50 resultados para Poetisa
Investigación y recopilación de juegos alternativos del entorno y de otras culturas presentes en el centro para utilizarlos didácticamente. Los objetivos son: conocer y valorar los juegos musulmanes, sudamericanos, europeos y de las distintas Comunidades españolas; utilizar diferentes fuentes para compilar los juegos; conocer los juegos en función de las diferentes estaciones o fiestas señaladas, con la colaboración de las abuelas y abuelos de Fuenlabrada; fomentar la aceptación de reglas comunes compartidas, trabajando estrategias más participativas y autónomas; facilitar la integración social y el desarrollo de la sociabilidad del alumando, familias y profesorado del centro. Se elaboran materiales para los juegos y fichas desciptivas y valorativas de los juegos clasificados por: edades materiales, canciones, etc. Se evalúa los nuevos aprendizajes sobre los juegos y actitudes del alumnado, las estrategias didácticas aprendidas por el profesorado, y el nivel de participación de las familias a partir de reuniones o informes por equipos.
Propuesta de investigación que quiere fomentar el valor educativo y el cuidado del juguete tanto en la escuela como en casa. Los objetivos son formar al profesorado, alumnado y familias sobre juegos y juguetes alternativos; desarrollar los valores y actitudes sobre la reutilización del material de deshecho; fomentar comportamientos de cooperación y autonomía en el trabajo en equipo. La metodología se basa en el intercambio de ideas y experiencias para lo cual el profesorado se reune semanalmente, diseña y reparte las tareas. Se organizan talleres fundamentamene en el área de Artística y Lengua. Las actividades, en torno a la Navidad, el Día de la Paz, Carnaval y Semana Cultural, se distribuyen en investigación y diseño de juguetes; búsqueda de materiales; reparto de tareas; construcción de disfraces, títeres, intrumentos musicales y juguetes; establer y consensuar las normas de juegos; y comprobación de la utilidad y adecuación de los juegos o juguetes. Mediante las actas de las reuniones, la producción del alumnado y los cuestionarios, se evalúa el aprendizaje sobre los juguetes, la actitud y grado de satisfacción y colaboración del alumnado, profesorado y familia, y el nivel de desarrollo..
Ilustre biógrafa de Tirso de Molina, tras la ingente tarea de recopilar toda su obra. En 1947 la crítica ha señalado cuanto debe nuestra literatura a esa pluma excelsa de Blanca porque siempre creyó en la autenticidad de la obra del inmortal Gabriel Téllez, que algunos habían puesto en duda y fue posible la confirmación de la fama de Tirso de Molina. La madrina de Tirso así la llegaron a llamar a Blanca de los Ríos, gran poetisa, cuyo mejor verso se contiene en esa filiación legal que le ha producido el verdadero autor de nuestro mejor teatro del siglo de oro.
Se presenta un estudio sobre la influencia que la poesía de Safo tiene sobre los poetas modernos europeos, a través de la transcripción de algunos versos de esta primera poetisa de occidente y la más lírica de todos los tiempos.
Título anterior de la publicación : Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO
Se intercalan algunos poemas de Gloria Fuertes entre el texto
The subject of this research is the spiritual religious field, connected with the local cultural perspectives. Its basis is the analysis of two spiritual groups settled in Natal/RN: The Spiritual Group Evangelho no Lar and the Spiritual Center Garimpeiros da Luz . These two groups represent a point of convergence of several sectors of this religion, either through its insertion in the local sphere or in contact to nationally influent leaders, like the mediums Francisco Cândido Xavier and Divaldo Pereira Franco. Then, it aims to reach the potiguar singularities in their spiritualism approaches, looking for an analyses to possible connections between local values and themes from the spiritualism largely developed in Brazil. So, its objective is to act in the scope of influence, references, representations and adaptive practices in a local context, and they signalize special practices . The approaches until now developed refer only to the living of a Brazilian spiritualism, perfectly developed in contact with the catholic substrate, but there s still a gap about the local observation, with its peculiarities, which its research aims to disclosure. The option for a qualitative approach, in perfect relationship with the nature of the questions which were made was considered as an appropriate way to guide the study. To reach this, it will be made an ethnography of the studied groups, not only in the use of open interviews with its members but also in the contact and observation of its religious behavior, for example: meeting for studies of the doctrine, mediunic meetings, public lectures, helping the public in general. As results of this research we can point to the delimitation of local cultural references, which are undeniable, in relation to the identification of RN personalities who are considered coordinators or active spirits in the work performed by the groups. Thus, Auta de Souza, poetess and woman of great religiosity, Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão, martyr of the aeronautics, Father João Maria, object of popular devotion and Abdias Antônio de Oliveira, ex president of the Spiritual Federation of RN, present themselves as spiritual beings who lead the adaptability to the local context. In such a context, we have to point out the work of mediums, who, having a specific charisma, interacted with the groups in the establishment of these cultural bridges already made in their own contexts (national level), through the work equally possible to be locally reproduced. This and other facts, point out to perspectives of cultural circularity , including referring to a greater linking to sub layers in a true zone that converges and has circulation between an erudite spiritualism with another one, turned to the incorporation of local and popular elements
The research Cecília Meireles and the Pedagogical Lyric in Children My Love (1924) consists in a critical analysis, a cultural and historical approach to the pedagogical intentionalities and to the social and educational functionalities expressed in the childish literary work of the poetess and educator Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), in Brazil, during the first decades of XX century. The author s conceptions of the literary art, the philosophical and educational foundations, the Christian and liberal ideologies and values pertinent to her work for children and the relations between her texts and the ideals of the Brazilian intellectuals to effect changes in the every day life based on the child formation and on the teaching feminization process were examined in the work. This paper shows a content analysis with the intention of offering signification to the work Children My Love (1924) according to the investigation of specific categories: child, motherhood and schooling; through the exploration of synonymous and bipolar key-words found in Cecília s documents: child/adult, teacher/mother; school/home, ignorance/intelligence. The research intends to understand how the author articulates, in her informal pedagogical action in Children s Literature, science, literary and Christian faith knowledge, in order to expand her social and educational ideal concentrated in children, guided by the maternal hand and aimed at constructing a New Man, New Civilization and a New Social Order
Portuguese Poet Florbela Espanca (1984 1930) lived and produced her literary work during a period in which, on the one hand, the ideals of an innovative and irreverent movement were being fomented led by Fernando Pessoa, Almada Negreiros and Mário de Sá-Carneiro , on the other hand, Portugal was still dominated by a conservative and authoritarian thought, anchored in a bourgeois-christian ideology. Inserted in an unfavorable social context to the expression of the female sexual impulse, poet Florbela then appears with an innovative speech as threatening the sexual organization of the Portuguese society. This way, considering the relations between the poetic text and the historical-social context, the aim of this work is to present a reading upon the Eroticism in The Flowering Heath (2005) as a way to contravene the borders given to the sexual phenomenon. For this reason, we will mainly resort to the concepts developed on the approach of Georges Bataille The Eroticism (2004) and also by Octavio Paz The Double Flame: Love and Eroticism (2001)
Dans ce travail de recherche nous nous proposons d étudier l oeuvre d Anna de Noailles, poétesse et romancière française qui a publié ses premières poésies à la fin du XIXème siècle. Notre corpus est constitué de trois poèmes du recueil L Ombre des Jours, publié en 1902, à savoir : Jeunesse, Le Répit et Renaissance. Initialement, nous avons traité la mise en contexte sociale et culturelle de la fin du XIXème et du début du XXème siècle. Ensuite, nous avons abordé l espace interne de l oeuvre noaillienne qui se manifeste à travers des paysages de la nature. Nous avons remarqué que dans celle-ci, il y a une identification avec le moi lyrique. Enfin, nous avons analysé les trois poèmes de notre corpus. Nous soulignons que le manque de critiques et de recherche sur l oeuvre noailliene en France et l absence de recherche sur la poétesse dans le milieu académique brésilien nous ont motivée à réaliser cette étude. Ce travail a comme objectif mettre en évidence la richesse de la poétique d Anna de Noailles. Dans notre étude sur l oeuvre l ombre des jours, nous nous sommes apperçue que l auteur possède son propre style, elle ne cherchait pas à imiter un modèle littéraire particulier à ses contemporains. Dans son esthétique, nous avons remarqué le refuge dans la nature, dans le passé et aussi une forte évocation sensorielle. L univers lyrique de l oeuvre noaillienne est representé à travers des paysages bucoliques qui évoquent des saisons. Malgré ce retour à la nature, nous avons découvert des éléments que caractérisent la poésie moderne, comme la luminosité, la quête de l expansion, la superposition des images, entre autres. L espace de l ombre des jours est grandiloquent, la poétesse mentionne fréquemment son désir d expansion et pour cette raison, nous trouvons dans les poèmes des lieux ouverts, où le contact direct avec la lumière, l air et l eau devient possible. Dans l Ombre des Jours, il est rare qu une référence à un lieu clos soit traitée; si la poétesse le fait, c est pour exprimer la suspension de la passion
This work has the purpose to analyze the female images unrolled at the Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930) poetry of her three books published, Livro de Mágoas (1919), Livro de Sóror Saudade (1923) e Charneca em Flor (1931, posthumous), showing how the female mythic constituents Eve and Lilith advance among the books, delineating the female image which culminates to the female poet image, free of moral conventions and social principles in the beginning of 20th century. For this exam, we will apply the Imaginary criticism, and realize a short explanation about mythic archetypes theories from C.G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, E. Meletínki and Gilbert Durand, theories that will lead us to make the connection between the mythic constituents and Nietzsche tragic constituents, from which we will explain how these female mythic images associated to reason and unreason mythic constituents, unrolled at the Florbela poetry, also reveal the tragic esthetic at her work
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR