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RESUMO: Fizemos uma análise da evolução do conceito de estigma, das suas correlações e das suas consequências e analisámos os instrumentos psicométricos utilizados para estudar experiências pessoais de estigma. Revimos os principais estudos de investigação sobre estigma em Portugal. Revimos, igualmente, os estudos relevantes utilizando o “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire” (CESQ) e as propriedades psicométricas já documentadas. O nosso estudo teve como objetivos: explorar as experiências de estigma numa amostra portuguesa de pessoas com perturbação mental grave e contribuir para a documentação das propriedades psicométricas do “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire” e para a validação da sua versão portuguesa. Fizemos um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, recolhemos dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e medimos as experiências de estigma e o funcionamento global. A frequência das respostas da secção de estigma foi semelhante à dos restantes estudos utilizando a CESQ. A frequência das respostas na secção de discriminação foi ligeiramente inferior à reportada noutros estudos. Verificámos a existência de uma associação entre a pontuação da subescala de discriminação, o sexo masculino e o facto de se viver na comunidade. A pontuação da subescala de discriminação está também correlacionada de forma positiva com o funcionamento global. Os alfas de Cronbach para a CESQ e para as suas subescalas foram considerados bons. Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse foram igualmente considerados igualmente bons. Utilizando técnicas de análise fatorial, verificámos que a maior parte dos itens da CESQ se enquadrava em dois fatores, correspondendo sensivelmente às subescalas definidas previamente. Concluímos que o presente estudo explorou com sucesso a questão do estigma em Portugal, contribuindo em simultâneo para a validação do “Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire.--------------ABSTRACT: We reviewed the evolution of concept of stigma, its correlates and consequences, and analysed psychometric instruments that were used to study personal experiences of stigma. We provided an insight over research of stigma in Portugal. We reviewed relevant studies that use Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire and documented psychometric properties of this instrument. Our study aimed both to explore experiences of stigma in a Portuguese sample of people with severe mental illness and to contribute to the assessment of the psychometric properties of Consumer Experiences of Stigma Questionnaire and to the validation of its Portuguese translation. We performed a cross sectional descriptive and analytic study, collected socio-demographic data and measured experiences of stigma and global functioning. Frequency of responses regarding stigma section of CESQ matched previous studies using that scale. Frequency of responses in discrimination section was slightly lower than previously reported studies. We found an association between the discrimination score of CESQ and both male gender and living in the community. The discrimination score also positively correlated with global functioning. Cronbach alphas for CESQ and its subscales were good. Intraclass correlation coefficients for CESQ and stigma subscale were also good. Using factor analysis we found most of the items in CESQ would fit 2 factors, grossly corresponding to the previously defined subscales. We conclude that this study successfully explored stigma in Portugal, contributing in simultaneous to the validation of Consumer Experiences Questionnaire.


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RESUMO: Os indivíduos com doença mental grave, assim como os seus familiares, podem ser caracterizados como uma população em que ocorre uma combinação complexa de necessidades médicas e psicossociais, nomeadamente a nível do diagnóstico e do acesso aos serviços de saúde mental. A avaliação de necessidades pode fornecer informações importantes para o desenvolvimento de intervenções eficazes, tanto a nível da população como a nível individual. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as diferentes necessidades reportadas pelos pacientes com doença mental grave e seus familiares , assim como investigar as possíveis relações entre o estado de necessidades e as variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas. Simultaneamente, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrecarga familiar e a satisfação dos utentes com os serviços de saúde mental. Foi elaborado um estudo transversal, realizado numa amostra de conveniência de cinquenta díades de paciente/membro da família, seguidos em regime de ambulatório no Centro Nacional de Saúde Mental. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de avaliação um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala Breve de Avaliação Psiquiátrica (BPRS), o questionário de Avaliação de Necessidades de Camberwell (CAN), o Questionário de Avaliação do Envolvimento (IEQ) e a Escala de Verona de Satisfação com os Serviços (VSSS). As mais frequentes necessidades não-satisfeitas foram o ‘sofrimento psicológico’, as ‘atividades sociais’ e os ‘benefícios sociais’. O estudo mostrou uma sobrecarga significativa nas famílias que cuidam de pessoas com doença mental grave, que se correlacionou com as suas opiniões sobre as necessidades dos pacientes e teve um impacto negativo sobre o bem-estar psicológico. Os três mais importantes predictores de sofrimento psíquico em familiares foram o sexo, a situação laboral e a relação com o paciente. A avaliação da satisfação com os serviços revelou a existência de um hiato significativo entre os serviços prestados e os serviços desejados, reportados pelos pacientes e seus familiares. A maioria dos participantes do estudo desejavam ter um trabalho protegido, ou receber ajuda para encontrar emprego. Os resultados deste estudo poderão ser usados para fins de planeamento desenvolvimento e avaliação de serviços de saúde mental no Azerbeijão. Algumas recomendações sobre a melhoria dos serviços de saúde mental para pacientes com doença mental grave e suas famílias são feitas na secção final do trabalho.----------ABSTRACT: Patients suffering from severe mental illness, in addition to their family members, may be characterized as a population with a complex combination of medical and psychosocial needs, which are under-recognized and under-addressed by mental health services. At the same time, needs assessment provides important information necessary for developing effective interventions at both population and individual level. The study was aimed to determine various needs perceived by patients with SMI and their family members, as well as to find out possible relations between the needs and socio-demographic and clinical variables. Similarly the study was intended to evaluate family burden and users’ satisfaction with services. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a convenience sample. Fifty dyads of a patient and family member applying for out-patient services to the National Mental Health Centre participated in the study. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Camberwell Assessment of Need, Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, and Verona Service Satisfaction Scale were used as assessment tools. The most prominent unmet needs reported by people with SMI and their relatives were psychological distress, social activities and welfare benefits. The study showed significant burden in families caring for people with SMI, which correlated with their views about patients’ needs and had a negative impact on the psychological well-being. The three most important predictors of psychological distress in family members were gender, employment status and relationship to patient. Evaluation of satisfaction with services pointed out the gap between provided and desired services reported by patients and their relatives. Most of study participants wished to have sheltered work, or receive help in finding employment. The results of this study may be used for the purposes of mental health service planning, development and evaluation in our country. Some recommendations on improvement of mental health services for patients with SMI and their families have been made in the conclusion.


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Doctorat en psychologie option psychologie clinique


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Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the population served in mental health institutionsfor mental illness relapse, and the process of identifying risk factors in relapsing patientsdiagnosed with severe mental illness. To this end a descriptive exploratory multicenter, multistageepidemiological study was carried out in mental health institutions of the Order of San Juan deDios Hospital (OHSJD) with hospitalized relapsing patients with a diagnosis of severe mentaldisorder. This study comes from a working network of Psychology professionals in the OHSJDnationwide. Materials and methods: The population sample was of 1005 patients diagnosed withsevere mental disorders, who had presented relapse during the last year. First, the characterizationof the general population was conducted; then, it was narrowed down to the centers, taking intoaccount similarities and differences found according to the clinical and demographic variables.Results: Major risk factors for relapse found in patients diagnosed with severe mental disorderswere: having between 38 and 58 years of age, being female, single, graduates, unemployed, witha prevalence of bipolar affective disorder diagnosis, number of hospitalizations between 2 and10, number of drugs at the time of leaving hospital 2 to 6, with severe difficulties relating withothers and difficulties in adherence to treatment. The need for a caregiver was also found, as wellas a limited number of received psychological interventions. How the system of beliefs affects thedisease and the poor adherence to treatment was identified. Conclusions: These results indicatethe requirement of a design of team intervention strategies, ranging from the assessment team(home), definition of therapeutic action plans (for) and the posthospitalizacion (egress) following.There is a poor support network and limited adherence to comprehensive treatment.


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La Unión Internacional de Protección de la Infancia, UIPE, tiene entre sus objetivos principales, atender las necesidades de los niños con algún tipo de minusvalía mental. Su relación con la ONU ha sido estrecha, hasta el punto de haber logrado que ésta incluya en sus asuntos oficiales la cuestión de los derechos de los niños con minusvalías mentales. Dentro de la UIPE se ha creado el Mental Retardation Project, del que se encargan especialistas. Se han visitado varios países americanos y europeos durante 1964 y 1965, entre ellos España, con el fin de conocer in situ la situación de niños aquejados de alguna deficiencia mental y asesorar a familias, asociaciones, estimular las consultas, y fomentar la colaboración entre FISE, OMS y UNESCO, para lograr en lo posible el objetivo final de la rehabilitación de estas personas. Para concluir se realiza un análisis acerca de la visión predominante en la sociedad sobre los deficientes mentales, y de los factores sociales que influyen en la consideración pública de retrasado.


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Objective: Relatives play a vital role in caring for patients with severe mental illness but receive inadequate support from psychiatric services. Evidence suggests that although intensive case management is directed primarily at patients, relatives may benefit a's well. This study examined whether relatives of patients who were receiving intensive case management had more contact with mental health professionals than relatives of patients who were receiving standard case management. It also examined whether relatives of patients receiving intensive case management appraised caregiving less negatively and experienced less psychological distress than relatives of patients receiving standard case management. Methods: The sample was drawn from the pool of patients participating in the UK700 randomized controlled trial of intensive case management. Prospective data on contact between case managers and the relatives of 146 patients were collected over a two-year period. At a two-year follow-up assessment, relatives of 116 patients were. interviewed with the Experience of Caregiving Inventory and the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. Results: Considerably more relatives of patients receiving intensive case management had contact with a case manager during the study period than relatives of patients receiving standard case management (70 percent compared with 45 percent). However, relatives of patients receiving intensive case management did not-appraise caregiving less negatively or experience less psychological distress than relatives of patients who were receiving. standard case management. Conclusions: Reducing case managers' caseloads alone. will not guarantee adequate support for relatives.. Instead, providing more support will need to be an explicit aim, and staff will require specific additional training to achieve it.


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The authors examined caregivers' characteristics and experiences. Previously suggested principles for identifying the primary caregiver in 22 multiple-caregiver families were assessed, but none reliably distinguished the primary caregiver. The authors then compared primary (n = 22), nonprimary (n = 22), and lone caregivers' (n = 43) appraisals of caregiving and psychological distress. Lone and primary caregivers' experiences were similar. but nonprimary caregivers' experiences were less adverse. Despite these findings, greater psyhcological distress in primary caregivers indicated greater psychological distress in nonprimary caregivers.


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Introduction: Continuity of care has been demonstrated to be important for service users and carer groups have voiced major concerns over disruptions of care. We aimed to assess the experienced continuity of care in carers of patients with both psychotic and non-psychotic disorders and explore its association with carer characteristics and psychological well-being. Methods: Friends and relatives caring for two groups of service users in the care of community mental health teams (CMHTs), 69 with psychotic and 38 with non-psychotic disorders, were assessed annually at three and two time points, respectively. CONTINUES, a measure specifically designed to assess continuity of care for carers themselves, was utilized along with assessments of psychological well-being and caregiving. Results: One hundred and seven carers participated. They reported moderately low continuity of care. Only 22 had had a carer’s assessment and just under a third recorded psychological distress on the GHQ. For those caring for people with psychotic disorders, reported continuity was higher if the carer was male, employed, lived with the user and had had a carer’s assessment; for those caring for people with non-psychotic disorders, it was higher if the carer was from the service user’s immediate family, lived with them and had had a carer’s assessment. Conclusion: The vast majority of the carers had not had a carer’s assessment provided by the CMHT despite this being a clear national priority and being an intervention with obvious potential to increase carers’ reported low levels of continuity of care. Improving continuity of contact with carers may have an important part to play in the overall improvement of care in this patient group and deserves greater attention.


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Array-CGH enables the detection of submicroscopic chromosomal deletions and duplications and leads to an accurate delineation of the imbalances, raising the possibility of correlating genotype to phenotype and mapping minimal critical regions associated with particular patterns of clinical features. We report here on four patients sharing common clinical features (psychomotor retardation, coarse facies and ocular anomalies), with proximal 5q deletions identified by oligo array-CGH. The deletions range from 5.75 to 17.26-Mb in size and occurred de novo. A common 2.63-Mb region between the deletions described here can be defined in 5q12.1 (59,390,122-62,021,754 bp bp from 5pter, hg18) and includes 12 genes. Among them, KIF2A, which encodes a kinesin superfamily protein, is a particularly interesting candidate for the phenotype, as it suppresses the growth of axonal collateral branches and is involved in normal brain development. Ocular defects, albeit unspecific, seem to be common in the 5q12.1 deletion. Identification of additional cases of deletions involving the 5q12.1 region will allow more accurate genotype-phenotype correlations. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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ZNF630 is a member of the primate-specific Xp11 zinc finger gene cluster that consists of six closely related genes, of which ZNF41, ZNF81, and ZNF674 have been shown to be involved in mental retardation. This suggests that mutations of ZNF630 might influence cognitive function. Here, we detected 12 ZNF630 deletions in a total of 1,562 male patients with mental retardation from Brazil, USA, Australia, and Europe. The breakpoints were analyzed in 10 families, and in all cases they were located within two segmental duplications that share more than 99% sequence identity, indicating that the deletions resulted from non-allelic homologous recombination. In 2,121 healthy male controls, 10 ZNF630 deletions were identified. In total, there was a 1.6-fold higher frequency of this deletion in males with mental retardation as compared to controls, but this increase was not statistically significant (P-value = 0.174). Conversely, a 1.9-fold lower frequency of ZNF630 duplications was observed in patients, which was not significant either (P-value = 0.163). These data do not show that ZNF630 deletions or duplications are associated with mental retardation. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We report on a Brazilian mother and her son affected with mandibulofacial dysostosis, growth and mental retardation, microcephaly, first branchial arch anomalies, and cleft palate. To date only three males and one female, all sporadic cases, with a similar condition have been reported. This article describes the first familial case with this rare condition indicating autosomal dominant or X-linked inheritance. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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People with severe mental illness experience elevated levels of impairment, morbidity and health-risk behaviours compared with the general population. Despite this, it is consistently reported that they do not visit health professionals, including preventative health professionals, as regularly as the general population. Their poor health suggests that current health promotion efforts have been largely ineffective in addressing their specific needs. Barriers that might explain this include lack of motivation, expense and lack of access. Health literacy is also a potentially important factor. As a part of a programme of work to develop appropriate and effective health promotion for this group, we have explored existing health-literacy models and their relevance to marginalized populations, in particular, people experiencing severe mental illness. A comprehensive search of the literature was undertaken. Models of health literacy identified were analyzed to determine the source population, underpinning theory/frameworks, supporting research evidence and to consider their potential generalisability. This paper presents an analysis of existing health-literacy models in the context of severe mental illness. We propose that because existing models of health literacy were developed through consultation with people experiencing challenges to specific health and social issues, for example, cancer, low income and limited education, this raises questions as to the applicability of these models to people experiencing severe and ongoing mental illness. Whilst such individuals were not actively excluded in the development of the existing models, we propose the development of an alternative model which considers this population's needs and limitations in accessing effective health-promotion campaigns/programs.