902 resultados para SARAMAGO DE SOUZA, JOSÉ, 1922-2010


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The aim of this study is to undertake a theoretical analysis of the literary and sociological Cave, Jose Saramago, having as main theme the precariousness of work and control, followed by some key developments. Anchored in the sociology of work and endorsed by the sociology of literature methodologically by Antonio Candido, and guided by the narrative Saramago in the cave, seeking to understand the work activity as central and essential to the production and reproduction of material life. It discusses the precariousness of work, as well as the historical forms of ownership and control of labor activity. Scales the impact of large corporations that control and the conflict between mechanized and manual labor in the process, questioning the nefarious effects of the restructuring of the productive working class, especially on small businesses and craft work. It also addresses the rise of a category gestorial in the process of labor control throughout history Finally, invoking the metaphor of Plato\'s cave in this work Saramago, explores how labor control by large corporations causes the estrangement in all dimensions of life, establishing relationships between fetishism, consumer relations and sociability.


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Recursos Educativos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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Através dessa dissertação propõe-se uma análise sobre os temas morte e poder em dois romances, do autor português José Saramago, Todos os Nomes (1997) e As Intermitências da Morte (2004). Escritos e publicados em épocas distintas, distinguem-se do conjunto da obra desse autor pela relação que estabelecem entre si e os temas supracitados. Esses dois romances foram tomados como objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, que foi executada através da utilização da metodologia da literatura comparada. Como base teórica, foram usados os seguintes conceitos do filósofo Martin Heidegger: ser-para-morte e angústia, que norteiam o pensamento sobre as possibilidades de uma autenticidade do ser frente ao cotidiano, marcado por repetições e controles. É através do acaso e das escolhas feitas pelos dois protagonistas dessas obras que se construiu uma reflexão sobre a dicotomia vivos e mortos. A partir dessa análise, buscou-se realizar a leitura em espelho desses romances, nos quais a maior semelhança é entender a vida como uma busca e a morte como inerente ao ser, tornando-o uma singularidade


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O corpus desta dissertação tem por objetivo a análise das obras A Maior flor do Mundo de José Saramago, O Gato e o Escuro de Mia Couto e O Mistério do Coelho Pensante de Clarice Lispector para o público infantil. A análise empreendida tem como referencial teórico a Estética da Recepção de Hans Robert Jauss e a Teoria do Efeito Estético de Wolfgang Iser, correntes que figuram o leitor como elemento atuante no ato da leitura, convidando-o a mergulhar nas entrelinhas dos textos e preencher lacunas ou hiatos, deixados pelos autores que mobilizam o leitor a formular o que não foi dito através da imaginação. A linguagem das obras mencionadas age como instrumento de percepção do leitor e símbolo da infância, pois, tornar-se-ão prazerosa, fantástica e maravilhosa sem a função disciplinadora e moralista que, anteriormente, inibia a criança de se expressar com liberdade. Ao trabalhar com conceitos como recepção, efeito, horizonte de expectativas e leitor implícito, busca-se explicar como se dá a leitura e a sua inserção no contexto das práticas culturais de produção de sentido. As obras estudadas contribuem para a formação de leitores críticos e reflexivos ao questionarem a linguagem literária diante das experiências da vida. As ilustrações das obras não se apresentam somente como simples complementação dos textos verbais, mas também, adquirem significados e expressões estéticas


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Este trabalho é um estudo sobre o poeta Luís de Camões como personagem teatral em três obras: Frei Luís de Sousa, de Almeida Garrett; Que farei com este livro, de José Saramago e Tu, só tu, puro amor..., de Machado de Assis. Em Frei Luís de Sousa será abordado o Camões mítico, pois quando se passa a história, durante o período filipino, este já está morto, só é lembrado através de Telmo. É o símbolo da pátria. No capítulo Camões: uma personagem do imaginário popular, será apresentado o Camões como personagem de Literatura de Cordel, sendo feita uma breve comparação com outras personagens como João Grilo.Em Que farei com este livro? será estudado um Camões totalmente desiludido com a pátria na tentativa de publicar Os Lusíadas. Em Tu só, tu, puro amor..., será visto um Camões romântico sofrendo de amores por uma dama da corte.Em cada uma das obras, estudaremos os aspectos da abordagem do poeta português de acordo com o contexto de época de seus respectivos autores


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Capturing, mapping, and understanding organizational change within bureaucracies is inherently problematic, and the paucity of empirical research in this area reflects the traditional reluctance of scholars to pursue this endeavor. In this article, drawing on the Irish case of organizational change, potential avenues for overcoming such challenges are presented. Drawing on the resources of a time-series database that captures and codes the life cycle of all Irish public organizations since independence, the article explores the evolution of the Irish administrative system since the independence of the state in 1922. These findings provide some pointers toward overcoming the challenges associated with studying change in Whitehall-type bureaucracies. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Pierre Hadot, classical philosopher and historian of philosophy, is best known for his conception of ancient philosophy as a bios or way of life (manière de vivre). His work has been widely influential in classical studies and on thinkers, including Michel Foucault. According to Hadot, twentieth- and twenty-first-century academic philosophy has largely lost sight of its ancient origin in a set of spiritual practices that range from forms of dialogue, via species of meditative reflection, to theoretical contemplation. These philosophical practices, as well as the philosophical discourses the different ancient schools developed in conjunction with them, aimed primarily to form, rather than only to inform, the philosophical student. The goal of the ancient philosophies, Hadot argued, was to cultivate a specific, constant attitude toward existence, by way of the rational comprehension of the nature of humanity and its place in the cosmos. This cultivation required, specifically, that students learn to combat their passions and the illusory evaluative beliefs instilled by their passions, habits, and upbringing. To cultivate philosophical discourse or writing without connection to such a transformed ethical comportment was, for the ancients, to be as a rhetorician or a sophist, not a philosopher. However, according to Hadot, with the advent of the Christian era and the eventual outlawing, in 529 C.E., of the ancient philosophical schools, philosophy conceived of as a bios largely disappeared from the West. Its spiritual practices were integrated into, and adapted by, forms of Christian monasticism. The philosophers’ dialectical techniques and metaphysical views were integrated into, and subordinated, first to revealed theology and then, later, to the modern natural sciences. However, Hadot maintained that the conception of philosophy as a bios has never completely disappeared from the West, resurfacing in Montaigne, Rousseau, Goethe, Thoreau, Nietzsche, and Schopenhauer, and even in the works of Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, and Heidegger.

Hadot’s conception of ancient philosophy and his historical narrative of its disappearance in the West have provoked both praise and criticism. Hadot received a host of letters from students around the world telling him that his works had changed their lives, perhaps the most fitting tribute given the nature of Hadot’s meta-philosophical claims. Unlike many of his European contemporaries, Hadot’s work is characterized by lucid, restrained prose; clarity of argument; the near-complete absence of recondite jargon; and a gentle, if sometimes self-depreciating, humor. While Hadot was an admirer of Nietzsche and Heidegger, and committed to a kind of philosophical recasting of the history of Western ideas, Hadot’s work lacks any eschatological sense of the end of philosophy, humanism, or the West. Late in life, Hadot would report that this was because he was animated by the sense that philosophy, as conceived and practiced in the ancient schools, remains possible for men and women of his era: “from 1970 on, I have felt very strongly that it was Epicureanism and Stoicism which could nourish the spiritual life of men and women of our times, as well as my own” (PWL 280).


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Fernando Pessoa, em uma de suas muitas definições sobre a questão da heteronímia, diz que seus heterônimos são “personagens fictícias sem drama”. São personagens que fazem poemas. Em O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis, Saramago se apropria do mais clássico dos heterônimos e insere este personagem em uma narrativa. Ficção da ficção, enquanto o poeta envia Ricardo Reis para o Brasil, o romancista leva-o de volta a Portugal. O médico que escreve poesias vive suas últimas aventuras em Lisboa, no ano de 1936. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a relação entre os dois Ricardos, ver o que os aproxima e o que os distancia. Abordamos a questão do processo heteronímico sob o ponto de vista do “drama em gente”. Apresentamos os dois personagens, o de Pessoa e o de Saramago, e levantamos algumas questões presentes no romance, como a intertextualidade, o dialogismo e a poesia.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)