521 resultados para Physical activity and inactivity
The epidemic that is osteoporosis has led to an increasing interest in bone mineral, and the factors that influence the levels of bone mineral, in recent years. While it is unrealistic to try and turn back the clock, a return to an increased level of physical activity may be an important consideration in terms of skeletal health. Peak bone mass is largely determined by heredity, but lifestyle and dietary patterns also influence the level of bone mineral accrued during the growing years. In this review, we summarize the evidence that vigorous weight-bearing physical activity and adequate calcium intake represent the best possibility for enhancing the attainment of an optimal level of bone mineral, within genetic limits.
The associations of physical activity and sedentary behavior with barriers, enjoyment, and preferences were examined in a population-based mail survey of 1,332 adults. Respondents reporting high enjoyment and preference for physical activity were more likely to report high levels of activity. Those reporting cost, the weather, and personal barriers to physical activity were less likely to be physically active. Preference for sedentary behavior was associated with the decreased likelihood of being physically active, and the weather as a barrier to physical activity was associated with the increased likelihood of sedentary behavior. These constructs can be used to examine individual and environmental influences on physical activity and sedentary behavior in specific populations and could inform the development of targeted interventions.
Objective: To examine the association between obesity and food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status in adolescents. Design: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2008. Cole’s cut-off points were used to categorize BMI. Abdominal obesity was defined by a waist circumference at or above the 90th percentile, as well as a waist-to-height ratio at or above 0?500. Diet was evaluated using an FFQ, and the food group consumption was categorized using sex-specific tertiles of each food group amount. Physical activity was assessed via a self-report questionnaire. Socio-economic status was assessed referring to parental education and employment status. Data were analysed separately for girls and boys and the associations among food consumption, physical activity, socio-economic status and BMI, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio were evaluated using logistic regression analysis, adjusting the results for potential confounders. Setting: Public schools in the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Subjects: Adolescents (n 1209) aged 15–18 years. Results: After adjustment, in boys, higher intake of ready-to-eat cereals was a negative predictor while vegetables were a positive predictor of overweight/ obesity and abdominal obesity. Active boys had lower odds of abdominal obesity compared with inactive boys. Boys whose mother showed a low education level had higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with boys whose mother presented a high education level. Concerning girls, higher intake of sweets and pastries was a negative predictor of overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity. Girls in tertile 2 of milk intake had lower odds of abdominal obesity than those in tertile 1. Girls whose father had no relationship with employment displayed higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with girls whose father had high employment status. Conclusions: We have found that different measures of obesity have distinct associations with food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status.
This study, which involved a target population comprised by 292 workers of different industrial areas (metalmechanics, foundry, chemical, wood, food), aimed to verify the association between energy expenditure-EE, physical activity level-PAL and body composition (Body Mass Index-BMI, Waist-Hip Ratio-WHR and Waist To Height Ratio, WTHR) of participants. The work was completed with the description of the variables relating to the gender of the individuals (male and female) and the activities carried out in the two sectors of industrial work (administrative sector and productive sector). In this research, the statistical technique of principal components analysis (PCA) and the hierarchical analysis of clusters (HCA) were used. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data were collected as well as the level of physical activity and energy expenditure were assessed. The vast majority of individuals who spend greater energy expenditure and has more intense physical activity were male. Most of these workers are in the production sector. We can confirm that that both, gender and labor activity, are factors that have influence on the EE and the PAL.
Objective: To evaluate body image dissatisfaction and its relationship with physical activity and body mass index in a Brazilian sample of adolescents. Methods: A total of 275 adolescents (139 boys and 136 girls) between the ages of 14 and 18 years completed measures of body image dissatisfaction through the Contour Drawing Scale and current physical activity by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Weight and height were also measured for subsequent calculation of body mass index. Results: Boys and girls differed significantly regarding body image dissatisfaction, with girls reporting higher levels of dissatisfaction. Underweight and eutrophic boys preferred to be heavier, while those overweight preferred be thinner and, in contrast, girls desired to be thinner even when they are of normal weight. Conclusion: Body image dissatisfaction was strictly related to body mass index, but not to physical activity.
This briefing has been written in conjunction with the Local Government Association (LGA). It is aimed at those who work in or represent local authorities. It addresses the issue of taking action to create environments where people are more likely to walk or cycle for short journeys. It summarises the importance of action on obesity and a specific focus on active travel, and outlines the regulatory and policy approaches that can be taken.
This Key Finding reports on data from the second wave of interviews with Growing Up in Ireland's Child Cohort. The 8,568 children and their families were first interviewed when the children were 9 years old, and then at age 13 years, when 7,400 were reinterviewed between August 2011 and February 2012.The findings show that boys and young people from more socially advantaged backgrounds were more likely to exercise, and that 13-year-olds who took more exercise (whether hard or light exercise) were less likely to be overweight or obese.While most of the young people in Growing Up in Ireland maintained a healthy weight over time, one in four was either overweight or obese, a finding similar to that at 9 years. Girls were also more likely to be classified as overweight or obese than boys. The majority of 13-year-olds were quite positive about their physical appearance, although a quarter rated themselves as below average in this respect, and girls tended to be less positive about their body image than boys. Dieting behaviours had also become evident at 13.To understand more fully the origins and course of overweight and obesity, the descriptive data in this Key Finding can be used in more complex analyses drawing on the rich data available on the child, family and other important contextual variables.This resource was contributed by the National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The goal of this Report is to review all the relevant research in order to generate a comprehensive series of recommendations on food, nutrition, and physical activity, designed to reduce the risk of cancer and suitable for all societies. This process is also the basis for a continuous review of the evidence.
Physical activity is beneficial for healthy ageing. It may also help maintain good cognitive function in older age. Aerobic activity improves cardiovascular fitness, but it is not known whether this sort of fitness is necessary for improved cognitive function.��Eleven studies of aerobic physical activity programmes for healthy people over the age of 55 years have been included in this review. Eight of these 11 studies reported that aerobic exercise interventions resulted in increased fitness of the trained group and an improvement in at least one aspect of cognitive function. The largest effects were on cognitive speed, auditory and visual attention. However, the cognitive functions which improved were not the same in each study and the majority of comparisons yielded no significant results.��The data are insufficient to show that the improvements in cognitive function which can be attributed to physical exercise are due to improvements in cardiovascular fitness.
This research brief examines the links between maintaining recommended levels of physical activity and positive effects on mental health and brain functioning as well as the public policy strategies in place to promote physical activity in the older population. It is based on three CARDI-funded projects:- Physical activity and core depressive symptoms in the older Irish adult population, led by Karen Morgan at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.- Using aerobic exercise to promote brain plasticity, conducted by Richard Carson at Queen’s University, Belfast.- Leading dance for older people, led by Sylvia O’Sullivan at the University of Limerick.
This is a statistical bulletin from the Information Centre which presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children physical activity levels among adults and children trends in purchases and consumption of food and drink, and energy intake health outcomes of being obese hospital admissions and prescriptions dispensed related to obesity. The bulletin also summarises government plans and targets in this area, as well as providing sources of further information and links to relevant documents.
This statistical report from the Information Centre presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The publication also summarises government plans and targets in this area, as well as providing sources of further information and links to relevant documents and key sources. There are several notable additions to this, The Information Centre's second report on obesity, physical activity and diet. Waist circumference analysis has been included where possible to reflect the importance of using this measurement in conjunction with Body Mass Index (BMI) in order to identify those at increased risk of health problems associated with obesity. More regional data is presented with a greater number of tables providing government office region and Strategic Health Authority breakdowns. Where possible information at a more local level has been reported on.
This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources.