937 resultados para Seleção dependente de frequência


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Localizar em subsuperfície a região que mais influencia nas medidas obtidas na superfície da Terra é um problema de grande relevância em qualquer área da Geofísica. Neste trabalho, é feito um estudo sobre a localização dessa região, denominada aqui zona principal, para métodos eletromagnéticos no domínio da freqüência, utilizando-se como fonte uma linha de corrente na superfície de um semi-espaço condutor. No modelo estudado, tem-se, no interior desse semi-espaço, uma heterogeneidade na forma de camada infinita, ou de prisma com seção reta quadrada e comprimento infinito, na direção da linha de corrente. A diferença entre a medida obtida sobre o semi-espaço contendo a heterogeneidade e aquela obtida sobre o semi-espaço homogêneo, depende, entre outros parâmetros, da localização da heterogeneidade em relação ao sistema transmissor-receptor. Portanto, mantidos constantes os demais parâmetros, existirá uma posição da heterogeneidade em que sua influência é máxima nas medidas obtidas. Como esta posição é dependente do contraste de condutividade, das dimensões da heterogeneidade e da freqüência da corrente no transmissor, fica caracterizada uma região e não apenas uma única posição em que a heterogeneidade produzirá a máxima influência nas medidas. Esta região foi denominada zona principal. Identificada a zona principal, torna-se possível localizar com precisão os corpos que, em subsuperfície, provocam as anomalias observadas. Trata-se geralmente de corpos condutores de interesse para algum fim determinado. A localização desses corpos na prospecção, além de facilitar a exploração, reduz os custos de produção. Para localizar a zona principal, foi definida uma função Detetabilidade (∆), capaz de medir a influência da heterogeneidade nas medidas. A função ∆ foi calculada para amplitude e fase das componentes tangencial (Hx) e normal (Hz) à superfície terrestre do campo magnético medido no receptor. Estudando os extremos da função ∆ sob variações de condutividade, tamanho e profundidade da heterogeneidade, em modelos unidimensionais e bidimensionais, foram obtidas as dimensões da zona principal, tanto lateralmente como em profundidade. Os campos eletromagnéticos em modelos unidimensionais foram obtidos de uma forma híbrida, resolvendo numericamente as integrais obtidas da formulação analítica. Para modelos bidimensionais, a solução foi obtida através da técnica de elementos finitos. Os valores máximos da função ∆, calculada para amplitude de Hx, mostraram-se os mais indicados para localizar a zona principal. A localização feita através desta grandeza apresentou-se mais estável do que através das demais, sob variação das propriedades físicas e dimensões geométricas, tanto dos modelos unidimensionais como dos bidimensionais. No caso da heterogeneidade condutora ser uma camada horizontal infinita (caso 1D), a profundidade do plano central dessa camada vem dada pela relação po = 0,17 δo, onde po é essa profundidade e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana (em um meio homogêneo de condutividade igual à do meio encaixante (σ1) e a freqüência dada pelo valor de w em que ocorre o máximo de ∆ calculada para a amplitude de Hx). No caso de uma heterogeneidade bidimensional (caso 2D), as coordenadas do eixo central da zona principal vem dadas por do = 0,77 r0 (sendo do a distância horizontal do eixo à fonte transmissora) e po = 0,36 δo (sendo po a profundidade do eixo central da zona principal), onde r0 é a distância transmissor-receptor e δo o "skin depth" da onda plana, nas mesmas condições já estipuladas no caso 1D. Conhecendo-se os valores de r0 e δo para os quais ocorre o máximo de ∆, calculado para a amplitude de Hx, pode-se determinar (do, po). Para localizar a zona principal (ou, equivalentemente, uma zona condutora anômala em subsuperfície), sugere-se um método que consiste em associar cada valor da função ∆ da amplitude de Hx a um ponto (d, p), gerado através das relações d = 0,77 r e p = 0,36 δ, para cada w, em todo o espectro de freqüências das medidas, em um dado conjunto de configurações transmissor-receptor. São, então, traçadas curvas de contorno com os isovalores de ∆ que vão convergir, na medida em que o valor de ∆ se aproxima do máximo, sobre a localização e as dimensões geométricas aproximadas da heterogeneidade (zona principal).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ultrasound is the term that describes the sound waves with higher frequencies than human hearing. Ultrasound used in medical diagnosis is a modality based on the use of sound energy and the acoustic properties of the various parts of the body to produce images of stationary and moving tissues. However, despite the ease of use and security that this modality offers for not using ionizing radiation, one should ensure the accuracy and optimum performance of the equipment, which results in precise diagnoses. To accomplish that, periodic quality control tests must be performed, which include: physical and mechanical inspection of the equipment, image uniformity, depth of penetration/visualization, accuracy of distances, axial and lateral resolution, dead zone and doppler sensitivity. This work intends to study a computerized method for calculating the depth of penetration of ultrasound, comparing it to the observerdependent method currently used. The images were collected during the quality control tests of ultrasound equipment. The results of the comparison between the visual and computerized methods were not conclusive for selecting the safest methodology for obtaining the depth of visualization


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The regulation of ovarian activity is an integrated process involving extraovarian signals and intrafollicular factors. In such process, gonadotropins have an important role, but not always crucial. The initiation of primordial follicle growth and the early stages of folliculogenesis can occur without gonadotropins, however FSH may affect the rate of preantral follicle growth. On the other hand, the antral follicle development from 1 to 4 mm in diameter is completely gonadotropin-dependent in bovine, and the alternation of dependency from FSH to LH may be part of the mechanism involved in follicular selection. Locally produced growth factors, such as the IGF system, work in association with gonadotropins throughout the follicular growth and can influence follicular selection. Thus, the integration of these extraovarian signals and intrafollicular factors seems to determine whether a follicle will continue to develop or go atretic. This review focuses on the interaction between gonadotropins and intrafollicular factors in follicular development and selection in cattle.


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This study examined the influence of the tourism destination image as well as satisfaction and motivation in the intention of engaging in a positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM) by tourists through Facebook. In addition, it was also specifically expected to assess the sociodemographic profile and frequency of eWOM publications from those who answered the questions; it also assessed the adequacy of the manifested variables for composition of the following dimensions: Quality, Satisfaction, Image, Motivations and Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). And finally, it analyzed a relational model where there are relationships between Quality, Satisfaction, Image and Motivations in the explanation of engagement in the Positive Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). With this aim it was conducted a study, based on a hypothetical-deductive logic, which was descriptive in relation to its goals. The analytical approach was quantitative (a survey). The sampling procedure was non-probabilistic, by the convenience method of sampling specifically, having the choice of the subject been made through the probabilistic systematic method, and using time as a factor of systematization in an attempt of making randomly the selection of the interviewed people. The study sample consisted of 355 tourists. The used instrument to collect information was the structured questionnaire whose answers were collected in the main points of entry, exit and rides of tourists on the Pipa’s Beach/RN. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and multivariate statistics, mainly exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Among the main results, it was possible to confirm that the Motivations, Satisfaction and Image strongly affect the intention of engaging in positive electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Emphasis is given to the motivations, as they demonstrate bigger impact in explaining the dependent variable; they are followed by the satisfaction and the image. The latter, however, is inversely proportional. Among the motivations, the one with the highest percentage of variance were the social benefits sought by tourists; and presenting the same percentage appears the desire to help other tourists and to vent Positive Emotions. The manifested variables demonstrate to be fully acceptable to be taken as reflexes of their respective factors.


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Skeletal muscle consists of muscle fiber types that have different physiological and biochemical characteristics. Basically, the muscle fiber can be classified into type I and type II, presenting, among other features, contraction speed and sensitivity to fatigue different for each type of muscle fiber. These fibers coexist in the skeletal muscles and their relative proportions are modulated according to the muscle functionality and the stimulus that is submitted. To identify the different proportions of fiber types in the muscle composition, many studies use biopsy as standard procedure. As the surface electromyography (EMGs) allows to extract information about the recruitment of different motor units, this study is based on the assumption that it is possible to use the EMG to identify different proportions of fiber types in a muscle. The goal of this study was to identify the characteristics of the EMG signals which are able to distinguish, more precisely, different proportions of fiber types. Also was investigated the combination of characteristics using appropriate mathematical models. To achieve the proposed objective, simulated signals were developed with different proportions of motor units recruited and with different signal-to-noise ratios. Thirteen characteristics in function of time and the frequency were extracted from emulated signals. The results for each extracted feature of the signals were submitted to the clustering algorithm k-means to separate the different proportions of motor units recruited on the emulated signals. Mathematical techniques (confusion matrix and analysis of capability) were implemented to select the characteristics able to identify different proportions of muscle fiber types. As a result, the average frequency and median frequency were selected as able to distinguish, with more precision, the proportions of different muscle fiber types. Posteriorly, the features considered most able were analyzed in an associated way through principal component analysis. Were found two principal components of the signals emulated without noise (CP1 and CP2) and two principal components of the noisy signals (CP1 and CP2 ). The first principal components (CP1 and CP1 ) were identified as being able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types. The selected characteristics (median frequency, mean frequency, CP1 and CP1 ) were used to analyze real EMGs signals, comparing sedentary people with physically active people who practice strength training (weight training). The results obtained with the different groups of volunteers show that the physically active people obtained higher values of mean frequency, median frequency and principal components compared with the sedentary people. Moreover, these values decreased with increasing power level for both groups, however, the decline was more accented for the group of physically active people. Based on these results, it is assumed that the volunteers of the physically active group have higher proportions of type II fibers than sedentary people. Finally, based on these results, we can conclude that the selected characteristics were able to distinguish different proportions of muscle fiber types, both for the emulated signals as to the real signals. These characteristics can be used in several studies, for example, to evaluate the progress of people with myopathy and neuromyopathy due to the physiotherapy, and also to analyze the development of athletes to improve their muscle capacity according to their sport. In both cases, the extraction of these characteristics from the surface electromyography signals provides a feedback to the physiotherapist and the coach physical, who can analyze the increase in the proportion of a given type of fiber, as desired in each case.


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The dissertation was divided in two studies. With the first, aimed to evaluate the occurrence of microorganisms present in the vulvovaginal region of cows that received intravaginal progesterone devices during the fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) programs, and correlate the results with pregnancy rates. Samples were collected from vulvovaginal region of 30 beef cows Guzerá and 30 crossbred dairy cows, and also intravaginal devices, randomly. Of the 120 samples of cows, 60 corresponded to the collections of the period prior to the introduction device (D0) and 60 to the subsequent withdrawal of it (D9); it yielded 100% of bacterial growth, whereas, in most samples, it was found more than one isolated. In D0, the most frequent agent was Escherichia coli (52%), and in D9, Proteus spp and E. coli were the most frequent (32% and 28%, respectively). Regarding intravaginal progesterone devices, in D0 were isolated 37 microorganisms, being predominant those of the genus Bacillus (35%); in D9, 41 colony forming units (CFU) were isolated, of which 36.6% corresponded to Proteus spp. For the analysis of the antimicrobial profile, susceptibility testing was performed by diffusion agar disk, and cows that did not became pregnant after FTAI program were selected, as a future treatment. There resistance 100% to penicillin, and sensitivity, approximately, 90% to gentamicin, both isolates obtained from samples of beef cows and obtained of dairy cows. Regarding pregnancy rate, the 30 beef cows, 11 were diagnosed pregnant (36.7%), 4 (36.4%) treated with reused devices and 7 (63.6%) with new devices, which showed more effective. Of the 30 dairy cows, 15 were pregnant (50%), 8 (53.3%) were implanted with reused devices and 7 (46.7%) with new devices, with no significant differences in pregnancy rates. Because it is a research, females were chosen at random, and factors such as body condition, nutritional management and health weren't priority. With the second study, aimed to analyze the similarity between strains, conducted by technical Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD -PCR). Presence of E. coli and the absence of pregnancy were selection criteria used. From the results, it was observed that most of the isolates wasn't phylogenetically similar, since they showed lower than 85% similarity. The study stressed the importance of E. coli in vulvovaginal microbiota of cows and the presence of phenotypic and genotypic characters of this bacterium on possible reproductive problems.


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The peaches and nectarines are highly appreciated by consumer, but it is climacteric fruits, with availability in the market in small time. It is necessary to invest to obtain genotypes with fruit quality and small perishability or that it presente less physiological disorders after storage. The aims of this work were i) to evaluate the genetic divergence among 40 peach and nectarine trees genotypes based on postharvest quality and select posible parents; ii) to evaluate the susceptibility to chilling injury in peaches and nectarines after cold storage; iii) to evaluate divergence of peaches and nectarines on the basis in the susceptibility for chiling injury and select superior genotypes; iv) evaluate the correlations between quality and susceptibility to chilling injury of peaches and nectarines v) select parents with the combination of lower susceptibility to chilling injury and higher quality fruit. The study was carried out in EEAD-CSIC, Zaragoza - Spain, during the production cycle 2013/2014. A total of 40 peaches and nectarines genotypes from germplasm collection were evaluated. The quality characteristics as flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, rippining index and flesh color parameters were evaluated. The fruits were submitted to cold storage at 0 °C and 5 °C, with 95% average relative humidity. The evaluations were after 14 and 28 days, it being observed the presence of symptoms, such as wooliness through mealiness, flesh grainy, leatheriness and flesh color changes, through browning, bleeding and off flavor. As a selection parameter was adopted 20% of genotypes that had a higher frequency of superiority for quality characteristics, susceptibility to chilling injury and the combining of both. For quality characteristic presented greater divergence the ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanel Blanco’ and ‘Borracho de Jarque’. Based on the quality the eight genotypes were selected, ‘Andross’, ‘San Jaime’, ‘San Lorenzo’, ‘Borracho de Jarque’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ and ‘Stanford’. All genotypes studied exhibited susceptibility to one or more symptoms caused by cold storage during 28 days, independent of temperature. For 14 days, the ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Queen Giant’ genotypes did not show any physiological disorder caused by cold. In general, the temperature of 0 °C favored fruit postharvest conservation, it have a lower incidence and severity of symptoms caused by cold storage. The storage for 14 days contributed for the lower incidence of damage in the genotypes fruits studied. For 14 days, with both temperatures, it was observed divergence for ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanell Blanco’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ ‘GF3’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, ‘Campiel’ and ‘Campiel Rojo’ genotypes. For 28 days, in the 5 °C condition, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Redhaven’ genotypes were divergents. Based on susceptibility to chilling injury at 0 °C, the eight genotypes were selected, it being these, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘Flavortop’, ‘Big Top’, 'Redhaven', 'Sudanell 3', 'Bonet I' and ‘Carson’. The quality parameters as rippining index, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity presented correlation among them. These, also it had correlation with woolines and bowning, what it indicate that fruits with more ripening can have this symptoms more easily. The browning, mealiness, flesh grainy and off flavor variables were correlationed with the time period and temperartures, what it confirm that these symptoms are the main disorders caused by cold storage. The quality characteristics together susceptibility to chilling injury allowed selected ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Sarell’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘GF3’ ‘San Jaime’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, and ‘San Lorenzo’ genotypes.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área I - Direito Constitucional, Eleitoral, Municipal, Administrativo, Processo Legislativo e Poder Judiciário.


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Avalia os critérios de seleção de documentos da Política de Desenvolvimento de Coleções da Coordenação de Biblioteca da Câmara dos Deputados, comparando-a com as políticas desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecas do Senado Federal, da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal, do Congresso Nacional do Chile, do Parlamento da Austrália e do Parlamento do Canadá. Verifica se os conteúdos dos livros adquiridos pela Câmara dos Deputados apresentam algum tipo de relação com os temas abordados na Casa. Sugere aperfeiçoamentos na citada política e aponta a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre os tipos de informação e fontes importantes para a Câmara dos Deputados.