994 resultados para SINE-GORDON
Some properties of the higher grading integrable generalizations of the conformal affine Toda systems are studied. The fields associated to the non-zero grade generators are Dirac spinors. The effective action is written in terms of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten (WZNW) action associated to an affine Lie algebra, and an off-critical theory is obtained as the result of the spontaneous breakdown of the conformal symmetry. Moreover, the off-critical theory presents a remarkable equivalence between the Noether and topological currents of the model. Related to the off-critical model we define a real and local lagrangian provided some reality conditions are imposed on the fields of the model. This real action model is expected to describe the soliton sector of the original model, and turns out to be the master action from which we uncover the weak-strong phases described by (generalized) massive Thirring and sine-Gordon type models, respectively. The case of any (untwisted) affine Lie algebra furnished with the principal gradation is studied in some detail. The example of s^l(n) (n = 2, 3) is presented explicitly. © SISSA/ISAS 2003.
In this work we present a mapping between the classical solutions of the sine-Gordon, Liouville, λφ4 and other kinks in 1+1 dimensions. This is done by using an invariant quantity which relates the models. It is easily shown that this procedure is equivalent to that used to get the so called deformed solitons, as proposed recently by Bazeia et al. [Phys. Rev. D. 66 (2002) 101701(R)]. The classical equivalence is explored in order to relate the solutions of the corresponding models and, as a consequence, try to get new information about them. We discuss also the difficulties and consequences which appear when one tries to extend the deformation in order to take into account the quantum version of the models.
A path integral simulation algorithm which includes a higher-order Trotter approximation (HOA)is analyzed and compared to an approach which includes the correct quantum mechanical pair interaction (effective Propagator (EPr)). It is found that the HOA algorithmconverges to the quantum limit with increasing Trotter number P as P^{-4}, while the EPr algorithm converges as P^{-2}.The convergence rate of the HOA algorithm is analyzed for various physical systemssuch as a harmonic chain,a particle in a double-well potential, gaseous argon, gaseous helium and crystalline argon. A new expression for the estimator for the pair correlation function in the HOA algorithm is derived. A new path integral algorithm, the hybrid algorithm, is developed.It combines an exact treatment of the quadratic part of the Hamiltonian and thehigher-order Trotter expansion techniques.For the discrete quantum sine-Gordon chain (DQSGC), it is shown that this algorithm works more efficiently than all other improved path integral algorithms discussed in this work. The new simulation techniques developed in this work allow the analysis of theDQSGC and disordered model systems in the highly quantum mechanical regime using path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD)and adiabatic centroid path integral molecular dynamics (ACPIMD).The ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated for the DQSGC by the ACPIMD method.It is found that the excitation gap at zero wave vector is reduced by quantum fluctuations. Two different phases exist: One phase with a finite excitation gap at zero wave vector, and a gapless phase where the excitation gap vanishes.The reaction of the DQSGC to an external driving force is analyzed at T=0.In the gapless phase the system creeps if a small force is applied, and in the phase with a gap the system is pinned. At a critical force, the systems undergo a depinning transition in both phases and flow is induced. The analysis of the DQSGC is extended to models with disordered substrate potentials. Three different cases are analyzed: Disordered substrate potentials with roughness exponent H=0, H=1/2,and a model with disordered bond length. For all models, the ground state phonon dispersion relation is calculated.
We have examined the dynamical behavior of the kink solutions of the one-dimensional sine-Gordon equation in the presence of a spatially periodic parametric perturbation. Our study clarifies and extends the currently available knowledge on this and related nonlinear problems in four directions. First, we present the results of a numerical simulation program that are not compatible with the existence of a radiative threshold predicted by earlier calculations. Second, we carry out a perturbative calculation that helps interpret those previous predictions, enabling us to understand in depth our numerical results. Third, we apply the collective coordinate formalism to this system and demonstrate numerically that it reproduces accurately the observed kink dynamics. Fourth, we report on the occurrence of length-scale competition in this system and show how it can be understood by means of linear stability analysis. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the general physical framework that arises from our study.
We solve an initial-boundary problem for the Klein-Gordon equation on the half line using the Riemann-Hilbert approach to solving linear boundary value problems advocated by Fokas. The approach we present can be also used to solve more complicated boundary value problems for this equation, such as problems posed on time-dependent domains. Furthermore, it can be extended to treat integrable nonlinearisations of the Klein-Gordon equation. In this respect, we briefly discuss how our results could motivate a novel treatment of the sine-Gordon equation.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We obtain a class of non-diagonal solutions of the reflection equation for the trigonometric A(n-1)((1)) vertex model. The solutions can be expressed in terms of intertwinner matrix and its inverse, which intertwine two trigonometric R-matrices. In addition to a discrete (positive integer) parameter l, 1 less than or equal to l less than or equal to n, the solution contains n + 2 continuous boundary parameters.
The thesis deals with certain quantum field systems exhibiting spontaneous symmetry breaking and their response to temperature. These models find application in diverse branches such as particle physics, solid state physics and non~linear optics. The nature of phase transition that these systems may undergo is also investigated. The thesis contains seven chapters. The first chapter is introductory and gives a brief account of the various phenomena associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. The chapter closes with anote on the effect of temperature on quantum field systems. In chapter 2, the spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena are reviewed in more detail. Chapter 3, deals with the formulation of ordinary and generalised sine-Gordon field theories on a lattice and the study of the nature of phase transition occurring in these systems. In chapter 4, the effect of temperature on these models is studied, using the effective potential method. Chapter 5 is a continuation of this study for another model, viz, the m6 model. The nature of phase transition is also studied. Chapters 5 and 6 constitute a report of the investigations on the behaviour of coupling constants under thermal excitation D1 $4 theory, scalar electrodynamics, abelian and non-abelian gauge theories
Usually typical dynamical systems are non integrable. But few systems of practical interest are integrable. The soliton concept is a sophisticated mathematical construct based on the integrability of a class ol' nonlinear differential equations. An important feature in the clevelopment. of the theory of solitons and of complete integrability has been the interplay between mathematics and physics. Every integrable system has a lo11g list of special properties that hold for integrable equations and only for them. Actually there is no specific definition for integrability that is suitable for all cases. .There exist several integrable partial clillerential equations( pdes) which can be derived using physically meaningful asymptotic teclmiques from a very large class of pdes. It has been established that many 110nlinear wa.ve equations have solutions of the soliton type and the theory of solitons has found applications in many areas of science. Among these, well-known equations are Korteweg de-Vries(KdV), modified KclV, Nonlinear Schr6dinger(NLS), sine Gordon(SG) etc..These are completely integrable systems. Since a small change in the governing nonlinear prle may cause the destruction of the integrability of the system, it is interesting to study the effect of small perturbations in these equations. This is the motivation of the present work.
We construct static and time-dependent exact soliton solutions with nontrivial Hopf topological charge for a field theory in 3 + 1 dimensions with the target space being the two dimensional sphere S(2). The model considered is a reduction of the so-called extended Skyrme-Faddeev theory by the removal of the quadratic term in derivatives of the fields. The solutions are constructed using an ansatz based on the conformal and target space symmetries. The solutions are said self-dual because they solve first order differential equations which together with some conditions on the coupling constants, imply the second order equations of motion. The solutions belong to a sub-sector of the theory with an infinite number of local conserved currents. The equation for the profile function of the ansatz corresponds to the Bogomolny equation for the sine-Gordon model.
We use the deformed sine-Gordon models recently presented by Bazeia et al [1] to take the first steps towards defining the concept of quasi-integrability. We consider one such definition and use it to calculate an infinite number of quasi-conserved quantities through a modification of the usual techniques of integrable field theories. Performing an expansion around the sine-Gordon theory we are able to evaluate the charges and the anomalies of their conservation laws in a perturbative power series in a small parameter which describes the ""closeness"" to the integrable sine-Gordon model. We show that in the case of the two-soliton scattering the charges, up to first order of perturbation, are conserved asymptotically, i.e. their values are the same in the distant past and future, when the solitons are well separated. We indicate that this property may hold or not to higher orders depending on the behavior of the two-soliton solution under a special parity transformation. For closely bound systems, such as breather-like field configurations, the situation however is more complex and perhaps the anomalies have a different structure implying that the concept of quasi-integrability does not apply in the same way as in the scattering of solitons. We back up our results with the data of many numerical simulations which also demonstrate the existence of long lived breather-like and wobble-like states in these models.
The Bullough-Dodd model is an important two-dimensional integrable field theory which finds applications in physics and geometry. We consider a conformally invariant extension of it, and study its integrability properties using a zero curvature condition based on the twisted Kac-Moody algebra A(2)((2)). The one- and two-soliton solutions as well as the breathers are constructed explicitly. We also consider integrable extensions of the Bullough-Dodd model by the introduction of spinor (matter) fields. The resulting theories are conformally invariant and present local internal symmetries. All the one-soliton solutions, for two examples of those models, are constructed using a hybrid of the dressing and Hirota methods. One model is of particular interest because it presents a confinement mechanism for a given conserved charge inside the solitons. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we present our preliminary results which suggest that some field theory models are `almost` integrable; i.e. they possess a large number of `almost` conserved quantities. First we demonstrate this, in some detail, on a class of models which generalise sine-Gordon model in (1+1) dimensions. Then, we point out that many field configurations of these models look like those of the integrable systems and others are very close to being integrable. Finally we attempt to quantify these claims looking in particular, both analytically and numerically, at some long lived field configurations which resemble breathers.