989 resultados para SOLUTION DEPOSITION
A.C.P. Rodrigues-Costa, D. Martins, N.V. Costa, and M.R.R. Pereira. 2011. Spray deposition on weeds of common bean crops. Cien. Inv. Agr. 38(3): 357-365. Weed control failure in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production may be related to inappropriate herbicide application techniques. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the amount of spray solution deposition that occurred on the weeds, Bidens pilosa L. and Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitch., both within and between rows of common beans. The research was arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. The following 6 spray nozzles were used: flat fan nozzles XR 110015 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and XR 11002 VS (200 L ha(-1)); cone nozzles TX VK 6 (150 L ha(-1)) and TX VK 8 (200 L ha(-1)); and twin flat fan nozzles TJ60 11002 VS (150 L ha(-1)) and TJ60 11002 VS (200 L ha-1). The results showed that the loss of the spray solution on the soil occurred mainly within the bean rows and with a high intensity when using a nozzle spraying 200 L ha(-1). At 30 days after sowing, the TX (150 L ha(-1)) nozzle was the only nozzle that promoted deposits of less than 210.0 mu L g(-1) of dry mass. The spray nozzles showed a good performance in the deposition of the spray solution on the weeds that occurred both within and between the rows. However, for both species there was great variation in individual deposits depending on their location in relationship to the plants.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Lead calcium titanate (Pb1-xCaxTiO3 or PCT) thin films have been thermally treated under different oxygen pressures, 10, 40 and 80 bar, by using the so-called chemical solution deposition method. The structural, morphological, dielectric and ferroelectric properties were characterized by x-ray diffraction, FT-infrared and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and polarization-electric-field hysteresis loop measurements. By annealing at a controlled pressure of around 10 and 40 bar, well-crystallized PCT thin films were successfully prepared. For the sample submitted to 80 bar, the x-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed-infrared and Raman data indicated deviation from the tetragonal symmetry. The most interesting feature in the Raman spectra is the occurrence of intense vibrational modes at frequencies of around 747 and 820 cm(-1), whose presence depends strongly on the amount of the pyrochlore phase. In addition, the Raman spectrum indicates the presence of symmetry-breaking disorder, which would be expected for an amorphous (disorder) and mixed pyrochlore-perovskite phase. During the high-pressure annealing process, the crystallinity and the grain size of the annealed film decreased. This process effectively suppressed both the dielectric and ferroelectric behaviour. Ferroelectric hysteresis loop measurements performed on these PCT films exhibited a clear decrease in the remanent polarization with increasing oxygen pressure.
Making heterolayered perovskite materials constitutes an approach for the creation of better dielectric and ferroelectric properties. In the experiment reported here, heterolayered PZT40/PZT60 films were grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (100) by a chemical solution deposition. The dielectric constant of the heterolayered thin film was significantly enhanced compared with that of pure PZT40 and PZT60 thin films. A dielectric constant of 701 at 100 kHz was observed for a stacking periodicity of six layers having a total thickness of 150 nm. The heterolayered film exhibited greater remanent polarization than PZT60 and PZT40 films. The values of remanent polarization were 7.9, 18.5, and 31 muC/cm(2), respectively, for pure PZT60, PZT40, and heterolayered thin films, suggesting that the superior dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the heterolayered thin film resulted from a cooperative interaction between the ferroelectric phases made from alternating tetragonal and rhombohedral phases of PZT, simulating the morphotropic phase boundary of this system. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Aurivillius phase thin films of Bi5Ti3(FexMn1−x)O15 with x = 1 (Bi5Ti3FeO15) and 0.7 (Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15) on SiO2-Si(100) and Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si substrates were fabricated by chemical solution deposition. The method was optimized in order to suppress formation of pyrochlore phase Bi2Ti2O7 and improve crystallinity. The structuralproperties of the films were examined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Optimum crystallinity and pyrochlore phase suppression was achieved by the addition of 15 to 25 mol. % excess bismuth to the sols. Based on this study, 17.5 mol. % excess bismuth was used in the preparation of Bi2Ti2O7-free films of Bi5Ti3FeO15 on SrTiO3(100) and NdGaO3(001) substrates, confirming the suppression of pyrochlore phase using this excess of bismuth. Thirty percent of the Fe3+ ions in Bi5Ti3FeO15 was substituted with Mn3+ ions to form Bi2Ti2O7-free thin films of Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15 on Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si, SiO2-Si(100), SrTiO3(100), and NdGaO3(001) substrates. Bi5Ti3FeO15 and Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films on Pt/Ti/SiO2-Si and SiO2-Si(100) substrates were achieved with a higher degree of a-axis orientation compared with the films on SrTiO3(100) and NdGaO3(001) substrates. Room temperature electromechanical and magnetic properties of the thin films were investigated in order to assess the potential of these materials for piezoelectric,ferroelectric, and multiferroic applications. Vertical piezoresponse force microscopy measurements of the films demonstrate that Bi5Ti3FeO15 and Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films are piezoelectric at room temperature. Room temperature switching spectroscopy-piezoresponse force microscopy measurements in the presence and absence of an applied bias demonstrate local ferroelectric switching behaviour (180°) in the films. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry measurements do not show any room temperature ferromagnetic hysteresis down to an upper detection limit of 2.53 × 10−3 emu; and it is concluded, therefore, that such films are not mutiferroic at room temperature. Piezoresponse force microscopy lithography images of Bi5Ti3Fe0.7Mn0.3O15thin films are presented.
The ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR) is investigated on Pt/Au(hkl) electrodes. The Au(hkl) single crystals used belong to the [n(111)x(110)] family of planes. Pt is deposited following the galvanic exchange of a previously deposited Cu monolayer using a Pt(2+) solution. Deposition is not epitaxial and the defects on the underlying Au(hkl) substrates are partially transferred to the Pt films. Moreover, an additional (100)-step-like defect is formed, probably as a result of the strain resulting from the Pt and Au lattice mismatch. Regarding the EOR, both vicinal Pt/Au(hkl) surfaces exhibit a behavior that differs from that expected for stepped Pt; for instance, the smaller the step density on the underlying Au substrate, the greater the ability to break the CC bond in the ethanol molecule, as determined by in situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements. Also, we found that the acetic acid production is favored as the terrace width decreases, thus reflecting the inefficiency of the surface array to cleave the ethanol molecule.
Un dels reptes tecnològics més importants del segle XXI és el desenvolupament i organització de materials funcionals a escala nanomètrica ja que permet modificar-ne les propietats fonamentals i generar-ne de noves. En el cas dels òxids complexos aquesta tecnologia ha generat grans perspectives en diferents àrees d’estudi perquè presenten propietats molt interessants com la magnetoresistència colossal, superconductivitat o multiferroicitat. En particular, en l’òxid complex superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) s’ha demostrat que la formació de capes superconductores sobre plantilles nanoestructurades o bé la formació de nanocompostos en una matriu superconductora permet millorar de manera espectacular les seves propietats (corrent crític). Aquests resultats introduiran canvis paradigmàtics en la tecnologia de l’energia elèctrica (cables, motors, generadors) i en totes aquelles aplicacions que requereixin camps magnètics intensos. Ara bé, cal aconseguir-ho mitjançant tècniques de baix cost i que permetin un fàcil escalat. Durant els 4 mesos que s’ha disfrutat de l’ajut BP s’han preparat amb èxit noves capes primes superconductores nanoestructurades mitjançant la introducció d’una fase secundària nanomètrica complexa, Ba2YTaO6 (BYTO), dins la matriu d’YBCO pel mètode de baix cost de deposició de solucions químiques. Aquesta nova composició ha donat lloc a un augment significatiu de les propietats superconductores comparat amb la fase tradicional d’YBCO i per tant tenen gran potencial per fabricar futures cintes superconductores.
Efeito de diferentes concentrações de aterbane na deposição de calda em plantas de Pistia stratiotes
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do adjuvante Aterbane na deposição de calda de pulverização, aplicada sobre plantas de Pistia stratiotes. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três concentrações do adjuvante Aterbane (0, 0,25 e 0,5%), usado na elaboração da calda de pulverização. As caldas foram preparadas utilizando-se o corante FDC-1 a 1.500 ppm como traçante. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 30 repetições, sendo cada repetição constituída por uma planta com seis folhas. A aplicação foi feita com um pulverizador estacionário, à pressão constante de 2 bars, com consumo de calda de 200 L ha-1. Foram utilizadas pontas de jato plano Teejet 11002vs. Os resultados demonstraram que, quantitativamente, o Aterbane não promoveu nenhum efeito na deposição da calda, entretanto, qualitativamente, quanto maior a concentração utilizada maior foi a uniformidade de deposição de calda.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Inúmeros fatores estão envolvidos na tecnologia de aplicação de um herbicida, sendo a deposição correta fundamental para que o produto possa expressar sua eficiência. Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição de uma solução traçante constituída de glyphosate Roundup Ready (0,96 kg e.a. ha-1) + corante FDC-1 (1.500 ppm), foi conduzido um experimento em área semeada com soja transgênica e infestada com amendoim-bravo (Euphorbia heterophylla), localizada em Londrina-PR. As aplicações foram efetuadas em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura, correspondendo a 17, 24, 31, 38 e 45 dias após a emergência da soja. Os alvos, plantas de soja, amendoim-bravo e placas na superfície do solo (linha e entrelinha), foram coletados após pulverização, e a solução traçante foi nestes depositada, posteriormente recuperada através de lavagem com agitação em água destilada. As amostras das soluções recuperadas foram submetidas à análise, utilizando-se procedimentos espectrofotométricos, e os resultados de absorbância convertidos para concentração em µL cm-2 e µL por planta. As freqüências acumuladas dos dados originais de depósito foram adequadamente ajustadas segundo modelo de Gompertz, apresentando elevada precisão (R² > 0,95). Os resultados indicaram que o depósito da calda de pulverização nas plantas de soja e amendoim-bravo reduziu progressivamente com o desenvolvimento da cultura e infestação, sugerindo que a maior garantia de eficiência de controle pode ser conseguida com aplicações precoces.
BaBi2Ta2O9 thin films having a layered structure were fabricated by metalorganic solution deposition technique. The films exhibited good structural, dielectric, and insulating properties. The room temperature resistivity was found to be in the range of 10(12)-10(14) Omega cm up to 4 V corresponding to a field of 200 kV/cm across the capacitor for films annealed in the temperature range of 500-700 degrees C. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics as a function of thickness for films annealed at 700 degrees C for 1 h, indicated bulk limited conduction and the log(I) vs V-1/2 characteristics suggested a space-charge-limited conduction mechanism. The capacitance-voltage measurements on films in a metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration indicated good Si/BaBi2Ta2O9 interface characteristics and a SiO2 thickness of similar to 5 nm was measured and calculated. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00830-X].
High-quality ABO(3)/LaNiO3 (A = Ph, Ca, Ba; B = Ti, Zr) hetero structures have been grown on LaAlO3 (1 0 0) substrate by the chemical solution deposition method and crystallized by a microwave oven technique. The structural, morphological and electric properties were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM), and dielectric and ferroelectric measurements. XRD patterns revealed single-phase polycrystalline and oriented thin films whose feature depends on the composition of the films. The AFM surface morphologies showed a smooth and crack-free surface with the average grain size ranging from 116 to 300 nm for both LaNiO3 electrode and the ferroelectric films. Dielectric measurements on these samples revealed dielectric constants as high as 1800 at frequency of 100 KHz. Such results showed that the combination of the chemical solution method with the microwave process provides a promising technique to grow high-quality thin films with good dielectric and ferroelectric properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Strontium bismuth tantalate thin films were prepared on several substrates (platinized silicon (PvTi/SiO2/Si), n-type (100)-oriented and p-type (111)-oriented silicon wafers, and fused silica) by the solution deposition method. The resin was obtained by the polymeric precursor method, based on the Pechini process, using strontium carbonate, bismuth oxide, and tantalum ethoxide as starting reagents. Characterizations by XRD and SEM were performed for structural and microstructural evaluations. The electrical measurements, carried on the MFM configuration, showed P-r values of 6.24 muC/cm(2) and 31.5 kV/cm for the film annealed at 800 degreesC. The film deposited onto fused silica and treated at 700 degreesC presented around 80 % of transmittance.
Strontium bismuth tantalate thin films were prepared on several substrates (platinized silicon (Pt/Ti/SiO 2 /Si), n -type (100)-oriented and p -type (111)-oriented silicon wafers, and fused silica) by the solution deposition method. The resin was obtained by the polymeric precursor method, based on the Pechini process, using strontium carbonate, bismuth oxide, and tantalum ethoxide as starting reagents. Characterizations by XRD and SEM were performed for structural and microstructural evaluations. The electrical measurements, carried on the MFM configuration, showed P r values of 6.24 μC/cm 2 and 31.5 kV/cm for the film annealed at 800 C. The film deposited onto fused silica and treated at 700 C presented around 80% of transmittance. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.