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This paper investigates demodulation of differentially phase modulated signals DPMS using optimal HMM filters. The optimal HMM filter presented in the paper is computationally of order N3 per time instant, where N is the number of message symbols. Previously, optimal HMM filters have been of computational order N4 per time instant. Also, suboptimal HMM filters have be proposed of computation order N2 per time instant. The approach presented in this paper uses two coupled HMM filters and exploits knowledge of ...


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This thesis examined the extent to which individual differences, as conceptualised by the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, influenced young drivers' information processing and subsequent acceptance of anti-speeding messages. Using a multi-method approach, the findings highlighted the utility of combining objective measures (a cognitive response time task and electroencephalography) with self-report measures to assess message processing and message acceptance, respectively. This body of research indicated that responses to anti-speeding messages may differ depending on an individual's personality disposition. Overall, the research provided further insight into the development of message strategies to target high risk drivers.


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Studies of semantic context effects in spoken word production have typically distinguished between categorical (or taxonomic) and associative relations. However, associates tend to confound semantic features or morphological representations, such as whole-part relations and compounds (e.g., BOAT-anchor, BEE-hive). Using a picture-word interference paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we manipulated categorical (COW-rat) and thematic (COW-pasture) TARGET-distractor relations in a balanced design, finding interference and facilitation effects on naming latencies, respectively, as well as differential patterns of brain activation compared with an unrelated distractor condition. While both types of distractor relation activated the middle portion of the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG) consistent with retrieval of conceptual or lexical representations, categorical relations involved additional activation of posterior left MTG, consistent with retrieval of a lexical cohort. Thematic relations involved additional activation of the left angular gyrus. These results converge with recent lesion evidence implicating the left inferior parietal lobe in processing thematic relations and may indicate a potential role for this region during spoken word production.


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An overview of the synthesis of materials under microwave irradiation has been presented based on the work performed recently. A variety of reactions such as direct combination, carbothermal reduction, carbidation and nitridation have been described. Examples of microwave preparation of glasses are also presented. Great advantages of fast, clean and reduced reaction temperature of microwave methods are emphasized. The example of ZrO2-CeO2 ceramics has been used show the extraordinarily fast and effective sintering which occurs in microwave irradiation.


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Power dissipation maps have been generated in the temperature range of 900 degrees C to 1150 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3) to 10 s(-1) for a cast aluminide alloy Ti-24Al-20Nb using dynamic material model. The results define two distinct regimes of temperature and strain rate in which efficiency of power dissipation is maximum. The first region, centered around 975 degrees C/0.1 s(-1), is shown to correspond to dynamic recrystallization of the alpha(2) phase and the second, centered around 1150 degrees C/0.001 s(-1), corresponds to dynamic recovery and superplastic deformation of the beta phase. Thermal activation analysis using the power law creep equation yielded apparent activation energies of 854 and 627 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Reanalyzing the data by alternate methods yielded activation energies in the range of 170 to 220 kJ/mol and 220 to 270 kJ/mol for the first and second regimes, respectively. Cross slip was shown to constitute the activation barrier in both cases. Two distinct regimes of processing instability-one at high strain rates and the other at the low strain rates in the lower temperature regions-have been identified, within which shear bands are formed.


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A systematic study of Ar ion implantation in cupric oxide films has been reported. Oriented CuO films were deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique on (1 0 0) YSZ substrates. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra showed the highly oriented nature of the deposited CuO films. The films were subjected to ion bombardment for studies of damage formation, Implantations were carried out using 100 keV Arf over a dose range between 5 x 10(12) and 5 x 10(15) ions/cm(2). The as-deposited and ion beam processed samples were characterized by XRD technique and resistance versus temperature (R-T) measurements. The activation energies for electrical conduction were found from In [R] versus 1/T curves. Defects play an important role in the conduction mechanism in the implanted samples. The conductivity of the film increases, and the corresponding activation energy decreases with respect to the dose value.


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The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.


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Aseptic processing involves sterilising the product and package separately, and filling under sterile conditions. Advantages include better product quality compared with canned products, lower transport and storage costs compared with frozen products, and virtually no restriction on package size. Problems include ensuring adequate heat penetration into the particles to ensure sterility, preventing separation of particles from the carrier liquid, and retention of particle structure and shape. Particulate foods can be sterilised in scraped - surface heat exchangers. Other methods involve heating the particles separately, and combining them during filling. Projects will commence at the International Food Institute of Queensland (IFIQ) on aseptic packaging of a meat and vegetable product, and aseptically packaged mango pieces.


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Aseptic processing involves sterilising the product (most meat products being low-acid foods containing particulates) and package separately, and filling under sterile conditions. Advantages include better product quality compared with canned products, lower transport and storage costs compared with frozen products, and virtually no restriction on package size. Problems include ensuring adequate heat penetration into the particles to ensure sterility, preventing separation of particles from the carrier liquid, and retention of particle structure and shape. Particulate foods can be sterilised in scraped-surface heat exchangers. Other methods involve heating the particles separately, and combining them during filling. The effects of aseptic processing on meat product quality (colour, flavour, texture, and mutrition) are outlined in this paper.


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Comprehension of a complex acoustic signal - speech - is vital for human communication, with numerous brain processes required to convert the acoustics into an intelligible message. In four studies in the present thesis, cortical correlates for different stages of speech processing in a mature linguistic system of adults were investigated. In two further studies, developmental aspects of cortical specialisation and its plasticity in adults were examined. In the present studies, electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings of the mismatch negativity (MMN) response elicited by changes in repetitive unattended auditory events and the phonological mismatch negativity (PMN) response elicited by unexpected speech sounds in attended speech inputs served as the main indicators of cortical processes. Changes in speech sounds elicited the MMNm, the magnetic equivalent of the electric MMN, that differed in generator loci and strength from those elicited by comparable changes in non-speech sounds, suggesting intra- and interhemispheric specialisation in the processing of speech and non-speech sounds at an early automatic processing level. This neuronal specialisation for the mother tongue was also reflected in the more efficient formation of stimulus representations in auditory sensory memory for typical native-language speech sounds compared with those formed for unfamiliar, non-prototype speech sounds and simple tones. Further, adding a speech or non-speech sound context to syllable changes was found to modulate the MMNm strength differently in the left and right hemispheres. Following the acoustic-phonetic processing of speech input, phonological effort related to the selection of possible lexical (word) candidates was linked with distinct left-hemisphere neuronal populations. In summary, the results suggest functional specialisation in the neuronal substrates underlying different levels of speech processing. Subsequently, plasticity of the brain's mature linguistic system was investigated in adults, in whom representations for an aurally-mediated communication system, Morse code, were found to develop within the same hemisphere where representations for the native-language speech sounds were already located. Finally, recording and localization of the MMNm response to changes in speech sounds was successfully accomplished in newborn infants, encouraging future MEG investigations on, for example, the state of neuronal specialisation at birth.


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Autism and Asperger syndrome (AS) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by deficient social and communication skills, as well as restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour. The language development in individuals with autism is significantly delayed and deficient, whereas in individuals with AS, the structural aspects of language develop quite normally. Both groups, however, have semantic-pragmatic language deficits. The present thesis investigated auditory processing in individuals with autism and AS. In particular, the discrimination of and orienting to speech and non-speech sounds was studied, as well as the abstraction of invariant sound features from speech-sound input. Altogether five studies were conducted with auditory event-related brain potentials (ERP); two studies also included a behavioural sound-identification task. In three studies, the subjects were children with autism, in one study children with AS, and in one study adults with AS. In children with autism, even the early stages of sound encoding were deficient. In addition, these children had altered sound-discrimination processes characterised by enhanced spectral but deficient temporal discrimination. The enhanced pitch discrimination may partly explain the auditory hypersensitivity common in autism, and it may compromise the filtering of relevant auditory information from irrelevant information. Indeed, it was found that when sound discrimination required abstracting invariant features from varying input, children with autism maintained their superiority in pitch processing, but lost it in vowel processing. Finally, involuntary orienting to sound changes was deficient in children with autism in particular with respect to speech sounds. This finding is in agreement with previous studies on autism suggesting deficits in orienting to socially relevant stimuli. In contrast to children with autism, the early stages of sound encoding were fairly unimpaired in children with AS. However, sound discrimination and orienting were rather similarly altered in these children as in those with autism, suggesting correspondences in the auditory phenotype in these two disorders which belong to the same continuum. Unlike children with AS, adults with AS showed enhanced processing of duration changes, suggesting developmental changes in auditory processing in this disorder.


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Humans are a social species with the internal capability to process social information from other humans. To understand others behavior and to react accordingly, it is necessary to infer their internal states, emotions and aims, which are conveyed by subtle nonverbal bodily cues such as postures, gestures, and facial expressions. This thesis investigates the brain functions underlying the processing of such social information. Studies I and II of this thesis explore the neural basis of perceiving pain from another person s facial expressions by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). In Study I, observing another s facial expression of pain activated the affective pain system (previously associated with self-experienced pain) in accordance with the intensity of the observed expression. The strength of the response in anterior insula was also linked to the observer s empathic abilities. The cortical processing of facial pain expressions advanced from the visual to temporal-lobe areas at similar latencies (around 300 500 ms) to those previously shown for emotional expressions such as fear or disgust. Study III shows that perceiving a yawning face is associated with middle and posterior STS activity, and the contagiousness of a yawn correlates negatively with amygdalar activity. Study IV explored the brain correlates of interpreting social interaction between two members of the same species, in this case human and canine. Observing interaction engaged brain activity in very similar manner for both species. Moreover, the body and object sensitive brain areas of dog experts differentiated interaction from noninteraction in both humans and dogs whereas in the control subjects, similar differentiation occurred only for humans. Finally, Study V shows the engagement of the brain area associated with biological motion when exposed to the sounds produced by a single human being walking. However, more complex pattern of activation, with the walking sounds of several persons, suggests that as the social situation becomes more complex so does the brain response. Taken together, these studies demonstrate the roles of distinct cortical and subcortical brain regions in the perception and sharing of others internal states via facial and bodily gestures, and the connection of brain responses to behavioral attributes.


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In a musical context, the pitch of sounds is encoded according to domain-general principles not confined to music or even to audition overall but common to other perceptual and cognitive processes (such as multiple pattern encoding and feature integration), and to domain-specific and culture-specific properties related to a particular musical system only (such as the pitch steps of the Western tonal system). The studies included in this thesis shed light on the processing stages during which pitch encoding occurs on the basis of both domain-general and music-specific properties, and elucidate the putative brain mechanisms underlying pitch-related music perception. Study I showed, in subjects without formal musical education, that the pitch and timbre of multiple sounds are integrated as unified object representations in sensory memory before attentional intervention. Similarly, multiple pattern pitches are simultaneously maintained in non-musicians' sensory memory (Study II). These findings demonstrate the degree of sophistication of pitch processing at the sensory memory stage, requiring neither attention nor any special expertise of the subjects. Furthermore, music- and culture-specific properties, such as the pitch steps of the equal-tempered musical scale, are automatically discriminated in sensory memory even by subjects without formal musical education (Studies III and IV). The cognitive processing of pitch according to culture-specific musical-scale schemata hence occurs as early as at the sensory-memory stage of pitch analysis. Exposure and cortical plasticity seem to be involved in musical pitch encoding. For instance, after only one hour of laboratory training, the neural representations of pitch in the auditory cortex are altered (Study V). However, faulty brain mechanisms for attentive processing of fine-grained pitch steps lead to inborn deficits in music perception and recognition such as those encountered in congenital amusia (Study VI). These findings suggest that predispositions for exact pitch-step discrimination together with long-term exposure to music govern the acquisition of the automatized schematic knowledge of the music of a particular culture that even non-musicians possess.


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In the present work, effects of stimulus repetition and change in a continuous stimulus stream on the processing of somatosensory information in the human brain were studied. Human scalp-recorded somatosensory event-related potentials (ERPs) and magnetoencephalographic (MEG) responses rapidly diminished with stimulus repetition when mechanical or electric stimuli were applied to fingers. On the contrary, when the ERPs and multi-unit a ctivity (MUA) were directly recorded from the primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices in a monkey, there was no marked decrement in the somatosensory responses as a function of stimulus repetition. These results suggest that this rate effect is not due to the response diminution in the SI and SII cortices. Obviously the responses to the first stimulus after a long "silent" period are nhanced due to unspecific initial orientation, originating in more broadly distributed and/or deeper neural structures, perhaps in the prefrontal cortices. With fast repetition rates not only the late unspecific but also some early specific somatosensory ERPs were diminished in amplitude. The fast decrease of the ERPs as a function of stimulus repetition is mainly due to the disappearance of the orientation effect and with faster repetition rates additively due to stimulus specific refractoriness. A sudden infrequent change in the continuous stimulus stream also enhanced somatosensory MEG responses to electric stimuli applied to different fingers. These responses were quite similar to those elicited by the deviant stimuli alone when the frequent standard stimuli were omitted. This enhancement was obviously due to the release from refractoriness because the neural structures generating the responses to the infrequent deviants had more time to recover from the refractoriness than the respective structures for the standards. Infrequent deviant mechanical stimuli among frequent standard stimuli also enhanced somatosensory ERPs and, in addition, they elicited a new negative wave which did not occur in the deviants-alone condition. This extra negativity could be recorded to deviations in the stimulation site and in the frequency of the vibratory stimuli. This response is probably a somatosensory analogue of the auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) which has been suggested to reflect a neural mismatch process between the sensory input and the sensory memory trace.


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Al-5 wt pct Si alloy is processed by upset forging in the temperature range 300 K to 800 K and in the strain rate range 0.02 to 200 s−1. The hardness and tensile properties of the product have been studied. A “safe” window in the strain rate-temperature field has been identified for processing of this alloy to obtain maximum tensile ductility in the product. For the above strain rate range, the temperature range of processing is 550 K to 700 K for obtaining high ductility in the product. On the basis of microstructure and the ductility of the product, the temperature-strain rate regimes of damage due to cavity formation at particles and wedge cracking have been isolated for this alloy. The tensile fracture features recorded on the product specimens are in conformity with the above damage mechanisms. A high temperature treatment above ≈600 K followed by fairly fast cooling gives solid solution strengthening in the alloy at room temperature.