996 resultados para Ruthenium complexes


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Background and purpose: The discovery of the pharmacological functions of nitric oxide has led to the development of NO donor compounds as therapeutic agents. A new generation of ruthenium NO donors, cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) , has been developed, and our aim was to show that these complexes are able to lyse Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro and in vivo. Experimental approach: NO donors were incubated with T. cruzi and their anti-T. cruzi activities evaluated as the percentage of lysed parasites compared to the negative control. In vivo, trypanocidal activity was evaluated by observing the levels of parasitaemia, survival rate and elimination of amastigotes in mouse myocardial tissue. The inhibition of GAPDH was monitored by the biochemical reduction of NAD+ to NADH. Key results: The NO donors cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) presented inhibitory effects on T. cruzi GAPDH (IC(50) ranging from 89 to 153 mu M). The crystal structure of the enzyme shows that the inhibitory mechanism is compatible with S-nitrosylation of the active cysteine (cys166) site. Compounds cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)imN](PF(6))(3) and cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)SO(3)]PF(6), at a dose of 385 nmol center dot kg-1, yielded survival rates of 80 and 60%, respectively, in infected mice, and eradicated any amastigotes from their myocardial tissue. Conclusions and implications: The ruthenium compounds exhibited potent in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal activities at doses up to 1000-fold lower than the clinical dose for benznidazole. Furthermore, one mechanism of action of these compounds is via the S-nitrosylation of Cys166 of T. cruzi GAPDH. Thus, these compounds show huge potential as candidates for the development of new drugs for the treatment of Chagas`s disease. This article is commented on by Machado et al., pp. 258-259 of this issue. To view this commentary visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00662.x and to view a related paper in this issue by Guedes et al. visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00576.x.


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Electrolysis has been examined as a method of synthesis for [(L)(dppb)Ru(mu-Cl)(3)RuCl(dppb)] complexes, where dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane and L = pyridine (py), 4-methylpyridine (4-pic) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), by using [RuCl3(dppb)(L)] as precursors. The products of the electrolysis were characterized by P-31-{H-1} NMR, cyclic voltammetry and near infrared spectroscopy. The presence of the [Ru2Cl5(dppb)(2)] complex in the electrochemical cell suggests a mechanism by which the starting original species from the bulk solution reacts with the reduced form [RuCl2(dppb)(L)] generated at the surface of the electrode. The crystal structure of the precursor mer-[RuCl3(dppb)(4-pic)] was determined by X-ray diffraction.


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The reactivity of the mer-[RuCl3(dppb)H2O] complex (1) with di-hydrogen shows that the products formed depend on the conditions of the reaction, i.e., solvents and presence or absence of a base. The new mixed-valence complexes [(diop)ClRu-(h-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (3), [(binap)CIRu-(p-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (4), [(PPh3)(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (6), [(dppn)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (7), [(P-ptol(3))(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (8), [(SbPh3)(2)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (9), [(eta(6)-C6H6)Ru-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (11) and the known mixed-valence [(dppb)CIRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (5) and [(diop)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(diop)] (10) were synthesized from complexes (1) or (2) using a methodology developed in our research group. The known complexes [(dppb)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(2)-RuCl(dppb)] (12), [(dppb)(CO)Ru-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (13) and [H2NEt2][(dppb)ClRu-(mu-Cl)(3)-RuCl(dppb)] (14) were synthesized by changing the reaction conditions between mer-[RuCl3(dppb)H2O] (1) and dihydrogen. The crystal structures of (5) and (11) were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Some of the complexes described here are effective pre-catalysts for the hydrogenation of imines. Preliminary results on the homogeneous hydrogenation of the imines Ph-CH2-N=CH-Ph and Ph-N=CH-Ph are presented. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ruthenium(II) complexes with general formula [RuCl3(NO)(P-P)] were obtained in the solid state, where P-P = PPh(2)(CH2)(n)PPh(2) (n = 1-3) and PPh(2)-CH = CH-PPh(2). The P-31 NMR spectra of these compounds measured in CH2Cl2 showed only singlets, consistent with a fac configuration containing two equivalent phosphorus atoms, However the X-ray diffraction data show that the [RuCl3(NO){PPh(2)(CH2)(3)PPh(2)}] complex crystallizes in a met configuration, where one of the phosphorus atoms is trans to the NO group, in a slightly distorted octahedral geometry. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier B.V. Ltd


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The immobilization of the ruthenium moiety Ru(NH3)4SO3 by reaction of trans-[Ru(NH3)4SO2(H2O)]2+ with silica gel functionalized with 3-(1-imidazolyl)propyl groups is reported. A 60% surface coverage was obtained in the proportion of the resulting material [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO3]. The anchored Ru(II) complex was characterized and its reactivity investigated. Derivatives of CO, pyrazine, and isonicotinamide have been prepared and characterized by electronic and vibrational spectroscopies, as well as by chemical means. The [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO4]Cl, obtained through oxidation of the corresponding ruthenium(II) sulfite species, has been characterized and the aquo and the oxalate derivative have been synthesized.


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The [Ru(NH3)5(H2O)]2+ and trans-[Ru(NH3)4SO2(H2O)]2+ complexes ions were immobilized on poly(4-vinylpyridine) (4-PVP) through reactions in aqueous solutions. The stability of the imobilized complexes was checked in aqueous solution in the pH 2.0-8.0 range. The number of pyridinic nitrogens in the polymer 4-PVP is 2.80±0.05 mmol/g according to nitrogen elemental analysis. Potentiometric titration experiments showed that the accessible nitrogen, in aqueous medium, was 0.94±0.02 mmol/g with a p Ka value of 7.4±0.2. In addition, ruthenium and sulfate analysis has demonstrated that about 15% of the accessible nitrogen sites are able to coordinate to the metal centers. The characterization of the immobilized complexes was made through diffuse electronic and infrared spectroscopies and differential pulse and cyclic voltammetries. © 1993 Plenum Publishing Corporation.


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The monodentate cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(hist)(2)](2+) 1R and the bidentate cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(hist)](2+) 2A complexes were prepared and characterized using spectroscopic (H-1, (H-1-H-1) COSY and (H-1-C-13) HSQC NMR, UV-vis, luminescence) techniques. The complexes presented absorption and emission in the visible region, as well as a tri-exponential emission decay. The complexes are soluble in aqueous and non-aqueous solution with solubility in a buffer solution of pH 7.4 of 1.14 x 10(-3) mol L-1 for (1R + 2A) and 6.43 x 10(-4) mol L-1 for 2A and lipophilicity measured in an aqueous-octanol solution of -1.14 and -0.96, respectively. Photolysis in the visible region in CH3CN converted the starting complexes into cis-[Ru(phen)(2)(CH3CN)(2)](2+). Histamine photorelease was also observed in pure water and in the presence of BSA (1.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1). The bidentate coordination of the histamine to the ruthenium center in relation to the monodentate coordination increased the photosubstitution quantum yield by a factor of 3. Pharmacological studies showed that the complexes present a moderate inhibition of AChE with an IC50 of 21 mu mol L-1 (referred to risvagtini, IC50 181 mu mol L-1 and galantamine IC50 0.006 mu mol L-1) with no appreciable cytotoxicity toward to the HeLa cells (50% cell viability at 925 mu mol L-1). Cell uptake of the complexes into HeLa cells was detected by fluorescence confocal microscopy. Overall, the observation of a luminescent complex that penetrates the cell wall and has low cytotoxicity, but is reactive photochemically, releasing histamine when irradiated with visible light, are interesting features for application of these complexes as phototherapeutic agents.


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Upon the screening of 16 antiproliferative compounds against Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum, two hydrolytically stable ruthenium complexes (compounds 16 and 18) exhibited 50% inhibitory concentrations of 18.7 and 41.1 nM (T. gondii) and 6.7 and 11.3 nM (N. caninum). To achieve parasiticidal activity with compound 16, long-term treatment (22 to 27 days at 80 to 160 nM) was required. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the rapid impact on and ultrastructural alterations in both parasites. These preliminary findings suggest that the potential of ruthenium-based compounds should thus be further exploited.