998 resultados para Reed-Muller Code


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This paper presents an alternative Forward Error Correction scheme, based on Reed-Solomon codes, with the aim of protecting the transmission of RTP-multimedia streams: the inter-packet symbol approach. This scheme is based on an alternative bit structure that allocates each symbol of the Reed-Solomon code in several RTP-media packets. This characteristic permits to exploit better the recovery capability of Reed-Solomon codes against bursty packet losses. The performance of our approach has been studied in terms of encoding/decoding time versus recovery capability, and compared with other proposed schemes in the literature. The theoretical analysis has shown that our approach allows the use of a lower size of the Galois Fields compared to other solutions. This lower size results in a decrease of the required encoding/decoding time while keeping a comparable recovery capability. Finally, experimental results have been carried out to assess the performance of our approach compared to other schemes in a simulated environment, where models for wireless and wireline channels have been considered.


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A rectangular universal cellular array consisting of cells having three inputs and one output is described. This array is based on the Reed-Muller canonical expansion of a switching function. Although the total number of external input pins required in this array is the same as that of a rectangular array proposed in the literature, the number of cells is very much less.


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It is shown that at most, n + 3 tests are required to detect any single stuck-at fault in an AND gate or a single faulty EXCLUSIVE OR (EOR) gate in a Reed-Muller canonical form realization of a switching function.


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分析了RS(Reed-Solomon)纠错码和网格编码调制(Trellis Coded Modulation,TCM)技术在光脉冲位置调制通信中的应用.在此基础上,提出了以RS码作为外码,以网格编码调制技术作为内码,用于光脉冲位置调制通信的新编码方案,能以几乎不减少通信速率的优势,提高传统RS码系统在时变带限光信道中的通信性能.模拟研究了在不同空间光信道条件下,传统RS码的符号正确传输率和误码率,并对网格编码调制的编码增益、RS码与网格编码调制级联时的编码增益进行了仿真研究,证实了本方案的有效性.


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Mavron, Vassili; McDonough, T.P.; Key, J.D., (2006) 'Information sets and partial permutation decoding for codes from finite geometries', Finite Fields and their applications 12(2) pp.232-247 RAE2008


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The thesis focuses on efficient design methods and reconfiguration architectures suitable for higher performance wireless communication .The work presented in this thesis describes the development of compact,inexpensive and low power communication devices that are robust,testable and capable of handling multiple communication standards.A new multistandard Decimation Filter Design Toolbox is developed in MATLAB GUIDE environment.RNS based dual-mode decimation filters reconfigurable for WCDMA/WiMAX and WCDMA/WLANa standards are designed and implemented.It offers high speed operation with lesser area requirement and lower dynamic power dissipation.A novel sigma-delta based direct analog-to-residue converter that reduces the complexity of RNS conversion circuitry is presented.The performance of an OFDM communication system with a new RRNS-convolutional concatenated coding is analysed and improved BER performance is obtained under different channel conditions. Easily testable MAC units for filters are presented using Reed-Muller logic for realization.


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In this paper the construction of Reed-Solomon RS(255,239) codeword is described and the process of coding and decoding a message is simulated and verified. RS(255,239), or its shortened version RS(224,208) is used as a coding technique in Low-Power Single Carrier (LPSC) physical layer, as described in IEEE 802.11ad standard. The encoder takes 239 8-bit information symbols, adds 16 parity symbols and constructs 255-byte codeword to be transmitted through wireless communication channel. RS(255,239) codeword is defined over Galois Field GF and is used for correcting upto 8 symbol errors. RS(255,239) code construction is fully implemented and Simulink test project is constructed for testing and analyzing purposes.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any arbitrary of nodes. However regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to any arbitrary nodes and downloading an amount of data that is typically far less than the size of the data file. This amount of download is termed the repair bandwidth. Minimum storage regenerating (MSR) codes are a subclass of regenerating codes that require the least amount of network storage; every such code is a maximum distance separable (MDS) code. Further, when a replacement node stores data identical to that in the failed node, the repair is termed as exact. The four principal results of the paper are (a) the explicit construction of a class of MDS codes for d = n - 1 >= 2k - 1 termed the MISER code, that achieves the cut-set bound on the repair bandwidth for the exact repair of systematic nodes, (b) proof of the necessity of interference alignment in exact-repair MSR codes, (c) a proof showing the impossibility of constructing linear, exact-repair MSR codes for d < 2k - 3 in the absence of symbol extension, and (d) the construction, also explicit, of high-rate MSR codes for d = k+1. Interference alignment (IA) is a theme that runs throughout the paper: the MISER code is built on the principles of IA and IA is also a crucial component to the nonexistence proof for d < 2k - 3. To the best of our knowledge, the constructions presented in this paper are the first explicit constructions of regenerating codes that achieve the cut-set bound.


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Background Primary bacterial endosymbionts of insects (p-endosymbionts) are thought to be undergoing the process of Muller's ratchet where they accrue slightly deleterious mutations due to genetic drift in small populations with negligible recombination rates. If this process were to go unchecked over time, theory predicts mutational meltdown and eventual extinction. Although genome degradation is common among p-endosymbionts, we do not observe widespread p-endosymbiont extinction, suggesting that Muller's ratchet may be slowed or even stopped over time. For example, selection may act to slow the effects of Muller's ratchet by removing slightly deleterious mutations before they go to fixation thereby causing a decrease in nucleotide substitutions rates in older p-endosymbiont lineages. Methodology/Principal Findings To determine whether selection is slowing the effects of Muller's ratchet, we determined the age of the Candidatus Riesia/sucking louse assemblage and analyzed the nucleotide substitution rates of several p-endosymbiont lineages that differ in the length of time that they have been associated with their insect hosts. We find that Riesia is the youngest p-endosymbiont known to date, and has been associated with its louse hosts for only 13–25 My. Further, it is the fastest evolving p-endosymbiont with substitution rates of 19–34% per 50 My. When comparing Riesia to other insect p-endosymbionts, we find that nucleotide substitution rates decrease dramatically as the age of endosymbiosis increases. Conclusions/Significance A decrease in nucleotide substitution rates over time suggests that selection may be limiting the effects of Muller's ratchet by removing individuals with the highest mutational loads and decreasing the rate at which new mutations become fixed. This countering effect of selection could slow the overall rate of endosymbiont extinction.


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Li Yaofu; 2 ft. 9 47/64 in.x 1 ft. 1 5/16 in.; hanging scroll, ink on paper


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This article explains the relevance of the Code and its place in the regulatory framework, discusses some of the key issues arising in the recent review (as identified by consumer advocates1), and explains the relationship between the Code and the Financial Ombudsman Service.


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This report is the culmination of a two-stage research project to inform the Australian property and construction industry generally, in addition to providing the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) with information to allow it to determine whether or not sustainability requirements are necessary in the Future Building Code of Australia (BCA21). The Australian Building Codes Board is a joint initiative of all levels of government in Australia. The Board’s mission is to provide for efficiency and cost effectiveness in meeting community expectations for health, safety and amenity in the design, construction and use of buildings through the creation of nationally consistent building codes, standards, regulatory requirements and regulatory systems. The Stage 1 (literature review) and Stage 2 (workshops) reports are intended to be read in conjunction with one another. These reports and the Database are provided as appendices. The Conclusions of this, the final report, are the result of the overall program of work.


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