985 resultados para SRC


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p130(Cas) (crk associated substrate) has the structural characteristics of an adapter protein, containing multiple consensus SH2 binding sites, an SH3 domain, and a proline-rich domain. The structure of p130(Cas) suggests that it may act to provide a framework for protein-protein interactions; however, as yet, its functional role in cells is unknown. In this report we show that p130(Cas) is localized to focal adhesions. We demonstrate that p130(Cas) associates both in vitro and in vivo with pp125(FAK) (focal adhesion kinase), a kinase implicated in signaling by the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors. p130(Cas) also associates with pp41/43(FRNK) (pp125(FAK)-related, non-kinase), an autonomously expressed form of pp125(FAK) composed of only the C-terminal noncatalytic domain. We show that the association of p130(Cas) with pp125(Fak) and pp41/43(FRNK) is direct, and is mediated by the binding of the SH3 domain of p130(Cas) to a proline-rich sequence present in both the C terminus of pp125(FAK) and in pp41/43(FRNK). In agreement with recent studies we show that p130(Cas) is tyrosine-phosphorylated upon integrin mediated cell adhesion. The association of p130(Cas) with pp125(FAK), a kinase which is activated upon cell adhesion, is likely to be functionally important in integrin mediated signal transduction.


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The water and wastewater industry in the UK accounts for around 3% of total energy use and just over 1% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions. Targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction and higher renewable energy penetration, coupled with rising energy costs, growing demand for wastewater services and tightening EU water quality requirements, have led to an increased interest in alternative wastewater treatment methods. The use of short rotation coppice (SRC) willow for the treatment of wastewater effluent is one such alternative, which brings with it the dual benefits of wastewater treatment and production of biomass for energy. In order to assess the effectiveness of SRC willow, it is important to analyse the overall energy balance in terms of energy input versus energy output. This paper carries out an energy life cycle analysis of a specific SRC willow plantation in Northern Ireland to which farmyard washings (dirty water) are applied. The system boundaries include the establishment, maintenance, and harvesting of the plantation, along with the transport and drying of the wood for biomass combustion. The analysis shows that the overall energy balance is positive, and that the direct and indirect energy demands are 12% and 8% of gross energy production respectively. The energy demands of the plantation are compared with the energy required to treat an equivalent nutrient load in a conventional wastewater treatment plant. While a conventional plant consumes 2.6 MJ/m3 , the irrigation system consumes 1.6 MJ/m3 and the net energy production of the scenario is 48 MJ/m3 .


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Using microarray information from oro-pharyngeal data sets and results from primary human foreskin keratinocytes (HFK) expressing Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)-16 E6/E7 proteins, we show that p63 expression regulates signalling molecules which initiate cell migration such as Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and induce invasion in 3D-organotypic rafts; a phenotype that can be reversed by depletion of p63. Knockdown of Src or FAK in the invasive cells restored focal adhesion protein paxillin at cell periphery and impaired the cell migration. In addition, specific inhibition of FAK (PF573228) or Src (dasatinib) activities mitigated invasion and attenuated the expression/activity of matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP14), a pivotal MMP in the MMP activation cascade. Expression of constitutively active Src in non-invasive HFK expressing E6/E7 proteins upregulated the activity of c-Jun and MMP14, and induced invasion in rafts. Depletion of Src, FAK or AKT in the invasive cells normalised the expression/activity of c-Jun and MMP14, thus implicating the Src-FAK/AKT/AP-1 signalling in MMP14-mediated extra-cellular matrix remodelling. Up-regulation of Src, AP-1, MMP14 and p63 expression was confirmed in oro-pharyngeal cancer. Since p63 transcriptionally regulated expression of many of the genes in this signalling pathway, it suggests that it has a central role in cancer progression.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Developmental Biology


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Les opioïdes sont les analgésiques les plus efficaces mais leur utilisation est limitée par la tolérance, un processus lié en partie à la désensibilisation des récepteurs. Le rôle de la présente étude était de mieux caractériser le processus de désensibilisation des récepteurs et plus particulièrement, d’étudier le rôle de la tyrosine kinase Src sur la régulation de la signalisation des récepteurs delta opioïdes. Nos résultats démontrent que l’inhibition pharmacologique avec PP2 (à faible concentration : 20- 40µM) ou encore l’inhibition moléculaire de la kinase avec de faibles concentrations d’ADN d’un mutant dominant inactif de Src (0,2µg/ml) potentialise l’amplitude et la durée de l’activation de la cascade ERK lorsqu’un agoniste, DPDPE (1µM; 5 min), se lie aux récepteurs. Nous avons également démontré que de fortes concentrations d’inhibiteurs de Src (80 et 100µM de PP2 ou 1µg/ml d’ADN du mutant dominant négatif) bloquent la cascade des MAPK suivant la stimulation de DOR par l’agoniste DPDPE. Ces observations indiquent que Src a un effet biphasique sur l’activité de ERK : l’inhibition complète de Src inhibe l’activité de la cascade MAPK alors qu’une inhibition modérée potentialise cette même cascade. Nous pensons aussi que de fortes concentrations des bloqueurs de Src interfèrent avec l’activation de ERK alors que de faibles concentrations interfèrent avec la désensibilisation des récepteurs. Cette possibilité a été testée à l’aide d’essais d’accumulation d’AMPc qui visaient à évaluer l’effet des bloqueurs de Src (PP2, 20 µM; 1h) sur la désensibilisation induite par un agoniste. L'activation de DOR par DPDPE inhibe la production d’AMPc, préalablement stimulée par du forskolin, de façon dose-dépendante. Le maximum d'inhibition observé est de 61%, mais lors d’un prétraitement au DPDPE (1 µM, 30 min) l’inhibition maximale est réduite à 72% de l’inhibition initiale observée. Cependant, un prétraitement des cellules au PP2 (20µM pendant 1 heure) avant d’effectuer la désensibilisation protège contre cette désensibilisation. L’effet protecteur des bloqueurs de Src n’entraîne pas de changement au niveau de l’internalisation des DOR mais l’altération de leur internalisation via un mutant tronqué du DOR ou via un milieu sucré hypertonique (0.4M de saccharose) réduit cette protection. Ces données suggèrent alors que l’internalisation optimale du récepteur est nécessaire pour que l’effet protecteur prenne place. Nous concluons donc que Src contribue à la désensibilisation de DOR après que l’internalisation du DOR soit survenue.


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Signal relay by guidance receptors at the axonal growth cone is a process essential for the assembly of a functional nervous system. We investigated the in vivo function of Src family kinases (SFKs) as growth cone guidance signaling intermediates in the context of spinal lateral motor column (LMC) motor axon projection toward the ventral or dorsal limb mesenchyme. Using in situ mRNA detection we determined that Src and Fyn are expressed in LMC motor neurons of chick and mouse embryos at the time of limb trajectory selection. Inhibition of SFK activity by C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) overexpression in chickLMCaxons using in ovo electroporation resulted inLMC axons selecting the inappropriate dorsoventral trajectory within the limb mesenchyme, with medial LMC axon projecting into the dorsal and ventral limb nerve with apparently random incidence. We also detected LMC axon trajectory choice errors in Src mutant mice demonstrating a nonredundant role for Src in motor axon guidance in agreement with gain and loss of Src function in chickLMCneurons which led to the redirection ofLMCaxons. Finally, Csk-mediated SFK inhibition attenuated the retargeting ofLMCaxons caused by EphA or EphB over-expression, implying the participation of SFKs in Eph-mediated LMC motor axon guidance. In summary, our findings demonstrate that SFKs are essential for motor axon guidance and suggest that they play an important role in relaying ephrin:Eph signals that mediate the selection of motor axon trajectory in the limb.


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L’implication des protéines tyrosines phosphatases (PTPs) dans la régulation de la signalisation et la médiation des fonctions cellulaires a été bien établie dans les dernières années. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les PTPs régulent les processus fondamentaux tels que l’angiogenèse demeurent méconnus. Il a été rapporté que l’expression de la PTP DEP-1 (Density-enhanced phosphatase 1) augmente avec la densité cellulaire et corrèle avec la déphosphorylation du récepteur VEGFR2. Cette déphosphorylation contribue à l’inhibition de contact dans les cellules endothéliales à confluence et diminue l’activité du VEGFR2 en déphosphorylant spécifiquement ses résidus catalytiques Y1054/1059. De plus, la plupart des voies de signalisation en aval du VEGFR2 sont diminuées sauf la voie Src-Gab1-AKT. DEP-1 déphosphoryle la Y529 de Src et contribue à la promotion de la survie dans les cellules endothéliales. L’objectif de cette thèse est de mieux définir le rôle de DEP-1 dans la régulation de l’activité de Src et les réponses biologiques dans les cellules endothéliales. Nous avons identifié les résidus Y1311 et Y1320 dans la queue C-terminale de DEP-1 comme sites majeurs de phosphorylation en réponse au VEGF. La phosphorylation de ces résidus est requise pour l’activation de Src et médie le remodelage des jonctions cellules-cellules dépendantes de Src. Ce remodelage induit la perméabilité, l’invasion et la formation de capillaires en réponse au VEGF. Nos résultats démontrent que la phosphorylation de DEP-1 sur résidu tyrosine est requise pour diriger la spécificité de DEP-1 vers son substrat Src. Les travaux révèlent pour la première fois un rôle positif de DEP-1 sur l’induction du programme angiogénique des cellules endothéliales. En plus de la phosphorylation sur tyrosine, DEP-1 est constitutivement phosphorylé sur la thréonine 1318 situé à proximité de la Y1320 en C-terminal. Cette localisation de la T1318 suggère que ce résidu pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation de la Y1320. En effet, nous avons observé que la T1318 de DEP-1 est phosphorylée potentiellement par CK2, et que cette phosphorylation régule la phosphorylation de DEP-1 sur tyrosine et sa capacité de lier et d’activer Src. En accord avec ces résultats, nos travaux révèlent que la surexpression du mutant DEP-1 T1318A diminue le remodelage des jonctions cellules-cellules et par conséquent la perméabilité. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que la T1318 de DEP-1 constitue un nouveau mécanisme de contrôle de la phosphorylation sur tyrosine et que ceci résulte en l’activation de Src et l’induction des fonctions biologiques des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. Suite à ces travaux dans les cellules endothéliales qui démontrent un rôle positif de DEP-1 dans la médiation des réponses angiogéniques, nous avons voulu approfondir nos connaissances sur l’implication potentielle de DEP-1 dans les cellules cancéreuses où l’activité de Src est requise pour la progression tumorale. Malgré le rôle connu de DEP-1 comme suppresseur tumoral dans différents types de cancer, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que DEP-1 pourrait promouvoir les fonctions biologiques dépendantes de Src telles que la migration et l’invasion dans les cellules cancéreuses. Ainsi, nous avons observé que l’expression de DEP-1 est plus élevée dans les lignées basales de cancer du sein qui sont plus invasives comparativement aux lignées luminales peu invasives. Dans les lignées basales, DEP-1 active Src, médie la motilité cellulaire dépendante de Src et régule la localisation des protéines impliquées dans l’organisation du cytosquelette. L’analyse d’un micro-étalage de tissu a révélé que l’expression de DEP-1 est associée avec une réduction tendencielle de survie des patients. Nos résultats proposent donc, un rôle de promoteur tumoral pour DEP-1 dans la progression du cancer du sein. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse démontrent pour la première fois que DEP-1 peut agir comme promoteur des réponses angiogéniques et du phénotype pro-invasif des lignées basales du cancer du sein probablement du à sa capacité d’activer Src. Nos résultats suggèrent ainsi que l’expression de DEP-1 pourrait contribuer à la progression tumorale et la formation de métastases. Ces découvertes laissent donc entrevoir que DEP-1 représente une nouvelle cible thérapeutique potentielle pour contrer l’angiogenèse et le développement du cancer.


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Objective - Platelet stimulation by collagen and collagen-related peptides (CRPs) is associated with activation of protein tyrosine kinases. In the present study, we investigated the role of Src family tyrosine kinases in the initial adhesion events of human platelets to collagen and cross-linked CRP. Methods and Results - Under arterial flow conditions, a glycoprotein VI - specific substrate, cross-linked CRP, caused rapid (<2 second) platelet retention and protein tyrosine phosphorylation that were markedly decreased by the Src family kinase inhibitor pyrozolopyrimidine (PP2) or by aggregation inhibitor GRGDSP. CRP-induced platelet retention was transient, and 90% of single platelets or aggregates detached within seconds. PP2, although having no effect on RGD peptide-binding to CRP, completely blocked aggregation and tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and phospholipase Cγ2 (PLCγ2). In contrast, PP2 weakly (<30%) suppressed firm adhesion to collagen mediated primarily by the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin. Although PP2 prevented activation of Syk and PLCgamma2 in collagen-adherent platelets, tyrosine phosphorylation of several unidentified protein bands persisted, as did autophosphorylation of pp125(FAK). Conclusions - These findings indicate that activation of Src-tyrosine kinases Syk and PLCgamma2 is not required for the initial stable attachment of human platelets to collagen and for FAK autophosphorylation. However, Src-tyrosine kinases are critical for glycoprotein VI - mediated signaling leading to platelet aggregation.


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Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD31) is a 130-kDa glycoprotein receptor present on the surface of platelets, neutrophils, monocytes, certain T-lymphocytes, and vascular endothelial cells. CD31 is involved in adhesion and signal transduction and is implicated in the regulation of a number of cellular processes. These include transendothelial migration of leukocytes, integrin regulation, and T-cell function, although its function in platelets remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrate the ability of the platelet agonists collagen, convulxin, and thrombin to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of CD31. Furthermore, we show that this event is independent of platelet aggregation and secretion and is accompanied by an increase in surface expression of CD31. A kinase capable of phosphorylating CD31 was detected in CD31 immunoprecipitates, and its activity was increased following activation of platelets. CD31 tyrosine phosphorylation was reduced or abolished by the Src family kinase inhibitor PP2, suggesting a role for these enzymes. In accordance with this, each of the Src family members expressed in platelets, namely Fyn, Lyn, Src, Yes, and Hck, was shown to co-immunoprecipitate with CD31. The involvement of Src family kinases in this process was confirmed through the study of mouse platelets deficient in Fyn.


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Flavonoids reduce cardiovascular disease risk through anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant and anti-platelet actions. One key flavonoid inhibitory mechanism is blocking kinase activity that drives these processes. Flavonoids attenuate activities of kinases including phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K), Fyn, Lyn, Src, Syk, PKC, PIM1/2, ERK, JNK, and PKA. X-ray crystallographic analyses of kinase-flavonoid complexes show that flavonoid ring systems and their hydroxyl substitutions are important structural features for their binding to kinases. A clearer understanding of structural interactions of flavonoids with kinases is necessary to allow construction of more potent and selective counterparts. We examined flavonoid (quercetin, apigenin and catechin) interactions with Src-family kinases (Lyn, Fyn and Hck) applying the Sybyl docking algorithm and GRID. A homology model (Lyn) was used in our analyses to demonstrate that high quality predicted kinase structures are suitable for flavonoid computational studies. Our docking results revealed potential hydrogen bond contacts between flavonoid hydroxyls and kinase catalytic site residues. Identification of plausible contacts indicated that quercetin formed the most energetically stable interactions, apigenin lacked hydroxyl groups necessary for important contacts, and the non-planar structure of catechin could not support predicted hydrogen bonding patterns. GRID analysis using a hydroxyl functional group supported docking results. Based on these findings, we predicted that quercetin would inhibit activities of Src-family kinases with greater potency than apigenin and catechin. We validated this prediction using in vitro kinase assays. We conclude that our study can be used as a basis to construct virtual flavonoid interaction libraries to guide drug discovery using these compounds as molecular templates.


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The interaction of C-type lectin receptor 2 (CLEC-2) on platelets with Podoplanin on lymphatic endothelial cells initiates platelet signaling events that are necessary for prevention of blood-lymph mixing during development. In the present study, we show that CLEC-2 signaling via Src family and Syk tyrosine kinases promotes platelet adhesion to primary mouse lymphatic endothelial cells at low shear. Using supported lipid bilayers containing mobile Podoplanin, we further show that activation of Src and Syk in platelets promotes clustering of CLEC-2 and Podoplanin. Clusters of CLEC-2-bound Podoplanin migrate rapidly to the center of the platelet to form a single structure. Fluorescence lifetime imaging demonstrates that molecules within these clusters are within 10 nm of one another and that the clusters are disrupted by inhibition of Src and Syk family kinases. CLEC-2 clusters are also seen in platelets adhered to immobilized Podoplanin using direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy. These findings provide mechanistic insight by which CLEC-2 signaling promotes adhesion to Podoplanin and regulation of Podoplanin signaling, thereby contributing to lymphatic vasculature development.


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In humans and other mammals, Tityus discrepans (Td) scorpion envenomation produces a variety of systemic effects including respiratory distress, a generalized inflammatory reaction, modulation of blood pressure, fibrin formation, and platelet activation. For many of these effects, the venom components and underlying mechanisms are not known. In the present study, we demonstrate that Td venom (TdV) stimulates integrin αIIbβ3-dependent aggregation of washed human and mouse platelets downstream of Src kinase activation. The pattern of increase in tyrosine phosphorylation induced by TdV in human platelets is similar to that induced by the collagen receptor GPVI, and includes FcR γ-chain, Syk, and PLC γ 2. Confirmation of GPVI activation by TdV was achieved by expression of human GPVI in chicken DT40 B cells and use of a reporter assay. To our surprise, TdV was able to activate mouse platelets deficient in the GPVI-FcR γ-chain complex through a pathway that was also dependent on Src kinases. TdV therefore activates platelets through GPVI and a second, as yet unidentified Src kinase-dependent pathway.


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We show that Syk is critical for lamellipodia formation on a range of immobilized proteins but that this can be overcome by addition of thrombin. Further, we reveal a novel role for GPVI in supporting thrombin-induced activation, independent of Syk and Src kinases.


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The integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) plays a critical role in mediating clot retraction by platelets which is important in vivo in consolidating thrombus formation. Actin-myosin interaction is essential for clot retraction. In the present study, we demonstrate that the structurally distinct Src kinase inhibitors, PP2 and PD173952, significantly reduced the rate of clot retraction, but did not prevent it reaching completion. This effect was accompanied by abolition of alpha(IIb)beta(3)-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation, including PLCgamma2. A role for PLCgamma2 in mediating clot retraction was demonstrated using PLCgamma2-deficient murine platelets. Furthermore, platelet adhesion to fibrinogen leads to MLC phosphorylation through a pathway that is inhibited by PP2 and by the PLC inhibitor, U73122. These results demonstrate a partial role for Src kinase-dependent activation of PLCgamma2 and MLC phosphorylation in mediating clot retraction downstream of integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3).


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Platelet-specific deletion of CLEC-2, which signals through Src and Syk kinases, or global deletion of its ligand podoplanin results in blood-filled lymphatics during mouse development. Platelet-specific Syk deficiency phenocopies this defect, indicating that platelet activation is required for lymphatic development. In the present study, we investigated whether CLEC-2-podoplanin interactions could support platelet arrest from blood flow and whether platelet signalling is required for stable platelet adhesion to lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) and recombinant podoplanin under flow. Perfusion of human or mouse blood over human LEC monolayers led to platelet adhesion and aggregation. Following αIIbβ3 blockade, individual platelets still adhered. Platelet binding occurred at venous but not arterial shear rates. There was no adhesion using CLEC-2-deficient blood or to vascular endothelial cells (which lack podoplanin). Perfusion of human blood over human Fc-podoplanin (hFcPDPN) in the presence of monoclonal antibody IV.3 to block FcγRIIA receptors led to platelet arrest at similar shear rates to those used on LECs. Src and Syk inhibitors significantly reduced global adhesion of human or mouse platelets to LECs and hFcPDPN. A similar result was seen using Syk-deficient mouse platelets. Reduced platelet adhesion was due to a decrease in the stability of binding. In conclusion, our data reveal that CLEC-2 is an adhesive receptor that supports platelet arrest to podoplanin under venous shear. Src/Syk-dependent signalling stabilises platelet adhesion to podoplanin, providing a possible molecular mechanism contributing to the lymphatic defects of Syk-deficient mice.