949 resultados para Ressources infirmières
In the framework of health services research sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation, a research was undertaken of the activity of the large majority of the public health nurses working in the Swiss cantons of Vaud and Fribourg (total population 700,000). During one week, 130 nurses gathered, with a specially devised instrument, data on 4165 patient visits. Studying the duration of the contacts, one has distinguished contact duration per se (DC), duration of the travel time preceding the contact (DD), and total duration in relation with the contact (DTC-addition of the first two). It was noted that the three durations increased significantly with patient age (as regard travel time, this is explained by the higher proportion of home visits in higher age groups, as compared with visits at a health center). Examined according to location of the visit, contact duration per se (without travel) is higher for visits at home and in nursing homes than for those taking place at a health center. Looked at in respect to the care given (technical care, or basic nursing care, or both simultaneously), our data show that the provision of basic nursing care (alone or with technical care) doubles contact duration (from 20 to 42-45'). The analyses according to patient age shows that, at an advanced age (beyond 80 years particularly), there is an important increase of the visits where both types of care are given. However, contact duration per se shows a significant raise with age only for the group "technical care only"; it can be demonstrated that this is due to the fact that older patients require more complex technical acts (e.g., bladder care, as compared with simpler acts such as injection). A model of the relationships between patient age and contact duration is proposed: it is because of the increase in the proportions of home visits, of visits including basic nursing care, and of more complex technical acts that older persons require more of the working time of public health nurses.
Deux ans après la création du poste d'infirmier au Service de Psychiatrie de Liaison du CHUV à Lausanne, nous proposons de faire le constat de nos réflexions issues de cette nouvelle pratique. Nous voulons, en portant un regard extérieur sur les équipes infirmières, définir notre implication au sujet des difficultés relationnelles qu'elles peuvent rencontrer auprès d'un malade. Nous constatons que ce vécu difficile peut être influencé par des facteurs de stress liés au contexte des soins somatiques aigus, ceux-ci se surajoutant à une problématique relationnelle ou psychiatrique. Nous postulons que la position double du rôle de l'infirmier psychiatrique de liaison, que nous définissons dans cet article, (infirmier tiers pour les équipes infirmières, et infirmier "spécialiste" pour le patient), permet d'offrir des espaces intermédiaires de réflexions quant à une recherche de compréhension d'une relation soignant / soigné et de proposer des outils spécifiques aux équipes infirmières.