995 resultados para Phases Dynamic Balancer


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In this work, dynamic crack growth along a ductile-brittle interface under anti-plane strain conditions is studied. The ductile solid is taken to obey the J(2) flow theory of plasticity with linear isotropic strain hardening, while the substrate is assumed to exhibit linear elastic behavior. Firstly, the asymptotic near-tip stress and velocity fields are derived. These fields are assumed to be variable-separable with a power singularity in the radial coordinate centered at the crack tip. The effects of crack speed, strain hardening of the ductile phase and mismatch in elastic moduli of the two phases on the singularity exponent and the angular functions are studied. Secondly, full-field finite element analyses of the problem under small-scale yielding conditions are performed. The validity of the asymptotic fields and their range of dominance are determined by comparing them with the results of the full-field finite element analyses. Finally, theoretical predictions are made of the variations of the dynamic fracture toughness with crack velocity. The influence of the bi-material parameters on the above variation is investigated.


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We explore the salient features of the `Kitaev ladder', a two-legged ladder version of the spin-1/2 Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice, by mapping it to a one-dimensional fermionic p-wave superconducting system. We examine the connections between spin phases and topologically non-trivial phases of non-interacting fermionic systems, demonstrating the equivalence between the spontaneous breaking of global Z(2) symmetry in spin systems and the existence of isolated Majorana modes. In the Kitaev ladder, we investigate topological properties of the system in different sectors characterized by the presence or absence of a vortex in each plaquette of the ladder. We show that vortex patterns can yield a rich parameter space for tuning into topologically non-trivial phases. We introduce and employ a new topological invariant for explicitly determining the presence of zero energy Majorana modes at the boundaries of such phases. Finally, we discuss dynamic quenching between topologically non-trivial phases in the Kitaev ladder and, in particular, the post-quench dynamics governed by tuning through a quantum critical point.


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The dynamic behaviour for nanoscale electrostatic actuators is studied. A two Parameter mass-spring model is shown to exhibit a bifurcation from the case excluding an equilibrium point to the case including two equilibrium points as the geometrical dimensions of the device are altered. Stability analysis shows that one is a stable Hopf bifurcation point and the other is an unstable saddle point. In addition, we plot the diagram phases, which have periodic orbits around the Hopf point and a homoclinic orbit passing though the unstable saddle point.


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This research aims to develop a conceptual framework in order to enquire into the dynamic growth process of University Spin-outs (hereafter referred to as USOs) in China, attempting to understand the capabilities configuration that are necessary for the dynamic growth. Based on the extant literature and empirical cases, this study attempts to address the question how do USOs in China build and configure the innovative capabilities to cope with the dynamic growth. This paper aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing a theoretical discussion of the USOs' dynamic entrepreneurial process, by investigating the interconnections between innovation problem-solving and the required configuration of innovative capabilities in four growth phases. Further, it presents a particular interest on the impact to the USOs' entrepreneurial innovation process by the integrative capabilities, in terms of knowledge integration, alliance, venture finance and venture governance. To date, studies that have investigated the dynamic development process of USOs in China and have recognized the heterogeneity of USOs in terms of capabilities that are required for rapid growth still remain sparse. Addressing this research gap will be of great interest to entrepreneurs, policy makers, and venture investors. ©2009 IEEE.


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This research aims to develop a capabilities-based conceptual framework in order to study the stage-specific innovation problems associated with the dynamic growth process of university spin-outs (hereafter referred to as USOs) in China. Based on the existing literature, pilot cases and five critical cases, this study attempts to explore the interconnections between the entrepreneurial innovation problems and the configuration of innovative capabilities (that acquire, mobilise and re-configure the key resources) throughout the lifecycle of a firm in four growth phases. This paper aims to contribute to the literature in a holistic manner by providing a theoretical discussion of USOs' development through adding evidence from a rapid growth emerging economy. To date, studies that have investigated the development of USOs in China recognised the heterogeneity of USOs in terms of capabilities still remain sparse. Addressing this research gap will be of great interest to entrepreneurs, policy makers and venture investors. © Copyright 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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In this paper, we consider Bayesian interpolation and parameter estimation in a dynamic sinusoidal model. This model is more flexible than the static sinusoidal model since it enables the amplitudes and phases of the sinusoids to be time-varying. For the dynamic sinusoidal model, we derive a Bayesian inference scheme for the missing observations, hidden states and model parameters of the dynamic model. The inference scheme is based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo method known as Gibbs sampler. We illustrate the performance of the inference scheme to the application of packet-loss concealment of lost audio and speech packets. © EURASIP, 2010.


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BACKGROUND: Neuronal migration, the process by which neurons migrate from their place of origin to their final position in the brain, is a central process for normal brain development and function. Advances in experimental techniques have revealed much about many of the molecular components involved in this process. Notwithstanding these advances, how the molecular machinery works together to govern the migration process has yet to be fully understood. Here we present a computational model of neuronal migration, in which four key molecular entities, Lis1, DCX, Reelin and GABA, form a molecular program that mediates the migration process. RESULTS: The model simulated the dynamic migration process, consistent with in-vivo observations of morphological, cellular and population-level phenomena. Specifically, the model reproduced migration phases, cellular dynamics and population distributions that concur with experimental observations in normal neuronal development. We tested the model under reduced activity of Lis1 and DCX and found an aberrant development similar to observations in Lis1 and DCX silencing expression experiments. Analysis of the model gave rise to unforeseen insights that could guide future experimental study. Specifically: (1) the model revealed the possibility that under conditions of Lis1 reduced expression, neurons experience an oscillatory neuron-glial association prior to the multipolar stage; and (2) we hypothesized that observed morphology variations in rats and mice may be explained by a single difference in the way that Lis1 and DCX stimulate bipolar motility. From this we make the following predictions: (1) under reduced Lis1 and enhanced DCX expression, we predict a reduced bipolar migration in rats, and (2) under enhanced DCX expression in mice we predict a normal or a higher bipolar migration. CONCLUSIONS: We present here a system-wide computational model of neuronal migration that integrates theory and data within a precise, testable framework. Our model accounts for a range of observable behaviors and affords a computational framework to study aspects of neuronal migration as a complex process that is driven by a relatively simple molecular program. Analysis of the model generated new hypotheses and yet unobserved phenomena that may guide future experimental studies. This paper thus reports a first step toward a comprehensive in-silico model of neuronal migration.


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Three molecularly imprinted monolithic columns with different length but almost identical column volume had been prepared. It was observed that the separation factors of diastereomers and enantiomers were almost unaffected by column length. However, the short column with dimension of 38 mm x 8 mm W. showed much lower resistance to flow rate so that it could be operated at much higher flow rates. By combining stepwise gradient elution with elevated flow rate, the diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine and the enantiomers of Cbz-DL-Trp and Fmoc-DL-Trp were successfully separated within 3 min on the short column with dimension of 38 mm. x 8 mm i.d.. Based on the above results, a cinchonine imprinted monolithic disk with dimension of 10 mm x 16 mm W. was further developed. The SEM image and the pore size distribution profile showed that large flow-through pores are present on the prepared monolith, which allowed mobile phase to flow through the disk with very low resistance. Chromatographic performances on the monolithic disk were almost unchanged compared with the long columns. A rapid separation of cinchonine and cinchonidine was achieved in 2.5 min at the flow rate of 9.0 ml/min. Furthermore, it was observed that there was almost no effect of the flow rate on the dynamic binding capacity at high flow rates. In addition, the effect of the loading concentration of analytes on the dynamic binding capacity, namely adsorption isotherm, was also investigated. A non-linear adsorption isotherm of cinchonine was observed on the molecularly imprinted monolith with cinchonine as template, which might be a main reason to result in the peak tailing of template molecule. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Blends of poly(ether-sulfone) (PES) and poly(phenylene sulfide) (PPS) with various compositions were prepared using an internal mixer at 290degreesC and 50 rpm for 10 min. The thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of PES/PPS blends have been investigated by means of DSC and DMA. The blends showed two glass transition temperatures corresponding to PPS-rich and PES-rich phases. Both of them decreased obviously for the blends with PES matrix. On the other hand, T-g of PPS and PES phase decreased a little when PPS is the continuous phase. In the blends quenched from molten state the cold crystallization temperature of PPS was detected in the blends of PES/PPS with mass ratio 50/50 and 60/40. The melting point, crystallization temperature and the crystallinity of blended PPS were nearly unaffected when the mass ratio of PES was less than 60%, however, when the amount of PES is over 60% in the blends, the crystallization of PPS chains was hindered. The thermal and the dynamic mechanical properties of the PPS/PES blends were mainly controlled by the continued phase.


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The dynamic mean-field density functional method, driven from the generalized time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation, was applied to the mesoscopic dynamics of the multi-arms star block copolymer melts in two-dimensional lattice model. The implicit Gaussian density functional expression of a multi-arms star block copolymer chain for the intrinsic chemical potentials was constructed for the first time. Extension of this calculation strategy to more complex systems, such as hyperbranched copolymer or dendrimer, should be straightforward. The original application of this method to 3-arms block copolymer melts in our present works led to some novel ordered microphase patterns, such as hexagonal (HEX) honeycomb lattice, core-shell HEX lattice, knitting pattern, etc. The observed core-shell HEX lattice ordered structure is qualitatively in agreement with the experiment of Thomas [Macromolecules 31, 5272 (1998)].


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Virus infection-induced global protein synthesis suppression is linked to assembly of stress granules (SGs), cytosolic aggregates of stalled translation preinitiation complexes. To study long-term stress responses, we developed an imaging approach for extended observation and analysis of SG dynamics during persistent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In combination with type 1 interferon, HCV infection induces highly dynamic assembly/disassembly of cytoplasmic SGs, concomitant with phases of active and stalled translation, delayed cell division, and prolonged cell survival. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), independent of viral replication, is sufficient to trigger these oscillations. Translation initiation factor eIF2a phosphorylation by protein kinase R mediates SG formation and translation arrest. This is antagonized by the upregulation of GADD34, the regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 dephosphorylating eIF2a. Stress response oscillation is a general mechanism to prevent long-lasting translation repression and a conserved host cell reaction to multiple RNA viruses, which HCV may exploit to establish persistence.


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The design of a decision-support prototype tool for managing flight delay costs in the pre-departure and airborne phases of a flight is described. The tool trades accelerated fuel burn and emissions charges against 'cost of time'. Costs for all major 'cost of time' components, by three cost scenarios, twelve aircraft types and by magnitude of delay are derived. Short-term opportunities for saving fuel and/or reducing environmental impacts are identified. A shift in ATM from managing delay minutes to delay cost is also supported.


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Dans le sillage de la récession mondiale de 2008-09, plusieurs questions ont été soulevées dans la littérature économique sur les effets à court et à long terme de la politique budgétaire sur l’activité économique par rapport à son signe, sa taille et sa durée. Ceux-ci ont des implications importantes pour mieux comprendre les canaux de transmission et l’efficacité des politiques budgétaires, avec la politique monétaire étant poursuivi, ainsi que pour leurs retombées économiques. Cette thèse fait partie de ce regain d’intérêt de la littérature d’examiner comment les changements dans la politique budgétaire affectent l’activité économique. Elle repose alors sur trois essais: les effets macroéconomiques des chocs de dépenses publiques et des recettes fiscales, les résultats macroéconomiques de l’interaction entre les politiques budgétaire et monétaire et le lien entre la politique budgétaire et la répartition des revenus. Le premier chapitre examine les effets des chocs de politique budgétaire (chocs de dépenses publiques et chocs de recettes fiscales) sur l’économie canadienne au cours de la période 1970-2010, en s’appuyant sur la méthode d’identification des restrictions de signe développée par Mountford et Uhlig [2009]. En réponse à la récession mondiale, les autorités fiscales dans les économies avancées, dont le Canada ont généralement mis en oeuvre une approche en deux phases pour la politique budgétaire. Tout d’abord, ils ont introduit des plans de relance sans précédent pour relancer leurs économies. Par exemple, les mesures de relance au Canada, introduites à travers le Plan d’action économique du Canada, ont été projetées à 3.2 pour cent du PIB dans le budget fédéral de 2009 tandis que l’ "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act"(ARRA) a été estimé à 7 pour cent du PIB. Par la suite, ils ont mis en place des plans d’ajustement en vue de réduire la dette publique et en assurer la soutenabilité à long terme. Dans ce contexte, évaluer les effets multiplicateurs de la politique budgétaire est important en vue d’informer sur l'efficacité de telles mesures dans la relance ou non de l'activité économique. Les résultats montrent que les multiplicateurs d'impôt varient entre 0.2 et 0.5, tandis que les multiplicateurs de dépenses varient entre 0.2 et 1.1. Les multiplicateurs des dépenses ont tendance à être plus grand que les multiplicateurs des recettes fiscales au cours des deux dernières décennies. Comme implications de politique économique, ces résultats tendent à suggérer que les ajustements budgétaires par le biais de grandes réductions de dépenses publiques pourraient être plus dommageable pour l'économie que des ajustements budgétaires par la hausse des impôts. Le deuxième chapitre, co-écrit avec Constant Lonkeng Ngouana, estime les effets multiplicateurs des dépenses publiques aux Etats-Unis en fonction du cycle de la politique monétaire. Les chocs de dépenses publiques sont identifiés comme étant des erreurs de prévision du taux de croissance des dépenses publiques à partir des données d'Enquêtes des prévisionnistes professionnels et des informations contenues dans le "Greenbook". L'état de la politique monétaire est déduite à partir de la déviation du taux des fonds fédéraux du taux cible de la Réserve Fédérale, en faisant recours à une fonction lisse de transition. L'application de la méthode des «projections locales» aux données trimestrielles américaines au cours de la période 1965-2012 suggère que les effets multiplicateurs des dépenses fédérales sont sensiblement plus élevées quand la politique monétaire est accommodante que lorsqu'elle ne l'est pas. Les résultats suggèrent aussi que les dépenses fédérales peuvent stimuler ou non la consommation privée, dépendamment du degré d’accommodation de la politique monétaire. Ce dernier résultat réconcilie ainsi, sur la base d’un cadre unifié des résultats autrement contradictoires à première vue dans la littérature. Ces résultats ont d'importantes implications de politique économique. Ils suggèrent globalement que la politique budgétaire est plus efficace lorsqu'on en a le plus besoin (par exemple, lorsque le taux de chômage est élevé), si elle est soutenue par la politique monétaire. Ils ont également des implications pour la normalisation des conditions monétaires dans les pays avancés: la sortie des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles conduirait à des multiplicateurs de dépenses fédérales beaucoup plus faibles qu'autrement, même si le niveau de chômage restait élevé. Ceci renforce la nécessité d'une calibration prudente du calendrier de sortie des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles. Le troisième chapitre examine l'impact des mesures d'expansion et de contraction budgétaire sur la distribution des revenus dans un panel de 18 pays d'Amérique latine au cours de la période 1990-2010, avec un accent sur les deniers 40 pour cent. Il explore alors comment ces mesures fiscales ainsi que leur composition affectent la croissance des revenus des dernier 40 pour cent, la croissance de leur part de revenu ainsi que la croissance économique. Les mesures d'expansion et de contraction budgétaire sont identifiées par des périodes au cours desquels il existe une variation significative du déficit primaire corrigé des variations conjoncturelles en pourcentage du PIB. Les résultats montrent qu'en moyenne l'expansion budgétaire par la hausse des dépenses publiques est plus favorable à la croissance des revenus des moins bien-nantis que celle par la baisse des impôts. Ce résultat est principalement soutenu par la hausse des dépenses gouvernementales de consommation courante, les transferts et subventions. En outre ces mesures d’expansion budgétaire sont favorables à la réduction des inégalités car elles permettent d'améliorer la part des revenus des moins bien-nantis tout en réduisant la part des revenus des mieux-nantis de la distribution des revenus. En outre ces mesures d’expansion budgétaire sont favorables à la réduction des inégalités car elles permettent d'améliorer la part des revenus des moins bien-nantis tout en réduisant la part des revenus des mieux-nantis de la distribution des revenus. Cependant, l'expansion budgétaire pourrait soit n'avoir aucun effet sur la croissance économique ou entraver cette dernière à travers la hausse des dépenses en capital. Les résultats relatifs à la contraction budgétaire sont quelque peu mitigés. Parfois, les mesures de contraction budgétaire sont associées à une baisse de la croissance des revenus des moins bien nantis et à une hausse des inégalités, parfois l'impact de ces mesures est non significatif. Par ailleurs, aucune des mesures n’affecte de manière significative la croissance du PIB. Comme implications de politique économique, les pays avec une certaine marge de manœuvre budgétaire pourraient entamer ou continuer à mettre en œuvre des programmes de "filets de sauvetage"--par exemple les programmes de transfert monétaire conditionnel--permettant aux segments vulnérables de la population de faire face à des chocs négatifs et aussi d'améliorer leur conditions de vie. Avec un potentiel de stimuler l'emploi peu qualifié, une relance budgétaire sage par les dépenses publique courantes pourrait également jouer un rôle important pour la réduction des inégalités. Aussi, pour éviter que les dépenses en capital freinent la croissance économique, les projets d'investissements publics efficients devraient être prioritaires dans le processus d'élaboration des politiques. Ce qui passe par la mise en œuvre des projets d'investissement avec une productivité plus élevée capable de générer la croissance économique nécessaire pour réduire les inégalités.


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This study reconstructs the depositional environments that accompanied both ice advance and ice retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet in NE England during the Last Glacial Maximum, and proposes three regional ice-flow phases. The Late Devensian (29–22 cal. ka BP) Tyne Gap Ice Stream initially deposited the Blackhall Till Formation during shelf-edge glaciation (Phase I). This subglacial traction till comprises several related facies, including stratified and laminated diamictons, tectonites, and sand and gravel beds deposited both in subglacial canals and in proglacial streams. Eventually, stagnation of the Tyne Gap Ice Stream led to ice-marginal sedimentation in County Durham (Phase II). During the Dimlington Stadial (21 cal. ka BP), the North Sea Lobe advanced towards the coastline of N Norfolk. This resulted initially in sandur deposition (widespread, tabular sand and gravel; the Peterlee Sand and Gravel Formation; Phase II) and ultimately in deposition of the Horden Till Formation (Phase III), a massive subglacial till. As the North Sea Lobe overrode previous formations, it thrusted and stacked sediments in County Durham, and dammed proglacial lakes between the east-coast ice, the Pennine uplands and the remaining Pennine ice. The North Sea Lobe retreated after Heinrich Event 1 (16 ka). This study highlights the complexity of ice flow during the Late Devensian glaciation of NE England, with changing environmental and oceanic conditions forcing a mobile and sensitive ice sheet.


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Suramin is a hexasulfonated naphthylurea which has been recently characterized as a non-competitive inhibitor of human alpha-thrombin activity over fibrinogen, although its binding site and mode of interaction with the enzyme remain elusive. Here, we determined two X-ray structure of the thrombin: suramin complex, refined at 2.4 angstrom resolution. While a single thrombin: suramin complex was found in the asymmetric unit cell of the crystal, some of the crystallographic contacts with symmetrically related molecules are mediated by both the enzyme and the ligand. Molecular dynamics simulations with the 1:1 complex demonstrate a large rearrangement of suramin in the complex, but with the protein scaffold and the more extensive protein-ligand regions keep unchanged. Small-angle X-ray scattering measurements at high micromolar concentration demonstrate a suramin-induced dimerization of the enzyme. These data indicating a dissimilar binding mode in the monomeric and oligomeric states, with a monomeric, 1:1 complex to be more likely to exist at the thrombin physiological, nanomolar concentration range. Collectively, close understanding on the structural basis for interaction is given which might establish a basis for design of suramin analogues targeting thrombin. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.