36 resultados para Revisionism


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Terry Eagleton devoted considerable thought to the nature of postmodernism during the heyday of the postmodernist debate in the Eighties and Nineties, and always expressed strong reservations about it.1 It is worth noting that these reservations do not imply any hostility to formal experimentation, or to the registering of alienation in its postmodern form. Rather, he seeks to show how there might be a politically and morally engaged art which was very much of our time. His position is consistent with those he adopts in dealing with other subjects, and may be illuminated by reference to those works where he does so. Of all these other subjects, the most illuminating for understanding his work is that of Irish literature, for it was during this period that Eagleton became a major figure in Irish studies, and his thinking on postmodernist relativism was developed alongside his critique of revisionism in Irish historiography.


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Addressing the dynamics of interpersonal violence, institutionalised abuses and prisoner isolation, this article consolidates critical analyses as challenges to the essentially liberal constructions and interpretations of prisoner agency and penal reformism. Grounded in long-term research with women in prison in the North of Ireland, it connects embedded, punitive responses that undermine women prisoners’ self-esteem and mental health to the brutalising manifestations of formal and informal punishments, including lockdowns and isolation. It argues that critical social research into penal policy and prison regimes has a moral duty, an ethical obligation and a political responsibility to investigate abuses of power, seek out the ‘view from below’. Challenging the revisionism implicit within the ‘healthy prison’ discourse, it argues for alternatives to prison as the foundation of decarceration and abolition.


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In 1968, Herbert Marcuse believed that a Great Refusal was possible, one that would deny the exploitative power of corporate capitalism. Marcuse's vision was never realised. This essay argues that society today is in an advanced state of that which the Frankfurt School termed repressive desublimation and questions whether a liberationary praxis is still possible. It claims that Bret Easton Ellis's fiction choreographs an internalising of the forms of critique that marked 1968 and about which Marcuse writes. It is Ellis's act of double voicing that allows him to develop a duplicitous recalcitrant voice within the state of assimilation and it is double voicing which emerges as the key technique in Ellis's work that effects an ongoing critique in commodity society. Looking at Slavoj iek's recent revisionism of the notion of repressive desublimation, which connects Marxism and psychoanalysis, the essay considers how Ellis's novels, American Psycho, Glamorama and Lunar Park, function to address and reconfigure the relationship between the status of the Marxist fetishised object and the psychoanalytic phobic object in the present-day era of late capitalism. This essay seeks to illuminate how Ellis's fiction, through an involution of Marcuse's political theories, enacts a contemporary refusal from within the state of reification.


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La France est souvent perçue comme la principale garante du traité de Versailles. Le révisionnisme français envers l’ordre établi par le traité, contrairement au même courant chez les responsables allemands, est un sujet peu étudié. Il a été abordé par quelques auteurs, tels George-Henri Soutou et Stanislas Jeannesson, mais la question mérite davantage d’élaboration. Grâce à l’analyse de la presse française, ce mémoire vérifie l’existence d’une volonté de rendre le traité de paix plus favorable à la France. Une Machtpolitik ainsi qu’un révisionnisme français sont apparents de 1919 à 1923 avec, comme zénith, l’occupation de la Ruhr. Les années suivantes virent la situation de la France se détériorer sur les plans politique, économique et diplomatique. La dégradation de sa posture inclina la France à se tourner vers une conciliation qui émanait de l’esprit du traité de Versailles. La couverture de l’actualité internationale de trois journaux français (Le Temps, L’Action française et L’Humanité) avant et après l’invasion de la Ruhr est analysée. On constate l’existence d’un révisionnisme français qui mène, après son échec en 1924, à un recentrage de la politique allemande de la France. En liant la perception des différents journaux à leur idéologie, nous avons aussi expliqué les variations dans leurs analyses des mêmes événements. L’étude de la presse, conjuguée aux sources secondaires, révèle un discours teinté d’une volonté révisionniste. Elle porte à croire, aussi, que le traité de Versailles ne fut réellement défendu en France qu’après l’échec de la politique de puissance et du révisionnisme français.


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Partant des travaux séminaux de Boole, Frege et Russell, le mémoire cherche à clarifier l‟enjeu du pluralisme logique à l‟ère de la prolifération des logiques non-classiques et des développements en informatique théorique et en théorie des preuves. Deux chapitres plus « historiques » sont à l‟ordre du jour : (1) le premier chapitre articule l‟absolutisme de Frege et Russell en prenant soin de montrer comment il exclut la possibilité d‟envisager des structures et des logiques alternatives; (2) le quatrième chapitre expose le chemin qui mena Carnap à l‟adoption de la méthode syntaxique et du principe de tolérance, pour ensuite dégager l‟instrumentalisme carnapien en philosophie de la Logique et des mathématiques. Passant par l‟analyse d‟une interprétation intuitive de la logique linéaire, le deuxième chapitre se tourne ensuite vers l‟établissement d‟une forme logico-mathématique de pluralisme logique à l‟aide de la théorie des relations d‟ordre et la théorie des catégories. Le troisième chapitre délimite le terrain de jeu des positions entourant le débat entre monisme et pluralisme puis offre un argument contre la thèse qui veut que le conflit entre logiques rivales soit apparent, le tout grâce à l‟utilisation du point de vue des logiques sous-structurelles. Enfin, le cinquième chapitre démontre que chacune des trois grandes approches au concept de conséquence logique (modèle-théorétique, preuve-théorétique et dialogique) forme un cadre suffisamment général pour établir un pluralisme. Bref, le mémoire est une défense du pluralisme logique.


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This article explores aspects of the life and art of the Australian artist Arnold Shore, the subject of my recently published book Arnold Shore – Pioneer Modernist, Macmillan Art Publishing, 2009. The pantheon of Australian art history celebrates particular artists and their visual output. These designated artists become the celebrated and orthodox names, who are seen as defining specific cultural and historical moments. Arnold Shore is cursorily acknowledged in many Australian art history accounts, most often for his teaching at the modernist school he co-founded in 1932, The Bell – Shore School. Much about his art and life remains hidden with the National Gallery of Victoria owning thirteen of his works, none of which are on display. Whilst suggesting there are specific reasons for Shore`s place in art history not being fully acknowledged, the article further investigates why some artists are consigned to a peripheral role, only for their significance and importance to be re-discovered at a later date after historical revisionism. Why is this so? Who are the tastemakers and gatekeepers that actively suppress artists stories and their contributions from receiving wider currency? What factors potentially conspire to obscure or push aside one group to the detriment of others? These questions are increasingly prescient in the twenty-first century as globalisation and spectacle capitalism, compete with representative historical perspectives; issues raised in the latter part of the article.


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 This dissertation examined the history of museums in Mongolia and their fate in the post socialist period. The work ultimately identified that while museums have sought to contribute to historical revisionism, they have been heavily influenced by politics, international cultural diplomacy and by popular notions of national identity.


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Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity


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Pygmalion (1913), by George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), has many studies in literary criticism. However, this study brings a new interpretation to Shaw s play based on Harold Bloom s theory and methodology, that is, the anxiety of influence and the dialectic of revisionism. Through the analysis of poetic influence and the dialectic of love, we can see that Pygmalion represents an apophrades in relation to William Shakespeare s The Taming of the Shrew (1593) and Ovid s myth of Pygmalion and Galatea in Metamorphosis (c. 14), which creates a family romance between the three stories. Shaw s play surpasses The Taming of the Shrew when it shows the possibility of the relation between this parent poem and Ovid s myth, which it is also its parent poem, and because it represents a strong misreading of Shakespeare s play as well as of Ovid s myth.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La tesi qui presente è uno studio comparativo dei partiti socialisti italiano e spagnolo dal 1976 al 1986. Il soggetto di studio è la relazione tra i partiti socialisti e i sindacati. Durante questa decade, i partiti socialisti italiano e spagnolo vissero processi paralleli a livello nazionale e internazionale. Entrambi i partiti, per mano di Bettino Craxi e Felipe González, intrapresero un revisionismo ideologico per adattarsi alla situazione politica e sociale dell’epoca, al fine di divenire partiti di governo.


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En este trabajo se plantea, más allá de examinar las tesis principales del "revisionismo", la propia naturaleza del conocimiento histórico. ¿Son válidas todas las interpretaciones de un hecho histórico? ¿Se trata en tales casos de "otra lectura", de una "versión alternativa", es decir, de otra apreciación de los datos disponibles? ¿Cómo saber cuando hay mala interpretación deliberada o falsificación de la evidencia? ¿Puede detectarse si la argumentación tendenciosa es deshonesta? El "revisionismo histórico" se ha definido a sí mismo como una corriente historiográfica que ofrece otra versión de Hitler y su régimen. Cerca de una veintena de autores, desde los años cuarenta del siglo XX, se adscriben en esta tendencia, algunos de los cuales han desplegado una sostenida actividad y han logrado una llamativa repercusión en los medios de difusión. Este es el caso de David Irving. Autor de más de treinta libros, artículos, conferencias y discursos dedicados al III Reich, ha pasado largos años de su vida rastreando y estudiando archivos alemanes. Pero muy lejos de constituir un nuevo enfoque historiográfico del nazismo, el "revisionismo" de David Irving está imbuido de política e ideología y sus métodos de trabajo incluyen la adulteración y la distorsión intencional de la historia.


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El objetivo del presente artículo es pasar revista a las diversas interpretaciones sobre el significado histórico de la ganadería en la región Caribe colombiana. Para ello, se estudia el proceso intelectual y político que llevó a formar un cuerpo de opiniones llamado por Luís E. Nieto Arteta "antilatifundismo sociológico", como también los desafíos planteados a esta tradición por las recientes investigaciones sobre el tema. En el marco de esa discusión se proponen ciertos puntos de vistas en torno a las relaciones y los conflictos escenificados entre la expansión ganadera y ciertas formas de propiedad corporativa de la tierra, como eran los terrenos de los resguardos de los indígenas y los ejidos o tierras comunales de las poblaciones


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En este trabajo se enfoca críticamente la vinculación de los historiadores de la década del 30 con la educación patriótica promovida por los gobiernos conservadores. La memoria histórica fue considerada un asunto de Estado y se expresó en la creación de nuevas instituciones (asociaciones de historiadores, museos), erección de monumentos y la renovación de rituales acordes con la perspectiva nacionalista. Ricardo Levene fue una figura destacada de la divulgación de la historia oficial en los ámbitos educativos, no sin cuestionamientos por parte de las incipientes iniciativas revisionistas


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El objetivo del presente artículo es pasar revista a las diversas interpretaciones sobre el significado histórico de la ganadería en la región Caribe colombiana. Para ello, se estudia el proceso intelectual y político que llevó a formar un cuerpo de opiniones llamado por Luís E. Nieto Arteta "antilatifundismo sociológico", como también los desafíos planteados a esta tradición por las recientes investigaciones sobre el tema. En el marco de esa discusión se proponen ciertos puntos de vistas en torno a las relaciones y los conflictos escenificados entre la expansión ganadera y ciertas formas de propiedad corporativa de la tierra, como eran los terrenos de los resguardos de los indígenas y los ejidos o tierras comunales de las poblaciones