927 resultados para Revista de Educação


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This study has the purpose to investigate the characteristics and the role of the athletics-related sports disciplines in four Physical Education undergraduate courses. In order to reach the goal, it was conducted as a qualitative-type research. Data was collected through documental analysis on disciplines briefings and programs, and also from classes observations and interviews with professors and students from the institutions (two State-boarded and two private) responsible for the courses. Through these analyses it was perceived that those disciplines have surpassed some characteristics of the traditional undergraduate program, which is based on sports. Regarding the role of the disciplines, it was noted that professors consider them as responsible for providing students with basic conditions, so they could benefit from sports as instrumental subjects for their professional intervention.


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Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.


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Study addresses the question of elements that constitute the habitus of professional teacher, and the construction of teacher identity the starting point. As a result it was concluded that the professional habitus consists of a grammar-generating practices, routines and schemes involving didactic actions, hexis body and posture.


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This article has as issue the Physical Education inserted in Humanity study area and more specifically considered as language. The aim of this article is to ponder over the Physical Education as a language like proposed in the 'Par metro Curriculares Mais', the following changes in theorical referencials and its implications in the way of observing bodies phenomenals. Thus so resorted to a bibliography belonging to Human Sciences. The conclusion is that the body movements and gestures has a significative symbolic dimension.


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Nowadays, textbook has been recognized, to a significant portion of education experts, as a relevant material to education process. In the field of Physical Education the textbook's production and study became practically neglectful. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of a basketball textbook, built specifically for this study, with five teachers of Physical Education. The methodology used was qualitative, the interview was a data collection instrument. The results pointed that teachers established a critical relationship against the textbook of basketball and they pointed advantages and disadvantages for its use in school context.


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physical education with a discipline or field has reached the status and scope in all spheres of contemporary culture. Not by chance that issues relating to body and human movement in recent years have been the focus of studies, especially understanding of the need to reflect on new concepts in physical education. Science in the traditional sense, as a method of analysis supports the idea of scientific rigor, but is fundamental reflection. This essay seeks the interface between science and philosophy, on which discussions can take other visibilities in physical education as an activity of the culture. With interdisciplinary approaches and thinking about body movement, focus on scientific concepts and philosophical traverse historically a possible way to rethink the design physical education.


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On Physical Education, little has been discussed about the function of textbook and its development into the school. So, the purpose of this study was to establish the biggest criticisms made about didactic books and reflect about the production of this materials for this discipline. It is discussed that the textbook, like one of the possible materials, can help the teachers at school practice, as it will be working as a reference to be transformed by teachers, according to the reality they are insert, and considering the students needs, in a new perspective of Physical education.


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A Educação Física deve propiciar ao aluno o exercício da cidadania, possibilitando a conquista da autonomia, por meio da reflexão-crítica sobre os conhecimentos da cultura corporal de movimento. Contudo, a área carece de subsídios para uma melhor organização de seus conteúdos dentro do currículo escolar. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo consiste em apontar um conjunto de temas relevantes do conteúdo futebol que possam servir de subsídios para propostas de sistematização para o componente curricular Educação Física escolar. São apresentados nove temas que discutem aspectos relevantes do futebol, tais como suas relações com a arte, sua história e o contexto do futebol feminino. Por fim, o tema relativo aos jogos da cultura popular relacionados ao futebol foi aprofundado por meio do futebol de tampinhas e do futebol de botão, incluindo aprendizagens como a construção de regras, a interpretação de competições e a valorização da cultura popular.


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O presente ensaio propõe algumas reflexões sobre como o livro didático se articula com a Educação Física, apontando algumas discussões sobre o processo de elaboração de um material de dança na perspectiva da Pluralidade Cultural voltado para o professor e para o aluno. O texto traz algumas sugestões de como construir um livro com este objetivo para a área, considerando o contexto deste componente curricular. E, finalmente problematiza algumas questões sobre a importância da autonomia do professor para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, bem como o uso que o mesmo pode fazer do livro didático.


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Neste artigo apresentamos resultados obtidos com parte das atividades de pesquisa desenvolvidas em estágio pós-doutoral sobre a pós-graduação stricto sensu e a pesquisa educacional no Brasil. Para tanto, foi possível reunir uma vasta quantidade de estudos publicados, sobretudo no formato de artigo, em periódicos considerados de relevância para a área da educação. Nesses artigos, a opção foi pinçarmos alguns aspectos que julgamos capazes de proporcionar uma leitura sobre a pós-graduação em educação no Brasil, à luz dos estudos realizados na área. em considerações finais, destacamos, entre outros identificados nos estudos selecionados, aspectos que lembram aos integrantes das comissões que normatizam e avaliam o trabalho e a produção acadêmico-científico nos programas de pós-graduação em educação no Brasil de que ela é parte integrante de um projeto educacional geral do país e que, portanto, possui papel sócio-educativo de formação do pesquisador, do professor do ensino superior e de produção de conhecimento capaz de propor novas perspectivas para a nossa universidade e para os problemas educacionais brasileiros.


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This qualitative study aimed to investigate the methodological perspective, the contents, possible outcomes and the role of Physical Education professionals in multidisciplinary staff of Recreation in hospitals. The study consisted of a survey applied to 20 adults of both sexes, volunteers, working in multidisciplinary team at a hospital in Leme, SP. Data were descriptively analyzed through content analysis technique, indicating that the time of engagement of that professional in that team was on average 12.8 months. Physical Education Professionals act mainly with joy faced the patients, making them well accepted. In relation to the contents used by these professionals, toys were the most mentioned, followed by books, puppets, role play and music. The team noticed some positive changes in patients after Physical Education Professional performances, and his engagement in the health team was considered very important, highlighting the urgency of new shares to enlarge this Professional participation in health multidisciplinary teams.


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The Gymnastics, in its extensive historical background, were part of the reasoning in the area now known as Physical Education. Deepening the knowledge from the historical Gymnastics during his education is extremely important for professional performance in Physical Education, as this knowledge can serve as a tool for the current configuration of the Gymnastics. Thus, this study presents a review of the literature that you want the frontline of the importance of historical knowledge Gymnastics during his education, is looking ahead to fetch reflect the current format of the same from an informed historically built as it is from the preservation of the knowledge that will be legitimized new avenues for the development of Gymnastics.


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O estudo aborda o tema Educação e Higienismo. O objetivo é analisar a relação entre educação e higienismo e sua materialização nos discursos de homens de ciência, veiculados em periódicos pedagógicos produzidos no Estado do Pará, Brasil, publicados entre os anos 1891- 1912, para entender o sentido epistêmico que assumiram no contexto da colonialidade latino-americana. Neste sentido, esta tese partiu da seguinte questão: no contexto da colonialidade latino-americana, que sentidos assumiram os discursos que relacionam educação e higienismo, produzidos por homens de ciência do Pará, entre os anos 1891-1912, materializados em periódicos educacionais? Para tanto, adotou-se a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Epistemologicamente, nos pautamos na Nova História Cultural e na Teoria Decolonial. As fontes exploradas são artigos sobre educação e higienismo publicados nos periódicos: “Revista Educação e Ensino”, “A Escola”, “Revista do Ensino”. Para sua análise foram articuladas ao corpus das fontes documentos oficias como: Legislação educacional (regimentos escolares, decretos e pareceres); Relatórios de órgãos governamentais responsáveis pela instrução e pela saúde no Brasil, particularmente no Pará. Os resultados revelam que ao tratar de educação em associação com o ideário médico-higienista, as publicações constantes nos periódicos produziram representações que negavam os saberes das populações originárias do continente e de outras consideradas inferiores, como negros e brancos empobrecidos. Nestas produções os alunos dessas populações são comparados à cera e às plantas por serem frágeis e influenciáveis pela ação de adultos considerados incivilizados. Desta forma, os discursos em defesa da higienização do espaço, do tempo e das atividades escolares indicados nos periódicos acabaram por tentar moldar corpos, corações e mentes de crianças e adolescentes num processo onde a colonialidade do poder se manifesta em seus âmbitos epistemológico (colonialidade do saber) e ontológico (colonialidade do ser). Portanto, a tese defendida neste estudo é que a racionalidade médico-higiênica materializada nos discursos de homens de ciência presentes nos periódicos pedagógicos produzidos no Estado do Pará, Brasil, publicados entre os anos 1891-1912 corroborou a Colonialidade que se instaurou na América Latina.


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This qualitative study aimed at analyzing the articles that deal with different approaches and methodological strategies linking the themes of adventure activities and environmental education in journals of Physical Education area. An exploratory research was conducted in journals with A concept in 2011 WebQualis CAPES platform. The results show that this relationship is few explored in the area and the studies emphasize only some aspects, requiring therefore new approaches.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)