48 resultados para PfP
A paralisia facial periférica (PFP) resulta da lesão neuronal periférica do nervo facial (NF). Pode ser primária (Paralisia de Bell) ou secundária. Além do quadro clínico clássico, que tipicamente envolve os dois andares da hemiface afectada, pode apresentar-se com outros sintomas acompanhantes(ex. xeroftalmia, hiperacúsia, alteração da fonação e deglutição), que importa pesquisar. A avaliação clínica inclui a aferição rigorosa do tónus muscular e da sensibilidade do território do NF. Alguns instrumentos permitem maior objectividade na avaliação dos doentes (Sistema de House-Brackmann, Sistema de Graduação Facial, Avaliação Funcional). Há critérios claros de referenciação à especialidade de Medicina Física e de Reabilitação. O tratamento da Paralisia de Bell pode englobar a terapêutica farmacológica, a reeducação neuromuscular (RNM), os métodos físicos e a cirurgia. Dentro da RNM, sistematizam-se as várias técnicas de tratamento. As estratégias do plano terapêutico devem ser orientadas por problemas e ajustadas aos sintomas e sinais do doente. Revê-se o papel dos métodos físicos. Cerca de 15-20% dos doentes fica com sequelas permanentes após três meses de evolução. A PFP é uma condição frequentemente pluridisciplinar, importando conhecer as estratégias disponibilizadas pela Medicina de Reabilitação.
Praziquantel (PZQ) is effective against all the evolutive phases of Schistosoma mansoni. Infected Biomphalaria glabrata snails have their cercarial shedding interrupted when exposed to PZQ. Using primary in vitro transformed sporocysts, labeled with the probe Hoechst 33258 (indicator of membrane integrity), and lectin of Glycine max (specific for carbohydrate of N-acetylgalactosamine membrane), we evaluated the presence of lysosomes at this evolutive phase of S. mansoni, as well as the influence of PZQ on these acidic organelles and on the tegument of the sporocyst. Although the sporocyst remained alive, it was observed that there was a marked contraction of its musculature, and there occurred a change in the parasite's structure. Also, the acidic vesicles found in the sporocysts showed a larger delimited area after contact of the parasites with PZQ. Damages to the tegument was also observed, as show a well-marked labeling either with Hoechst 33258 or with lectin of Glycine max after contact of sporocysts with the drug. These results could partially explain the interruption/reduction mechanism of cercarial shedding in snails exposed to PZQ.
In order to select soil management practices that increase the nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) in agro-ecosystems, the different indices of agronomic fertilizer efficiency must be evaluated under varied weather conditions. This study assessed the NUE indices in no-till corn in southern Paraguay. Nitrogen fertilizer rates from 0 to 180 kg ha-1 were applied in a single application at corn sowing and the crop response investigated in two growing seasons (2010 and 2011). The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications. Based on the data of grain yield, dry matter, and N uptake, the following fertilizer indices were assessed: agronomic N-use efficiency (ANE), apparent N recovery efficiency (NRE), N physiological efficiency (NPE), partial factor productivity (PFP), and partial nutrient balance (PNB). The weather conditions varied largely during the experimental period; the rainfall distribution was favorable for crop growth in the first season and unfavorable in the second. The PFP and ANE indices, as expected, decreased with increasing N fertilizer rates. A general analysis of the N fertilizer indices in the first season showed that the maximum rate (180 kg ha-1) obtained the highest corn yield and also optimized the efficiency of NPE, NRE and ANE. In the second season, under water stress, the most efficient N fertilizer rate (60 kg ha-1) was three times lower than in the first season, indicating a strong influence of weather conditions on NUE. Considering that weather instability is typical for southern Paraguay, anticipated full N fertilization at corn sowing is not recommended due the temporal variability of the optimum N fertilizer rate needed to achieve high ANE.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar fontes de amido (milho moído fino x milho processado como pipoca) e fontes protéicas (farelo de soja x uréia x farinha de peixe) com degradabilidades ruminais diferentes para alimentar vacas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 56 vacas Holandesas com 112 dias em lactação. Os tratamentos foram: MFS (milho moído fino + farelo de soja); PFS (pipoca + farelo de soja); PFP (pipoca + farelo de soja + farinha de peixe); PU (pipoca + farelo de soja + uréia). O tratamento PFS não afetou a produção de leite, mas diminuiu o teor de gordura, a produção de gordura e o teor de proteína do leite. A produção de leite foi maior no tratamento PFS do que nos tratamentos PFP e PU. O tratamento PFP diminuiu o teor de gordura, a produção de gordura e de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura, mas aumentou o teor de proteína no leite.
OBJETIVO: estudar o valor da dopplervelocimetria do ducto venoso (DV) entre a 11º e a 14º semanas de gestação, associado à medida da translucência nucal (TN), na detecção de resultado fetal adverso. MÉTODOS: foram estudados 1.268 fetos consecutivamente. Em 56 casos, realizou-se estudo citogenético no material obtido, por meio de biópsia de vilosidade coriônica e, em 1.181 casos, o resultado teve como base o fenótipo do recém-nascido. Todos os fetos foram submetidos, além da ultra-sonografia de rotina, à medida da TN e à dopplervelocimetria do DV. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e prospectivo. Foram calculados e analisados, para fins de prevalência e índices de acurácia: sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo (VPP), valor preditivo negativo (VPN), probabilidade de falso-positivo (PFP), probabilidade de falso-negativo (PFN), razão de probabilidade positiva e razão de probabilidade negativa. RESULTADOS: do total de 1.268 fetos, foram selecionados para análise 1.183 casos. Deste total, 1.170 fetos eram normais (98,9%) e 13 fetos tiveram resultado fetal adverso ao nascimento (1,1%) - incluindo morte fetal (trissomia 21 e 22) em dois casos, síndrome genética (Nooman) em um caso, fetos polimalformados em dois casos, cardiopatia em três casos e outros defeitos estruturais em cinco casos. A prevalência do DV alterado (onda A zero/reversa) na população estudada foi de 14 casos (1,2%), com taxa de falso-positivo de 0,7%. CONCLUSÕES: há correlação significativa entre alteração da dopplervelocimetria do DV e a medida da TN, como marcadores ultra-sonográficos de primeiro trimestre, na detecção de resultado fetal adverso, especialmente para malformações graves. O Doppler do DV foi capaz de diminuir o resultado falso-positivo, comparativamente ao uso isolado da TN, melhorando consideravelmente o VPP do teste.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia Suomen ja Ruotsin turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittista yhteistyötä kansainvälisten toimijoiden kanssa, ja sen vaikutusta turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittisille päätöksille. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys on realismi. Realismin viitekehys korostaa valtaa ja sotilaallista voimaa. Voimatasapainon saavuttamiseksi pienten valtioiden on jollakin tavalla turvattava oma säilymisensä. Yhteistyö kansainvälisten toimijoiden kanssa on hyvä esimerkki valtion tavasta saada tarvittava vastavoima säilymisen kannalta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkimuksessa käytetään asiakirja- ja kirjallisuustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen lähteet ovat pääosin virallisia asiakirjoja, joten asiakirja- ja kirjallisuustutkimus on perusteltua. Turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittiset uhkakuvat ovat muuttuneet kylmän sodan päättymisen jälkeen. Laajamittaisen sodan uhkaa pidetään epätodennäköisenä. Epäsymmetriset uhkakuvat kuten terrorismi ja kyberturvallisuus ovat todennäköisempiä. Uhkakuvien muuttuessa on pystyttävä vastaamaan uhkakuvien kehitykseen omilla turvallisuus- ja puolustuspoliittisilla ratkaisuilla. Suomi ja Ruotsi ovat kumpikin EU-jäseniä. Tämän johdosta maat ovat puolueellisia, mutta ainakin toistaiseksi molemmat valtiot ovat säilyneet sotilaallisesti liittoutumattomina. Suomi on pitänyt yleisen asevelvollisuuden maanpuolustuksen selkärankana. Ruotsi luopui yleisestä asevelvollisuudesta vuonna 2010. Molemmat valtiot ovat joutuneet tekemään puolustusvoimauudistuksen, joka on vielä kuitenkin kesken. Puolustusvoimauudistuksella valtiot pyrkivät mahdollisimman kustannustehokkaaseen ratkaisuun. Tutkitun materiaalin pohjalta voidaan päätyä seuraaviin johtopäätöksiin. Turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikan osalta Suomella ja Ruotsilla on hyvin samankaltainen asennoituminen kansainväliseen yhteistyöhön. Molemmat valtiot painottavat omassa politiikassaan kansainvälisen yhteistyön merkitystä. Tärkeimmät yhteistyökumppanit ovat EU, Nato, YK, Etyj ja Nordefco. EU:n YTPP kehittäminen nähdään molemmissa valtiossa todella tärkeäksi. Nato PfP-kumppanuuden mukanaan tuomat harjoituksien ja kriisinhallinnan kautta valtiot voivat kehittää omaa sotilaallista suorituskykyä. Osallistumalla kansainväliseen yhteistoimintaan eri järjestöjen kautta, saadaan painotettua omalle valtiolle tärkeitä asioita. Suomen ja Ruotsin harjoittama yhteistyö niin kahdenkeskeinen kuin kansainvälinen tulee korostumaan turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikassa. Sotilaallinen liittoutuminen ei ole ajankohtaista kummallekaan valtiolle.
The sorption behavior of dry products is generally affected by the drying method. The sorption isotherms are useful to determine and compare thermodynamic properties of passion fruit pulp powder processed by different drying methods. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of different drying methods on the sorption properties of passion fruit pulp powder. Passion fruit pulp powder was dehydrated using different dryers: vacuum, spray dryer, vibro-fluidized, and freeze dryer. The moisture equilibrium data of Passion Fruit Pulp (PFP) powders with 55% of maltodextrin (MD) were determined at 20, 30, 40 and 50 ºC. The behavior of the curves was type III, according to Brunauer's classification, and the GAB model was fitted to the experimental equilibrium data. The equilibrium moisture contents of the samples were little affected by temperature variation. The spray dryer provides a dry product with higher adsorption capacity than that of the other methods. The vibro-fluidized bed drying showed higher adsorption capacity than that of vacuum and freeze drying. The vacuum and freeze drying presented the same adsorption capacity. The isosteric heats of sorption were found to decrease with increasing moisture content. Considering the effect of drying methods, the highest isosteric heat of sorption was observed for powders produced by spray drying, whereas powders obtained by vacuum and freeze drying showed the lowest isosteric heats of sorption.
El presente estudio de caso tiene por objetivo presentar un diagnóstico del Plan Fronteras para la Prosperidad -PFP- en el archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina -SAPSC-, liderado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores -MRE- en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos. Con este texto, se buscó describir la situación política, social, económica y cultural del Archipiélago de SAPSC; explicar las principales herramientas de política pública utilizadas por los gobiernos para mejorar las condiciones políticas, sociales y económicas en el Archipiélago; y por último, evaluar el PFP a la luz del enfoque de política pública de implementación “botton-up” para identificar las debilidades, fortalezas, oportunidades y amenazas de la misma, con el propósito de aportar recomendaciones para desarrollo de políticas públicas virtuosas.
El interés de este estudio de caso es examinar la política pública “Plan Fronteras para la Prosperidad en el departamento de Norte de Santander” por medio de la realización de un análisis de política pública enfocado en la fase de la implementación de la misma. Se analiza y explica cómo es implementada la política pública en la sociedad beneficiaria de la misma y se identifican las herramientas dedicadas a cumplir tal fin. Posteriormente se evalúa la pertinencia de las mismas a través de un análisis de actores y una relación costo-efectividad comparada con otras de entidades del gobierno nacional, para así concluir cómo se desarrolló el proceso de implementación del PFP en el mencionado departamento.
Este libro consta de dos partes. La primera parte, aproximación al lenguaje escrito, incluye tres temas: acceso a la lectura, acceso a la escritura y enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura. Esta parte pretende ser eminentemente práctica, sin que ello se interprete como una relación de actividades más o menos creativas sin fundamentación, por ello en cada tema se incluyen estrategias didácticas. En la segunda parte, evaluación de materiales, se evalúan aspectos relacionados con la valoración y utilidad de los materiales utilizados al impartir el curso 'Fundamentación teórica y enseñanza de la lectura y escritura' dentro del Programa de Formación del Profesorado (PFP) de la UNED.
El sitio Web del curso gratuito online es: http://www.euclides.dia.uned.es/simulab-pfp/index.htm. Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The etiology of idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (IPFP) is still uncertain; however, some authors suggest the possibility of a viral infection. Aim: to analyze the ultrastructure of the facial nerve seeking viral evidences that might provide etiological data. Material and Methods: We studied 20 patients with peripheral facial palsy (PFP), with moderate to severe FP, of both genders, between 18-60 years of age, from the Clinic of Facial Nerve Disorders. The patients were broken down into two groups - Study: eleven patients with IPFP and Control: nine patients with trauma or tumor-related PFP. The fragments were obtained from the facial nerve sheath or from fragments of its stumps - which would be discarded or sent to pathology exam during the facial nerve repair surgery. The removed tissue was fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde, and studied under Electronic Transmission Microscopy. Results: In the study group we observed an intense repair cellular activity by increased collagen fibers, fibroblasts containing developed organelles, free of viral particles. In the control group this repair activity was not evident, but no viral particles were observed. Conclusion: There were no viral particles, and there were evidences of intense activity of repair or viral infection.
Waste stabilization ponds (WSP) have been widely used for sewage treatment in hot climate regions because they are economic and environmentally sustainable. In the present study a WSP complex comprising a primary facultative pond (PFP) followed by two maturation ponds (MP-1 and MP-2) was studied, in the city of Natal-RN. The main objective was to study the bio-degradability of organic matter through the determination of the kinetic constant k throughout the system. The work was carried out in two phases. In the first, the variability in BOD, COD and TOC concentrations and an analysis of the relations between these parameters, in the influent raw sewage, pond effluents and in specific areas inside the ponds was studied. In the second stage, the decay rate for organic matter (k) was determined throughout the system based on BOD tests on the influent sewage, pond effluents and water column samples taken from fixed locations within the ponds, using the mathematical methods of Least Squares and the Thomas equation. Subsequently k was estimated as a function of a hydrodynamic model determined from the dispersion number (d), using empirical methods and a Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation (PHE), obtained from tracer studies in a section of the primary facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length. The concentrations of biodegradable organic matter, measured as BOD and COD, gradually reduced through the series of ponds, giving overall removal efficiencies of 71.95% for BOD and of 52.45% for COD. Determining the values for k, in the influent and effluent samples of the ponds using the mathematical method of Least Squares, gave the following values respectively: primary facultative pond (0,23 day-1 and 0,09 day-1), maturation 1 (0,04 day-1 and 0,03 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,03 day-1 and 0,08 day-1). When using the Thomas method, the values of k in the influents and effluents of the ponds were: primary facultative pond (0,17 day-1 and 0,07 day-1), maturation 1 (0,02 day-1 and 0,01 day-1) and maturation 2 (0,01 day-1 and 0,02 day-1). From the Partial Hydrodynamic Evaluation, in the first section of the facultative pond corresponding to 10% of its total length, it can be concluded from the dispersion number obtained of d = 0.04, that the hydraulic regime is one of dispersed flow with a kinetic constant value of 0.20 day-1
Purpose: To evaluate the root fracture strength of human single-rooted premolars restored with customized fiberglass post-core systems after fatigue simulation. Methods: 40 human premolars had their crowns cut and the root length was standardized to 13 mm. The teeth were endodontically treated and embedded in acrylic resin. The specimens were distributed into four groups (n=10) according to the restorative material used: prefabricated fiber post (PFP), PFP+accessory fiber posts (PFPa), PFP+unidirectional fiberglass (PFPf), and unidirectional fiberglass customized post (CP). All posts were luted using resin cement and the cores were built up with a resin composite. The samples were stored for 24 hours at 37 degrees C and 100% relative humidity and then submitted to mechanical cycling. The specimens were then compressive-loaded in a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute until fracture. The failure patterns were analyzed and classified. Data was submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha= 0.05). Results: The mean values of maximum load (N) were: PFP - 811.4 +/- 124.3; PFPa - 729.2 +/- 157.2; PFPf - 747.5 +/- 204.7; CP - 762.4 +/- 110. Statistical differences were not observed among the groups. All groups showed favorable restorable failures. Fiberglass customized post did not show improved fracture resistance or differences in failure patterns when compared to prefabricated glass fiber posts. (Am J Dent 2012;25:35-38).