980 resultados para Project Analysis


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Cette thèse entend contribuer à la compréhension du processus de conception architecturale par le biais du concept de tectonique, notion dont l’historicité confirme une certaine diversité de significations, mais qui suscite une réflexion fondamentale sur le rapport entre l’esthétique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. La connaissance technique de la construction, constituée principalement au 18ème siècle, permettra une nouvelle réflexion sur le rapport entre l’esthétique architecturale et les moyens constructifs. Au 19ème siècle, moment de l’apparition du concept de « tectonique » dans le contexte du débat sur la notion de style, l’indéniable contribution de l’architecte et théoricien Gottfried Semper reconnaît la complexité matérielle de l’édifice. La reprise du terme au 20ème siècle par l’historien et théoricien Kenneth Frampton va quant à elle déplacer le sens de la tectonique vers l’idée d’un « potentiel d’expression constructive ». Ces deux auteurs représentent deux grandes approches tectoniques convergeant sur la nécessité, pour toute théorie de l’architecture, d’encourager une réflexion critique de la construction. Cette thèse se développe en deux parties, l’une retraçant l’histoire et les enjeux de la tectonique, l’autre, de nature plus concrète, cherchant à tester l’actualité du concept à travers une série d’analyses tectoniques de projets modernes et contemporains. À la croisée de deux contextes géographiques différents, le Canada et le Brésil, le corpus de projets de concours que nous avons constitué considère la tectonique comme un phénomène transculturel. Nous formulons l’hypothèse d’une « tectonique du projet », c’est-à-dire d’un espace théorique dans lequel les questions relatives au bâtiment s’élaborent dans des « tensions » dialectiques. L’actualité des catégories semperiennes, dans lesquelles les différents « éléments » du bâtiment représentent différentes techniques de construction, est revisitée à partir de l’étude des projets de Patkau Architects (1986) et de MMBB Arquitetos (1990). Une tension entre les expressions symbolique et formelle issues du matériau brut est plus explicite dans l’étude des projets de Ramoisy Tremblay architectes (2002) et de Brasil Arquitetura (2005). La théorie de la transformation de matériau (Stoffwechseltheorie) de Semper est réexaminée parallèlement dans les projets d’Arthur Erickson et Geoffrey Massey (1967) et de Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1969). Dans l’ensemble de tensions tectoniques présentes tout au long de la conception, nous avons retenu plus particulièrement : le contact avec le sol, la recherche d’une homogénéité constructive, ou son opposé, la recherche d’une variété matérielle et, finalement la tension entre la dimension représentationnelle et la dimension technique de l’architecture. La modélisation du concept de tectonique, par un ensemble de tensions auxquelles les concepteurs doivent s’adresser en phase de projet, confirme que des questions en apparence simplement « techniques » concernent en fait tout autant le génie de l’invention que la connaissance historique des idées architecturales.


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A practical teaching difficulty provided the opportunity to turn a problem into a useful case study with generic implications for the pedagogical effectiveness of simulation games in teaching entrepreneurship. Students playing the simulation game submitted written assessments that became the units of analysis for a single-case research project. Analysis produced a grounded theory consisting of four attribute categories and associated properties required of a simulation game to make it an effective teaching device in entrepreneurship contexts. The theory provides at the very least a useful checklist for teachers of entrepreneurship and, potentially, a basis for developing a quality standard for educational simulation games.


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As técnicas tradicionais de avaliação de rentabilidade apresentam características que resultam eficazes no que tange aos aspectos econômicos da análise de investimentos. No entanto, a validade das informações fornecidas por estes métodos depende dos dados incluídos na avaliação. Neste sentido, em função da complexidade e do inter-relacionamento existente nos processos produtivos de empresas, as alterações proporcionadas por um investimento podem ter impacto sobre áreas que não estão diretamente envolvidas com o projeto a ser implementado. Este fato dificulta a identificação e conseqüente inclusão da totalidade dos fatores que causam impacto na análise do projeto. Além disso, impactos relacionados a atividades indiretas não possuem uma metodologia que permita sua quantificação. Como forma de abordar o problema, este trabalho apresenta uma sistemática de avaliação de investimentos que, através de uma seqüência estruturada de passos e com a utilização das informações geradas por um sistema de custeio do tipo ABC (Activity-Based Costing), possibilita incluir na análise impactos indiretos gerados pelo projeto. A aplicação desta sistemática em um projeto de substituição de equipamento numa empresa do ramo industrial mostra que as informações geradas complementam aquelas obtidas quando da aplicação das técnicas tradicionais. Desta forma, foi possível avaliar o impacto econômico provocado por possíveis alterações nos setores não diretamente ligados ao projeto.


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O trabalho procura mapear e interpretar o processo de formação de caixa decompondo e analisando as atividades que contribuem para liberar ou retirar recursos do fluxo de caixa. Procura também avançar no problema da determinação do nível ótimo de liquidez que deve ser mantido pelas empresas.


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This research has as its object study focus bioclimatic in architecture and its conection with projects decisions, on what regards to environmental comfort for single-family dwelling. From the analysis of five architectural projects inserted in Natal/RN, warm-moist weather, this research gather informations regarding architectural features guided by shape and space arrengement, which embody important elements for the project design development. Computer simulations assisted as foundation to verify the efficiency grade for these projects strategies from shading analysis. Related strategies for the demands of natural ventilation circulation and thermal mass for refrigeration were analysed as well. Results show that there is an hierarchizing of priorities for the decisions made when it comes to shape and space disposition variables, as well as the way these variables will consider the bioclimatic demands. The analysis, even, show that there is no single way to respond to specific bioclimatic demands, as it points out the value of examination of the projectual solutions throughtout the conception process, in order to achieve an efficient project performance for the envimonment comfort


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This work regards to the structural conception as a formal element of design in wood architecture. On this approach, the group of projects studied is formed by some realized works of two important Brazilian architects: Severiano Porto and Marcos Acayaba. The time interval comprises the period from 1971 to 1997, which correspond respectively to the years of the creation of first and the last of the analyzed constructions. The research perspective concerns to the relationship between the parts, the whole and the building techniques adopted in each project. Moreover, the analysis focuses on the structure as the link among the different projectual ideas. Thus, the research method firstly includes a survey of specific bibliographies and documents which refer to the structural conception in wood architecture. Secondly,the buildings are analyzed according to the methods of architectural composition discussed through this work.


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Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater


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This essay studies the contribution of architect Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-), who played an important role in the consolidation of Modern Architecture in the Northeast of Brazil. The universe analyzed is constituted of 48 residential projects, houses and apartment buildings, both built and unbuilt, dating from 1953 to 1970. Considering an analogy between architecture and language, the selected projects were analyzed focusing in the process of creation


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Este artigo avalia as alternativas propostas para a região dos vales dos rios Tietê e Paraná, no estado de São Paulo. Os projetos formalmente elaborados para a região foram analisados através do método da estrutura lógica. Tal método consiste em representar um projeto na forma de uma matriz 4 × 4 cujos elementos permitem a análise do projeto em questão pela utilização de critérios relacionados ao método científico, à análise de sistemas e ao ponto de vista da gerência de programas. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram a inconsistência nos planos e projetos existentes para a região.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf) has included family farmers into the scope of public policies, by following the trends of policies from the 1990s to democratize access to financial resources. Sustainability has been put into the program. In this study, the overall purpose was analyze the objectives of Pronaf, in the context of economic development. We found out that Pronaf would not allow evaluating the relation among activities conducted and results obtained by the program. Thus, it would be inconsistent. Besides analyzing official documents, other specific objectives were to analyze the consistency of Pronaf and, in case of inconsistency, propose a logical framework matrix. No project was found, only the legislation. The analyse of the latter does not allow filling the matrix and this indicates an inconsistency. A full matrix was proposed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The finite element method is of great importance for the development and analysis of a new product being designed or already on the market, and that requires some specific request or special application. The tower crane, being an essential equipment for modern construction to increase productivity and safety on construction sites, is required for many types of special applications day after day, in many kinds of work. Paying attention to this growing need for handling special projects for the tower crane, faced with the importance and necessity of development and improvement of knowledge in more accurate and practical calculation methods such as the finite element method , for greater agility and precision in the response to a new project. The tower crane is defined by the maximum load moment that it can act with a certain amount of load. The tower crane which will be analyzed in this work , for example, is a tower crane with a resulting capacity of 85 Metric Tons which are considered basic dimensions data of a fisical tower crane of a crane company Liebherr in Guaratinguetá . Thus, the project analysis will begin with the threedimensional representation of the crane lines with AutoCAD software , conversion of this model to the format accepted ANSYS Workbench and completion of 3D modeling of structural components in Design module ANSYS software. After structural modeling is completed, the simulation is performed in static simulation of ANSYS Workbench software mode. The standards will be adopted to DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) and EN 14439 (Europäische Normung 14439) and some NR 's related to specific security class of tower cranes, which will be referred throughout the work


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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[ES] En los últimos años se ha puesto de manifiesto la creciente necesidad de evaluar la actividad científica en España, realizada a partir de medios transparentes y objetivos. La evaluación permite conocer mejor el sistema científico de los países y regiones, poniendo de relieve sus problemas y ventajas y permitiendo adoptar medidas que favorezcan su desarrollo. También los propios investigadores son los primeros interesados en la utilización de métodos científicos cuantitativos y cualitativos con el fin de evaluar su propia actividad, asumiendo de forma natural que su actividad profesional sea evaluada con objetividad, independencia y transparencia. El presente estudio expone los problemas y perspectivas del proyecto de investigación “Análisis y evolución de la producción científica del área de Artes y Humanidades en Canarias en el periodo 1989-2009”, financiado por el Gobierno de Canarias a través de la Agencia Canaria de la Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información, así como los resultados preliminares en varias áreas de conocimiento del campo de Arte y Humanidades en las dos universidades canarias.