870 resultados para Regulatory convergence
The 21" century business environment is dominated by unprecedented change across a broad spectrum of social, economic, technological and cultural factors (Nowotny, Scott & Gibbons 2001). Among these, two broad trends -economic globalisation and rising knowledge intensity (Hart 2006)have come to distinguish organisational life. Under the weight of these transformational influences, the developed world, it seems, has arrived at a transformational moment. The far-reaching effects of the global financial crisis and its shadowy twin: the threat of a double dip recession, continue to exert an unsteadying influence on global and corporate finances. Growth in developed economies has slumped, share prices have declined, the market value of corporations has slipped and unemployment rates, in the vast majority of developed economies, have risen. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth has retreated from the strong growth experienced in the late 1990s to negative growth in 2009 and a sluggish and unsteady recovery in 2010. In response, the reach of Government in terms of its participation in markets has been extended, bringing with it the need to transition to new governance and regulatory arrangements. Ongoing concerns regarding the pace and sustainability of the recovery remains a front-of-mind concern with bailouts, buybacks, borrowings and BP dominating news services: 'We are witnessing the reweaving of the social, political and economic fabric that binds our planet, with long-term consequences that are as or more profound than those of the industrial era' (Tapscott & Williams 2006, p. 59).
This paper considers issues of methodological innovation in communication, media and cultural studies, that arise out of the extent to which we now live in a media environment characterised by an digital media abundance, the convergence of media platforms, content and services, and the globalisation of media content through ubiquitous computing and high-speed broadband networks. These developments have also entailed a shift in the producer-consumer relationships that characterised the 20th century mass communications paradigm, with the rapid proliferation of user-created content, accelerated innovation, the growing empowerment of media users themselves, and the blurring of distinctions between public and private, as well as age-based distinctions in terms of what media can be accessed by whom and for what purpose. It considers these issues through a case study of the Australian Law Reform Commission's National Classification Scheme Review.
This paper considers the debate about the relationship between globalization and media policy from the perspective provided by a current review of the Australian media classification scheme. Drawing upon the author’s recent experience in being ‘inside’ the policy process, as Lead Commissioner on the Australian National Classification Scheme Review, it is argued that theories of globalization – including theories of neoliberal globalization – fail to adequately capture the complexities of the reform process, particularly around the relationship between regulation and markets. The paper considers the pressure points for media content policies arising from media globalization, and the wider questions surrounding media content policies in an age of media convergence.
This paper identifies two major forces driving change in media policy worldwide: media convergence, and renewed concerns about media ethics, with the latter seen in the U.K. Leveson Inquiry. It focuses on two major public inquiries in Australia during 2011-2012 – the Independent Media Inquiry (Finkelstein Review) and the Convergence Review – and the issues raised about future regulation of journalism and news standards. Drawing upon perspectives from media theory, it observes the strong influence of social responsibility theories of the media in the Finkelstein Review, and the adverse reaction these received from those arguing from Fourth Estate/free press perspectives, which were also consistent with the longstanding opposition of Australian newspaper proprietors to government regulation. It also discusses the approaches taken in the Convergence Review to regulating for news standards, in light of the complexities arising from media convergence. The paper concludes with consideration of the fast-changing environment in which such proposals to transform media regulation are being considered, including the crisis of news media organisation business models, as seen in Australia with major layoffs of journalists from the leading print media publications.
The convergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate governance (CG) has changed the corporate accountability mechanism. This has developed a socially responsible ‘corporate self-regulation’, a synthesis of governance and responsibility in the companies of strong economies. However, unlike in the strong economies, this convergence has not been visible in the companies of weak economies, where the civil society groups are unorganised, regulatory agencies are either ineffective or corrupt and the media and non-governmental organisations do not mirror the corporate conscience. Using the case of Bangladesh, this article investigates the convergence between CSR and CG in the self-regulation of companies in a less vigilant environment.
This paper addresses the question of how interim financial reporting regulation varies across the Asia-Pacific region. Using a content analysis method, the study investigates the relevant regulations in eight selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region which differ in a number of country-level attributes. We find that the regulations in the region show considerable variation in terms of the form of regulatory enforcement, reporting lag, audit requirements, and reporting form. By providing the first in-depth review of the nature of differences in interim financial reporting in key countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the findings of this study will be of interest to investors, regulators and researchers in their quest for international “convergence” in financial reporting practices.
The recent Australian Convergence Review’s second principle states: “Australians should have access to and opportunities for participation in a diverse mix of services, voices, views and information”. However, in failing to define its own use and understanding of the terms ‘access’ and ‘participation’ the Convergence Review exposes itself to criticism. These terms would no doubt be made unambiguously clear should the Review’s recommendations move towards policy, and this paper contributes to this discussion by framing access and participation, from the perspective of the ‘produser’ (Bruns, 2008), around three separate but related issues: the failure to frame the discussion that will be undertaken by the Australian Law Reform Commission’s 2012 2013 Copyright Inquiry; the prioritising of the market over and above media accountability and the health of the public sphere; and the missed opportunity to develop a national framework for digital literacy and advanced digital citizenry.
Developed countries, led by the EU and the US, have consistently called for ‘deeper integration’ over the course of the past three decades i.e., the convergence of ‘behind-the-border’ or domestic polices and rules such as services, competition, public procurement, intellectual property (“IP”) and so forth. Following the collapse of the Doha Development Round, the EU and the US have pursued this push for deeper integration by entering into deep and comprehensive free trade agreements (“DCFTAs”) that are comprehensive insofar as they are not limited to tariffs but extend to regulatory trade barriers. More recently, the EU and the US launched negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) and a Trade in Services Agreement (“TISA”), which put tackling barriers resulting from divergences in domestic regulation in the area of services at the very top of the agenda. Should these agreements come to pass, they may well set the template for the rules of international trade and define the core features of domestic services market regulation. This article examines the regulatory disciplines in the area of services included in existing EU and US DCFTAs from a comparative perspective in order to delineate possible similarities and divergences and assess the extent to which these DCFTAs can shed some light into the possible outcome and limitations of future trade negotiations in services. It also discusses the potential impact of such negotiations on developing countries and, more generally, on the multilateral process.
Dans le cadre d’une sociologie des organisations portant sur les liens entre organisations télévisuelles et environnement, la présente thèse a pour objectif de cerner les modalités du développement récent de la télévision au Québec en le comparant à celui de la Belgique francophone et de la Suisse. Une telle comparaison repose sur un principe méthodologique simple: on cerne d’autant mieux la réalité que l’on étudie si on peut la comparer à une réalité équivalente d’autres sociétés. En s’appuyant sur des théories de développement organisationnel reliées au courant néo-fonctionnaliste et en adaptant des « histoires de cas » d’études organisationnelles à la réalité télévisuelle des années 90 et 2000, le chercheur a mis au point une grille de classification des données permettant d’étudier les composantes du développement de la télévision dans trois « petites » sociétés industrialisées. Dans un premier temps, il a pu constater une augmentation très importante du nombre de chaînes de télévision par rapport à ce qu’il était dans les années 50 à 70, le tout encadré par les autorités réglementaires en place. Par la suite, dans chacune de ces trois sociétés et sur une période de vingt-cinq ans, il a pu préciser les interactions et échanges entre organisations télévisuelles et environnement lesquels ont été, selon les cas, harmonieux, difficiles, voire même conflictuels. Après avoir comparé les modalités d’une telle augmentation entre les trois sociétés, le chercheur a pu constater une convergence de surface. On note bien quelques similitudes entre les trois sociétés, mais, surtout, chacune d’entre elles est restée sur son quant-à-soi. En Suisse, l’importance accordée au consensus social a favorisé un développement équilibré de l’augmentation des chaines. En Belgique, pays aux divisions profondes constamment réaffirmées, les oppositions ont permis, malgré tout, l’édification d’un ensemble audiovisuel relativement stable. Au Québec, avec une augmentation exponentielle du nombre de chaines, on a assisté à un véritable surdéveloppement de la télévision encouragé et planifié par les autorités gouvernementales canadiennes en réaction à un supposé envahissement culturel américain. Le CRTC, la régie des ondes canadiennes, a pesé de tout son poids pour favoriser l’augmentation du contenu canadien et de la production locale. Par ailleurs, cette augmentation s’est faite avec des ressources limitées. On en fait trop avec trop peu. C’est ce qui permettrait d’expliquer la baisse de qualité de la télévision québécoise contemporaine. Comme élément de solution aux problèmes que la télévision québécoise connait présentement, il faudrait considérer cette dernière pour ce qu’elle est véritablement: une petite télévision dans un univers industriellement hautement développé. Si une telle conception est très bien acceptée aussi bien en Belgique qu’en Suisse, elle ne l’est pas au Québec
Identifying the genetic changes driving adaptive variation in natural populations is key to understanding the origins of biodiversity. The mosaic of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius butterflies makes an excellent system for exploring adaptive variation using next-generation sequencing. In this study, we use a combination of techniques to annotate the genomic interval modulating red color pattern variation, identify a narrow region responsible for adaptive divergence and convergence in Heliconius wing color patterns, and explore the evolutionary history of these adaptive alleles. We use whole genome resequencing from four hybrid zones between divergent color pattern races of Heliconius erato and two hybrid zones of the co-mimic Heliconius melpomene to examine genetic variation across 2.2 Mb of a partial reference sequence. In the intergenic region near optix, the gene previously shown to be responsible for the complex red pattern variation in Heliconius, population genetic analyses identify a shared 65-kb region of divergence that includes several sites perfectly associated with phenotype within each species. This region likely contains multiple cis-regulatory elements that control discrete expression domains of optix. The parallel signatures of genetic differentiation in H. erato and H. melpomene support a shared genetic architecture between the two distantly related co-mimics; however, phylogenetic analysis suggests mimetic patterns in each species evolved independently. Using a combination of next-generation sequencing analyses, we have refined our understanding of the genetic architecture of wing pattern variation in Heliconius and gained important insights into the evolution of novel adaptive phenotypes in natural populations.
The Nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB signalling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation and coordination of a wide range of cellular events such as cell growth, apoptosis and cell differentiation. Activation of the IKK (inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase) complex is a crucial step and a point of convergence of all known NF-kappaB signalling pathways. To analyse bovine IKKalpha (IKK1), IKKbeta (IKK2) and IKKgamma (or NF-kappaB Essential MOdulator, NEMO) and their substrate IkappaBalpha (Inhibitor of NF-kappaB), the corresponding cDNAs of these molecules were isolated, sequenced and characterized. A comparison of the amino acid sequences with those of their orthologues in other species showed a very high degree of identity, suggesting that the IKK complex and its substrate IkappaBalpha are evolutionarily highly conserved components of the NF-kappaB pathway. Bovine IKKalpha and IKKbeta are related protein kinases showing 50% identity which is especially prominent in the kinase and leucine zipper domains. Co-immunoprecipitation assays and GST-pull-down experiments were carried out to determine the composition of bovine IKK complexes compared to that in human Jurkat T cells. Using these approaches, the presence of bovine IKK complexes harbouring IKKalpha, IKKbeta, NEMO and the interaction of IKK with its substrate IkappaBalpha could be demonstrated. Parallel experiments using human Jurkat T cells confirmed the high degree of conservation also at the level of protein-protein interactions. Finally, a yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that bovine NEMO molecules, in addition to the binding to IKKalpha and IKKbeta, also strongly interact with each other.
The Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) which regulates broadcasting and on-demand audiovisual media services is at the nexus of current discussions about the convergence of media. The Green Paper of the Commission of April 2013 reflects the struggle of the European Union to come to terms with the phenomenon of convergence and highlights current legal uncertainties. The (theoretical) quest for an appropriate and future-oriented regulatory framework at the European level may be contrasted to the practice of national regulatory authorities. When faced with new media services and new business models, national regulators will inevitably have to make decisions and choices that take into account providers’ interests to offer their services as well as viewers’ interests to receive information. This balancing act performed by national regulators may tip towards the former or latter depending on the national legal framework; social, political and economic considerations; as well as cultural perceptions. This paper thus examines how certain rules contained in the AVMSD are applied by national regulators. It focuses first on the definition of an on-demand audiovisual media service and its scope. Second, it analyses the measures adopted with a view to protection minors in on-demand services and third discusses national approaches towards the promotion of European works in on-demand services. It aims at underlining the significance of national regulatory authorities and the guidelines these adopt to clarify the rules of a key EU Directive of the “media law acquis”.
There is growing worldwide concern about bias in the enforcement of competition law in favour of domestic firms. Even seemingly neutral antitrust laws can lead discrimination if they are enforced selectively. - Authors investigate the distortions that national competition authorities generate when they pursue non-competition goals in favour of domestic firms, and discuss ways to address this negative policy development in a globalised world. - The distortions identified in the paper would dissipate if governments agreed that the sole objective of competition law ought to be the protection of consumer welfare that competition-law institutions ought to be protected against capture. - A realistic and effective way to prompt international convergence towards independent enforcement of competition laws is through the inclusion of competition clauses in bilateral trade agreements and the development of dispute-resolution mechanisms.