998 resultados para Popular vs erudito


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Internet data collection is becoming increasingly popular in all research fields dealing with human perceptions, behaviors and opinions. Advantages of internet data collection, when compared to the traditional paper-and-pencil format, include reduced costs, automatic database creation, and the absence of researcher-related bias effects, such as availability and complete anonymity. However, the validity and reliability of internet gathered data must be established, in comparison to the usual paper-and-pencil accepted formats, before an inferential analysis can be done. In this study, we compared questionnaire data gathered from the internet with that from the traditional paper-and-pencil in a sample of college students. The questionnaires used were the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS), the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OBI-SS) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI-SS). Data was gathered through a within-subject cross randomized and counterbalanced design, on both internet and paper-and-pencil formats. The results showed no interference in the application order, and a good reliability for both formats. However, concordance between answers was generally higher in the paper-and-pencil format than on the internet. The factorial structure was invariant in the three burnout inventories. Data gathered in this study supports the Internet as a convenient, user-friendly, comfortable and secure data gathering method which does not affect the accepted factorial structures existent in the paper format of the three burnout inventories used. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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In this work, the reduction reaction of paraquat herbicide was used to obtain analytical signals using electrochemical techniques of differential pulse voltammetry, square wave voltammetry and multiple square wave voltammetry. Analytes were prepared with laboratory purified water and natural water samples (from Mogi-Guacu River, SP). The electrochemical techniques were applied to 1.0 mol L-1 Na2SO4 solutions, at pH 5.5, and containing different concentrations of paraquat, in the range of 1 to 10 mu mol L-1, using a gold ultramicroelectrode. 5 replicate experiments were conducted and in each the mean value for peak currents obtained -0.70 V vs. Ag/AgCl yielded excellent linear relationships with pesticide concentrations. The slope values for the calibration plots (method sensitivity) were 4.06 x 10(-3), 1.07 x 10(-2) and 2.95 x 10(-2) A mol(-1) L for purified water by differential pulse voltammetry, square wave voltammetry and multiple square wave voltammetry, respectively. For river water samples, the slope values were 2.60 x 10(-3), 1.06 x 10(-2) and 3.35 x 10(-2) A mol(-1) L, respectively, showing a small interference from the natural matrix components in paraquat determinations. The detection limits for paraquat determinations were calculated by two distinct methodologies, i.e., as proposed by IUPAC and a statistical method. The values obtained with multiple square waves voltammetry were 0.002 and 0.12 mu mol L-1, respectively, for pure water electrolytes. The detection limit from IUPAC recommendations, when inserted in the calibration curve equation, an analytical signal (oxidation current) is smaller than the one experimentally observed for the blank solution under the same experimental conditions. This is inconsistent with the definition of detection limit, thus the IUPAC methodology requires further discussion. The same conclusion can be drawn by the analyses of detection limits obtained with the other techniques studied.


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Purpose:  Most recently light and mobile reading devices with high display resolutions have become popular and they may open new possibilities for reading applications in education, business and the private sector. The ability to adapt font size may also open new reading opportunities for people with impaired or low vision. Based on their display technology two major groups of reading devices can be distinguished. One type, predominantly found in dedicated e-book readers, uses electronic paper also known as e-Ink. Other devices, mostly multifunction tablet-PCs, are equipped with backlit LCD displays. While it has long been accepted that reading on electronic displays is slow and associated with visual fatigue, this new generation is explicitly promoted for reading. Since research has shown that, compared to reading on electronic displays, reading on paper is faster and requires fewer fixations per line, one would expect differential effects when comparing reading behaviour on e-Ink and LCD. In the present study we therefore compared experimentally how these two display types are suited for reading over an extended period of time. Methods:  Participants read for several hours on either e-Ink or LCD, and different measures of reading behaviour and visual strain were regularly recorded. These dependent measures included subjective (visual) fatigue, a letter search task, reading speed, oculomotor behaviour and the pupillary light reflex. Results:  Results suggested that reading on the two display types is very similar in terms of both subjective and objective measures. Conclusions:  It is not the technology itself, but rather the image quality that seems crucial for reading. Compared to the visual display units used in the previous few decades, these more recent electronic displays allow for good and comfortable reading, even for extended periods of time.


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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En el español rioplatense, la aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica es la norma (Terrell 1978), mientras que el debilitamiento en final de palabra ante vocal o pausa parece estar estigmatizado (Fontanella 1973; Barrios 2002). Los hablantes de este dialecto, sin embargo, tienen en principio la capacidad de controlar la tasa de debilitamiento para acercarse a diferentes normas de pronunciación, en especial en contextos de carácter formal como la interpretación de una canción. La principal hipótesis de este trabajo es que, ante una situación como esa, es esperable hallar una variación en la tasa de aspiración según cuál sea el género musical interpretado, lo cual se enlaza con resultados de estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la música popular (Trudgill 1983; Simpson 1999). En nuestro caso, el análisis se lleva a cabo sobre un corpus de 17 canciones agrupadas en dos géneros (tango y rock), y gira en torno a la figura del cantante y compositor Andrés Calamaro. El número total de realizaciones de /s/ preconsonántica relevados asciende a 701, de los cuales 393 corresponden a grabaciones de tango y 308 a grabaciones de rock. Para cada género, comparamos la tasa de aspiración de /s/ preconsonántica en las interpretaciones de Calamaro con las mismas canciones cantadas por diversos intérpretes (tanto de tango como de rock). Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la transcripción fonética fueron sometidos a un análisis de regresión múltiple (modelo logit), el cual reveló que las variables 'género' e 'intérprete' predicen significativamente controlar por factores de carácter fonético (punto y modo de articulación de la consonante siguiente, acentuación de la sílaba en la cual aparece la /s/ implosiva), posicional (/s/ intermedia o final de palabra) y gramatical (/s/ como marca verbal o de plural), y son también reinterpretados utilizando la lógica del modelo de reglas variables (varbrul). Los resultados de este trabajo indican que la /s/ preconsonántica es aspirada significativamente más en el tango que en el rock. También se verifica que, al interpretar tangos, Andrés Calamaro aspira significativamente menos dicho sonido que los cantantes que grabaron las versiones originales analizadas. Sin embargo, el propio Calamaro utiliza de manera significativamente más frecuente la aspiración cuando interpreta tangos que cuando interpreta canciones de rock. En conclusión, los resultados parecen respaldar la teoría de que los cantantes se acercan a una pronunciación más local cuando interpretan un género vernáculo (tango) y a una norma pan-hispánica cuando interpretan un género de carácter internacional (rock)


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Most empirical disciplines promote the reuse and sharing of datasets, as it leads to greater possibility of replication. While this is increasingly the case in Empirical Software Engineering, some of the most popular bug-fix datasets are now known to be biased. This raises two significants concerns: first, that sample bias may lead to underperforming prediction models, and second, that the external validity of the studies based on biased datasets may be suspect. This issue has raised considerable consternation in the ESE literature in recent years. However, there is a confounding factor of these datasets that has not been examined carefully: size. Biased datasets are sampling only some of the data that could be sampled, and doing so in a biased fashion; but biased samples could be smaller, or larger. Smaller data sets in general provide less reliable bases for estimating models, and thus could lead to inferior model performance. In this setting, we ask the question, what affects performance more? bias, or size? We conduct a detailed, large-scale meta-analysis, using simulated datasets sampled with bias from a high-quality dataset which is relatively free of bias. Our results suggest that size always matters just as much bias direction, and in fact much more than bias direction when considering information-retrieval measures such as AUC and F-score. This indicates that at least for prediction models, even when dealing with sampling bias, simply finding larger samples can sometimes be sufficient. Our analysis also exposes the complexity of the bias issue, and raises further issues to be explored in the future.


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The presented work is an essay rather than a scientific dissertation. The author wants to put an impact on the source of conflicts regarding the complex subject of heritage management and conservation in comparison with the local needs and the given context. The paper attempts to show the role of local communities and their cooperation with authorities as well as the effects of such cooperation. The area of research comprises the problems arising in the field of implementing external rules on the local field, challenges appearing regarding the needs of local communities and the efforts of official authorities trying to implement the principles of the conventions. The problems arise when local communities display the lack of understanding and do not share the common idea of heritage conservation. This is caused mainly by the decreasing possibilities of comfortable life. The author tries to identify the main and wrongful approaches as ‘Gone with the Wind’, ‘The Prince and The Pauper’, ‘Heart of Darkness’ or ‘Scarlet letter’. The focus will be put to explain what the areas are where a mutual misunderstanding arise and why all parts to the problem present different points of view. What creates a value? Is it a heritage object or maybe the other values need a stronger protection? When the general duty and the need to protect the heritage is regarded as a controversy and when it is considered as a value within a given community? The international public interest in heritage protection is often regarded as an attempt to diminish the sovereign power of the community and provokes severe controversies and tensions. The major problem envisaged today seems to be the massive and increasing urbanisation and the destruction of the vestiges still existing of traditional cultures, when we consider century urban post-industrial districts of Upper Silesia in Poland, the medieval cities in Western Europe, the traditional nomad Masaya villages in Kenya or the remains of vanished cultures in various regions of Asia. The preferred platform of cooperation between the parts of the conflict includes divergent needs, beliefs and practices of communities and the possible fields of reconciling the abovementioned. Chosen examples of the best practices considering mutual cooperation will be underlined.


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The year 1977 saw the making of the first Latino superhero by a Latino artist. From the 1980s onwards it is also possible to find Latina super-heroines, whose number and complexity has kept increasing ever since. Yet, the representations of spandexed Latinas are still few. For that reason, the goal of this paper is, firstly, to gather a great number of Latina super-heroines and, secondly, to analyze the role that they have played in the history of American literature and art. More specifically, it aims at comparing the spandexed Latinas created by non-Latino/a artists and mainstream comic enterprises with the Latina super-heroines devised by Latino/a artists. The conclusion is that whereas the former tend to conceive heroines within the constraints of the logic of Girl Power, the latter choose to imbue their works with a more daring political content and to align their heroines with the ideologies of Feminism and Postcolonialism.


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PURPOSE: To compare the Full Threshold (FT) and SITA Standard (SS) strategies in glaucomatous patients undergoing automated perimetry for the first time. METHODS: Thirty-one glaucomatous patients who had never undergone perimetry underwent automated perimetry (Humphrey, program 30-2) with both FT and SS on the same day, with an interval of at least 15 minutes. The order of the examination was randomized, and only one eye per patient was analyzed. Three analyses were performed: a) all the examinations, regardless of the order of application; b) only the first examinations; c) only the second examinations. In order to calculate the sensitivity of both strategies, the following criteria were used to define abnormality: glaucoma hemifield test (GHT) outside normal limits, pattern standard deviation (PSD) <5%, or a cluster of 3 adjacent points with p<5% at the pattern deviation probability plot. RESULTS: When the results of all examinations were analyzed regardless of the order in which they were performed, the number of depressed points with p<0.5% in the pattern deviation probability map was significantly greater with SS (p=0.037), and the sensitivities were 87.1% for SS and 77.4% for FT (p=0.506). When only the first examinations were compared, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the number of depressed points, but the sensitivity of SS (100%) was significantly greater than that obtained with FT (70.6%) (p=0.048). When only the second examinations were compared, there were no statistically significant differences regarding the number of depressed points, and the sensitivities of SS (76.5%) and FT (85.7%) (p=0.664). CONCLUSION: SS may have a higher sensitivity than FT in glaucomatous patients undergoing automated perimetry for the first time. However, this difference tends to disappear in subsequent examinations.


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PURPOSE: To compare the 2% ibopamine provocative test with the water drinking test as a provocative test for glaucoma. METHODS: Primary open-angle glaucoma patients and normal individuals were selected from CEROF-Universidade Federal de Goiânia UFG, and underwent the 2% ibopamine provocative test and the water drinking test in a randomized fashion, at least 1 week apart. Intraocular pressure (IOP) before and after both tests, Bland-Altman graph, sensitivity and specificity (as mesured by ROC curves) were obtained for both methods. RESULTS: Forty-seven eyes from 25 patients were included (27 eyes from 15 glaucoma patients and 20 eyes from 10 normal individuals), with a mean age of 54.2 ± 12.7 years. The mean MD of glaucoma patients was -2.8 ± 2.11 dB. There was no statistically difference in the baseline IOP (p=0.8) comparing glaucoma patients, but positive after the provocative tests (p=0.03), and in the IOP variation (4.4 ± 1.3 mmHg for ibopamine and 3.2 ± 2.2 mmHg for water drinking test, p=0.01). There was no difference in all studied parameters for normal individuals. The Bland-Altman graph showed high dispersion comparing both methods. The areas under the ROC curve were 0.987 for the ibopamine provocative test, and 0.807 for the water-drinking test. CONCLUSION: In this selected subgroup of glaucoma patients with early visual field defect, the ibopamine provocative test has shown better sensitivity/specificity than the water drinking test.


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This study evaluated in vitro the shear bond strength (SBS) of a resin-based pit-and-fissure sealant [Fluroshield (F), Dentsply/Caulk] associated with either an etch-and-rinse [Adper Single Bond 2 (SB), 3M/ESPE] or a self-etching adhesive system [Clearfil S3 Bond (S3), Kuraray Co., Ltd.] to saliva-contaminated enamel, comparing two curing protocols: individual light curing of the adhesive system and the sealant or simultaneous curing of both materials. Mesial and distal enamel surfaces from 45 sound third molars were randomly assigned to 6 groups (n=15), according to the bonding technique: I - F was applied to 37% phosphoric acid etched enamel. The other groups were contaminated with fresh human saliva (0.01 mL; 10 s) after acid etching: II - SB and F were light cured separately; III - SB and F were light cured together; IV - S3 and F were light cured separately; V - S3 and F were light cured simultaneously; VI - F was applied to saliva-contaminated, acid-etched enamel without an intermediate bonding agent layer. SBS was tested to failure in a universal testing machine at 0.5 mm/min. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Fisher's test (α=0.05).The debonded specimens were examined with a stereomicroscope to assess the failure modes. Three representative specimens from each group were observed under scanning electron microscopy for a qualitative analysis. Mean SBS in MPa were: I-12.28 (±4.29); II-8.57 (±3.19); III-7.97 (±2.16); IV-12.56 (±3.11); V-11.45 (±3.77); and VI-7.47 (±1.99). In conclusion, individual or simultaneous curing of the intermediate bonding agent layer and the resin sealant did not seem to affect bond strength to saliva-contaminated enamel. S3/F presented significantly higher SBS than the that of the groups treated with SB etch-and-rinse adhesive system and similar SBS to that of the control group, in which the sealant was applied under ideal dry, noncontaminated conditions.


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The prognostic relevance of different molecular markers in lung cancer is a crucial issue still worth investigating, and the specimens collected and analyzed represent a valuable source of material. Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have shown to be promising as prognosticators in human cancer. In this study, we sought to examine the importance of Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and VEGF, and to study the quantitative relationship among these factors and disease progression in metastases vs corresponding primary cancer, and metastatic vs non metastatic cancers. Material and Methods: We used immunohistochemistry and morphometric analysis to evaluate the amount of tumour staining for Cyclin-D1, c-erbB-2 and VEGF in 52 patients with surgically excised ademocarcinoma of the lung, and the outcome for our study was survival time until death from hematogenic metastases. Results: Metastasis presented lower c-erbB-2 expression than corresponding primary cancers (p=0.02). Cyclin-D1 and VEGF expression were also lower in metastases than in corresponding primary cancers, but this difference did not achieve statistical significance. Non-metastatic cancers also presented significantly lower Cyclin-D1 and c-erbB-2 expression than metastatic cancers (p<0.01 and p<0.01, respectively). Equally significant was the difference between higher c-erbB-2 expression by metastatic cancers compared to non-metastatic cancers (p=0.02). Considering survival in Kaplan-Maier analysis, Cyclin-D1 (p=0.04), c-erbB-2 (p=0.04) and VEGF (p<0.01) were important predictors of survival in metastatic cancers.


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Important features of the enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) phenotype and gene expression likely to confer EIEC with a lower ability to cause disease than Shigella flexneri were described here for the first time. To confirm the lower pathogenicity of EIEC, we have analyzed the keratoconjunctivitis developed in guinea-pigs with EIEC or S. flexneri. Shigella flexneri induced a more pronounced proinflammatory response, whereas EIEC induced a mild form of the disease. EIEC showed a significantly less efficient cell-to-cell Caco-2 dissemination when compared with S. flexneri. Plaques formed by EIEC during intercellular spreading were four times smaller than those formed by S. flexneri. At the molecular level, the lower expression of virulence genes by EIEC during infection of Caco-2 cells highlighted the importance of effective gene transcription for bacterial pathogenicity.