191 resultados para Realizations


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Integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as non-trivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, the model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. It is interesting to note that our model exhibits a free parameter in the bulk Hamiltonian but no free parameter exists on the boundaries. This is in sharp contrast to the impurity models arising from the supersymmetric t-J and extended Hubbard models where there is no free parameter in the bulk but there is a free parameter on each boundary.


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Integrable Kondo impurities in two cases of one-dimensional q-deformed t-J models are studied by means of the boundary Z(2)-graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as nontrivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, these models are solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.


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We consider a kinetic Ising model which represents a generic agent-based model for various types of socio-economic systems. We study the case of a finite (and not necessarily large) number of agents N as well as the asymptotic case when the number of agents tends to infinity. The main ingredient are individual decision thresholds which are either fixed over time (corresponding to quenched disorder in the Ising model, leading to nonlinear deterministic dynamics which are generically non-ergodic) or which may change randomly over time (corresponding to annealed disorder, leading to ergodic dynamics). We address the question how increasing the strength of annealed disorder relative to quenched disorder drives the system from non-ergodic behavior to ergodicity. Mathematically rigorous analysis provides an explicit and detailed picture for arbitrary realizations of the quenched initial thresholds, revealing an intriguing ""jumpy"" transition from non-ergodicity with many absorbing sets to ergodicity. For large N we find a critical strength of annealed randomness, above which the system becomes asymptotically ergodic. Our theoretical results suggests how to drive a system from an undesired socio-economic equilibrium (e. g. high level of corruption) to a desirable one (low level of corruption).


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Motivated by application of twisted current algebra in description of the entropy of Ads(3) black hole, we investigate the simplest twisted current algebra sl(3, c)(k)((2)). Free field representation of the twisted algebra, and the corresponding twisted Sugawara energy-momentum tensor are obtained by using three (beta, gamma) pairs and two scalar fields. Primary fields and two screening currents of the first kind are presented. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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A new parafermionic algebra associated with the homogeneous space A(2)((2))/U(1) and its corresponding Z-algebra have been recently proposed. In this paper, we give a free boson representation of the A(2)((2)) parafermion algebra in terms of seven free fields. Free field realizations of the parafermionic energy-momentum tensor and screening currents are also obtained. A new algebraic structure is discovered, which contains a W-algebra type primary field with spin two. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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This paper presents a new approach to the LU decomposition method for the simulation of stationary and ergodic random fields. The approach overcomes the size limitations of LU and is suitable for any size simulation. The proposed approach can facilitate fast updating of generated realizations with new data, when appropriate, without repeating the full simulation process. Based on a novel column partitioning of the L matrix, expressed in terms of successive conditional covariance matrices, the approach presented here demonstrates that LU simulation is equivalent to the successive solution of kriging residual estimates plus random terms. Consequently, it can be used for the LU decomposition of matrices of any size. The simulation approach is termed conditional simulation by successive residuals as at each step, a small set (group) of random variables is simulated with a LU decomposition of a matrix of updated conditional covariance of residuals. The simulated group is then used to estimate residuals without the need to solve large systems of equations.


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Regional commodity forecasts are being used increasingly in agricultural industries to enhance their risk management and decision-making processes. These commodity forecasts are probabilistic in nature and are often integrated with a seasonal climate forecast system. The climate forecast system is based on a subset of analogue years drawn from the full climatological distribution. In this study we sought to measure forecast quality for such an integrated system. We investigated the quality of a commodity (i.e. wheat and sugar) forecast based on a subset of analogue years in relation to a standard reference forecast based on the full climatological set. We derived three key dimensions of forecast quality for such probabilistic forecasts: reliability, distribution shift, and change in dispersion. A measure of reliability was required to ensure no bias in the forecast distribution. This was assessed via the slope of the reliability plot, which was derived from examination of probability levels of forecasts and associated frequencies of realizations. The other two dimensions related to changes in features of the forecast distribution relative to the reference distribution. The relationship of 13 published accuracy/skill measures to these dimensions of forecast quality was assessed using principal component analysis in case studies of commodity forecasting using seasonal climate forecasting for the wheat and sugar industries in Australia. There were two orthogonal dimensions of forecast quality: one associated with distribution shift relative to the reference distribution and the other associated with relative distribution dispersion. Although the conventional quality measures aligned with these dimensions, none measured both adequately. We conclude that a multi-dimensional approach to assessment of forecast quality is required and that simple measures of reliability, distribution shift, and change in dispersion provide a means for such assessment. The analysis presented was also relevant to measuring quality of probabilistic seasonal climate forecasting systems. The importance of retaining a focus on the probabilistic nature of the forecast and avoiding simplifying, but erroneous, distortions was discussed in relation to applying this new forecast quality assessment paradigm to seasonal climate forecasts. Copyright (K) 2003 Royal Meteorological Society.


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Agência Financiadora: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PEst-OE/FIS/UI0777/2013; CERN/FP/123580/2011; PTDC/FIS-NUC/0548/2012


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In an attempt at explaining the observed neutrino mass-squared differences and leptonic mixing, lepton mass matrices with zero textures have been widely studied. In the weak basis where the charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal, various neutrino mass matrices with two zeros have been shown to be consistent with the current experimental data. Using the canonical and Smith normal form methods, we construct the minimal Abelian symmetry realizations of these phenomenological two-zero neutrino textures. The implementation of these symmetries in the context of the seesaw mechanism for Majorana neutrino masses is also discussed. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This article investigates the limit cycle (LC) prediction of systems with backlash by means of the describing function (DF) when using discrete fractional-order (FO) algorithms. The DF is an approximate method that gives good estimates of LCs. The implementation of FO controllers requires the use of rational approximations, but such realizations produce distinct dynamic types of behavior. This study analyzes the accuracy in the prediction of LCs, namely their amplitude and frequency, when using several different algorithms. To illustrate this problem we use FO-PID algorithms in the control of systems with backlash.


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We consider a Stackelberg model with demand uncertainty, only for the first mover. We study the advantages of leadership and flexibility with the variation of the demand uncertainty. Liu proved for demand uncertainty parameter greater than three that the follower firm can have an advantage with respect to the leading firm for some realizations of the demand intercept. Here, we prove that for demand uncertainty parameter less than three the leading firm is always in advantage.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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Projeto de mestrado em Gestão de Unidades de Saúde


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There are two ways of creating incentives for interacting agents to behave in a desired way. One is by providing appropriate payoff incentives, which is the subject of mechanism design. The other is by choosing the information that agents observe, which we refer to as information design. We consider a model of symmetric information where a designer chooses and announces the information structure about a payoff relevant state. The interacting agents observe the signal realizations and take actions which affect the welfare of both the designer and the agents. We characterize the general finite approach to deriving the optimal information structure for the designer - the one that maximizes the designer's ex ante expected utility subject to agents playing a Bayes Nash equilibrium. We then apply the general approach to a symmetric two state, two agent, and two actions environment in a parameterized underlying game and fully characterize the optimal information structure: it is never strictly optimal for the designer to use conditionally independent private signals; the optimal information structure may be a public signal or may consist of correlated private signals. Finally, we examine how changes in the underlying game affect the designer's maximum payoff. This exercise provides a joint mechanism/information design perspective.