918 resultados para STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP


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This study explores how great powers not allied with the United States formulate their grand strategies in a unipolar international system. Specifically, it analyzes the strategies China and Russia have developed to deal with U.S. hegemony by examining how Moscow and Beijing have responded to American intervention in Central Asia. The study argues that China and Russia have adopted a soft balancing strategy of to indirectly balance the United States at the regional level. This strategy uses normative capabilities such as soft power, alternative institutions and regionalization to offset the overwhelming material hardware of the hegemon. The theoretical and methodological approach of this dissertation is neoclassical realism. Chinese and Russian balancing efforts against the United States are based on their domestic dynamics as well as systemic constraints. Neoclassical realism provides a bridge between the internal characteristics of states and the environment which those states are situated. Because China and Russia do not have the hardware (military or economic power) to directly challenge the United States, they must resort to their software (soft power and norms) to indirectly counter American preferences and set the agenda to obtain their own interests. Neoclassical realism maintains that soft power is an extension of hard power and a reflection of the internal makeup of states. The dissertation uses the heuristic case study method to demonstrate the efficacy of soft balancing. Such case studies help to facilitate theory construction and are not necessarily the demonstrable final say on how states behave under given contexts. Nevertheless, it finds that China and Russia have increased their soft power to counterbalance the United States in certain regions of the world, Central Asia in particular. The conclusion explains how soft balancing can be integrated into the overall balance-of-power framework to explain Chinese and Russian responses to U.S. hegemony. It also suggests that an analysis of norms and soft power should be integrated into the study of grand strategy, including both foreign policy and military doctrine.


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Calleija, a small to medium sized (SME) Australian and internationally recognised fine jeweller has secured a significant strategic global partnership with one of the world’s best-known luxury automobile brands, Aston Martin. Forging this international relationship to produce an elegant fine jewellery collection has given rise to a new network between the Australian jewellery industry and the European automobile industry. Calleija’s exclusive association with Aston Martin consolidates a shared passion for the finest quality and craftsmanship which was inspired by Aston Martin’s Supercar, the One-77. This inspiration lead to John Calleija being chosen by Aston Martin to design this latest high-luxury offering in which each design is limited to only 77 pieces utilising 30 unique designs (Calleija, 2012). The story behind Calleija’s internationalisation to the United Kingdom (UK) and their subsequent business-to-business strategic partnership with Aston Martin is no doubt a good sign for the Australian jewellery industry.


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The European Union has taken special interest in promoting development cooperation as an instrument along with framework and association agreements. Today, the countries making up the strategic partnership between the European Union and the current Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) are in a far different position from the one envisaged in the early 1990s. Nearly 15 years on from the launch of the strategic partnership between the European Union and the current Community of Latin American and Caribberan States (CELAC, formerly the Rio Group), it is important to look at the future prospects for cooperation. During this change, the strategic partnership between the European Union and CELAC will continue, so European Union cooperation must also change to meet this challenge.


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Public private partnerships (PPP) have been widely used as a method for public infrastructure project delivery not only locally and internationally, however the adoption of PPPs in social infrastructure procurement has still been very limited. The objective of this paper is to investigate the potential of implementation of current PPP framework in social affordable housing projects in South East Queensland. Data were collected from 22 interviewees with rich experiences in the industry. The findings of this study show that affordable housing investment have been considered by the industry practitioners as a risky business in comparison to other private rental housing investment. The main determents of the adoption of PPPs in social infrastructure project are the tenant-related factors, such as the inability of paying rent and the inability of caring the property. The study also suggests the importance of seeking strategic partnership with community-based organisation that has experiences in managing similar tenants’ profiles. Current PPP guideline is also viewed as inappropriate for the affordable housing projects, but the principle of VFM framework and risk allocation in PPPs still be applied to the affordable housing projects. This study helps to understand the viability of PPP in social housing procurement projects, and point out the importance of developing guideline for multi-stakeholder partnership and the expansion of the current VFM and PPPs guidelines.


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Esta dissertação trata das relações bilaterais sino-russa e sino-brasileira a partir do conceito de parceria estratégica, tal como este aparece na formulação teórica dos chineses. Neste sentido, a análise recai sobre o pensamento político chinês e como este articula uma concepção própria sobre as relações internacionais, na qual é dada uma ênfase às relações bilaterais da China com países aos quais confere peso estratégico no rol de suas relações bilaterais. O conceito de parceria estratégica, neste trabalho, refere-se a relações bilaterais constituídas com um grau de institucionalização de meios de consulta e organismos permanentes entre os Estados, sem com isso em traduzir-se em alianças entre os dois países ou voltadas contra um terceiro Estado. Oficialmente, o termo parceria estratégica aparece na diplomacia chinesa para caracterizar as relações bilaterais da China com o Brasil e a Rússia, por exemplo, entendidas como o tipo de relacionamento mais harmonioso do país asiático com outros Estados, uma vez que a República Popular não constitui mais alianças ou relações de muita proximidade com qualquer membro do sistema internacional. Levando em conta a validade deste conceito de parceria estratégica, são analisadas as relações bilaterais sino-russa e sino-brasileira, para compreender até que ponto é válido o conceito como ferramenta explicativa.


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A dissertação versa sobre a formulação de uma política externa brasileira para a América do Sul a partir do século XXI, e, discute as opções e os caminhos necessários para o desenvolvimento do Brasil em conjunto com os seus vizinhos. Nosso objetivo é apontar o necessário aprofundamento da integração regional para fazer frente aos desafios presentes e futuros que poderão ameaçar a soberania dos países sul-americanos se estes não forem membros de uma instituição política, (um ente supranacional), que os guie em decisões comuns para o bem-estar destes mesmos. Entendemos que a geopolítica do Oceano Pacífico e a consequente presença da China no subcontinente serão alguns dos alicerces para o fomento da cooperação regional e urgimos, ainda, por uma maior integração entre Brasil e Peru, sendo esse vizinho andino a peça chave para a integração transoceânica dos Estados sul-americanos como um estímulo fundamental para o objetivo integracionista final: a construção civilizacional dos Estados Unidos da América do Sul.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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Este trabajo de grado busca brindar una mirada internacionalista al Estudio de caso Alianza estratégica entre AIESEC en Colombia y SABMiller durante el periodo 2008 – 2011. El trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo identificar la influencia o no influencia de la migración temporal asistida en el mercado laboral, con base en el análisis de la teoría liberal de las relaciones internacionales y por medio de un análisis macroeconómico de Colombia. Finalmente el estudio de caso permite dilucidar hallazgos de influencia de este tipo de migración en el mercado laboral en Colombia y como la economía del país podría verse beneficiada por el accionar de una ONG como AIESEC.


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Los procesos de integración que se han venido consolidando a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas han permitido el incremento de la productividad, la inversión e inserción de la economía colombiana en los mercados mundiales. Sin embargo, ha sido Estados Unidos el socio comercial más importante y decisivo para el comercio internacional de nuestros productos. Por tal motivo, la consolidación de un Tratado de Libre Comercio con este país será una oportunidad única para potenciar el desarrollo económico interno, la consolidación de una alianza estratégica para Colombia e, incluso, permitirá el fortalecimiento de nuestras relaciones con los mercados europeos y asiáticos.-----The integration processes that have been taking place in the last two decades have allowed an increase in productivity and investment, and the insertion of Colombian economy in world markets. However, the United States have been Colombia’s most important and decisive commercial partner for trading its products at an international level. Therefore, the consolidation of a Free Trade Agreement with that country will be a unique opportunity for boosting Colombia’s internal economic development and consolidating a strategic partnership; it will also strengthen our relations with European and Asian markets.


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Análisis de las relaciones políticas entre China y Brasil a partir de 2008 en el marco de la estrategia de política exterior de China hacia América latina y el caribe y el cambio de nuevo orden mundial después de la Crisis Financiera Global de septiembre 2008.


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Se quiere contribuir a que se entiendan mejor las dinámicas de seguridad de los hemisferios se planteen problemas relacionados con la integración de los Estados alrededor de los temas de seguridad y se resalte la posición geoestratégica como componente importante dentro de la seguridad.


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La presente monografía pretende analizar en qué medida el co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la Organización de Cooperación de Shanghái puede condicionar la hegemonía estadounidense en Asia Central. Esta investigación defiende que los objetivos del co-liderazgo sino-ruso de la OCS - garantizar un orden multipolar del Sistema Internacional; obtener el acceso, control y explotación de los recursos (naturales, minerales e hídricos); disminuir la influencia política y militar de Estados Unidos en dicho pivote geopolítico - evidencian una contraposición al código geopolítico estadounidense en Asia Central, lo cual genera un limitante a su proyecto de hegemonía en la región. Para sustentar lo anterior se utilizan categorías analíticas propias de la Geopolítica de autores como Zbigniew Brzezinski, Saul Cohen y Peter Taylor, las cuales se contrastan con las estrategias de Rusia, China y Estados Unidos en Asia Central.