durante il loro attraversamento. Si acuiscono pertanto, nella loro "area di influenza", i problemi legati alla sicurezza e quelli relativi alla regolarità  ed efficienza della circolazione. Dalla numerosità  dei fattori da cui dipende la configurazione di un incrocio (numero e tipo di strade, entità  dei flussi, situazioni locali, ecc.) deriva una ancor più vasta gamma di tipologie e di schemi. La rotatoria, come particolare configurazione di intersezione a raso, è lo schema che viene considerato nel presente lavoro di tesi, sia nei suoi caratteri essenziali e generali, sia nel particolare di una intersezione che, nel Comune di Bologna, è stata realizzata in luogo dell'intersezione semaforizzata precedente.


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In questa tesi viene studiato il comportamento visivo del ciclista durante la guida in ambiente urbano diversificato, così da esaminare quali siano le diverse strategie visive adottate dal conducente della bicicletta, in rapporto al contesto in cui si trova. L’analisi del comportamento visivo è stata effettuata mediante l’esecuzione di test su campo, utilizzando il Mobile-Eye Detector, grazie al quale si sono potuti studiare i filmati relativi alle prove compiute da 12 utenti. In seguito ad una fase primaria di elaborazione generale dei dati e di scarto di quelli non ritenuti validi ai fini dello studio, sono state rilevate le fissazioni, le saccadi e i loro relativi tempi. In particolare, studiando i video, si è creato un database in cui vengono analizzate una ad una (fotogramma per fotogramma) le fissazioni e vengono individuati gli elementi ad esse relativi, quali: goal, target, pedoni, ciclisti, veicoli, ammaloramenti della pavimentazione, edifici, segnaletica verticale e orizzontale e intersezioni. Tali elementi sono quelli che attirano maggiormente l'attenzione del ciclista sia da un punto di vista pratico, ai fini della conduzione del mezzo, sia a fini di "svago". Inoltre sono state individuate delle aree di dispersione visiva, ovvero zone su cui è maggiormente ricaduto lo sguardo dei partecipanti all’esperimento: esse sono state studiate, analizzandone le dimensioni e mettendole in relazione col tipo di tragitto e con gli elementi fissati. In questo modo si è cercato di dare un'interpretazione del comportamento visivo del ciclista, sottoposto a tragitti con caratteristiche diverse. In seguito a tale analisi, è stata verificata la compatibilità tra i risultati ottenuti mediante i filmati visionati e le risposte date dai partecipanti nei questionari, proposti al termine della prova, finalizzati ad attestare la percezione soggettiva del ciclista.


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Presbyopia affects individuals from the age of 45 years onwards, resulting in difficulty in accurately focusing on near objects. There are many optical corrections available including spectacles or contact lenses that are designed to enable presbyopes to see clearly at both far and near distances. However, presbyopic vision corrections also disturb aspects of visual function under certain circumstances. The impact of these changes on activities of daily living such as driving are, however, poorly understood. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine which aspects of driving performance might be affected by wearing different types of presbyopic vision corrections. In order to achieve this aim, three experiments were undertaken. The first experiment involved administration of a questionnaire to compare the subjective driving difficulties experienced when wearing a range of common presbyopic contact lens and spectacle corrections. The questionnaire was developed and piloted, and included a series of items regarding difficulties experienced while driving under day and night-time conditions. Two hundred and fifty five presbyopic patients responded to the questionnaire and were categorised into five groups, including those wearing no vision correction for driving (n = 50), bifocal spectacles (BIF, n = 54), progressive addition lenses spectacles (PAL, n = 50), monovision (MV, n = 53) and multifocal contact lenses (MTF CL, n = 48). Overall, ratings of satisfaction during daytime driving were relatively high for all correction types. However, MV and MTF CL wearers were significantly less satisfied with aspects of their vision during night-time than daytime driving, particularly with regard to disturbances from glare and haloes. Progressive addition lens wearers noticed more distortion of peripheral vision, while BIF wearers reported more difficulties with tasks requiring changes in focus and those who wore no vision correction for driving reported problems with intermediate and near tasks. Overall, the mean level of satisfaction for daytime driving was quite high for all of the groups (over 80%), with the BIF wearers being the least satisfied with their vision for driving. Conversely, at night, MTF CL wearers expressed the least satisfaction. Research into eye and head movements has become increasingly of interest in driving research as it provides a means of understanding how the driver responds to visual stimuli in traffic. Previous studies have found that wearing PAL can affect eye and head movement performance resulting in slower eye movement velocities and longer times to stabilize the gaze for fixation. These changes in eye and head movement patterns may have implications for driving safety, given that the visual tasks for driving include a range of dynamic search tasks. Therefore, the second study was designed to investigate the influence of different presbyopic corrections on driving-related eye and head movements under standardized laboratory-based conditions. Twenty presbyopes (mean age: 56.1 ± 5.7 years) who had no experience of wearing presbyopic vision corrections, apart from single vision reading spectacles, were recruited. Each participant wore five different types of vision correction: single vision distance lenses (SV), PAL, BIF, MV and MTF CL. For each visual condition, participants were required to view videotape recordings of traffic scenes, track a reference vehicle and identify a series of peripherally presented targets while their eye and head movements were recorded using the faceLAB® eye and head tracking system. Digital numerical display panels were also included as near visual stimuli (simulating the visual displays of a vehicle speedometer and radio). The results demonstrated that the path length of eye movements while viewing and responding to driving-related traffic scenes was significantly longer when wearing BIF and PAL than MV and MTF CL. The path length of head movements was greater with SV, BIF and PAL than MV and MTF CL. Target recognition was less accurate when the near stimulus was located at eccentricities inferiorly and to the left, rather than directly below the primary position of gaze, regardless of vision correction type. The third experiment aimed to investigate the real world driving performance of presbyopes while wearing different vision corrections measured on a closed-road circuit at night-time. Eye movements were recorded using the ASL Mobile Eye, eye tracking system (as the faceLAB® system proved to be impractical for use outside of the laboratory). Eleven participants (mean age: 57.25 ± 5.78 years) were fitted with four types of prescribed vision corrections (SV, PAL, MV and MTF CL). The measures of driving performance on the closed-road circuit included distance to sign recognition, near target recognition, peripheral light-emitting-diode (LED) recognition, low contrast road hazards recognition and avoidance, recognition of all the road signs, time to complete the course, and driving behaviours such as braking, accelerating, and cornering. The results demonstrated that driving performance at night was most affected by MTF CL compared to PAL, resulting in shorter distances to read signs, slower driving speeds, and longer times spent fixating road signs. Monovision resulted in worse performance in the task of distance to read a signs compared to SV and PAL. The SV condition resulted in significantly more errors made in interpreting information from in-vehicle devices, despite spending longer time fixating on these devices. Progressive addition lenses were ranked as the most preferred vision correction, while MTF CL were the least preferred vision correction for night-time driving. This thesis addressed the research question of how presbyopic vision corrections affect driving performance and the results of the three experiments demonstrated that the different types of presbyopic vision corrections (e.g. BIF, PAL, MV and MTF CL) can affect driving performance in different ways. Distance-related driving tasks showed reduced performance with MV and MTF CL, while tasks which involved viewing in-vehicle devices were significantly hampered by wearing SV corrections. Wearing spectacles such as SV, BIF and PAL induced greater eye and head movements in the simulated driving condition, however this did not directly translate to impaired performance on the closed- road circuit tasks. These findings are important for understanding the influence of presbyopic vision corrections on vision under real world driving conditions. They will also assist the eye care practitioner to understand and convey to patients the potential driving difficulties associated with wearing certain types of presbyopic vision corrections and accordingly to support them in the process of matching patients to optical corrections which meet their visual needs.


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Background Occupational exposures of health care workers occur because of inconsistent compliance with standard precautions. The purpose of this study was to develop national estimates of compliance with standard precautions and occupational exposure reporting among operating room nurses (specifically, scrub nurses) in Australia and to assess variables that influence compliance. Methods A descriptive correlation design was used to investigate relationships between variables and compliance, using a theoretical framework, the Health Belief Model, to give meaning to the variables. Data collection was done through mail-out surveys to members of the Australian College of Operating Room Nurses. Results This article reports the results of compliance with the following 2 specific self-protective behaviors: double-gloving and wearing adequate eye protection. Mean compliance rates were 55.6% with always double-gloving during surgical procedures and 92% with always wearing adequate eye protection. In addition, the variable that had the most influence on compliance was the perception of barriers to compliance, specifically, that adhering to standard precautions interfered with duties. Conclusion These results have implications for the development of multifaceted perioperative infection control programs, including strategies for prevention, education, and policy development, to improve practices aimed at reducing occupational exposures among this high-risk group.


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The goal of this study is to identify cues for the cognitive process of attention in ancient Greek art, aiming to find confirmation of its possible use by ancient Greek audiences and artists. Evidence of cues that trigger attention’s psychological dispositions was searched through content analysis of image reproductions of ancient Greek sculpture and fine vase painting from the archaic to the Hellenistic period - ca. 7th -1st cent. BC. Through this analysis, it was possible to observe the presence of cues that trigger orientation to the work of art (i.e. amplification, contrast, emotional salience, simplification, symmetry), of a cue that triggers a disseminate attention to the parts of the work (i.e. distribution of elements) and of cues that activate selective attention to specific elements in the work of art (i.e. contrast of elements, salient color, central positioning of elements, composition regarding the flow of elements and significant objects). Results support the universality of those dispositions, probably connected with basic competencies that are hard-wired in the nervous system and in the cognitive processes.


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PURPOSE: Subjects with significant peripheral field loss (PFL) self report difficulty in street crossing. In this study, we compared the traffic gap judgment ability of fully sighted and PFL subjects to determine whether accuracy in identifying crossable gaps was adversely affected because of field loss. Moreover, we explored the contribution of visual and nonvisual factors to traffic gap judgment ability. METHODS: Eight subjects with significant PFL as a result of advanced retinitis pigmentosa or glaucoma with binocular visual field <20 degrees and five age-matched normals (NV) were recruited. All subjects were required to judge when they perceived it was safe to cross at a 2-way 4-lane street while they stood on the curb. Eye movements were recorded by an eye tracker as the subjects performed the decision task. Movies of the eye-on-scene were made offline and fixation patterns were classified into either relevant or irrelevant. Subjects' street-crossing behavior, habitual approach to street crossing, and perceived difficulties were assessed. RESULTS: Compared with normal vision (NV) subjects, the PFL subjects identified 12% fewer crossable gaps while making 23% more errors by identifying a gap as crossable when it was too short (p < 0.05). The differences in traffic gap judgment ability of the PFL subjects might be explained by the significantly smaller fixation area (p = 0.006) and fewer fixations distributed to the relevant tasks (p = 0.001). The subjects' habitual approach to street crossing and perceived difficulties in street crossing (r > 0.60) were significantly correlated with traffic gap judgment performance. CONCLUSIONS: As a consequence of significant field loss, limited visual information about the traffic environment can be acquired, resulting in significantly reduced performance in judging safe crossable gaps. This poor traffic gap judgment ability in the PFL subjects raises important concerns for their safety when attempting to cross the street.


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Vision is the sense that provides precise information about one’s position in the environment in relation to objects. The visual system is essential to guide people safely when moving around in the environment. The perception that an individual gets from a particular scene of her/his surroundings is accomplished by eye movements. The current study aims to identify differences in visual strategies between 15 women and 15 men within the age range of 18-24 years, who have been given a task to walk through an obstacle course drawn on the laboratory´s floor. They should start and finish at a predefined location. Twelve pylons were used as obstacles to be avoided during the walking.The participants' eye movements were recorded using the Mobile Eye model 1.35. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test was used for the statistical analysis. Significant differences occurred between men and women, in the duration of fixations: the men spend more time observing the finishing area than women (z=-1.929, p=.054); and in the number of fixations: before starting the task, the men fixate more often the middle phase of the obstacle course (z=-2.085, p=.037). Once they commence, the women fixate more the points outside the obstacle course than the men (z=-2.093, p=.036).


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Participants' eye-gaze is generally not captured or represented in immersive collaborative virtual environment (ICVE) systems. We present EyeCVE. which uses mobile eye-trackers to drive the gaze of each participant's virtual avatar, thus supporting remote mutual eye-contact and awareness of others' gaze in a perceptually unfragmented shared virtual workspace. We detail trials in which participants took part in three-way conferences between remote CAVE (TM) systems linked via EyeCVE. Eye-tracking data was recorded and used to evaluate interaction, confirming; the system's support for the use of gaze as a communicational and management resource in multiparty conversational scenarios. We point toward subsequent investigation of eye-tracking in ICVEs for enhanced remote social-interaction and analysis.


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For efficient collaboration between participants, eye gaze is seen as being critical for interaction. Video conferencing either does not attempt to support eye gaze (e.g. AcessGrid) or only approximates it in round table conditions (e.g. life size telepresence). Immersive collaborative virtual environments represent remote participants through avatars that follow their tracked movements. By additionally tracking people's eyes and representing their movement on their avatars, the line of gaze can be faithfully reproduced, as opposed to approximated. This paper presents the results of initial work that tested if the focus of gaze could be more accurately gauged if tracked eye movement was added to that of the head of an avatar observed in an immersive VE. An experiment was conducted to assess the difference between user's abilities to judge what objects an avatar is looking at with only head movements being displayed, while the eyes remained static, and with eye gaze and head movement information being displayed. The results from the experiment show that eye gaze is of vital importance to the subjects correctly identifying what a person is looking at in an immersive virtual environment. This is followed by a description of the work that is now being undertaken following the positive results from the experiment. We discuss the integration of an eye tracker more suitable for immersive mobile use and the software and techniques that were developed to integrate the user's real-world eye movements into calibrated eye gaze in an immersive virtual world. This is to be used in the creation of an immersive collaborative virtual environment supporting eye gaze and its ongoing experiments. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB