995 resultados para Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg


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In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit werden Struktur undEigenschaften vonflexiblen Polyelektrolyten im schlechten Lösungsmittel mitHilfe vonMolekulardynamiksimulationen studiert. Die Schwerpunkteliegen in derUntersuchung der Einzelkettenstruktur, derGegenionenverteilung undder Struktur der Polyelektrolytlösung. Dabei wird dieAbhängigkeitvon Parametern wie Dichte, Kettenlänge, Linienladungsdichte,Bjerrum-Länge und Lösungsmittelqualität behandelt. DiestarkeKopplung zwischen Gegenionenverteilung und Struktur derLösung wirdaufgezeigt und diskutiert. Die Behandlung der vollen Coulomb Wechselwirkung und dieexpliziteBerücksichtigung der Gegenionen erfordert die effizientenumerischeBehandlung von langreichweitigen Wechselwirkungen. Dazuwurde derP3M Algorithmus für massiv parallele Rechnerplattformenimplementiert, optimiert und in ein effektivesMolekulardynamikprogramm integriert. Die räumliche Verteilung der Gegenionen um diePolyelektrolyte wirduntersucht und mit dem Zellenmodell verglichen. Dabei werdenEndeffekte und die inhomogene Verteilung der Gegenionenentlang derKettenkontur quantifiziert. Dabei konnte die Analogiezwischenschwach geladenen titrierenden Polyelektrolyten und starkgeladenenPolyelektrolyten mit fixierter Ladungsverteilung zusammenmit ihrenGegenionen nachgewiesen werden. Für die Untersuchung der Einzelkettenstruktur vonPolyelektrolyten imschlechten Lösungsmittel wurde eine Methode entwickelt,sogenanntePerlenkettenstrukturen zu charakterisieren. Sowohl füreinzelneKettenkonformationen, als auch für ein statistischesEnsemble vonKetten können damit der Strukturtyp, d.h. die Anzahl derPerlen undcharakteristische Größen, wie die Perlengröße, derenAusdehnung, sowie die Steglänge bestimmt werden. Durchdiesendirekten Zugang zu den Kettenkonformationen konnten dieSchwierigkeiten, Perlenketten experimentell nachzuweisen,aufgezeigtwerden. Insbesondere sind dies die Koexistenz verschiedenerStrukturtypen, breite Verteilungen für die Perlenausdehnungund denPerlen-Perlen Abstand. Die verschiedenen, in einer Polyelektrolytlösungauftretenden,partiellen Strukturfaktoren wurden mit Hilfe vonSimulationengroßer Systeme behandelt. Für die Skalierung der Positiondesfür Polyelektrolytlösungen charakteristischen Maximums inderInter-Ketten Strukturfunktion mit der Monomerdichte wurdeein Exponent0.35 +- 0.03 gefunden. Die Ketten durchlaufen mit steigenderDichtestarke Konformationsänderungen und bilden oberhalb derÜberlappkonzentration ein transientes, physikalischesNetzwerk.


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Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs) in the head and neck region are malignant lymphoid neoplasms that usually originate from B-lymphocytic cell lines. Primary extranodal manifestations of this hematolymphoid tumor in the oral cavity are rare and involve the maxillary jaw including the palatal soft tissues, the mandible, and gingival tissues in patients between 60 and 70 years of age without sex predilection. This case report of an extra-nodal NHL in the palate of a 75-year-old patient emphasizes the importance of accurate clinical, radiographic, and histologic diagnostic procedures to avoid delayed diagnosis or inappropriate treatment strategies. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of the two with a regular clinical and hemic follow-up is recommended.


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The purpose of the work reported here is to test reliable molecular profiles using routinely processed formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues from participants of the clinical trial BIG 1-98 with a median follow-up of 60 months.


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PURPOSE: The present pilot study evaluates the histopathological characteristics and suitability of CO2 and diode lasers for performing excisional biopsies in the buccal mucosa with special emphasis on the extent of the thermal damage zone created. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 15 patients agreed to undergo surgical removal of their fibrous hyperplasias with a laser. These patients were randomly assigned to one diode or two CO2 laser groups. The CO2 laser was used in a continuous wave mode (cw) with a power of 5 W (Watts), and in a pulsed char-free mode (cf). Power settings for the diode laser were 5.12 W in a pulsed mode. The thermal damage zone of the three lasers and intraoperative and postoperative complications were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The collateral thermal damage zone on the borders of the excisional biopsies was significantly smaller with the CO, laser for both settings tested compared to the diode laser regarding values in pm or histopathological index scores. The only intraoperative complication encountered was bleeding, which had to be controlled with electrocauterization. No postoperative complications occurred in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The CO2 laser seems to be appropriate for excisional biopsies of benign oral mucosal lesions. The CO2 laser offers clear advantages in terms of smaller thermal damage zones over the diode laser. More study participants are needed to demonstrate potential differences between the two different CO2 laser settings tested.


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The G(βγ)-sequestering peptide β-adrenergic receptor kinase (βARK)ct derived from the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)2 carboxyl terminus has emerged as a promising target for gene-based heart failure therapy. Enhanced downstream cAMP signaling has been proposed as the underlying mechanism for increased β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) responsiveness. However, molecular targets mediating improved cardiac contractile performance by βARKct and its impact on G(βγ)-mediated signaling have yet to be fully elucidated.


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The nasopalatine duct cyst (NPDC) is the most frequent nonodontogenic cyst of the jaws and can be misinterpreted as an apical lesion of endodontic origin.


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Although practice guidelines recommend outpatient care for selected, haemodynamically stable patients with pulmonary embolism, most treatment is presently inpatient based. We aimed to assess non-inferiority of outpatient care compared with inpatient care.


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Animal studies of excisional biopsies have shown less thermal damage when a carbon dioxide (CO(2)) laser (10.6 μm) is used in a char-free (CF) mode than in a continuous-wave (CW) mode. The authors' aim was to evaluate and compare clinical and histopathologic findings of excisional biopsies performed with CW and CF CO(2) laser (10.6 μm) modes.


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Ossifying fibromas are rare benign bone-related lesions of the jaw. Early diagnosis based on clinical, radiologic, and pathohistologic findings is essential, since undetected lesions may expand and cause considerable functional and cosmetic problems. The treatment of choice is purely surgical. Periodic clinical and radiologic follow-up should be scheduled, since recurrence is possible. The present article describes the diagnostic procedures, surgical management, and follow-up of an asymptomatic ossifying fibroma in the mandible of a 21-year-old man.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) have to be applied at high concentrations to stimulate bone healing. The limited therapeutic efficacy may be due to the local presence of BMP antagonists such as Noggin. Thus, inhibiting BMP antagonists is an attractive therapeutic option. We hypothesized that the engineered BMP2 variant L51P stimulates osteoinduction by antagonizing Noggin-mediated inhibition of BMP2. Primary murine osteoblasts (OB) were treated with L51P, BMP2, and Noggin. OB proliferation and differentiation were quantified with XTT and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) assays. BMP receptor dependent intracellular signaling in OB was evaluated with Smad and p38 MAPK phosphorylation assays. BMP2, Noggin, BMP receptor Ia/Ib/II, osteocalcin, and ALP mRNA expressions were analyzed with real-time PCR. L51P stimulated OB differentiation by blocking Noggin mediated inhibition of BMP2. L51P did not induce OB differentiation directly and did not activate BMP receptor dependent intracellular signaling via the Smad pathway. Treatment of OB cultures with BMP2 but not with L51P resulted in an increased expression of ALP, BMP2, and Noggin mRNA. By inhibiting the BMP antagonist Noggin, L51P enhances BMP2 activity and stimulates osteoinduction without exhibiting direct osteoinductive function. Indirect osteoinduction with L51P seems to be advantageous to osteoinduction with BMP2 as BMP2 stimulates the expression of Noggin thereby self-limiting its own osteoinductive activity. Treatment with L51P is the first protein-based approach available to augment BMP2 induced bone regeneration through inhibition of BMP antagonists. The described strategy may help to decrease the amounts of exogenous BMPs currently required to stimulate bone healing.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) have been used successfully by orthopedic clinicians to augment bone healing. However, these osteoinductive proteins must be applied at high concentrations to induce bone formation. The limited therapeutic efficacy may be due to the local expression of BMP antagonists such as Noggin that neutralize exogenous and endogenous BMPs. If so, inhibiting BMP antagonists may provide an attractive option to augment BMP induced bone formation. The engineered BMP-2 variant L51P is deficient in BMP receptor type I binding, but maintains its affinity for BMP receptor type II and BMP antagonists including Noggin, Chordin and Gremlin. This modification makes L51P a BMP receptor-inactive inhibitor of BMP antagonists. We implanted β-tricalcium phosphate ceramics loaded with BMP-2 and/or L51P into a critical size defect model in the rat femur to investigate whether the inhibition of BMP antagonist with L51P enhances the therapeutic efficacy of exogenous BMP-2. Our study reveals that L51P reduces the demand of exogenous BMP-2 to induce bone healing markedly, without promoting bone formation directly when applied alone.