999 resultados para Populus tremula x tremuloides
A rapidly growing area of genome research is the generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in which large numbers of randomly selected cDNA clones are partially sequenced. The collection of ESTs reflects the level and complexity of gene expression in the sampled tissue. To date, the majority of plant ESTs are from nonwoody plants such as Arabidopsis, Brassica, maize, and rice. Here, we present a large-scale production of ESTs from the wood-forming tissues of two poplars, Populus tremula L. × tremuloides Michx. and Populus trichocarpa ‘Trichobel.’ The 5,692 ESTs analyzed represented a total of 3,719 unique transcripts for the two cDNA libraries. Putative functions could be assigned to 2,245 of these transcripts that corresponded to 820 protein functions. Of specific interest to forest biotechnology are the 4% of ESTs involved in various processes of cell wall formation, such as lignin and cellulose synthesis, 5% similar to developmental regulators and members of known signal transduction pathways, and 2% involved in hormone biosynthesis. An additional 12% of the ESTs showed no significant similarity to any other DNA or protein sequences in existing databases. The absence of these sequences from public databases may indicate a specific role for these proteins in wood formation. The cDNA libraries and the accompanying database are valuable resources for forest research directed toward understanding the genetic control of wood formation and future endeavors to modify wood and fiber properties for industrial use.
Shrubs and trees are expected to expand in the sub-Arctic due to global warming. Our study was conducted in Abisko, sub-arctic Sweden. We recorded the change in coverage of shrub and tree species over a 32- to 34-year period, in three 50 x 50 m plots; in the alpine-tree-line ecotone. The cover of shrubs and trees (<3.5 cm diameter at breast height) were estimated during 2009-2010 and compared with historical documentation from 1976 to 1977. Similarly, all tree stems (>=3.5 cm) were noted and positions determined. There has been a substantial increase of cover of shrubs and trees, particularly dwarf birch (Betula nana), and mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii), and an establishment of aspen (Populus tremula). The other species willows (Salix spp.), juniper (Juniperus communis), and rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) revealed inconsistent changes among the plots. Although this study was unable to identify the causes for the change in shrubs and small trees, they are consistent with anticipated changes due to climate change and reduced herbivory.
Pollen and macrofossil analysis of lake sediments revealed the complete development of vegetation from Riss late-glacial to early Würm glacial times at Samerberg (12°12' E, 47°45' N, 600 m a.s.l) on the northern border of the Alps. The pollen bearing sediments overlie three stratigraphic units, at the base a ground-moraine, then a 13 m thick layer of pollen free silt and clay, and then a younger moraine; all the sediments including the pollen bearing sediments, lie below the Würm moraine. The lake, which had developed in an older glacial basin, became extinct, when the ice of the river Inn glacier filled its basin during Würm full-glacial time at the latest. One interglacial, three interstadials, and the interdigitating treeless periods were identified at Samerberg. Whereas the cold periods cannot be distinguished from one another pollenanalytically, the interglacial and the two older interstadials have distinctive characteristics. A shrub phase with Juniperus initiated reforestation and was followed by a pine phase during the interglacial and each of the three interstadials. The further development of the interglacial vegetation proceeded with a phase when deciduous trees (mainly Quercus, oak) and hazel (Corylus) dominated, though spruce (Picea) was present at the same time in the area. A phase with abundant yew (Taxus) led to an apparently long lasting period with dominant spruce and fir (Abies) accompanied by some hornbeam (Carpinus). The vegetational development shows the main characteristics of the Riss/Würm interglacial, though certain differences in the vegetational development in the northern alpine foreland are obvious. These differences may result from the existence of an altitudinal zonation of the vegetation in the vicinity of the site and are the expression of its position at the border of the Alps. A greater age (e.g. the Holsteinian) can be excluded by reason of the vegetational development, and is also not indicated at first sight from the geological and stratigraphical data of the site. Characteristic of the Riss/Würm vegetational development in southern Germany - at least in the region between Lake Starnberg/Samerberg/Salzach - is the conspicuous yew phase. According to absolute pollen counts, yew not only displaced the deciduous species, but also displaced spruce preferentially, thus indicating climatic conditions less favourable for spruce, caused by mild winters (Ilex spreading!) and by short-term low precipitation, indicated by the reduced sedimentation rate. The oldest interstadials is bipartite, as due to the climatic deterioration the early vegetational development, culminating in a spruce phase, had been interrupted by another expansion of pine. A younger spruce-dominated period with fir and perhaps also with hornbeam and beech (Fagus) followed. An identical climatic development has been reported from other European sites with long pollen sequences (see chapter 6.7). However, different tree species are found in the same time intervals in Middle Europe during Early Würm times. Sediments of the last interglacial (Eem or Riss/Würm) have been found in all cases below the sediments of the bipartite interstadial, and in addition one more interstadial occurs in the overlying sediments. This proves that Eem and Riss/Würm of the north-european plain resp. of the alpine foreland are contemporaneous interglacials although this has been questioned by some authors. The climax vegetation of the second interstadial was a spruce forest without fir and without more demanding deciduous tree species. The vegetational development of the third interstadial is recorded fragmentary only. But it has been established that a spruce forest was present. The oldest interstadial must correspond to the danish Brørup interstadial as it is expressed in northern Germany, the second one to the Odderade interstadial. A third Early Würm interstadial, preserved fragmentarily at Samerberg, is known from other sites. The dutch Amersfoort interstadial most likely is the equivalent to the older part of the bipartite danish Brørup interstadial.
Les distributions spatiales des racines fines de Quercus rubra L. (CHR), Populus deltoides x nigra (DN3570) (PEH) et d’une culture fourragère (FOUR) ont été étudiées dans un système agroforestier de culture intercalaire (SCI) du sud du Québec (Canada). L’étude ne révèle pas d’enracinement plus profond des arbres en SCI, mais des profils superficiels à l’instar de nombreuses espèces d’arbres en plantations ou en milieu naturel. Une séparation spatiale existe entre les systèmes racinaires du FOUR et des CHR dont la densité relative selon la profondeur est plus faible que celle de la culture de 0 à 10 cm, mais plus élevée de 10 à 30 cm. Les PEH ne présentent pas d’adaptation racinaire et les hautes valeurs de densités de longueur racinaires (FRLD) de surface près du tronc entraînent une diminution de 45 % de la densité racinaire de surface du fourrage, suggérant une forte compétition pour les ressources du sol. L’étude du rendement agricole a d’ailleurs révélé des réductions de biomasse fourragère particulièrement près des PEH. Cependant, les résultats d’une analyse à composantes principales suggèrent un impact secondaire de la compétition racinaire sur le rendement agricole, et une plus grande importance de la compétition pour la lumière. L’impact des PEH à croissance rapide sur la culture est plus grand que celui du CHR. Cependant, ils seront récoltés plus rapidement et l’espace libéré favorisera la croissance de la culture intercalaire. Cet aspect dynamique des SCI les rapproche des écosystèmes naturels et devrait être réfléchi et approfondi pour leur succès futur.
The mechanism of active stress generation in tension wood is still not fully understood. To characterize the functional interdependency between the G-layer and the secondary cell wall, nanostructural characterization and mechanical tests were performed on native tension wood tissues of poplar (Populus nigra x Populus deltoids) and on tissues in which the G-layer was removed by an enzymatic treatment. In addition to the well-known axial orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the G-layer, it was shown that the microfibril angle of the S2-layer was very large (about 36 degrees). The removal of the G-layer resulted in an axial extension and a tangential contraction of the tissues. The tensile stress-strain curves of native tension wood slices showed a jagged appearance after yield that could not be seen in the enzyme-treated samples. The behaviour of the native tissue was modelled by assuming that cells deform elastically up to a critical strain at which the G-layer slips, causing a drop in stress. The results suggest that tensile stresses in poplar are generated in the living plant by a lateral swelling of the G-layer which forces the surrounding secondary cell wall to contract in the axial direction.