965 resultados para Sb-262470
1842 (A45,PART2).
Variante(s) de titre : Statistique annuelle de l'industrie. Almanach-Bottin du commerce de Paris...
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli löytää soveltuvimmat parhaaseen käytettävissä olevaan tekniikkaan perustuvat menetelmät SB-lateksitehtaan päästöjen käsittelemiseksi. Kirjallisuuslähteinä käytettiin Euroopan komission julkaisemia toimialakohtaisia BAT-julkaisuja. Lisäksi hyödynnettiin kemianteollisuudessa jo käytössä olevien menetelmien kokemusperäistä tietoa. Kokeellinen osan pohjaksi kartoitettiin merkittävät päästölähteet: kiinteät, nestemäiset ja kaasumaiset päästöt. Päästömittaukset olivat kvantitatiivisia, mutta mittauksissa kerättiin myös kvalitatiivista tietoa. Kirjallisen ja kokemusperäisen tiedon sekä päästöjen mittaustulosten perusteella valittiin soveltuvimmat päästöjenkäsittelyvaihtoehdot. Kiinteiden päästöjen määrään vaikuttaa eniten lateksin suodatusmenetelmän valinta. Nestemäisten päästöjen uudelleenkäyttö on tehokkain tapa minimoida päästöjä. Tehokkain tapa käsitellä orgaanisia jätevesiä on kolonnistrippaus. Lateksipitoisille jätevesille soveltuvin menetelmä on membraanitekniikka. Kaasuseospäästöille soveltuvin käsittelymenetelmä on terminen kammiopoltto. Yhden kemikaalin kaasupäästöjen käsittelyssä menetelmät perustuvat kondensointiin, paikallisiin suodattimiin ja kaasujen takaisinkierrätykseen riippuen kemikaalin ominaisuuksista.
The physical and electrochemical properties of Ti-SnO2/Sb electrodes obtained by the thermal decomposition of solutions of the precursor salts SnCl2×2H2O/SbCl3 and SnSO4/Sb2(SO4)3 were investigated. The reversibility of the cyclic voltammetric response of the Fe(CN)6(4-)/Fe(CN)6(3-) redox couple was assessed using the obtained electrodes. Their catalytic activity for the oxygen-evolving reaction and maximum capacity for electronic transfer were also evaluated by potential and current linear scans in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy analyses allowed the visualization of the morphology of the oxide films obtained. The best results were presented by the electrodes obtained from the chloride salt precursors.
A distribuição de SB de Johnson tem ampla utilização na área florestal. Basicamente há cinco métodos para ajustar essa distribuição, e quatro deles consideram o parâmetro de locação (ε) e de escala (λ) como termos independentes que devem ser conhecidos para obter os demais parâmetros. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido visando propor uma nova metodologia para determinar os parâmetros de locação e de escala que otimizam o ajuste dos cinco métodos ao minimizar a estatística "dn" do teste de aderência de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Posteriormente, com o objetivo de testar a metodologia proposta, utilizou-se o aplicativo de otimização não linear "Solver.xla" do Microsoft Excel 2000, definindo a função objetivo e restrições de cada método de ajuste. Como conclusão, percebeu-se que a metodologia proposta demonstrou constituir alternativa interessante de ajuste da distribuição SB de Johnson, possibilitando seu ajuste otimizado. Dessa forma, recomenda-se que a metodologia proposta seja amplamente empregada para fins de determinação dos parâmetros do modelo quando do ajuste dessa distribuição probabilística muito usada na área florestal.
The 5-HT2B/2C receptor antagonist SB 206553 exerts anxiolytic effects in rat models of anxiety. However, these effects have been reported for standard rat strains, thus raising the issue of SB 206553 effects in rat strains displaying different levels of anxiety. Herein, the effects of SB 206553 in a 5-min elevated plus-maze test of anxiety were compared to those of the reference anxiolytic, diazepam, in two rat strains respectively displaying high (Lewis rats) and low (spontaneously hypertensive rats, SHR) anxiety. Diazepam (0.37, 0.75, or 1.5 mg/kg; 30 min before testing) increased in a dose-dependent manner the behavioral measures in SHR, but not in Lewis rats. On the other hand, SB 206553 (1.25, 2.5, or 5 mg/kg; 30 min before testing) failed to alter the anxiety parameters in both strains, whereas it increased closed arm entries in Lewis rats, suggesting that it elicited hyperactivity in the latter strain. Accordingly, the hypolocomotor effect of the nonselective 5-HT2B/2C receptor agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine (1.5 mg/kg ip 20 min before a 15-min exposure to an activity cage) was prevented by the 1.25 and 2.5 mg/kg doses of SB 206553 in Lewis rats and SHR, respectively. Compared with SHR, Lewis rats may display a lower response to benzodiazepine-mediated effects and a more efficient control of locomotor activity by 5-HT2B/2C receptors.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en Materiales) UANL, 2011.
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
All the exciting work on developing new and better alloys has led older alloys, such as AZ9l , being abandoned by researchers. lt is believed that the full potential of AZ9l in automotive design has not been realized. Whatever works have been carried out on AZ9lalloy to improve its mechanical properties are insufficient in terms of its potential usage in auto industries. Due to the fact that AZ91 offers high room temperature mechanical properties and good castability, still this alloy is a primary choice for the auto component manufactures. Small improvement in its creep properties will have a huge impact in the transportation industries. Hence, in the present work, “Influence of Si, Sb and Sr Additions on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behavior of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy”, an attempt has been made to improve the creep properties of AZ9l alloy through minor alloying elemental additions and to understand its strengthening mechanisms. The effect of alloying additions on the ageing and tensile properties of AZ9l is also studied. In addition to that, role of various intermetallics formed due to the alloying additions on the corrosion properties of AZ9l alloy is investigated.
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Research Proposal in SB.TV case study. New dimension to brand model for Web 2.0 success