983 resultados para Private Vehicle Transportation.


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O automóvel tem sido nas últimas décadas o principal meio de transporte para a realização de deslocações diárias. Este é um panorama tanto a nível Nacional como Europeu e deve-se ao crescimento económico e aos investimentos centrados em infraestruturas rodoviárias. A organização das atividades e o planeamento nos meios urbanos está, muitas vezes, projetada em função do automóvel e pouco preparado para outras formas de mobilidade, nomeadamente para peões e ciclistas. Existe uma necessidade de mudança deste panorama e a necessidade de uma sociedade que privilegie os modos de transporte suave. No entanto, surge a necessidade de garantir a segurança dos utentes mais vulneráveis da via pública. Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem como principal objetivo analisar de que forma a sinistralidade viária para peões e ciclistas tem evoluído nas freguesias abrangidas pela atividade da Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) de Aveiro e quais as principais dificuldades que estes enfrentam nas suas deslocações diárias. Para alcançar este objetivo foram analisados dados de sinistralidade viária fornecidos pela PSP do comando distrital de Aveiro que envolviam a interação de veículos motorizados e utentes vulneráveis da via pública (peões ou ciclistas). Numa segunda fase foi elaborado um inquérito, com o objetivo de perceber as principais dificuldades encontradas pelos utentes da Universidade que privilegiam os modos de deslocação suave nas suas viagens diárias. Este estudo revelou que para a área em estudo, no concelho de Aveiro, o número de acidentes que envolvem a interação de veículos motorizados com utentes vulneráveis da via pública aumentou 5% de 2012 a 2013 e 4% de 2013 a 2014. Os utentes com idades superiores a 55 anos revelaram-se os mais vulneráveis, não só em termos de número de ocorrências mas também na gravidade de lesões, representando 50% de mortes e feridos graves, Em termos de atropelamento de peões existe uma forte tendência para peões do sexo feminino (73%), em oposição ao perfil do condutor atropelante onde 69% são do sexo masculino Em relação a acidentes envolvendo ciclistas, 68% dos lesados são do sexo masculino. Uma possível explicação poderá consistir numa maior utilização de bicicletas por parte dos mesmos, como foi comprovado na amostra recolhida no inquérito, mas não existem mais estatísticas em Aveiro sobre a distribuição por género dos utilizadores de bicicleta. Do inquérito efetuado conclui-se que os principais problemas encontrados pelos utentes inquiridos são, à semelhança de peões e ciclistas, a falta de sensibilização dos automobilistas e as condições meteorológicas. Em terceiro lugar encontra-se, para os peões, o aumento do risco de atos de vandalismo e assaltos e, para os ciclistas, a falta de vias dedicadas. Por outro lado, as principais motivações são, tanto para peões como para ciclistas, o custo reduzido ou nulo e a facilidade de locomoção.


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Según la teoría económica el mecanismo de precios es una herramienta adecuada para solucionar el problema de congestión vehicular. El objetivo de este artículo es diagnosticar el grado de congestión vehicular de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia) y proponer alternativas que den solución a dicho problema desde la óptica de la teoría económica. A diferencia de otros estudios, esta investigación analizó la relación entre el gasto de las familias en transporte y la elección de transporte (público o privado) a través la metodología de elasticidades. Se encontró evidencia a favor de la hipótesis de los precios como mecanismos para desincentivar el uso del automóvil privado, pues a medida que aumenta el nivel de gasto en transporte (asociado a un supuesto peaje urbano), la probabilidad de usar transporte privado disminuye, mientras que la probabilidad de utilizar transporte público aumenta.


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In many major cities, fixed route transit systems such as bus and rail serve millions of trips per day. These systems have people collect at common locations (the station or stop), and board at common times (for example according to a predetermined schedule or headway). By using common service locations and times, these modes can consolidate many trips that have similar origins and destinations or overlapping routes. However, the routes are not sensitive to changing travel patterns, and have no way of identifying which trips are going unserved, or are poorly served, by the existing routes. On the opposite end of the spectrum, personal modes of transportation, such as a private vehicle or taxi, offer service to and from the exact origin and destination of a rider, at close to exactly the time they desire to travel. Despite the apparent increased convenience to users, the presence of a large number of small vehicles results in a disorganized, and potentially congested road network during high demand periods. The focus of the research presented in this paper is to develop a system that possesses both the on-demand nature of a personal mode, with the efficiency of shared modes. In this system, users submit their request for travel, but are asked to make small compromises in their origin and destination location by walking to a nearby meeting point, as well as slightly modifying their time of travel, in order to accommodate other passengers. Because the origin and destination location of the request can be adjusted, this is a more general case of the Dial-a-Ride problem with time windows. The solution methodology uses a graph clustering algorithm coupled with a greedy insertion technique. A case study is presented using actual requests for taxi trips in Washington DC, and shows a significant decrease in the number of vehicles required to serve the demand.


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China is one of Asia’s many rapidly-motorising nations and recent increases in private-vehicle ownership have been coupled with an escalation in novice drivers. Several pieces of road safety legislation have been introduced in recent decades in China. While managing the legal aspects of road use is important, social influences on driver behaviour may offer alternative avenues to alter behaviour, particularly in a culture where such factors carry high importance. This paper reports qualitative research with Beijing drivers to investigate social influence factors that have, to date, received little attention in the literature. Findings indicated that family members, friends, and driving instructors appear influential on driver behaviour and that some newly licensed drivers seek additional assistance to facilitate the transition from learning to drive in a controlled environment to driving on the road in complex conditions. Strategies to avoid detection and penalties for inappropriate road use were described, many of which involved the use of a third person. These findings indicate potential barriers to implementing effective traffic enforcement and highlight the importance of understanding culturally-specific social factors relating to driver behaviour.


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A multimodal trip planner that produces optimal journeys involving both public transport and private vehicle legs has to solve a number of shortest path problems, both on the road network and the public transport network. The algorithms that are used to solve these shortest path problems have been researched since the late 1950s. However, in order to provide accurate journey plans that can be trusted by the user, the variability of travel times caused by traffic congestion must be taken into consideration. This requires the use of more sophisticated time-dependent shortest path algorithms, which have only been researched in depth over the last two decades, from the mid-1990s. This paper will review and compare nine algorithms that have been proposed in the literature, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm on the basis of five important criteria that must be considered when choosing one or more of them to implement in a multimodal trip planner.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Este trabalho objetiva analisar os posicionamentos da grande imprensa diária paulista os jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo no tocante à disputa pela transformação da Agenda política e econômica no Brasil entre 1986 e 1989. Neste período, os fracassos dos Planos de estabilização econômica, a elaboração da nova Constituição (com implicações na relação entre Estado e mercado) e a campanha presidencial foram alvos de um intenso embate político/ideológico, no contexto de profundas mudanças internacionais, relacionadas sobretudo ao ocaso do socialismo e à hegemonia da visão neoliberal. A imprensa, em razão de sua capacidade de espraiar idéias, atua como aparelho privado de hegemonia através da formulação de imagens e da utilização da retórica, o que a torna um ator político privilegiado, pois, além do mais, formula e retransmite conteúdos fortemente ideológicos.


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El área urbana localizada en el contorno de la ría de Vigo se vino comportando hasta finales de los años ochenta del siglo XX como una verdadera "ciudad difusa", entendida la difusión como la forma de urbanización de baja densidad que todavía conserva unas características y una funcionalidad propiamente urbanas, aportadas por la malla tradicional parroquial de caminos y núcleos de población. Esta Tesis demuestra que en el período de veinte años transcurrido entre 1990 y 2010, el área, en la que ya se apreciaban fenómenos de naturaleza metropolitana y policentrismo, experimentó una transformación basada en los factores y formas de urbanización estudiados en otras áreas y ciudades intermedias de similares dimensiones. Para la delimitación del ámbito de estudio se consideraron las diferentes dimensiones y escalas de áreas funcionales utilizadas en distintos estudios y planes territoriales, eligiéndose el que toma como referente principal la Ría de Vigo como soporte de la conurbación polinuclear de su contorno. Para investigar el desarrollo urbanístico operado en el período se estudiaron los factores y formas de urbanización característicos de la urbanización en territorios de baja densidad en esta época, y las variables de densidad es de población y vivienda, primacía y polaridad territorial, ritmos de edificación, planeamiento urbanístico y territorial, actividades económicas, movilidad, desplazamientos residenciatrabajo y vacíos urbanos. Las conclusiones permiten observar como el crecimiento residencial descentralizado, que se ha dado principalmente en el litoral, y la localización periférica de las actividades y dotaciones públicas han introducido elementos de dispersión y fragmentación espacial y social, así como las nuevas y potentes infraestructuras viarias, que han mejorado los desplazamientos a costa de una dependencia abusiva del vehículo privado, y han comenzado a amenazar la sostenibilidad del sistema. La planificación de ordenación territorial a escala metropolitana y el planeamiento urbanístico, que se comenzaron a utilizar con normalidad en esta época, se vislumbran como una oportunidad para reconducir el proceso, integrando los territorios genéricos surgidos entre las nuevas infraestructuras y dotaciones y la malla tradicional, así como los vacíos urbanos susceptibles de compactación, protegiendo aquellos otros vacíos que deben constituir la principal reserva ecológica: Los montes en mano común y la Ría de Vigo. La necesidad de una planificación operativa, sostenible y participativa, que integre la ordenación territorial, la gestión integral de los recursos de la Ría, y articule las diferentes competencias y escalas, la gobernanza , la participación ciudadana y el mercado, se considera la principal conclusión para el futuro. ABSTRACT The urban area located around the Ría de Vigo* used to behave like a “diffused city” until the late 1980s, understanding this difussion as the low-density urbanization that still today exhibits ‘urban’ characteristics and functionality, given by the traditional network of parish paths and town cores. This Thesis shows that during the twenty-year period from 1990 to 2010, this area, which previously showed signals of polycentrism and metropolitan character, started a transformation based on the factors and ways of urbanization studied in other areas and intermediate cities of similar dimensions. In order to demarcate the scope of this study, different dimensions and functional area scales previously used in other studies have been taken into account, choosing the one that takes the Ría de Vigo as the main reference and the basis of the polynuclear conurbation of its surroundings. To research the urban development in this period, factors and ways of urbanization regarding lowdensity territories have been considered, as well as some variables like density of population and housing, territorial primacy and polarity, building rates, territorial planning, economic activities, mobility, home-to-work trips and urban holes. Conclusions allow us to point out how the decentralised residential growing (that occurred mainly on the litoral surface) and the periferic localization of the activities and public facilities, have created elements of “sprawl” and spacial and social fragmentation, which, together with the new and powerfull road infraestructures network (that made the movements easier by means of an abusive dependence on the private vehicle), have started to threaten the sustainability of the system. The planification of the territorial ordinance at metropolitan scale and the urban planning, that in that time started to be established, can be considered as an opportunity to get things back on track, integrating the territories risen up from the new infrastructures and facilities and the traditional network together with the urban holes liable to be compacted, with a special protection of the spaces that must be the main ecological reserve: the communal forests and the Ría de Vigo. The need of a sustainable and participatory operative planification, able to integrate the territory planning, the integral management of resources and the citizen involvement and the market, has to be considered as the main goal for the future.


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La ubicación marginal y el aislamiento de los Parques Urbanos implican infrautilización y deterioro de los mismos. Su interconexión mediante una red verde peatonal con limitaciones al tráfico rodado, supone una puesta en valor de todo el sistema de espacios libres y zonas verdes de la ciudad y un importante incentivo para desviar determinados flujos rodados a otras vías cercanas, rescatando así, espacios urbanos a favor del peatón. Esta conexión ayuda a minimizar la fragmentación del espacio urbano, generando nexos de unión, que articulan y estructuran la ciudad. En esta investigación se describe una metodología para localizar y seleccionar conectores entre distintos Parques Urbanos, evaluando su funcionalidad, seguridad, confort y atractivo. Como caso de estudio, se proponen las conexiones entre los Parques Públicos de una entidad determinada, situados en la ciudad de Madrid. Esta metodología es elástica, universal, y dada su sencillez, aplicable por personas no especializadas; estas características la hacen especialmente valiosa, para apoyar la toma de decisiones en los instrumentos de Ordenación del Territorio y en el desarrollo de Planes Específicos encaminados a la mejora de la calidad ambiental y al aumento de la potencialidad peatonal de la ciudad. ABSTRACT The marginal location and the solitary distribution of City Parks are factors that expose these “City Lungs” to be underused and damaged. The City Parks chained by a green pedestrian web with a minimized relevance for engine vehicles, generates an important enhancement for open spaces and green areas of the City, and a crucial incentive for altering the course of vehicle transportation from particular areas to proximate avenues and arteries, resulting in urban spaces being exclusively for pedestrians. This network helps to minimize the fragmentation of the urban space generating nodes of connection that provide a structure to the city. In this investigation a procedure is described for the purpose of identifying and prioritizing green connectors amongst the City Parks, evaluating the functionality, security, comfort, and attractions. For this research paper, it is proposed to establish a green web, which links up the main City Parks of Madrid. This methodology is elastic, universal, and due to its simplicity, can be applicable for non-specialized people of the field: these features make this urban concept a very estimable and valued idea that can be taken into consideration for future urban planning and for the development of specific plans with the object of improving the quality of the environment and lead to an increase of the pedestrian potential within the city.


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In his essay - Toward a Better Understanding of the Evolution of Hotel Development: A Discussion of Product-Specific Lodging Demand - by John A. Carnella, Consultant, Laventhol & Horwath, cpas, New York, Carnella initially describes his piece by stating: “The diversified hotel product in the united states lodging market has Resulted in latent room-night demand, or supply-driven demand resulting from the introduction of a lodging product which caters to a specific set of hotel patrons. The subject has become significant as the lodging market has moved toward segmentation with regard to guest room offerings. The author proposes that latent demand is a tangible, measurable phenomenon best understood in light of the history of the guest room product from its infancy to its present state.” The article opens with an ephemeral depiction of hotel development in the United States, both pre’ and post World War II. To put it succinctly, the author wants you to know that the advent of the inter-state highway system changed the complexion of the hotel industry in the U.S. “Two essential ingredients were necessary for the next phase of hotel development in this country. First was the establishment of the magnificently intricate infrastructure which facilitated motor vehicle transportation in and around the then 48 states of the nation,” says Carnella. “The second event…was the introduction of affordable highway travel. Carnella goes on to say that the next – big thing – in hotel evolution was the introduction of affordable air travel. “With the airways filled with potential lodging guests, developers moved next to erect a new genre of hotel, the airport hotel,” Carnella advances his picture. Growth progressed with the arrival of the suburban hotel concept, which wasn’t fueled by developments in transportation, but by changes in people’s living habits, i.e. suburban affiliations as opposed to urban and city population aggregates. The author explores the distinctions between full-service and limited service lodging operations. “The market of interest with consideration to the extended-stay facility is one dominated by corporate office parks,” Carnella proceeds. These evolutional states speak to latent demand, and even further to segmentation of the market. “Latent demand… is a product-generated phenomenon in which the number of potential hotel guests increases as the direct result of the introduction of a new lodging facility,” Carnella brings his unique insight to the table with regard to the specialization process. The demand is already there; just waiting to be tapped. In closing, “…there must be a consideration of the unique attributes of a lodging facility relative to its ability to attract guests to a subject market, just as there must be an examination of the property's ability to draw guests from within the subject market,” Carnella proposes.


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Abstract Purpose – To study the possibility of using a NIR hardware solution to photograph individuals in a private vehicle as well as an analysis of its images. Method – A study of existing theories around the NIR-method’s performance in selected conditions and individual tests were performed to examine if the literature statements were valid for this study. Two empirical tests have been carried out, the first was carried out at Kapsch test track and the other outside the test track in a single stationary test. An interview which formed the basis for the assessment on the quality of empirical data with a focus on computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. Findings – The results have demonstrated the potential of the NIR method’s performance in a fully automated detection system for the number of individuals inside the vehicle. Empirical data indicates that the method can depict individuals inside vehicles of sufficiently high quality, but it is greatly affected by reflections, weather and light conditions. Implications – Result supports the assumption that the NIR method using an external light source can be used to image the interior through a varying number of weather and lightning conditions. The study originated until the results suggested that a NIR-based hardware setup can create images with high enough quality for the human eye to be able to detect the number of individuals inside the vehicle.If the overall performance into account, it suggests that the main problem with the use of the hardware set is to maintain the quality of the whole sample and that the crucial variables for the method’s performance is the influence of light and reflection conditions. Limitations – The major limitations have been that we limited ourselves to a subjective analysis of the selection and assessment on the image features for computer-based detection of the number of individuals in the vehicle. We were limited to two tests, one in tough conditions where only the driver was in the vehicle and the second stationary test, where the focus was on the number of people in vehicles and light sources impact on the result.


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Objective: To define characteristics of vehicle crashes occurring on rural private property in north Queensland with an exploration of associated risk factors. Design: Descriptive analysis of private property crash data collected by the Rural and Remote Road Safety Study. Setting: Rural and remote north Queensland. Participants: A total of 305 vehicle controllers aged 16 years or over hospitalised at Atherton, Cairns, Mount Isa or Townsville for at least 24 hours as a result of a vehicle crash. Main outcome measure: A structured questionnaire completed by participants covering crash details, lifestyle and demographic characteristics, driving history, medical history, alcohol and drug use and attitudes to road use. Results: Overall, 27.9% of interviewees crashed on private property, with the highest proportion of private road crashes occurring in the North West Statistical Division (45%). Risk factors shown to be associated with private property crashes included male sex, riding off-road motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, first-time driving at that site, lack of licence for vehicle type, recreational use and not wearing a helmet or seatbelt. Conclusions: Considerable trauma results from vehicle crashes on rural private property. These crashes are not included in most crash data sets, which are limited to public road crashes. Legislation and regulations applicable to private property vehicle use are largely focused on workplace health and safety, yet work-related crashes represent a minority of private property crashes in north Queensland.


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Locomotion and autonomy in humanoid robots is of utmost importance in integrating them into social and community service type roles. However, the limited range and speed of these robots severely limits their ability to be deployed in situations where fast response is necessary. While the ability for a humanoid to drive a vehicle would aide in increasing their overall mobility, the ability to mount and dismount a vehicle designed for human occupants is a non-trivial problem. To address this issue, this paper presents an innovative approach to enabling a humanoid robot to mount and dismount a vehicle by proposing a simple mounting bracket involving no moving parts. In conjunction with a purpose built robotic vehicle, the mounting bracket successfully allowed a humanoid Nao robot to mount, dismount and drive the vehicle.


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Map-matching algorithms that utilise road segment connectivity along with other data (i.e.position, speed and heading) in the process of map-matching are normally suitable for high frequency (1 Hz or higher) positioning data from GPS. While applying such map-matching algorithms to low frequency data (such as data from a fleet of private cars, buses or light duty vehicles or smartphones), the performance of these algorithms reduces to in the region of 70% in terms of correct link identification, especially in urban and sub-urban road networks. This level of performance may be insufficient for some real-time Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications and services such as estimating link travel time and speed from low frequency GPS data. Therefore, this paper develops a new weight-based shortest path and vehicle trajectory aided map-matching (stMM) algorithm that enhances the map-matching of low frequency positioning data on a road map. The well-known A* search algorithm is employed to derive the shortest path between two points while taking into account both link connectivity and turn restrictions at junctions. In the developed stMM algorithm, two additional weights related to the shortest path and vehicle trajectory are considered: one shortest path-based weight is related to the distance along the shortest path and the distance along the vehicle trajectory, while the other is associated with the heading difference of the vehicle trajectory. The developed stMM algorithm is tested using a series of real-world datasets of varying frequencies (i.e. 1 s, 5 s, 30 s, 60 s sampling intervals). A high-accuracy integrated navigation system (a high-grade inertial navigation system and a carrier-phase GPS receiver) is used to measure the accuracy of the developed algorithm. The results suggest that the algorithm identifies 98.9% of the links correctly for every 30 s GPS data. Omitting the information from the shortest path and vehicle trajectory, the accuracy of the algorithm reduces to about 73% in terms of correct link identification. The algorithm can process on average 50 positioning fixes per second making it suitable for real-time ITS applications and services.


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18 p.