27 resultados para SUBALGEBRAS
In [19], [24] we introduced a family of self-similar nil Lie algebras L over fields of prime characteristic p > 0 whose properties resemble those of Grigorchuk and Gupta-Sidki groups. The Lie algebra L is generated by two derivations v(1) = partial derivative(1) + t(0)(p-1) (partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...))))), v(2) = partial derivative(2) + t(1)(p-1) (partial derivative(3) + t(2)(p-1) (partial derivative(4) + t(3)(p-1) (partial derivative(5) + t(4)(p-1) (partial derivative(6) + ...)))) of the truncated polynomial ring K[t(i), i is an element of N vertical bar t(j)(p) =0, i is an element of N] in countably many variables. The associative algebra A generated by v(1), v(2) is equipped with a natural Z circle plus Z-gradation. In this paper we show that for p, which is not representable as p = m(2) + m + 1, m is an element of Z, the algebra A is graded nil and can be represented as a sum of two locally nilpotent subalgebras. L. Bartholdi [3] andYa. S. Krylyuk [15] proved that for p = m(2) + m + 1 the algebra A is not graded nil. However, we show that the second family of self-similar Lie algebras introduced in [24] and their associative hulls are always Z(p)-graded, graded nil, and are sums of two locally nilpotent subalgebras.
Can Boutet de Monvel`s algebra on a compact manifold with boundary be obtained as the algebra Psi(0)(G) of pseudodifferential operators on some Lie groupoid G? If it could, the kernel G of the principal symbol homomorphism would be isomorphic to the groupoid C*-algebra C*(G). While the answer to the above question remains open, we exhibit in this paper a groupoid G such that C*(G) possesses an ideal I isomorphic to G. In fact, we prove first that G similar or equal to Psi circle times K with the C*-algebra Psi generated by the zero order pseudodifferential operators on the boundary and the algebra K of compact operators. As both Psi circle times K and I are extensions of C(S*Y) circle times K by K (S*Y is the co-sphere bundle over the boundary) we infer from a theorem by Voiculescu that both are isomorphic.
lsoscalar (T = 0) plus isovector (T = 1) pairing Hamiltonian in LS-coupling. which is important for heavy N = Z nuclei, is solvable in terms of a SO(8) Lie algebra for three special values of the mixing parameter that measures the competition between the T = 0 aid T = 1 pairing. The SO(8) algebra is generated, amongst others, by the S = 1, T = 0 and S = 0, T = 1 pair creation and annihilation operators and corresponding to the three values of the mixing parameter, there are three chains of subalgebras: SO(8) superset of SOST (6) superset of SOS(3) circle times SOT(3), SO(8) superset of [SOS(5) superset of SOS(3)] circle times SOT(3) and SO(8) superset of [SOT(5) superset of SOT(3)] circle times SOS(3). Shell model Lie algebras, with only particle number conserving generators, that are complementary to these three chains of subalgebras are identified and they are used in the classification of states for a given number of nucleons. The classification problem is solved explicitly tor states with SO(8) seniority nu = 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Using them, hand structures in isospin space are identified for states with nu = 0, 1, 2 and 3. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The solutions of a large class of hierarchies of zero-curvature equations that includes Toda- and KdV-type hierarchies are investigated. All these hierarchies are constructed from affine (twisted or untwisted) Kac-Moody algebras g. Their common feature is that they have some special vacuum solutions corresponding to Lax operators lying in some Abelian (up to the central term) subalgebra of g; in some interesting cases such subalgebras are of the Heisenberg type. Using the dressing transformation method, the solutions in the orbit of those vacuum solutions are constructed in a uniform way. Then, the generalized tau-functions for those hierarchies are defined as an alternative set of variables corresponding to certain matrix elements evaluated in the integrable highest-weight representations of g. Such definition of tau-functions applies for any level of the representation, and it is independent of its realization (vertex operator or not). The particular important cases of generalized mKdV and KdV hierarchies as well as the Abelian and non-Abelian affine Toda theories are discussed in detail. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.
Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE
Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let L be an algebraic function field over k. Let sigma : L -> L be a k-automorphism of infinite order, and let D be the skew field of fractions of the skew polynomial ring L[t; sigma]. We show that D contains the group algebra kF of the free group F of rank 2.
This report aims at giving a general overview on the classification of the maximal subgroups of compact Lie groups (not necessarily connected). In the first part, it is shown that these fall naturally into three types: (1) those of trivial type, which are simply defined as inverse images of maximal subgroups of the corresponding component group under the canonical projection and whose classification constitutes a problem in finite group theory, (2) those of normal type, whose connected one-component is a normal subgroup, and (3) those of normalizer type, which are the normalizers of their own connected one-component. It is also shown how to reduce the classification of maximal subgroups of the last two types to: (2) the classification of the finite maximal Sigma-invariant subgroups of centerfree connected compact simple Lie groups and (3) the classification of the Sigma-primitive subalgebras of compact simple Lie algebras, where Sigma is a subgroup of the corresponding outer automorphism group. In the second part, we explicitly compute the normalizers of the primitive subalgebras of the compact classical Lie algebras (in the corresponding classical groups), thus arriving at the complete classification of all (non-discrete) maximal subgroups of the compact classical Lie groups.
Let D be a division ring with center k, and let D-dagger be its multiplicative group. We investigate the existence of free groups in D-dagger, and free algebras and free group algebras in D. We also go through the case when D has an involution * and consider the existence of free symmetric and unitary pairs in D-dagger.
We study the power series ring R= K[[x1,x2,x3,...]]on countably infinitely many variables, over a field K, and two particular K-subalgebras of it: the ring S, which is isomorphic to an inverse limit of the polynomial rings in finitely many variables over K, and the ring R', which is the largest graded subalgebra of R. Of particular interest are the homogeneous, finitely generated ideals in R', among them the generic ideals. The definition of S as an inverse limit yields a set of truncation homomorphisms from S to K[x1,...,xn] which restrict to R'. We have that the truncation of a generic I in R' is a generic ideal in K[x1,...,xn]. It is shown in Initial ideals of Truncated Homogeneous Ideals that the initial ideal of such an ideal converge to the initial ideal of the corresponding ideal in R'. This initial ideal need no longer be finitely generated, but it is always locally finitely generated: this is proved in Gröbner Bases in R'. We show in Reverse lexicographic initial ideals of generic ideals are finitely generated that the initial ideal of a generic ideal in R' is finitely generated. This contrast to the lexicographic term order. If I in R' is a homogeneous, locally finitely generated ideal, and if we write the Hilbert series of the truncated algebras K[x1,...,xn] module the truncation of I as qn(t)/(1-t)n, then we show in Generalized Hilbert Numerators that the qn's converge to a power series in t which we call the generalized Hilbert numerator of the algebra R'/I. In Gröbner bases for non-homogeneous ideals in R' we show that the calculations of Gröbner bases and initial ideals in R' can be done also for some non-homogeneous ideals, namely those which have an associated homogeneous ideal which is locally finitely generated. The fact that S is an inverse limit of polynomial rings, which are naturally endowed with the discrete topology, provides S with a topology which makes it into a complete Hausdorff topological ring. The ring R', with the subspace topology, is dense in R, and the latter ring is the Cauchy completion of the former. In Topological properties of R' we show that with respect to this topology, locally finitely generated ideals in R'are closed.
The present thesis is a contribution to the multi-variable theory of Bergman and Hardy Toeplitz operators on spaces of holomorphic functions over finite and infinite dimensional domains. In particular, we focus on certain spectral invariant Frechet operator algebras F closely related to the local symbol behavior of Toeplitz operators in F. We summarize results due to B. Gramsch et.al. on the construction of Psi_0- and Psi^*-algebras in operator algebras and corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutator methods, generalized Laplacians and strongly continuous group actions. In the case of the Segal-Bargmann space H^2(C^n,m) of Gaussian square integrable entire functions on C^n we determine a class of vector-fields Y(C^n) supported in complex cones K. Further, we require that for any finite subset V of Y(C^n) the Toeplitz projection P is a smooth element in the Psi_0-algebra constructed by commutator methods with respect to V. As a result we obtain Psi_0- and Psi^*-operator algebras F localized in cones K. It is an immediate consequence that F contains all Toeplitz operators T_f with a symbol f of certain regularity in an open neighborhood of K. There is a natural unitary group action on H^2(C^n,m) which is induced by weighted shifts and unitary groups on C^n. We examine the corresponding Psi^*-algebra A of smooth elements in Toeplitz-C^*-algebras. Among other results sufficient conditions on the symbol f for T_f to belong to A are given in terms of estimates on its Berezin-transform. Local aspects of the Szegö projection P_s on the Heisenbeg group and the corresponding Toeplitz operators T_f with symbol f are studied. In this connection we apply a result due to Nagel and Stein which states that for any strictly pseudo-convex domain U the projection P_s is a pseudodifferential operator of exotic type (1/2, 1/2). The second part of this thesis is devoted to the infinite dimensional theory of Bergman and Hardy spaces and the corresponding Toeplitz operators. We give a new proof of a result observed by Boland and Waelbroeck. Namely, that the space of all holomorphic functions H(U) on an open subset U of a DFN-space (dual Frechet nuclear space) is a FN-space (Frechet nuclear space) equipped with the compact open topology. Using the nuclearity of H(U) we obtain Cauchy-Weil-type integral formulas for closed subalgebras A in H_b(U), the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on U, where A separates points. Further, we prove the existence of Hardy spaces of holomorphic functions on U corresponding to the abstract Shilov boundary S_A of A and with respect to a suitable boundary measure on S_A. Finally, for a domain U in a DFN-space or a polish spaces we consider the symmetrizations m_s of measures m on U by suitable representations of a group G in the group of homeomorphisms on U. In particular,in the case where m leads to Bergman spaces of holomorphic functions on U, the group G is compact and the representation is continuous we show that m_s defines a Bergman space of holomorphic functions on U as well. This leads to unitary group representations of G on L^p- and Bergman spaces inducing operator algebras of smooth elements related to the symmetries of U.
Braided m-Lie algebras induced by multiplication are introduced, which generalize Lie algebras, Lie color algebras and quantum Lie algebras. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the braided m-Lie algebras to be strict Jacobi braided Lie algebras are given. Two classes of braided m-Lie algebras are given, which are generalized matrix braided m-Lie algebras and braided m-Lie subalgebras of End(F)M, where M is a Yetter-Drinfeld module over B with dimB < infinity. In particular, generalized classical braided m-Lie algebras sl(q,f)(GM(G)(A),F) and osp(q,l)(GM(G)(A),M,F) of generalized matrix algebra GMG(A) are constructed and their connection with special generalized matrix Lie superalgebra sl(s,f)(GM(Z2)(A(s)),F) and orthosymplectic generalized matrix Lie super algebra osp(s,l) (GM(Z2)(A(s)),M-s,F) are established. The relationship between representations of braided m-Lie algebras and their associated algebras are established.
Following the seminal work of Zhuang, connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension over algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero have been the subject of several recent papers. This thesis is concerned with continuing this line of research and promoting connected Hopf algebras as a natural, intricate and interesting class of algebras. We begin by discussing the theory of connected Hopf algebras which are either commutative or cocommutative, and then proceed to review the modern theory of arbitrary connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension initiated by Zhuang. We next focus on the (left) coideal subalgebras of connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension. They are shown to be deformations of commutative polynomial algebras. A number of homological properties follow immediately from this fact. Further properties are described, examples are considered and invariants are constructed. A connected Hopf algebra is said to be "primitively thick" if the difference between its GK-dimension and the vector-space dimension of its primitive space is precisely one . Building on the results of Wang, Zhang and Zhuang,, we describe a method of constructing such a Hopf algebra, and as a result obtain a host of new examples of such objects. Moreover, we prove that such a Hopf algebra can never be isomorphic to the enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie algebra, nor can a semisimple Lie algebra appear as its primitive space. It has been asked in the literature whether connected Hopf algebras of finite GK-dimension are always isomorphic as algebras to enveloping algebras of Lie algebras. We provide a negative answer to this question by constructing a counterexample of GK-dimension 5. Substantial progress was made in determining the order of the antipode of a finite dimensional pointed Hopf algebra by Taft and Wilson in the 1970s. Our final main result is to show that the proof of their result can be generalised to give an analogous result for arbitrary pointed Hopf algebras.