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For decades it has been a well-known fact that among the few ferroelectric compounds in the perovskite family, namely, BaTiO3, KNbO3, PbTiO3, and Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3, the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BaTiO3 are considerably higher than the others in polycrystalline form at room temperature. Further, similar to ferroelectric alloys exhibiting morphotropic phase boundary, single crystals of BaTiO3 exhibit anomalously large piezoelectric response when poled away from the direction of spontaneous polarization at room temperature. These anomalous features in BaTiO3 remained unexplained so far from the structural standpoint. In this work, we have used high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction, atomic resolution aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy, in conjunction with a powder poling technique, to reveal that at 300 K (i) the equilibrium state of BaTiO3 is characterized by coexistence of metastable monoclinic Pm and orthorhombic (Amm2) phases along with the tetragonal phase, and (ii) strong electric field switches the polarization direction from the 001] direction towards the 101] direction. These results suggest that BaTiO3 at room temperature is within an instability regime, and that this instability is the fundamental factor responsible for the anomalous dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BaTiO3 as compared to the other homologous ferroelectric perovskite compounds at room temperature. Pure BaTiO3 at room temperature is therefore more akin to lead-based ferroelectric alloys close to the morphotropic phase boundary where polarization rotation and field induced ferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transformations play a fundamental role in influencing the dielectric and piezoelectric behavior.


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Many experimental observations have shown that a single domain in a ferroelectric material switches by progressive movement of domain walls, driven by a combination of electric field and stress. The mechanism of the domain switch involves the following steps: initially, the domain has a uniform spontaneous polarization; new domains with the reverse polarization direction nucleate, mainly at the surface, and grow though the crystal thickness; the new domain expands sideways as a new domain continues to form; finally, the domain switch coalesces to complete the polarization reversal. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of the ferroelectric material and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of a ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total potential energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u(i), electric displacement D-i and volume fraction rho(I) of the domain switching for the variant I. The mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total potential energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion established by Hwang et al. [ 1]. Based on the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for determining the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. If the volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each domain is prescribed, the unknown displacement and electric potential can be obtained based on the conventional finite element procedure. It is assumed that a domain switches if the reduction in potential energy exceeds a critical energy barrier. According to the experimental results, the energy barrier will strengthen when the volume fraction of the domain switching increases. The external mechanical and electric loads are increased step by step. The volume fraction rho(I) of domain switching for each element obtained from the last loading step is used as input to the constitutive equations. Then the strain and electric fields are calculated based on the conventional finite element procedure. The finite element analysis is carried out on the specimens subjected to uniaxial coupling stress and electric field. Numerical results and available experimental data are compared and discussed. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results.


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Energy functions (or characteristic functions) and basic equations for ferroelectrics in use today are given by those for ordinary dielectrics in the physical and mechanical communications. Based on these basic equations and energy functions, the finite element computation of the nonlinear behavior of the ferroelectrics has been carried out by several research groups. However, it is difficult to process the finite element computation further after domain switching, and the computation results are remarkably deviating from the experimental results. For the crack problem, the iterative solution of the finite element calculation could not converge and the solutions for fields near the crack tip oscillate. In order to finish the calculation smoothly, the finite element formulation should be modified to neglect the equivalent nodal load produced by spontaneous polarization gradient. Meanwhile, certain energy functions for ferroelectrics in use today are not compatible with the constitutive equations of ferroelectrics and need to be modified. This paper proposes a set of new formulae of the energy functions for ferroelectrics. With regard to the new formulae of the energy functions, the new basic equations for ferroelectrics are derived and can reasonably explain the question in the current finite element analysis for ferroelectrics.


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对紫外激光诱导近化学计量比钽酸锂晶体铁电畴反转进行了实验研究。波长为351 nm的连续紫外激光被聚焦在近化学计量比钽酸锂晶体的-z表面,同时沿与晶体自发极化相反的方向施加均匀外电场。实验证实紫外激光辐照可以有效地降低晶体畴反转所需的矫顽电场,采用数字全息干涉测量技术检测证实在激光辐照区域实现局域畴反转。研究表明采用紫外激光诱导可以实现对近化学计量比钽酸锂晶体铁电畴反转的局域控制。提出了物理机理的理论分析,认为外电场和激光辐照场的共同作用在晶体内部产生高浓度、大尺寸的缺陷结构,缺陷一定程度上降低畴体成核和畴


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A novel pair of the E- and Z-isomeric 1R,4R-2-(4-heptyloxyphenyl)-benzylidene-p-menthan-3-ones has been prepared and the influence of distinctions in their molecular geometry on macroscopic properties of liquid crystal systems with the induced supra-molecular helical structure has been studied. The significantly lower helical twisting power of the chiral Z-isomer in comparison with that of E- one has been confirmed in the case of induced cholesteric systems based on 4-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl. The phase behavior and ferroelectric characteristics have been investigated for smectic-C* compositions based on the eutectic mixture of the homological 4-hexyloxyphenyl-4'-hexyloxy- and 4-hexyloxyphenyl-4'-octyloxybenzoates containing the novel isomeric chiral dopants. The spontaneous polarisation of the opposite signs induced by the isomeric chiral components has been revealed for the compositions studied. Distinctions in phase states, absolute values of the spontaneous polarization, smectic tilt angle and rotation viscosity of the systems obtained are discussed.


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Some 1R,4R-2-(4-phenylbenzylidene)-p-menthane-3-one derivatives containing the ether or ester linking group between benzene rings of the arylidene fragment have been studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal systems based on the eutectic mixture (1:1) of two phenylbenzoate derivatives CmH2m+1OC6H4COOC6 H4OCnH2n+1 (n = 6; m = 8, 10). The ferroelectric properties of these compositions (spontaneous polarization, rotation viscosity, smectic tilt angle as well as quantitative characteristics of their concentration dependences) were compared with those for systems including chiral dopants containing no linking group. Ferroelectric parameters of the induced ferroelectric compositions studied have been shown to depend essentially on the presence of the linking group between benzene rings and its nature as well as on the number of the benzene rings in the rigid molecular core of the chiral dopants used. For all ferroelectric liquid crystal systems studied, the influence of the chiral dopants on the thermal stability of N*, SmA and SmC* mesophases has been quantified. The influence of the linking group nature in the dopant molecules on the characteristics of the systems studied is discussed taking into account results of the conformational analysis carried out by the semi-empirical AM1 and PM3 methods.


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Mixtures of two proprietary low molar mass organosiloxane liquid crystals were studied in order to improve their alignment and optimize their electro-optic properties for telecommunication applications. Over a certain concentration range, mixtures exhibited an isotropic-chiral smectic A-chiral smectic C (Iso-SmA*-SmC*) phase sequence leading to exceptionally good alignment. At room temperature, the spontaneous polarization of these samples was reduced from 225 nC cm -2 in the pure SmC* liquid crystal to as low as 75 nC cm -2 in the mixture. Within this concentration range, the ferroelectric tilt angle could be varied between 35° and 15°, while the rise time decreased by 69.4%. The rise times were < 45 μs for moderate electric fields of ± 10 V μm -1 in the SmC* phase and ∼ 4 μs, independent of electric field, in the SmA* phase. At λ = 1550 nm, these mixtures exhibited very large extinction ratios of {\sim} 60 dB for binary switching in the SmC* phase and ∼ 55 dB continuous variable attenuation in the SmA* phase. © 2012 IEEE.


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The valence band offsets of the wurtzite polar C-plane and nonpolar A-plane InN/ZnO heterojunctions are directly determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to be 1.76 +/- 0.2 eV and 2.20 +/- 0.2 eV. The heterojunctions form in the type-I straddling configuration with a conduction band offsets of 0.84 +/- 0.2 eV and 0.40 +/- 0.2 eV. The difference of valence band offsets of them mainly attributes to the spontaneous polarization effect. Our results show important face dependence for InN/ZnO heterojunctions, and the valence band offset of A-plane heterojunction is more close to the "intrinsic" valence band offset.


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In this study, we report comparative luminescence properties of multi-layer InGaN quantum dots grown on C- and R-plane sapphire substrates by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). High-density InGaN quantum dots (QDs) are formed on GaN templates by decreasing the growth temperature and increasing the adatom hopping-barrier through surface passivation. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been employed to estimate the size and height of these dots. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra recorded from (1120) InGaN QDs/(1102) sapphire show much stronger emission intensity compared to spectra recorded from (0001) InGaN QDs/(0001) sapphire. Due to the absence of strong spontaneous polarization and piezoelectric field, such (1150) InGaN QDs in the active layers would lead to high efficiency light emitting devices. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of an external electric field on the electronic structure of GaN nanowires, as well as GaAs nanowires for comparison, are investigated theoretically. It is found that there is an anti-crossing effect in GaN nanowires caused by a small electric field, the hole energy levels, hole wave functions, and optical oscillator strengths change dramatically when the radius (R) is around a critical radius (R-c), while this effect is absent in GaAs nanowires. When R is slightly smaller than R-c, the highest hole states are optically dark in the absence of the electric field, and a small electric field can change them to be optically bright, due to the coupling of hole states brought by the field. The Rashba spin-orbit effect is also studied. The electron Rashba coefficient alpha increases linearly with the electric field. While the hole Rashba coefficients beta do not increase linearly, but have complicated relationships with the electric field.


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By means of extensive first-principles calculations we studied the ferroelectric phase transition and the associated isotope effect in KH2PO4 (KDP). Our calculations revealed that the spontaneous polarization of the ferroelectric phase is due to electronic charge redistributions and ionic displacements which are a consequence of proton ordering, and not vice versa. The experimentally observed double-peaked proton distribution in the paraelectric phase cannot be explained by a dynamics of only protons. This requires, instead, collective displacements within clusters that include also the heavier ions. These tunneling clusters can explain the recent evidence of tunneling obtained from Compton scattering measurements. The sole effect of mass change upon deuteration is not sufficient to explain the huge isotope effect. Instead, we find that structural modifications deeply connected with the chemistry of the H bonds produce a feedback effect on tunneling that strongly enhances the phenomenon. The resulting influence of the geometric changes on the isotope effect agrees with experimental data from neutron scattering. Calculations under pressure allowed us to analyze the issue of universality in the disappearance of ferroelectricity upon compression. Compressing DKDP so that the distance between the two peaks in the deuteron distribution is the same as for protons in KDP, corresponds to a modification of the underlying double-well potential, which becomes 23 meV shallower. This energy difference is what is required to modify the O-O distance in such a way as to have the same distribution for protons and deuterons. At the high pressures required experimentally, the above feedback mechanism is crucial to explain the magnitude of the geometrical effect.


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Epitaxial (001)-oriented 0.7Pb(Mg0.33Nb0.67)O3-0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition on vicinal SrTiO3 (001) substrates using La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 as bottom electrode. Detailed microstructural investigations of these films were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Polarization-field hysteresis curves were measured at room temperature. Spontaneous polarization P s , remnant polarization P r and coercive voltage V c were found to be 25 μC/cm2, 15 μC/cm2 and 0.81 V, respectively. Field dependent dielectric constant measurements exhibited butterfly shaped curves, indicating the true ferroelectric nature of these films at room temperature. The dielectric constant and the dielectric loss at 100 kHz were found to be 238 and 0.14, respectively. The local piezoelectric properties of PMN-PT films were investigated by piezoelectric force microscopy and were found to exhibit a local piezoelectric coefficient of 7.8 pm/V.


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Bioorganic ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics are becoming increasingly important in view of their intrinsic compatibility with biological environment and biofunctionality combined with strong piezoelectric effect and switchable polarization at room temperature. Here we study piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity in the smallest amino acid glycine, representing a broad class of non-centrosymmetric amino acids. Glycine is one of the basic and important elements in biology, as it serves as a building block for proteins. Three polymorphic forms with different physical properties are possible in glycine (α, β and γ), Of special interest for various applications are non-centrosymmetric polymorphs: β-glycine and γ-glycine. The most useful β-polymorph being ferroelectric took much less attention than the other due to its instability under ambient conditions. In this work, we could grow stable microcrystals of β-glycine by the evaporation of aqueous solution on a (111)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate as a template. The effects of the solution concentration and Pt-assisted nucleation on the crystal growth and phase evolution were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, spin-coating technique was used for the fabrication of highly aligned nano-islands of β-glycine with regular orientation of the crystallographic axes relative the underlying substrate (Pt). Further we study both as-grown and tip-induced domain structures and polarization switching in the β-glycine molecular systems by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) and compare the results with molecular modeling and computer simulations. We show that β-glycine is indeed a room-temperature ferroelectric and polarization can be switched by applying a bias to non-polar cuts via a conducting tip of atomic force microscope (AFM). Dynamics of these in-plane domains is studied as a function of applied voltage and pulse duration. The domain shape is dictated by both internal and external polarization screening mediated by defects and topographic features. Thermodynamic theory is applied to explain the domain propagation induced by the AFM tip. Our findings suggest that β-glycine is a uniaxial ferroelectric with the properties controlled by the charged domain walls which in turn can be manipulated by external bias. Besides, nonlinear optical properties of β-glycine were investigated by a second harmonic generation (SHG) method. SHG method confirmed that the 2-fold symmetry is preserved in as-grown crystals, thus reflecting the expected P21 symmetry of the β-phase. Spontaneous polarization direction is found to be parallel to the monoclinic [010] axis and directed along the crystal length. These data are confirmed by computational molecular modeling. Optical measurements revealed also relatively high values of the nonlinear optical susceptibility (50% greater than in the z-cut quartz). The potential of using stable β-glycine crystals in various applications are discussed in this work.


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A density-functional self-consistent calculation of the ground-state electronic density of quantum dots under an arbitrary magnetic field is performed. We consider a parabolic lateral confining potential. The addition energy, E(N+1)-E(N), where N is the number of electrons, is compared with experimental data and the different contributions to the energy are analyzed. The Hamiltonian is modeled by a density functional, which includes the exchange and correlation interactions and the local formation of Landau levels for different equilibrium spin populations. We obtain an analytical expression for the critical density under which spontaneous polarization, induced by the exchange interaction, takes place.


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Thermal analysis, powder diffraction, and Raman scattering as a function of the temperature were carried out on K2BeF4. Moreover, the crystal structure was determined at 293 K from powder diffraction. The compound shows a transition from Pna21 to Pnam space group at 921 K with a transition enthalpy of 5 kJ/mol. The transition is assumed to be first order because the compound shows metastability. Structurally and spectroscopically the transition is similar to those observed in (NH4)2SO4, which suggests that the low-temperature phase is ferroelectric. In order to confirm it, the spontaneous polarization has been computed using an ionic model.