981 resultados para SETOR DAS ÁGUAS
As complexas questões em torno dos conflitos decorrentes da construção de hidrelétricas envolvendo, por um lado, o Setor Elétrico Brasileiro, e, por outro, segmentos sociais, tais como povos indígenas, “populações tradicionais”, ribeirinhos, pescadores e, também, populações das áreas urbanas, dentre outros, têm sido recorrentes nas últimas décadas. Em certa medida, podemos indicar que tais conflitos resultam de modos distintos e contraditórios com que estes segmentos sociais vêem, vivenciam e usam a natureza e o seu ambiente. Motivada pelo interesse de aprofundamento das análises acerca destes conflitos no contexto amazônico, e de ampliar meus conhecimentos, sustentada na matriz interpretativa do fazer e do pensar antropológico, norteei a elaboração desta dissertação tendo como foco o diálogo com doze mulheres que se constituem enquanto um grupo articulado em defesa do rio Xingu e, por conseguinte, contra a hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, prevista para ser construída na região oeste do estado do Pará. Segundo este “Grupo de Mulheres do Xingu” a obra trará impactos ambientais e sociais, lidos por elas como negativos para toda a região, mas, sobretudo, para as mulheres. Nessa direção, almejo compreender as peculiaridades que decorrem deste modo de ver e significar o mundo que as levam a fazer esta leitura e atuarem politicamente articuladas em defesa da natureza.
The present study is about data characterization and evaluation related to private urban users (legal entity) of the Watersheds of the rivers Piracicaba, Capivari, and Jundiai (PCJ), with the PCJ Collection System, sustained by the Department of Water and Power (DAEE), in order to: provide quantitative numbers about this sector, identifying the cities and economic activities corresponding to the largest water consumers, and determine the sector's share in the total charged contribution. The charge for water use is the most recent and the last instrument which has been implemented for the management of water resources, provided by the institution of the State and National Policy of Water Resources in 1991 and 1997, respectively, regarded as an important step towards the preservation and restoration of water resources. According to the data collected in the PCJ Collection System, the urban sector is the private sector that has the highest number of users in these watersheds (52,95% of users), but with less representation in the financial recovery (only 7%), due to its low water demand in their uses compared to the uses of other sectors. The collected data will also serve as both a parameter for comparing the amount of water used by different economic activities and municipalities in the PCJ watersheds and other locations, and as a tool for water resources management
Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Purpose – This mixed-method study aims to determine the extent to which the career paths of senior managers conform with the traditional versus protean elements described in the careers literature and whether these paths vary by gender. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 15 senior managers (seven women and eight men) in a large public sector agency in Australia were interviewed about their career trajectories to date. Data were coded according to four major areas which characterise and distinguish between traditional and protean careers: development, orientation of the employee, definition of success, and organisational environment. A total of 81 managers (34 women and 47 men) from the same organisation were also surveyed. Variables of interest were those that could be triangulated with qualitative data such as the availability of career opportunities. Findings – Results suggest that, contrary to much existing literature which proposes that all careers have been fundamentally altered, the traditional career which relies on length of service, geographic mobility and a steady climb up the corporate ladder, is still the dominant model in some organisations. However, the trend towards protean careers is evident and is more pronounced for women than for men. Research limitations/implications – The specific nature of the organisation (large, male-dominated, public sector) may limit the generalisability of results. Practical implications – The framework used to explore career paths according to traditional/ protean elements in this study may assist human resource practitioners to develop appropriate strategies which maximise the professional development of employees. Originality/value – The results of this research challenge the universality of change in the nature of careers, particularly in public sector environments.
Estudo sobre o setor mineral brasileiro com abordagem dos aspectos jurídicos e econômicos. Inclui relatório, projeto de lei, artigos de especialistas e compilação das apresentações do seminário "Setor mineral: rumo a um novo marco legal", ocorrido em dezembro de 2010.
Conteúdo: resultados do setor público -- terceira avaliação orçamentária -- determinantes do contingenciamento -- metas quadrimestrais em 2009 -- cenário macroeconômico e indicadores econômico-fiscais -- despesas na terceira avaliação -- investimento e projeto piloto de investimento -- relatório de receitas -- determinantes do contingenciamento -- metas quadrimestrais -- relatório de receitas -- arrecadação das receitas administradas no primeiro semestre de 2009 e reestimativas de receitas.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.
Consultora Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVI - Saúde Pública, Sanitarismo.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.