973 resultados para STARS: CHEMICALLY PECULIAR


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Context. Debris discs are a consequence of the planet formation process and constitute the fingerprints of planetesimal systems. Their solar system counterparts are the asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts. Aims. The DUNES survey aims at detecting extra-solar analogues to the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt around solar-type stars, putting in this way the solar system into context. The survey allows us to address some questions related to the prevalence and properties of planetesimal systems. Methods. We used Herschel/PACS to observe a sample of nearby FGK stars. Data at 100 and 160 μm were obtained, complemented in some cases with observations at 70 μm, and at 250, 350 and 500 μm using SPIRE. The observing strategy was to integrate as deep as possible at 100 μm to detect the stellar photosphere. Results. Debris discs have been detected at a fractional luminosity level down to several times that of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. The incidence rate of discs around the DUNES stars is increased from a rate of ~12.1% ± 5% before Herschel to ~20.2% ± 2%. A significant fraction (~52%) of the discs are resolved, which represents an enormous step ahead from the previously known resolved discs. Some stars are associated with faint far-IR excesses attributed to a new class of cold discs. Although it cannot be excluded that these excesses are produced by coincidental alignment of background galaxies, statistical arguments suggest that at least some of them are true debris discs. Some discs display peculiar SEDs with spectral indexes in the 70–160 μm range steeper than the Rayleigh-Jeans one. An analysis of the debris disc parameters suggests that a decrease might exist of the mean black body radius from the F-type to the K-type stars. In addition, a weak trend is suggested for a correlation of disc sizes and an anticorrelation of disc temperatures with the stellar age.


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Context. The current generation of X-ray satellites has discovered many new X-ray sources that are difficult to classify within the well-described subclasses. The hard X-ray source IGR J11215−5952 is a peculiar transient, displaying very short X-ray outbursts every 165 days. Aims. To characterise the source, we obtained high-resolution spectra of the optical counterpart, HD 306414, at different epochs, spanning a total of three months, before and around the 2007 February outburst with the combined aims of deriving its astrophysical parameters and searching for orbital modulation. Methods. We fit model atmospheres generated with the fastwind code to the spectrum, and used the interstellar lines in the spectrum to estimate its distance. We also cross-correlated each individual spectrum to the best-fit model to derive radial velocities. Results. From its spectral features, we classify HD 306414 as B0.5 Ia. From the model fit, we find Teff ≈ 24 700 K and log g ≈ 2.7, in good agreement with the morphological classification. Using the interstellar lines in its spectrum, we estimate a distance to HD 306414 d ≳ 7 kpc. Assuming this distance, we derive R∗ ≈ 40 R⊙ and Mspect ≈ 30 M⊙ (consistent, within errors, with Mevol ≈ 38 M⊙, and in good agreement with calibrations for the spectral type). Analysis of the radial velocity curve reveals that radial velocity changes are not dominated by the orbital motion, and provide an upper limit on the semi-amplitude for the optical component Kopt ≲ 11 ± 6 km   s-1. Large variations in the depth and shape of photospheric lines suggest the presence of strong pulsations, which may be the main cause of the radial velocity changes. Very significant variations, uncorrelated with those of the photospheric lines are seen in the shape and position of the Hα emission feature around the time of the X-ray outburst, but large excursions are also observed at other times. Conclusions. HD 306414 is a normal B0.5 Ia supergiant. Its radial velocity curve is dominated by an effect that is different from binary motion, and is most likely stellar pulsations. The data available suggest that the X-ray outbursts are caused by the close passage of the neutron star in a very eccentric orbit, perhaps leading to localised mass outflow.


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Context. BD + 60° 73 is the optical counterpart of the X-ray source IGR J00370+6122, a probable accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. The X-ray light curve of this binary system shows clear periodicity at 15.7 d, which has been interpreted as repeated outbursts around the periastron of an eccentric orbit. Aims. We aim to characterise the binary system IGR J00370+6122 by deriving its orbital and physical parameters. Methods. We obtained high-resolution spectra of BD + 60° 73 at different epochs. We used the fastwind code to generate a stellar atmosphere model to fit the observed spectrum and obtain physical magnitudes. The synthetic spectrum was used as a template for cross-correlation with the observed spectra to measure radial velocities. The radial velocity curve provided an orbital solution for the system. We also analysed the RXTE/ASM and Swift/BAT light curves to confirm the stability of the periodicity. Results. BD + 60° 73 is a BN0.7 Ib low-luminosity supergiant located at a distance ~3.1 kpc, in the Cas OB4 association. We derive Teff = 24 000 K and log gc = 3.0, and chemical abundances consistent with a moderately high level of evolution. The spectroscopic and evolutionary masses are consistent at the 1-σ level with a mass M∗ ≈ 15 M⊙. The recurrence time of the X-ray flares is the orbital period of the system. The neutron star is in a high-eccentricity (e = 0.56 ± 0.07) orbit, and the X-ray emission is strongly peaked around orbital phase φ = 0.2, though the observations are consistent with some level of X-ray activity happening at all orbital phases. Conclusions. The X-ray behaviour of IGR J00370+6122 is reminiscent of “intermediate” supergiant X-ray transients, though its peak luminosity is rather low. The orbit is somewhat wider than those of classical persistent supergiant X-ray binaries, which when combined with the low luminosity of the mass donor, explains the low X-ray luminosity. IGR J00370+6122 will very likely evolve towards a persistent supergiant system, highlighting the evolutionary connection between different classes of wind-accreting X-ray sources.


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Context. We monitored the quiescent thermal emission from neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries after active periods of intense activity in X-rays (outbursts). Aims. The theoretical modeling of the thermal relaxation of the neutron star crust may be used to establish constraints on the crust composition and transport properties, depending on the astrophysical scenarios assumed. Methods. We numerically simulated the thermal evolution of the neutron star crust and compared them with inferred surface temperatures for five sources: MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260, XTE J1701−462, EXO 0748−676  and IGR J17480−2446. Results. We find that the evolution of MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260 and EXO 0748−676 can be well described within a deep crustal cooling scenario. Conversely, we find that the other two sources can only be explained with models beyond crustal cooling. For the peculiar emission of XTE J1701−462 we propose alternative scenarios such as residual accretion during quiescence, additional heat sources in the outer crust, and/or thermal isolation of the inner crust due to a buried magnetic field. We also explain the very recent reported temperature of IGR J17480−2446 with an additional heat deposition in the outer crust from shallow sources.


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Aims. We present an analysis of a peculiar supergiant B-type star (VFTS698/Melnick 2/Parker 1797) in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud which exhibits characteristics similar to the broad class of B[e] stars. Methods. We analyse optical spectra from the VLT-FLAMES survey, together with archival optical and infrared photometry and X-ray imaging to characterise the system. Results. We find radial velocity variations of around 400 km s -1 in the high excitation Si iv, N iii and He ii spectra, and photometric variability of ∼0.6 mag with a period of 12.7 d. In addition, we detect long-term photometric variations of ∼0.25 mag, which may be due to a longer-term variability with a period of ∼400 d. Conclusions. We conclude that VFTS698 is likely an interacting binary comprising an early B-type star secondary orbiting a veiled, more massive companion. Spectral evidence suggests a mid-to-late B-type primary, but this may originate from an optically-thick accretion disc directly surrounding the primary. © 2012 ESO.


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This booklet is the third in the Research in Practice Series, designed to complement Belonging, being & becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (DEEWR, 2009). It focuses on Learning Outcome 5 of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF): Children are effective communicators (DEEWR, 2009).


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A series of high-performance polycarbonates have been prepared with glass-transition temperatures and decomposition temperatures that are tunable by varying the repeat-unit chemical structure. Patterning of the polymers with extreme UV lithography has been achieved by taking advantage of direct photoinduced chain scission of the polymer chains, which results in a molecular-weight based solubility switch. After selective development of the irradiated regions of the polymers, feature sizes as small as 28.6 nm have been printed and the importance of resist-developer interactions for maximizing image quality has been demonstrated.


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Heteroatom doping on the edge of graphene may serve as an effective way to tune chemical activity of carbon-based electrodes with respect to charge carrier transfer in an aqueous environment. In a step towards developing mechanistic understanding of this phenomenon, we explore herein mechanisms of proton transfer from aqueous solution to pristine and doped graphene edges utilizing density functional theory. Atomic B-, N-, and O- doped edges as well as the native graphene are examined, displaying varying proton affinities and effective interaction ranges with the H3O+ charge carrier. Our study shows that the doped edges characterized by more dispersive orbitals, namely boron and nitrogen, demonstrate more energetically favourable charge carrier exchange compared with oxygen, which features more localized orbitals. Extended calculations are carried out to examine proton transfer from the hydronium ion in the presence of explicit water, with results indicating that the basic mechanistic features of the simpler model are unchanged.


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First-principles computational studies indicate that (B, N, or O)-doped graphene ribbon edges can substantially reduce the energy barrier for H2 dissociative adsorption. The low barrier is competitive with many widely used metal or metal oxide catalysts. This suggests that suitably functionalized graphene architectures are promising metal-free alternatives for low-cost catalytic processes.


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Chemically inducible gene switches can provide precise control over gene expression, enabling more specific analyses of gene function and expanding the plant biotechnology toolkit beyond traditional constitutive expression systems. The alc gene expression system is one of the most promising chemically inducible gene switches in plants because of its potential in both fundamental research and commercial biotechnology applications. However, there are no published reports demonstrating that this versatile gene switch is functional in transgenic monocotyledonous plants, which include some of the most important agricultural crops. We found that the original alc gene switch was ineffective in the monocotyledonous plant sugar cane, and describe a modified alc system that is functional in this globally significant crop. A promoter consisting of tandem copies of the ethanol receptor inverted repeat binding site, in combination with a minimal promoter sequence, was sufficient to give enhanced sensitivity and significantly higher levels of ethanol inducible gene expression. A longer CaMV 35S minimal promoter than was used in the original alc gene switch also substantially improved ethanol inducibility. Treating the roots with ethanol effectively induced the modified alc system in sugar cane leaves and stem, while an aerial spray was relatively ineffective. The extension of this chemically inducible gene expression system to sugar cane opens the door to new opportunities for basic research and crop biotechnology.


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Some initial EUVL patterning results for polycarbonate based non-chemically amplified resists are presented. Without full optimization the developer a resolution of 60 nm line spaces could be obtained. With slight overexposure (1.4 × E0) 43.5 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be printed. At 2x E0 a 28.6 nm lines at a half pitch of 50 nm could be obtained with a LER that was just above expected for mask roughness. Upon being irradiated with EUV photons, these polymers undergo chain scission with the loss of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The remaining photoproducts appear to be non-volatile under standard EUV irradiation conditions, but do exhibit increased solubility in developer compared to the unirradiated polymer. The sensitivity of the polymers to EUV light is related to their oxygen content and ways to increase the sensitivity of the polymers to 10 mJ cm-2 is discussed.


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In this study, the electrochemical behaviour of commercially available gold spheres and rods stabilised by carboxylic acid and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) moieties, respectively, are investigated. The cyclic voltammetric behaviour in acidic electrolyte is distinctly different with the nanorods exhibiting unusual oxidative behaviour due to an electrodissolution process. The nanospheres exhibited responses typical of a highly defective surface which significantly impacted on electrocatalytic activity. A repetitive potential cycling cleaning procedure was also investigated which did not improve the activity of the nanorods and resulted in deactivating the gold spheres due to decreasing the level of surface defects.


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Multiscale numerical modeling of the species balance and transport in the ionized gas phase and on the nanostructured solid surface complemented by the heat exchange model is used to demonstrate the possibility of minimizing the Gibbs-Thompson effect in low-temperature, low-pressure chemically active plasma-assisted growth of uniform arrays of very thin Si nanowires, impossible otherwise. It is shown that plasma-specific effects drastically shorten and decrease the dispersion of the incubation times for the nucleation of nanowires on non-uniform Au catalyst nanoparticle arrays. The fast nucleation makes it possible to avoid a common problem of small catalyst nanoparticle burying by amorphous silicon. These results explain a multitude of experimental observations on chemically active plasma-assisted Si nanowire growth and can be used for the synthesis of a range of inorganic nanowires for environmental, biomedical, energy conversion, and optoelectronic applications.


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Self-assembly of carbon nanotip (CNTP) structures on Ni-based catalyst in chemically active inductively coupled plasmas of CH 4 + H 2 + Ar gas mixtures is reported. By varying the process conditions, it appears possible to control the shape, size, and density of CNTPs, content of the nanocrystalline phase in the films, as well as to achieve excellent crystallinity, graphitization, uniformity and vertical alignment of the resulting nanostructures at substrate temperatures 300-500°C and low gas pressures (below 13.2 Pa). This study provides a simple and efficient plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique for the fabrication of vertically aligned CNTP arrays for electron field emitters.