908 resultados para SSU rDNA


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This study evaluated the phylogenetic relationship among samples of ""Chantransia"" stage of the Batrachospermales and Thoreales from several regions of the world based on sequences of two genes-the plastid-encoded RUBISCO LSU gene (rbcL) and the nuclear SSU ribosomal DNA gene (SSU rDNA). All sequences of ""Chantransia macrospora"" were shown to belong to Batrachospermum macrosporum based on both molecular markers, confirming evidence from previous studies. In contrast, nine species are now associated with ""Chantransia pygmaea,"" including seven species of the Batrachospermales and two of the Thoreales. Therefore, the presence of ""C. macrospora"" in a stream can be considered reliable evidence that it belongs to B. macrosporum, whereas the occurrence of ""C. pygmaea"" does not allow the recognition of any particular species, since it is associated with at least nine species. Affinities of ""Chantransia"" stages to particular taxa were congruent for 70.5% of the samples comparing the rbcL and SSU analyses, which were associated with the same or closely related species for both markers. Sequence divergences have been reported in the ""Chantransia"" stage in comparison to the respective gametophyte, and this matter deserves further attention.


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Two new species of Gracilariopsis from the Indian Ocean are proposed-Gracilariopsis (Gp.) mclachlanii Buriyo, Bellorin et M. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Tanzania and Gracilariopsis persica Bellorin, Sohrabipour et E. C. Oliveira sp. nov. from Iran-based on morphology and DNA sequence data (rbcL gene and SSU rDNA). Both species fit the typical features of Gracilariopsis: axes cylindrical throughout, freely and loosely ramified up to four orders, with an abrupt transition in cell size from medulla to cortex, cystocarps lacking tubular nutritive cells and superficial spermatangia. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of rbcL and SSU rDNA placed both species into the Gracilariopsis clade as distinct species from all the accepted species for this genus, forming a deeply divergent lineage together with some species from the Pacific. The new species are very difficult to distinguish on morphological grounds from other species of Gracilariopsis, stressing the importance of homologous molecular marker comparisons for the species recognition in this character-poor genus.


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The genetic diversity and phylogeographical patterns of Trypanosoma species that infect Brazilian bats were evaluated by examining 1043 bats from 63 species of seven families captured in Amazonia, the Pantanal, Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest biomes of Brazil. The prevalence of trypanosonne-infected bats, as estimated by haemoculture, was 12.9%, resulting in 77 Cultures of isolates, most morphologically identified as Trypanosoma cf. cruzi, classified by barcoding using partial sequences from ssrRNA gene into the subgenus Schizotrypanum and identified as T. cruzi (15), T cruzi marinkellei (37) or T. cf. dionisii (25). Phylogenetic analyses using nuclear ssrRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) and mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequences generated three clades, which clustered together forming the subgenus Schizotrypanum. In addition to vector association, bat trypanosomes were related by the evolutionary history, ecology and phylogeography of the bats. Tryponosoma cf. dionisii trypanosomes (32.4%) infected 12 species from four bat families captured in all biomes, from North to South Brazil, and clustered with T. dionisii from Europe despite being separated by some genetic distance. Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei (49.3%) was restricted to phyllostomid bats from Amazonia to the Pantanal (North to Central). Trypanosoma cruzi (18.2%) was found mainly in vespertilionid and phyllostomid bats from the Pantanal/Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest (Central to Southeast), with a few isolates from Amazonia. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We characterized 28 new isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi IIc (TCIIc) of mammals and triatomines from Northern to Southern Brazil, confirming the widespread distribution of this lineage. Phylogenetic analyses using cytochrome b and SSU rDNA sequences clearly separated TCIIc from TCIIa according to terrestrial and arboreal ecotopes of their preferential mammalian hosts and vectors. TCIIc was more closely related to TCIId/e, followed by TCIIa, and separated by large distances from TCIIb and TCI. Despite being indistinguishable by traditional genotyping and generally being assigned to Z3, we provide evidence that TCIIa from South America and TCIIa from North America correspond to independent lineages that circulate in distinct hosts and ecological niches. Armadillos, terrestrial didelphids and rodents, and domestic dogs were found infected by TCIIc in Brazil. We believe that, in Brazil, this is the first description of TCIIc from rodents and domestic dogs. Terrestrial triatomines of genera Panstrongylus and Triatoma were confirmed as vectors of TCIIc. Together, habitat, mammalian host and vector association corroborated the link between TCIIc and terrestrial transmission cycles/ecological niches. Analysis of ITS1 rDNA sequences disclosed clusters of TCIIc isolates in accordance with their geographic origin, independent of their host species. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We sequenced the small subunit (SSU) rRNA and glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes of two trypanosomes isolated from the Brazilian snakes Pseudoboa nigra and Crotalus durissus terrificus. Trypanosomes were cultured and their morphometrical and ultrastructural features were characterized by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Phylogenetic trees inferred using independent or combined SSU rRNA and gGAPDH data sets always clustered the snake trypanosomes together in a clade closest to lizard trypanosomes, forming a strongly supported monophyletic assemblage (i.e. lizard-snake clade). The positioning in the phylogenetic trees and the barcoding based on the variable V7-V8 region of the SSU rRNA, which showed high sequence divergences, allowed us to classify the isolates from distinct snake species as separate species. The isolate from P. nigra is described as a new species, Trypanosoma serpentis n. sp., whereas the isolate from C. d. terrificus is redescribed here as Trypanosoma cascavelli.


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Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among trypanosomes from vertebrates and invertebrates disclosed a new lineage of trypanosomes circulating among anurans and sand flies that share the same ecotopes in Brazilian Amazonia. This assemblage of closely related trypanosomes was determined by comparing whole SSU rDNA sequences of anuran trypanosomes from the Brazilian biomes of Amazonia, the Pantanal, and the Atlantic Forest and from Europe, North America, and Africa, and from trypanosomes of sand flies from Amazonia. Phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood and parsimony corroborated the positioning of all new anuran trypanosomes in the aquatic clade but did not support the monophyly of anuran trypanosomes. However, all analyses always supported four major clades (An01-04) of anuran trypanosomes. Clade An04 is composed of trypanosomes from exotic anurans. Isolates in clades An01 and An02 were from Brazilian frogs and toads captured in the three biomes studied, Amazonia, the Pantanal and the Atlantic Forest. Clade An01 contains mostly isolates from Hylidae whereas clade An02 comprises mostly isolates from Bufonidae; and clade An03 contains trypanosomes from sand flies and anurans of Bufonidae, Leptodactylidae, and Leiuperidae exclusively from Amazonia. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing morphological and growth features, and molecular phylogenetic affiliation of trypanosomes from anurans and phlebotomines, incriminating these flies as invertebrate hosts and probably also as important vectors of Amazonian terrestrial anuran trypanosomes.


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Trypanosoma rangeli infects several mammalian orders but has never confidently been described in Chiroptera, which are commonly parasitized by many trypanosome species. Here, we described trypanosomes from bats captured in Central Brazil identified as T rangeli,.T. dionisii, T cruzimarinkellei and T cruzi. Two isolates, Tra643 from Platyrrhinus lineatus and Tra1719 from Artibeus plamirostris were identified as T rangeli by morphological, biological and molecular methods, and confirmed by phylogenetic analyses. Analysis using SSU rDNA sequences clustered these bat trypanosomes together with T rangeli from other hosts, and separated them from other trypanosomes from bats. Genotyping based on length and sequence polymorphism of PCR-amplified intergenic spliced-leader gene sequences assigned Tra1719 to the lineage A whereas Tra643 was shown to be a new genotype and was assigned to the new lineage E. To our knowledge, these two isolates are the earliest T rangeli from bats and the first isolates from Central Brazil molecularly characterized. Rhodnius stali captured for this study was found infected by T rangeli and T cruzi. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We characterized four Brazilian trypanosomes isolated from domestic rats and three from captive nonhuman primates that were morphologically similar to T. lewisi, a considered non-pathogenic species restricted to rodents and transmitted by fleas, despite its potential pathogenicity for infants. These isolates were identified as T. lewisi by barcoding using V7V8 SSU rDNA sequences. In inferred phylogenetic trees, all isolates clustered tightly with reference T. lewisi and T. lewisi-like trypanosomes from Europe, Asia and Africa and despite their high sequence conservation formed a homogeneous clade separate from other species of the subgenus T. (Herpetosoma). With the aim of clearly resolving the relationships between the Brazilian isolates from domestic rats and primates, we compared sequences from more polymorphic ITS rDNA. Results corroborated that isolates from Brazilian rats and monkeys were indeed of the same species and quite close to T. lewisi isolates of humans and rats from different geographical regions. Morphology of the monkey isolates and their behaviour in culture and in experimentally infected rats were also compatible with T. lewisi. However, infection with T. lewisi is rare among monkeys. We have examined more than 200 free-ranging and 160 captive monkeys and found only three infected individuals among the monkeys held in captivity. The findings of this work suggest that proximity of monkeys and infected rats and their exposure to infected fleas may be responsible for the host switching of T. Iewisi from their natural rodent species to primates. This and previous studies reporting T. lewisi in humans suggest that this trypanosome can cause sporadic and opportunistic fleaborne infection in primates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intestinalis and Giardia lamblia) is a widespread enteric pathogen in human and domestic animals. This organism is one of the most common parasites in domestic dogs in Brazil. In this study, we determined the occurrence and genetic characterization of G. duodenalis isolated from dogs from south-central São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 300 fecal samples were collected. Fecal specimens were screened for the presence of G. duodenalis using microscopy (zinc sulfate solution flotation technique) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the small subunit ribosomal (SSU-rDNA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) genes. Genetic characterization was performed using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and sequencing analysis of the GDH gene. In addition, selected samples were further characterized by RFLP and sequencing of the beta-giardin gene. The overall occurrence of G. duodenalis was 17.3% (52/300). The occurrence was higher in stray dogs (28%) than in household dogs (6.25%). of the 36 PCR-positive samples that were selected for genotyping, only dog-specific genotype C (20 isolates), D (11 isolates) and mixed C+D (five isolates) isolates were detected in the study. This study provides current information on the infection rates of G. duodenalis genotypes in canine populations and describes for the first time the presence of mixed infections within host-specific C and D genotypes in dogs in Brazil. These genotypes were widespread and commonly found in domestic dogs living in urban and suburban environments of the studied area and confirmed the endemic status of Giardia in this region.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Sequence data from the RUBISCO large subunit (rbcL) plastid gene and nuclear small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) were examined for five samples of Sirodotia delicatula from southeastern Brazil. Data from six North American samples previously identified as S. huillensis and S. suecica were also included in the analysis. Molecular data supported the continued recognition of these three species as separate entities, although one of the North American collections was misidentified. These results were shown to be congruent with morphology, chromosome number and geographic distribution. S. delicatula is more closely related to S. huillensis, both occurring in tropical-subtropical regions, than either to S. suecica with a temperate-boreal distribution. There was little rbcL variation within S. delicatula from Brazil and Costa Rica (the latter a collection previously identified as S. huillensis), with the six samples sequenced diverging from each other by 0-8 bp (0-0.67%). SSU rDNA data set did not provide sufficient resolution to infer phylogenetic relationships among the species of this group due to the low rates of variation (5 bp). Sirodotia was a well-supported clade (100% bootstrap or 1.00 a posteriori probability) based on rbcL sequences. Thus, the results confirm that Sirodotia is a monophyletic group within the Batrachospermales and we continue to recognize it at the generic level. The species S. delicatula, S. huillensis and S. suecica are morphologically and genetically distinct.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Twenty-five specimens of the freshwater red alga Compsopogon were collected from locations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Oceania, and from an aquarium, with the goal of determining genetic diversity among specimens and ascertaining the number of phylogenetic species. Specimens were morphologically identified as having either the 'caeruleus' morphology, with regular polyhedral cortical cells, or the 'leptoclados' morphology, with irregular cortical cells with rhizoidal outgrowths. The 'leptoclados' morphology has been used by some researchers to distinguish the genus Compsopogonopsis from Compsopogon, or at least to distinguish C. leptoclados from other Compsopogon species. Sequence data for the rbcL gene and cox1 barcoding region were obtained for most specimens. In addition, SSU and partial LSU (barcode) rDNA were explored for a few specimens, but all sequences were identical. For the 25 newly generated and eight previously published rbcL gene data, there were seven unique haplotypes, but the sequence divergence was very low (≤7 bp, ≤ 0.7%). One haplotype was widespread, represented by 21 specimens from diverse locations in all regions sampled. Likewise, the 22 new and one previously published cox1 barcode region sequences yielded seven unique haplotypes with little sequence divergence (≤13 bp, ≤ 2.0%). One haplotype was widespread, being shared among 16 specimens from all regions. The combined molecular and morphological data showed no genetic differentiation between the 'caeruleus' and 'leptoclados' morphologies. The ubiquitous distribution of Compsopogon in tropical/subtropical regions and its low genetic variation are probably facilitated by the alga's ability to tolerate a wide range of stream conditions and its propagation via asexual spores. Given the findings of previous culture-based studies, morphometric research and field observations, coupled with the results of our study, we conclude there is only a single monospecific genus worldwide and that the species is correctly called C. caeruleus, since this is the oldest validly published name; all other previously described species of Compsopogon and Compsopogonopsis are synonyms. © 2013 British Phycological Society.