992 resultados para Rodríguez, Alberto


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Se recogen una serie de trabajos que analizan tanto el aprendizaje en grupo como la estrategia de trabajo en el aula universitaria como cuestiones relacionadas con la web Invadiv como recurso didáctico, el aprendizaje cooperativo, la atención a la diversidad, los nuevos caminos hacia una Europa inclusiva, la coeducación, las experiencias derivadas de programas de apoyo y refuerzo y otras propuestas metodológicas.


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Se reflexiona acerca de los orígenes y las bases científicas y tecnológicas del láser, así como, de sus interesantes aplicaciones en el mundo, resaltando aquellas facetas menos conocidas y menos espectaculares a simple vista, pero no menos efectivas en la práctica.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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El presente trabajo aborda el aprovechamiento de algunos subproductos agrícolas (bagazo de maguey y fibra de coco) y forestales (corteza de pino) en el Estado de Oaxaca (Sur de México). El objetivo principal se centra en localizar, cuantificar y caracterizar estos con vistas a su aplicación como sustratos o componentes de sustratos en cultivos ornamentales, forestales y hortícolas, y a su uso como enmiendas en cultivos tipo. Así mismo se persigue reducir el uso de la turba y la tierra de monte como sustratos mayoritarios en la actualidad. Para la localización de los subproductos se utilizaron los datos de los registros parcelarios de los productores de coco para la obtención de copra (generadores de fibra de coco) de la región costa y de los productores de mezcal (generadores del residuo de bagazo de maguey) de la región valles centrales, así como las ubicaciones de los aserraderos forestales en el Estado de Oaxaca. Se emplea un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) con una cartografía digitalizada de los elementos del medio (clima, geología y suelo), de los cultivos generadores (bagazo de maguey, fibra de coco y corteza de pino), de la agricultura protegida como receptora (tomate) y de la agricultura extensiva con cultivos receptores de enmienda (café, hule, limón, mango, palma de coco y maguey). La producción anual de los residuos se cartografía y cuantifica con los siguientes resultados: bagazo de maguey 624.000 t, fibra de coco 86.000 m3 y 72.000 t de corteza de pino. Mediante el estudio de las características de los suelos de los cultivos receptores y de los requerimientos de materia orgánica de cada cultivo se calcularon las necesidades totales de materia orgánica para cada suelo. Los resultados de las cantidades globales para cada cultivo en todo el Estado muestran una necesidad total de 3.112.000 t de materia orgánica como enmienda. Con los datos obtenidos y a través de un algoritmo matemático se realiza una propuesta de localización de dos plantas de compostaje (de bagazo de maguey y fibra de coco) y cuatro plantas de compostaje de corteza de pino. Con el fin de conocer los subproductos a valorizar como sustrato o componente de sustrato se caracteriza su composición física‐química, siguiendo Normas UNE‐EN, y se analizan mediante Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (RMN). Para el acondicionamiento de bagazo de maguey y la corteza de pino se realizaron ensayos de compostaje. Al final de 241 días la temperatura y la humedad de ambos procesos se encontraban en los rangos recomendados, indicando que los materiales estaban estabilizados y con calidad para ser utilizados como sustrato o componente de sustrato. Para la fibra de coco se realizó el proceso de molienda en seco de conchas de coco provenientes de la comunidad de Río Grande Oaxaca (Principal zona productora de copra en Oaxaca). Posteriormente se emplean los materiales obtenidos como componentes para sustratos de cultivo. Se estudia el compost de bagazo de maguey y siete mezclas; el compost de corteza de pino y ocho mezclas y la fibra de coco con tres mezclas. Estos sustratos alternativos permiten obtener mezclas y reducir el uso de la tierra de monte, turba, arcilla expandida y vermiculita, siendo por tanto una alternativa sostenible para la producción en invernadero. Se elaboraron mezclas especificas para el cultivo de Lilium hibrido asiático y oriental (siete mezclas), sustratos eco‐compatibles para cultivo de tomate (nueve mezclas), para la producción de planta forestal (siete mezclas) y para la producción de plántula hortícola (ocho mezclas). Como resultados más destacados del bagazo de maguey, corteza de pino y las mezclas obtenidas se resume lo siguiente: el bagazo de maguey, con volúmenes crecientes de turba (20, 30, 50 y 60 %) y la corteza de pino, con volúmenes de turba 40 y 60%, presentan valores muy recomendados de porosidad, capacidad de aireación, capacidad de retención de humedad y equilibrio agua‐aire. Para la fibra de coco, la procedente de Río Grande presenta mejor valoración que la muestra comercial de fibra de coco de Morelos. Por último se llevó a cabo la evaluación agronómica de los sustratos‐mezclas, realizando cinco experimentos por separado, estudiando el desarrollo vegetal de cultivos tipo, que se concretan en los siguientes ensayos: 1. Producción de Lilium asiático y oriental en cama para flor de corte; 2. Producción de Lilium oriental en contenedor para flor de corte; 3. Producción de plántula forestal (Pinus greggii E y Pinus oaxacana M); 4. Producción de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L) y 5. Producción de plántula de tomate en semillero (Solanum lycopersicum L). En relación a la producción de Lilium hibrido asiático en cama los sustratos corteza de pino (CPTU 80:20 v/v), corteza de pino + sustrato comercial (CPSC 80:20 v/v) y corteza de pino+turba+arcilla expandida+vermiculita (CPTAEV2 30:40:15:15 v/v) presentan los mejores resultados. Dichos sustratos también presentan adecuados resultados para Lilium hibrido oriental con excepción de la corteza de pino + turba (CPTU 80:20 v/v). En la producción de Lilium hibrido oriental en contenedor para flor de corte, además de los sustratos de CPSC y CPTAEV2, la mezcla de corteza de pino+turba+arcilla expandida+vermiculita (CPTAEV 70:20:5:5 v/v) manifestó una respuesta favorable. En el ensayo de producción de plántulas de Pinus greggii E y Pinus oaxacana Mirov, las mezclas con corteza de pino+turba+arcilla expandida+vermiculita (CPTAEV2 30:40:15:15 v/v) y bagazo de maguey turba+arcilla expandida+vermiculita (BMTAEV2 30:60:5:5 v/v) son una alternativa que permite disminuir el empleo de turba, arcilla expandida y vermiculita, en comparación con el sustrato testigo de turba+arcilla expandida+vermiculita (TAEV 60:30:10 v/v). En la producción de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L) frente a la utilización actual del serrín sin compostar (SSC), las mezclas alternativas de bagazo de maguey+turba (BMT 70:30 v/v), fibra de coco de Río Grande (FCRG 100v/v) y corteza de pino+turba (CPT 70:30 v/v), presentaron los mejores resultados en rendimientos. Así mismo, en la producción de plántulas de tomate las dos mezclas alternativas de bagazo de maguey+turba+ arcilla expandida+vermiculita (BMTAEV5 50:30:10:10 v/v) y (BMTAEV6 40:40:10:10 v/v) presentaron mejores resultados que los obtenidos en la mezcla comercial (Sunshine 3), mayoritariamente utilizada en México en la producción de plántula de tomate y hortícola. ABSTRACT This paper addresses the use of some agricultural products (maguey bagasse and coconut fiber) and forestry (pine bark) in the State of Oaxaca (southern Mexico). The principal purpose is to locate, quantify and characterize these with the idea of applying them as substrates or substrate components in ornamental crops, forestry, horticultural, and their use as crop amendments. On the other hand, the reduction of peat and forest soil as main substrates is pursued. For the location of the products, registry parcel data from copra producers (coconut fiber generators) of the coastal region and mescal producers (maguey bagasse residue generators) of the central valleys region, as well as the locations of forest mills in the State of Oaxaca. A Geographic Information System (GIS) with digital mapping of environmental factors (climate, geology and soil), crop generators of residues (maguey bagasse, coconut and pine bark) receptors of amendments such as protected agriculture (tomato) and extensive agriculture crops (coffee, rubber, lemon, mango, coconut and agave). The annual production of waste is mapped and quantified with the following results: 624,000t maguey bagasse, coconut fiber 72,000 m3 and 86,000 t of pine bark. Through the study of receiving crops soils properties of and organic matter requirements of each crop, total needs of organic matter for each soil were estimated. The results of the total quantities for each crop across the state show a total of 3,112,000 t of organic matter needed as amendment. Using that data and a mathematical algorithm, the location of two composting plants (agave bagasse and coconut fiber) and four composting plants pine bark was proposed. In order to know the by‐products that were going to be used as substrates or substrate components, their physical‐chemical composition was analyzed following UNE‐EN technics. Furthermore they were analyzed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). For conditioning of maguey bagasse and pine bark, composting essays were conducted. At the end of 241 days the temperature and humidity of both processes were at the recommended ranges, indicating that the materials were stabilized and had reached the quality to be used as a substrate or substrate component. Coconut shells from the community of Rio Grande Oaxaca (Main copra producing area in Oaxaca) were put through a process of dry milling. Subsequently, the obtained materials were used as components for growing media. We studied the maguey bagasse compost and seven mixtures; the pine bark compost and eight blends and coconut fiber with three mixtures. These alternative substrates allow obtaining mixtures and reduce the use of forest soil, peat, vermiculite and expanded clay, making it a sustainable alternative for greenhouse production. Specific mixtures were prepared for growing Lillium, Asian and eastern hybrids (seven blends), eco‐compatible substrates for tomato (nine mixtures), for producing forest plant (seven mixtures) and for the production of horticultural seedlings (eight mixtures). Results from maguey bagasse, pine bark and mixtures obtained are summarized as follows: the maguey bagasse, with increasing volumes of peat (20, 30, 50 and 60%) and pine bark mixed with 40 and 60% peat by volume, have very recommended values of porosity, aeration capacity, water retention capacity and water‐air balance. Coconut fiber from Rio Grande had better quality than commercial coconut fiber from Morelos. Finally the agronomic evaluation of substrates‐mixtures was carried out conducting five experiments separately: 1. Production of Asiatic and Eastern Lilium in bed for cut flower, 2. Production of oriental Lillium in container for cut flower, 3.Production of forest seedlings (Pinus greggii E and Pinus oaxacana M), 4. Production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L) and 5. Tomato seedling production in seedbed (Solanum lycopersicum L). In relation to the production of hybrid Asian Lilium in bed, pine bark substrates (CPTU 80:20 v/v), pine bark + commercial substrate (CPSC 80:20 v/v) and pine bark + peat + expanded clay + vermiculite (CPTAEV2 30:40:15:15 v/v) showed the best results. Such substrates also have adequate results for Lilium Oriental hybrid except pine bark + peat (CPTU 80:20 v / v). In the production of Lilium oriental hybrid container for cut flower, besides the CPSC and CPTAEV2 substrates, the mixture of pine bark + peat + vermiculite expanded clay (CPTAEV 70:20:5:5 v / v) showed a favorable response. In the production of Pinus greggii E and Pinus oaxacana Mirov seedlings trial, mixtures with pine bark + peat + expanded clay + vermiculite (CPTAEV2 30:40:15:15 v/v) and maguey bagasse+ peat+ expanded clay + vermiculite (BMTAEV2 30:60:5:5 v / v) are an alternative which allows reducing the use of peat, vermiculite and expanded clay in comparison with the control substrate made of peat + expanded clay+ vermiculite (60:30 TAEV: 10 v/v). In the production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L), alternative mixes of maguey bagasse + peat (BMT 70:30 v/v), coconut fiber from Rio Grande (FCRG 100 v / v) and pine bark + peat (CPT 70:30 v / v) showed the best results in yields versus the current use of sawdust without compost (SSC). Likewise, in the production of tomato seedlings of the two alternative mixtures maguey bagasse + peat expanded clay + vermiculite (BMTAEV5 50:30:10:10 v/v) and (BMTAEV6 40:40:10:10 v/v) had better results than those obtained in the commercial mixture (Sunshine 3), mainly used in Mexico in tomato seedling production and horticulture.


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Phytoextraction is an environmental-friendly and cost-effective technology that uses metal hyperaccumulator plants to remove heavy metals from soils. The metals are absorbed by the roots, transported and accumulated in the aerial parts of the plants, which can be harvested and eliminated. The aim of this work was to study some hyperaccumulator species that could be useful to decontaminate mine soils and also to investigate the bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants with the addition of organic amendments. Pot experiments were performed with soil samples collected from two mining areas in the north of Madrid, where there was an intense mining activity more than 50 years ago. Three species (Thlaspi arvense, Brassica juncea and Atriplex halimus) were grown under controlled conditions in pots filled with contaminated soils mixed with 0 Mg, 30 Mg and 60 Mg per hectare of two different organic amendments: a commercial compost made of pine bark, peat and wood fiber and other made of horse and sheep manure and wood fiber. Plants were harvested at the end of their crop cycle and were digested in order to measure metal concentration (Zn, Cu and Cd) in roots and shoots. Highest plant metal concentration was observed in pots treated with pine bark amendment and with pure soil due to an increase in metal bioavailability with decreasing pH. Also in those treatments the total plant biomass was lower, even some plants could not germinate. On the contrary, there was a lower metal concentration in plant tissues of pots with manure because its higher pH whereas plant growth was significantly larger so there was an incresing amount of metals removed from soil by plants. Comparing the three species results indicate a higher total metal uptake in A. halimus than B. juncea and T. arvense. In conclusion, results show that pH affects metal bioavailability and uptake by hyperaccumulator plants. Addition of organic amendments could be a successful technique for stabilization of metals in contaminated soils.


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A one-step extraction procedure and a leaching column experiment were performed to assess the effects of citric and tartaric acids on Cu and Zn mobilization in naturally contaminated mine soils to facilitate assisted phytoextraction. A speciation modeling of the soil solution and the metal fractionation of soils were performed to elucidate the chemical processes that affected metal desorption by organic acids. Different extracting solutions were prepared, all of which contained 0.01 M KNO3 and different concentrations of organic acids: control without organic acids, 0.5 mM citric, 0.5 mM tartaric, 10 mM citric, 10 mM tartaric, and 5 mM citric +5 mM tartaric. The results of the extraction procedure showed that higher concentrations of organic acids increased metal desorption, and citric acid was more effective at facilitating metal desorption than tartaric acid. Metal desorption was mainly influenced by the decreasing pH and the dissolution of Fe and Mn oxides, not by the formation of soluble metal–organic complexes as was predicted by the speciation modeling. The results of the column study reported that low concentrations of organic acids did not significantly increase metal mobilization and that higher doses were also not able to mobilize Zn. However, 5–10 mM citric acid significantly promoted Cu mobilization (from 1 mg kg−1 in the control to 42 mg kg−1 with 10 mM citric acid) and reduced the exchangeable (from 21 to 3 mg kg−1) and the Fe and Mn oxides (from 443 to 277 mg kg−1) fractions. Citric acid could efficiently facilitate assisted phytoextraction techniques.


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Pot experiments were performed to evaluate the phytoremediation capacity of plants of Atriplex halimus grown in contaminated mine soils and to investigate the effects of organic amendments on the metal bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants. Soil samples collected from abandoned mine sites north of Madrid (Spain) were mixed with 0, 30 and 60 Mg ha?1 of two organic amendments, with different pH and nutrients content: pine-bark compost and horse- and sheep-manure compost. The increasing soil organic matter content and pH by the application of manure amendment reduced metal bioavailability in soil stabilising them. The proportion of Cu in the most bioavailable fractions (sum of the water-soluble, exchangeable, acid-soluble and Fe?Mn oxides fractions) decreased with the addition of 60 Mg ha?1 of manure from 62% to 52% in one of the soils studied and from 50% to 30% in the other. This amendment also reduced Zn proportion in water-soluble and exchangeable fractions from 17% to 13% in one of the soils. Manure decreased metal concentrations in shoots of A. halimus, from 97 to 35 mg kg?1 of Cu, from 211 to 98 mg kg?1 of Zn and from 1.4 to 0.6 mg kg?1 of Cd. In these treatments there was a higher plant growth due to the lower metal toxicity and the improvement of nutrients content in soil. This higher growth resulted in a higher total metal accumulation in plant biomass and therefore in a greater amount of metals removed from soil, so manure could be useful for phytoextraction purposes. This amendment increased metal accumulation in shoots from 37 to 138 mg pot?1 of Cu, from 299 to 445 mg pot?1 of Zn and from 1.8 to 3.7 mg pot?1 of Cd. Pine bark amendment did not significantly alter metal availability and its uptake by plants. Plants of A. halimus managed to reduce total Zn concentration in one of the soils from 146 to 130 mg kg?1, but its phytoextraction capacity was insufficient to remediate contaminated soils in the short-to-medium term. However, A. halimus could be, in combination with manure amendment, appropriate for the phytostabilization of metals in mine soils.


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La calidad del suelo es una herramienta de evaluación que puede facilitar la adaptación de prácticas de manejo que promuevan sistemas agropecuarios sostenibles. La investigación de este trabajo se inició con un diagnóstico participativo en 12 comunidades rurales de la provincia de Las Tunas en el año 2009 en el cual los productores identificaron los puntos críticos de calidad de los suelos de la región y sirvieron de punta de partida para seleccionar las variables físicas, químicas y biológicas a determinar en cinco sistemas de uso agropecuario (arboleda, pasto natural, pasto cultivado y dos sistemas silvopastoriles) en la zona La Veguita, municipio Las Tunas. El sistema arboleda se utilizó como referencia de las propiedades naturales del suelo. El pasto natural se distingue por el desarrollo de especies de baja productividad, sin embargo el pasto cultivado está representado por Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT-115, y constituye una contribución a la tecnología de bancos de biomasa, para utilizarse en el pastoreo durante la seca. Los sistemas silvopastoriles están representados por Leucaena leucocephala Lam. en franjas y Panicum maximun vc. Likoni, los que se diferencian en su diseño, manejo y propiedades mineralógicas. El objetivo fundamental fue valorar indicadores de calidad de los suelos Luvisoles háplicos sobre granitoides, para diseñar e implementar tecnologías de manejo que permitan incrementar la capacidad agroproductiva de los suelos. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se obtuvo un conjunto mínimo de indicadores físicos, químicos y biológicos que proporcionaron información útil referente a los procesos edáficos y se integraron para determinar un índice de calidad. En el sistema de uso, caracterizado por el pasto cultivado (Pennisetum purpureum) se estableció, en parcelas experimentales, un ensayo de corta duración, en el que se comparó el laboreo tradicional y el laboreo sin inversión del prisma, con y sin aplicación de compost. En ambos sistemas de labranza se evaluó el desarrollo del cultivo e indicadores de calidad del suelo. Los resultados mostraron que del conjunto de indicadores edáficos estudiados se seleccionaron 6 en los que la capacidad de intercambio catiónico, materia orgánica, potasio intercambiable, contenido de arena, densidad aparente y biomasa de lombrices explicaron la mayor variabilidad y sirvieron de base para evaluar la calidad de estos suelos. Se establecieron valores umbrales de referencia de indicadores de calidad, que permitirán evaluar y monitorear los sistemas de uso y manejo de la región. El sistema Silvopastoril 2 resultó el de mayor índice de calidad de los suelos tomando como referencia la arboleda por su condición natural. El manejo silvopastoril influyó predominantemente en mejores resultados productivos pero las características edáficas principalmente físicas, deben definir su diseño y manejo. El sistema de pastos cultivados con Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115, alcanzó la mayor acumulación de carbono orgánico, sin embargo, el manejo limitó su calidad física y el funcionamiento productivo del sistema. De manera general los sistemas de uso no garantizan un índice de la calidad del suelo, puesto que se ve afectado por las propiedades edáficas y las prácticas de manejo. En el ámbito biológico, las lombrices constituyeron los organismos más numerosos con predominio en los sistemas silvopastoriles y arboleda. Los valores superiores de densidad y biomasa de oligoquetos y mayor diversidad de otros individuos de la macrofauna, indican que la presencia de árboles en los pastizales de gramínea potencia y diversifican las comunidades de macroinvertebrados del suelo. El sistema de labranza sin inversión del prisma propicia una mejor calidad física del suelo, manteniendo el carbono e incrementando los rendimientos del Penisetum purpureum cv CUBA CT 115. La labranza tradicional, a base de aradura y grada, afecta a los contenidos de materia orgánica en el corto plazo y mantiene capas compactas en el horizonte subyacente, además influye desfavorablemente al flujo del aire, agua y al desarrollo radical de los pastos. La aplicación de compost favoreció mejores resultados productivos en ambas tecnologías de manejo. Los resultados alcanzados recomiendan la implantación de tecnologías de manejo conservacionistas y la aplicación de materiales orgánicos que restituyan los elementos nutricionales requeridos por los pastos, por lo que no se justifica la continuidad del uso de prácticas tradicionales de laboreo con inversión del prisma que se realizan actualmente. ABSTRACT The soil quality is an assessment tool, which could facilitate the adaptation of management practices that promote sustainable agricultural systems. The present investigation was carried out with a participatory diagnostic in twelve rural communities from Las Tunas province in 2009, in which producers identified the critical soil quality points of region and served as a starting point to select the physical, chemical and biological variables, in order to determine on five agricultural used systems (grove, natural grass, cultivated grass and two silvopastoral systems) in La Veguita zone from municipality Las Tunas. The system grove was used as reference of natural soil properties. The natural grass is distinguished by the development of low-productivity species, however the cultivated grass is represented by Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT-115, and is a contribution to the biomass banks technology, in order to use in grazing during the dry season. The silvopastoral systems are represented by Leucaena leucocephala Lam. in stripes and Panicum maximum cv. Likoni, which differ in their design, handling and mineralogical properties. The main aim of this study was to assess the quality indicators for haplic Luvisols on granitoids for designing and implementing management technologies in order to increase the agroproductive capacity of soils. A minimal set of physical, chemical and biological indicators by Principal Component Analysis was obtained, which provided some useful information regarding soil processes and their integration for determining an index of quality. In the use system, characterized for the cultivated grass (Pennisetum purpureum) a short term assay in experimental plots was established, where the traditional and prism without inversion tillage were compared with and without compost application. In both tillage systems were evaluated the crop development and soil quality indicators. The results showed that the studied soil indicators set, six were selected, specifically the ones with exchangeable cationic capacity, organic matter, interchangeable potassium, sand content, bulk density and earthworm biomass, which explained the higher variability and served as the basis for evaluating the soil quality. The Reference threshold values of quality indicators for evaluating and monitoring the use and management systems from the region were established. The silvopastoral system 2 had the highest quality soil index, taking of reference the grove system for its natural condition. The silvopastoral management influenced on better productive results, but the soil characteristics, particularly the physical properties to be defined its design and management. However, the cultivated grass system with Pennisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115, reached the greatest accumulation of organic carbon. However, the management limited its physical quality and productive performance of the system. In addition, the use systems do not guarantee an index of soil quality, since it is affected by soil properties and management practices. From the biological aspect, the earthworms are the most numerous organisms on the silvopastoral systems and grove. The higher values of oligochaetes biomass and density and the greater diversity of other organisms from macrofauna indicate that the tree presence on the pasture grasses allows enhancing and diversifying soil macro invertebrate communities. The non-inversion prism tillage system provides a better physical quality of soil, maintaining the carbon content and increasing the yields of Penisetum purpureum vc CUBA CT 115. The traditional tillage, using the plowing and harrowing affects the organic matter content in a short term and keeps on compact layers of underlying horizon, and adversely affects the air and water flow, and pasture radical development. The compost application favored the best production results in both management technologies. The results obtained recommend the implementation of conservation management technologies and the application of organic materials that restore the nutritional elements required by the pasture, so it does not justify the continued use of traditional tillage practices with prism investment that are currently being made.


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The aim of this work was to study some hyperaccumulator species that could be useful to decontaminate mine soils and also to investigate the bioavailability and uptake of these metals by plants with the addition of organic amendments. Pot experiments were performed with soil samples collected from two mining areas in the north of Madrid, where there was an intense mining activity more than 50 years ago. Three species (Thlaspi arvense, Brassica juncea and Atriplex halimus) were grown under controlled conditions in pots filled with contaminated soils mixed with 0 Mg, 30 Mg and 60 Mg per hectare of two different organic amendments: a commercial compost made of pine bark, peat and wood fiber and other made of horse and sheep manure and wood fiber. Plants were harvested at the end of their crop cycle and were digested in order to measure metal concentration (Zn, Cu and Cd) in roots and shoots. Highest plant metal concentration was observed in pots treated with pine bark amendment and with pure soil due to an increase in metal bioavailability with decreasing pH. Also in those treatments the total plant biomass was lower, even some plants could not germinate. On the contrary, there was a lower metal concentration in plant tissues of pots with manure because its higher pH whereas plant growth was significantly larger so there was an incresing amount of metals removed from soil by plants. Comparing the three species results indicate a higher total metal uptake in A. halimus than B. juncea and T. arvense. In conclusion, results show that pH affects metal bioavailability and uptake by hyperaccumulator plants. Addition of organic amendments could be a successful technique for stabilization of metals in contaminated soils.