954 resultados para Processing image


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In this thesis, different techniques for image analysis of high density microarrays have been investigated. Most of the existing image analysis techniques require prior knowledge of image specific parameters and direct user intervention for microarray image quantification. The objective of this research work was to develop of a fully automated image analysis method capable of accurately quantifying the intensity information from high density microarrays images. The method should be robust against noise and contaminations that commonly occur in different stages of microarray development.


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Super Resolution problem is an inverse problem and refers to the process of producing a High resolution (HR) image, making use of one or more Low Resolution (LR) observations. It includes up sampling the image, thereby, increasing the maximum spatial frequency and removing degradations that arise during the image capture namely aliasing and blurring. The work presented in this thesis is based on learning based single image super-resolution. In learning based super-resolution algorithms, a training set or database of available HR images are used to construct the HR image of an image captured using a LR camera. In the training set, images are stored as patches or coefficients of feature representations like wavelet transform, DCT, etc. Single frame image super-resolution can be used in applications where database of HR images are available. The advantage of this method is that by skilfully creating a database of suitable training images, one can improve the quality of the super-resolved image. A new super resolution method based on wavelet transform is developed and it is better than conventional wavelet transform based methods and standard interpolation methods. Super-resolution techniques based on skewed anisotropic transform called directionlet transform are developed to convert a low resolution image which is of small size into a high resolution image of large size. Super-resolution algorithm not only increases the size, but also reduces the degradations occurred during the process of capturing image. This method outperforms the standard interpolation methods and the wavelet methods, both visually and in terms of SNR values. Artifacts like aliasing and ringing effects are also eliminated in this method. The super-resolution methods are implemented using, both critically sampled and over sampled directionlets. The conventional directionlet transform is computationally complex. Hence lifting scheme is used for implementation of directionlets. The new single image super-resolution method based on lifting scheme reduces computational complexity and thereby reduces computation time. The quality of the super resolved image depends on the type of wavelet basis used. A study is conducted to find the effect of different wavelets on the single image super-resolution method. Finally this new method implemented on grey images is extended to colour images and noisy images


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We outline a method for registration of images of cross sections using the concepts of The Generalized Hough Transform (GHT). The approach may be useful in situations where automation should be a concern. To overcome known problems of noise of traditional GHT we have implemented a slight modified version of the basic algorithm. The modification consists of eliminating points of no interest in the process before the application of the accumulation step of the algorithm. This procedure minimizes the amount of accumulation points while reducing the probability of appearing of spurious peaks. Also, we apply image warping techniques to interpolate images among cross sections. This is needed where the distance of samples between sections is too large. Then it is suggested that the step of registration with GHT can help the interpolation automation by simplifying the correspondence between points of images. Some results are shown.


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This project aims to apply image processing techniques in computer vision featuring an omnidirectional vision system to agricultural mobile robots (AMR) used for trajectory navigation problems, as well as localization matters. To carry through this task, computational methods based on the JSEG algorithm were used to provide the classification and the characterization of such problems, together with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for pattern recognition. Therefore, it was possible to run simulations and carry out analyses of the performance of JSEG image segmentation technique through Matlab/Octave platforms, along with the application of customized Back-propagation algorithm and statistical methods in a Simulink environment. Having the aforementioned procedures been done, it was practicable to classify and also characterize the HSV space color segments, not to mention allow the recognition of patterns in which reasonably accurate results were obtained.


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La segmentación de imágenes es un campo importante de la visión computacional y una de las áreas de investigación más activas, con aplicaciones en comprensión de imágenes, detección de objetos, reconocimiento facial, vigilancia de vídeo o procesamiento de imagen médica. La segmentación de imágenes es un problema difícil en general, pero especialmente en entornos científicos y biomédicos, donde las técnicas de adquisición imagen proporcionan imágenes ruidosas. Además, en muchos de estos casos se necesita una precisión casi perfecta. En esta tesis, revisamos y comparamos primero algunas de las técnicas ampliamente usadas para la segmentación de imágenes médicas. Estas técnicas usan clasificadores a nivel de pixel e introducen regularización sobre pares de píxeles que es normalmente insuficiente. Estudiamos las dificultades que presentan para capturar la información de alto nivel sobre los objetos a segmentar. Esta deficiencia da lugar a detecciones erróneas, bordes irregulares, configuraciones con topología errónea y formas inválidas. Para solucionar estos problemas, proponemos un nuevo método de regularización de alto nivel que aprende información topológica y de forma a partir de los datos de entrenamiento de una forma no paramétrica usando potenciales de orden superior. Los potenciales de orden superior se están popularizando en visión por computador, pero la representación exacta de un potencial de orden superior definido sobre muchas variables es computacionalmente inviable. Usamos una representación compacta de los potenciales basada en un conjunto finito de patrones aprendidos de los datos de entrenamiento que, a su vez, depende de las observaciones. Gracias a esta representación, los potenciales de orden superior pueden ser convertidos a potenciales de orden 2 con algunas variables auxiliares añadidas. Experimentos con imágenes reales y sintéticas confirman que nuestro modelo soluciona los errores de aproximaciones más débiles. Incluso con una regularización de alto nivel, una precisión exacta es inalcanzable, y se requeire de edición manual de los resultados de la segmentación automática. La edición manual es tediosa y pesada, y cualquier herramienta de ayuda es muy apreciada. Estas herramientas necesitan ser precisas, pero también lo suficientemente rápidas para ser usadas de forma interactiva. Los contornos activos son una buena solución: son buenos para detecciones precisas de fronteras y, en lugar de buscar una solución global, proporcionan un ajuste fino a resultados que ya existían previamente. Sin embargo, requieren una representación implícita que les permita trabajar con cambios topológicos del contorno, y esto da lugar a ecuaciones en derivadas parciales (EDP) que son costosas de resolver computacionalmente y pueden presentar problemas de estabilidad numérica. Presentamos una aproximación morfológica a la evolución de contornos basada en un nuevo operador morfológico de curvatura que es válido para superficies de cualquier dimensión. Aproximamos la solución numérica de la EDP de la evolución de contorno mediante la aplicación sucesiva de un conjunto de operadores morfológicos aplicados sobre una función de conjuntos de nivel. Estos operadores son muy rápidos, no sufren de problemas de estabilidad numérica y no degradan la función de los conjuntos de nivel, de modo que no hay necesidad de reinicializarlo. Además, su implementación es mucho más sencilla que la de las EDP, ya que no requieren usar sofisticados algoritmos numéricos. Desde un punto de vista teórico, profundizamos en las conexiones entre operadores morfológicos y diferenciales, e introducimos nuevos resultados en este área. Validamos nuestra aproximación proporcionando una implementación morfológica de los contornos geodésicos activos, los contornos activos sin bordes, y los turbopíxeles. En los experimentos realizados, las implementaciones morfológicas convergen a soluciones equivalentes a aquéllas logradas mediante soluciones numéricas tradicionales, pero con ganancias significativas en simplicidad, velocidad y estabilidad. ABSTRACT Image segmentation is an important field in computer vision and one of its most active research areas, with applications in image understanding, object detection, face recognition, video surveillance or medical image processing. Image segmentation is a challenging problem in general, but especially in the biological and medical image fields, where the imaging techniques usually produce cluttered and noisy images and near-perfect accuracy is required in many cases. In this thesis we first review and compare some standard techniques widely used for medical image segmentation. These techniques use pixel-wise classifiers and introduce weak pairwise regularization which is insufficient in many cases. We study their difficulties to capture high-level structural information about the objects to segment. This deficiency leads to many erroneous detections, ragged boundaries, incorrect topological configurations and wrong shapes. To deal with these problems, we propose a new regularization method that learns shape and topological information from training data in a nonparametric way using high-order potentials. High-order potentials are becoming increasingly popular in computer vision. However, the exact representation of a general higher order potential defined over many variables is computationally infeasible. We use a compact representation of the potentials based on a finite set of patterns learned fromtraining data that, in turn, depends on the observations. Thanks to this representation, high-order potentials can be converted into pairwise potentials with some added auxiliary variables and minimized with tree-reweighted message passing (TRW) and belief propagation (BP) techniques. Both synthetic and real experiments confirm that our model fixes the errors of weaker approaches. Even with high-level regularization, perfect accuracy is still unattainable, and human editing of the segmentation results is necessary. The manual edition is tedious and cumbersome, and tools that assist the user are greatly appreciated. These tools need to be precise, but also fast enough to be used in real-time. Active contours are a good solution: they are good for precise boundary detection and, instead of finding a global solution, they provide a fine tuning to previously existing results. However, they require an implicit representation to deal with topological changes of the contour, and this leads to PDEs that are computationally costly to solve and may present numerical stability issues. We present a morphological approach to contour evolution based on a new curvature morphological operator valid for surfaces of any dimension. We approximate the numerical solution of the contour evolution PDE by the successive application of a set of morphological operators defined on a binary level-set. These operators are very fast, do not suffer numerical stability issues, and do not degrade the level set function, so there is no need to reinitialize it. Moreover, their implementation is much easier than their PDE counterpart, since they do not require the use of sophisticated numerical algorithms. From a theoretical point of view, we delve into the connections between differential andmorphological operators, and introduce novel results in this area. We validate the approach providing amorphological implementation of the geodesic active contours, the active contours without borders, and turbopixels. In the experiments conducted, the morphological implementations converge to solutions equivalent to those achieved by traditional numerical solutions, but with significant gains in simplicity, speed, and stability.


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Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the utility of remote sensing for mapping and monitoring environmental health indicators. The objective of this work was to evaluate IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery for mapping riparian vegetation health indicators in tropical savannas for a section of Keelbottom Creek, Queensland, Australia. Vegetation indices and image texture from IKONOS data were used for estimating percentage canopy cover (r2=0.86). Pan-sharpened IKONOS data were used to map riparian species composition (overall accuracy=55%) and riparian zone width (accuracy within 4 m). Tree crowns could not be automatically delineated due to the lack of contrast between canopies and adjacent grass cover. The ETM+ imagery was suited for mapping the extent of riparian zones. Results presented demonstrate the capabilities of high and moderate spatial resolution imagery for mapping properties of riparian zones, which may be used as riparian environmental health indicators


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The activities of the Institute of Information Technologies in the area of automatic text processing are outlined. Major problems related to different steps of processing are pointed out together with the shortcomings of the existing solutions.


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Digital Image Processing is a rapidly evolving eld with growing applications in Science and Engineering. It involves changing the nature of an image in order to either improve its pictorial information for human interpretation or render it more suitable for autonomous machine perception. One of the major areas of image processing for human vision applications is image enhancement. The principal goal of image enhancement is to improve visual quality of an image, typically by taking advantage of the response of human visual system. Image enhancement methods are carried out usually in the pixel domain. Transform domain methods can often provide another way to interpret and understand image contents. A suitable transform, thus selected, should have less computational complexity. Sequency ordered arrangement of unique MRT (Mapped Real Transform) coe cients can give rise to an integer-to-integer transform, named Sequency based unique MRT (SMRT), suitable for image processing applications. The development of the SMRT from UMRT (Unique MRT), forward & inverse SMRT algorithms and the basis functions are introduced. A few properties of the SMRT are explored and its scope in lossless text compression is presented.


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Hybrid face recognition, using image (2D) and structural (3D) information, has explored the fusion of Nearest Neighbour classifiers. This paper examines the effectiveness of feature modelling for each individual modality, 2D and 3D. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the fusion of feature modelling techniques for the 2D and 3D modalities yields performance improvements over the individual classifiers. By fusing the feature modelling classifiers for each modality with equal weights the average Equal Error Rate improves from 12.60% for the 2D classifier and 12.10% for the 3D classifier to 7.38% for the Hybrid 2D+3D clasiffier.


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Searching for humans lost in vast stretches of ocean has always been a difficult task. This paper investigates a machine vision system that addresses this problem by exploiting the useful properties of alternate colour spaces. In particular, the paper investigates the fusion of colour information from the HSV, RGB, YCbCr and YIQ colour spaces within the emission matrix of a Hidden Markov Model tracker to enhance video based maritime target detection. The system has shown promising results. The paper also identifies challenges still needing to be met.


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Image annotation is a significant step towards semantic based image retrieval. Ontology is a popular approach for semantic representation and has been intensively studied for multimedia analysis. However, relations among concepts are seldom used to extract higher-level semantics. Moreover, the ontology inference is often crisp. This paper aims to enable sophisticated semantic querying of images, and thus contributes to 1) an ontology framework to contain both visual and contextual knowledge, and 2) a probabilistic inference approach to reason the high-level concepts based on different sources of information. The experiment on a natural scene database from LabelMe database shows encouraging results.


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Semi-automatic segmentation of still images has vast and varied practical applications. Recently, an approach "GrabCut" has managed to successfully build upon earlier approaches based on colour and gradient information in order to address the problem of efficient extraction of a foreground object in a complex environment. In this paper, we extend the GrabCut algorithm further by applying an unsupervised algorithm for modelling the Gaussian Mixtures that are used to define the foreground and background in the segmentation algorithm. We show examples where the optimisation of the GrabCut framework leads to further improvements in performance.


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Investigates the use of temporal lip information, in conjunction with speech information, for robust, text-dependent speaker identification. We propose that significant speaker-dependent information can be obtained from moving lips, enabling speaker recognition systems to be highly robust in the presence of noise. The fusion structure for the audio and visual information is based around the use of multi-stream hidden Markov models (MSHMM), with audio and visual features forming two independent data streams. Recent work with multi-modal MSHMMs has been performed successfully for the task of speech recognition. The use of temporal lip information for speaker identification has been performed previously (T.J. Wark et al., 1998), however this has been restricted to output fusion via single-stream HMMs. We present an extension to this previous work, and show that a MSHMM is a valid structure for multi-modal speaker identification


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The rank transform is one non-parametric transform which has been applied to the stereo matching problem The advantages of this transform include its invariance to radio metric distortion and its amenability to hardware implementation. This paper describes the derivation of the rank constraint for matching using the rank transform Previous work has shown that this constraint was capable of resolving ambiguous matches thereby improving match reliability A new matching algorithm incorporating this constraint was also proposed. This paper extends on this previous work by proposing a matching algorithm which uses a dimensional match surface in which the match score is computed for every possible template and match window combination. The principal advantage of this algorithm is that the use of the match surface enforces the left�right consistency and uniqueness constraints thus improving the algorithms ability to remove invalid matches Experimental results for a number of test stereo pairs show that the new algorithm is capable of identifying and removing a large number of in incorrect matches particularly in the case of occlusions