904 resultados para Partial safety factors


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In this thesis, the influence of composition changes on the glass transition behavior of binary liquids in two and three spatial dimensions (2D/3D) is studied in the framework of mode-coupling theory (MCT).The well-established MCT equations are generalized to isotropic and homogeneous multicomponent liquids in arbitrary spatial dimensions. Furthermore, a new method is introduced which allows a fast and precise determination of special properties of glass transition lines. The new equations are then applied to the following model systems: binary mixtures of hard disks/spheres in 2D/3D, binary mixtures of dipolar point particles in 2D, and binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D. Some general features of the glass transition lines are also discussed. The direct comparison of the binary hard disk/sphere models in 2D/3D shows similar qualitative behavior. Particularly, for binary mixtures of hard disks in 2D the same four so-called mixing effects are identified as have been found before by Götze and Voigtmann for binary hard spheres in 3D [Phys. Rev. E 67, 021502 (2003)]. For instance, depending on the size disparity, adding a second component to a one-component liquid may lead to a stabilization of either the liquid or the glassy state. The MCT results for the 2D system are on a qualitative level in agreement with available computer simulation data. Furthermore, the glass transition diagram found for binary hard disks in 2D strongly resembles the corresponding random close packing diagram. Concerning dipolar systems, it is demonstrated that the experimental system of König et al. [Eur. Phys. J. E 18, 287 (2005)] is well described by binary point dipoles in 2D through a comparison between the experimental partial structure factors and those from computer simulations. For such mixtures of point particles it is demonstrated that MCT predicts always a plasticization effect, i.e. a stabilization of the liquid state due to mixing, in contrast to binary hard disks in 2D or binary hard spheres in 3D. It is demonstrated that the predicted plasticization effect is in qualitative agreement with experimental results. Finally, a glass transition diagram for binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D is calculated. These results demonstrate that at higher packing fractions there is a competition between the mixing effects occurring for binary hard disks in 2D and those for binary point dipoles in 2D.


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Nitinol stent oversizing is frequently performed in peripheral arteries to ensure a desirable lumen gain. However, the clinical effect of mis-sizing remains controversial. The goal of this study was to provide a better understanding of the structural and hemodynamic effects of Nitinol stent oversizing. Five patient-specific numerical models of non-calcified popliteal arteries were developed to simulate the deployment of Nitinol stents with oversizing ratios ranging from 1.1 to 1.8. In addition to arterial biomechanics, computational fluid dynamics methods were adopted to simulate the physiological blood flow inside the stented arteries. Results showed that stent oversizing led to a limited increase in the acute lumen gain, albeit at the cost of a significant increase in arterial wall stresses. Furthermore, localized areas affected by low Wall Shear Stress increased with higher oversizing ratios. Stents were also negatively impacted by the procedure as their fatigue safety factors gradually decreased with oversizing. These adverse effects to both the artery walls and stents may create circumstances for restenosis. Although the ideal oversizing ratio is stent-specific, this study showed that Nitinol stent oversizing has a very small impact on the immediate lumen gain, which contradicts the clinical motivations of the procedure.


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A reliability analysis method is proposed that starts with the identification of all variables involved. These are divided in three groups: (a) variables fixed by codes, as loads and strength project values, and their corresponding partial safety coefficients, (b) geometric variables defining the dimension of the main elements involved, (c) the cost variables, including the possible damages caused by failure, (d) the random variables as loads, strength, etc., and (e)the variables defining the statistical model, as the family of distribution and its corresponding parameters. Once the variables are known, the II-theorem is used to obtain a minimum equivalent set of non-dimensional variables, which is used to define the limit states. This allows a reduction in the number of variables involved and a better understanding of their coupling effects. Two minimum cost criteria are used for selecting the project dimensions. One is based on a bounded-probability of failure, and the other on a total cost, including the damages of the possible failure. Finally, the method is illustrated by means of an application.


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se aborda un tema poco estudiado en el ámbito de los túneles y cuya problemática está basada en los riesgos e incertidumbres que representa el diseño y ejecución de túneles en macizos calizos karstificados. Mediante un estudio profundo del comportamiento de distintos casos reales de túneles en macizos kársticos calizos, aportando la realización de modelos y la experiencia constructiva del autor, se pretende proponer un procedimiento que permita sistematizar las actuaciones, investigación, evaluación y tratamiento en los túneles en karst, como herramienta básica para la toma de decisiones primarias correctas. Además, se proponen herramientas que pueden ayudar a mejorar el diseño y a decidir las medidas más eficientes para afrontar los problemas que genera el karst en los túneles, minimizando los riesgos para todos los actores, su probabilidad e impacto. Se profundiza en tres fases principales (que son referidas en la tesis en cuatro Partes): La INVESTIGACIÓN del macizo rocoso: La investigación engloba todas las actuaciones observacionales encaminadas a obtener el IK (Índice de Karstificación), así como las investigaciones necesarias mediante recopilación de datos superficiales, hidrogeológicos, climáticos, topográficos, así como los datos de investigaciones geofísicas, fotointerpretación, sondeos y ensayos geotécnicos que sean posibles. Mediante la misma, se debe alcanzar un conocimiento suficiente para llevar a cabo la determinación de la Caracterización geomecánica básica del macizo rocoso a distintas profundidades, la determinación del Modelo o modo de karstificación del macizo rocoso respecto al túnel y la Zonificación del índice de karstificación en el ámbito de actuación en el que se implantará el túnel. En esta primera fase es necesaria la correcta Definición geométrica y trazado de la obra subterránea: En función de las necesidades que plantee el proyecto y de los condicionantes externos de la infraestructura, se deben establecer los requisitos mínimos de gálibo necesarios, así como las condiciones de máximas pendientes para el trazado en alzado y los radios mínimos de las curvas en planta, en función del procedimiento constructivo y motivación de construcción del túnel (ferrocarril, carretera o hidráulico, etc...). Estas son decisiones estratégicas o primerias para las que se ha de contar con un criterio y datos adecuados. En esta fase, son importantes las decisiones en cuanto a las monteras o profundidades relativas a la karstificación dominante e investigación de las tensiones naturales del macizo, tectónica, así como las dimensiones del túnel en función de las cavidades previstas, tratamientos, proceso de excavación y explotación. En esta decisión se debe definir, conocida ya de forma parcial la geotecnia básica, el procedimiento de excavación en función de las longitudes del túnel y la clasificación geomecánica del terreno, así como sus monteras mínimas, accesos y condicionantes medioambientales, pero también en función de la hidrogeología. Se establecerá la afección esperable en el túnel, identificando en la sectorización del túnel, la afección esperable de forma general para las secciones pésimas del túnel. Con todos estos datos, en esta primera aproximación, es posible realizar el inventario de casos posibles a lo largo del trazado, para poder, posteriormente, minimizar el número de casos con mayores riesgos (técnicos, temporales o económicos) que requieran de tratamiento. Para la fase de EVALUACIÓN de la matriz de casos posibles en función del trazado inicial escogido (que puede estar ya impuesto por el proyecto, si no se ha podido intervenir en dicha fase), es necesario valorar el comportamiento teórico del túnel en toda su longitud, estudiando las secciones concretas según el tipo y el modo de afección (CASOS) y todo ello en función de los resultados de los estudios realizados en otros túneles. Se debe evaluar el riesgo para cada uno de los casos en función de las longitudes de túnel que se esperan que sean afectadas y el proceso constructivo y de excavación que se vaya a adoptar, a veces varios. Es importante tener en cuenta la existencia o no de agua o relleno arcilloso o incluso heterogéneo en las cavidades, ya que los riesgos se multiplican, así mismo se tendrá en cuenta la estabilidad del frente y del perímetro del túnel. En esta segunda fase se concluirá una nueva matriz con los resultados de los riesgos para cada uno de los casos que se presentarán en el túnel estudiado. El TRATAMIENTO, que se debe proponer al mismo tiempo que una serie de actuaciones para cada uno de los casos (combinación de tipos y modos de afección), debiendo evaluar la eficacia y eficiencia, es decir la relevancia técnica y económica, y como se pueden optimizar los tratamientos. Si la tabla de riesgos que se debe generar de nuevo introduciendo los factores técnicos y económicos no resulta aceptable, será necesaria la reconsideración de los parámetros determinados en fases anteriores. Todo el desarrollo de estas tres etapas se ha recogido en 4 partes, en la primera parte se establece un método de estudio e interpretativo de las investigaciones superficiales y geotécnicas, denominado índice de karstificación. En la segunda parte, se estudia la afección a las obras subterráneas, modelos y tipos de afección, desde un punto de vista teórico. La tercera parte trata de una recopilación de casos reales y las consecuencias extraídas de ellos. Y finalmente, la cuarta parte establece los tratamientos y actuaciones para el diseño y ejecución de túneles en macizos kársticos calizos. Las novedades más importantes que presenta este trabajo son: El estudio de los casos de túneles realizados en karst calizo. Propuesta de los tratamientos más efectivos en casos generales. La evaluación de riesgos en función de las tipologías de túnel y afecciones en casos generales. La propuesta de investigación superficial mediante el índice de karstificación observacional. La evaluación mediante modelos del comportamiento teórico de los túneles en karst para casos muy generales de la influencia de la forma, profundidad y desarrollo de la karstificación. In this doctoral thesis is studied the recommended investigation, evaluation and treatment when a tunnel is planed and constructed in karstic calcareous rock masses. Calcareous rock masses were selected only because the slow disolution produces stable conduct and caves instead the problems of sudden disolutions. Karstification index (IK) that encompasses various aspects of research karstic rock mass is presented. The karst rock masses are all unique and there are no similarities between them in size or density cavities ducts, but both their formation mechanisms, like, geological and hydrogeological geomorphological evidence allow us, through a geomechanical survey and geological-photo interpretation in the surface, establish a karst evaluation index specific for tunnelling, which allows us to set a ranking of the intensity of karstification and the associated stadistic to find caves and its risk in tunnelling. This index is estimated and useful for decision-making and evaluation of measures to be considered in the design of a tunnel and is set in degrees from 0 to 100, with similar to the RMR degrees. The sectorization of the tunnel section and the types of condition proposed in this thesis, are estimated also useful to understand the different effects that interception of ducts and cavities may have in the tunnel during construction and service life. Simplified calculations using two-dimensional models contained in the thesis, have been done to establish the relationship between the position of the cavities relative to the section of the tunnel and its size in relation to the safety factors for each ground conditions, cover and natural stresses. Study of over 100 cases of tunnels that have intercepted cavities or karst conduits have been used in this thesis and the list of risks found in these tunnels have been related as well. The most common and effective treatments are listed and finally associated to the models and type of affection generated to give the proper tool to help in the critical decision when the tunnels intercept cavities. Some existing studies from Marinos have been considered for this document. The structure of the thesis is mainly divided 4 parts included in 3 steps: The investigation, the evaluation and the treatments, which match with the main steps needed for the critical decisions to be made during the design and construction of tunnels in karstic rockmasses, very important to get a successfully project done.


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La prima parte di questo lavoro di tesi tratta dell’interazione tra un bacino di laminazione e il sottostante acquifero: è in fase di progetto, infatti, la costruzione di una cassa di espansione sul torrente Baganza, a monte della città di Parma. L’obiettivo di tale intervento è di ridurre il rischio di esondazione immagazzinando temporaneamente, in un serbatoio artificiale, la parte più pericolosa del volume di piena che verrebbe rilasciata successivamente con portate che possono essere agevolmente contenute nel tratto cittadino del torrente. L’acquifero è stato preliminarmente indagato e monitorato permettendone la caratterizzazione litostratigrafica. La stratigrafia si può riassumere in una sequenza di strati ghiaioso-sabbiosi con successione di lenti d’argilla più o meno spesse e continue, distinguendo due acquiferi differenti (uno freatico ed uno confinato). Nel presente studio si fa riferimento al solo acquifero superficiale che è stato modellato numericamente, alle differenze finite, per mezzo del software MODFLOW_2005. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di rappresentare il sistema acquifero nelle condizioni attuali (in assenza di alcuna opera) e di progetto. La calibrazione è stata condotta in condizioni stazionarie utilizzando i livelli piezometrici raccolti nei punti d’osservazione durante la primavera del 2013. I valori di conducibilità idraulica sono stati stimati per mezzo di un approccio geostatistico Bayesiano. Il codice utilizzato per la stima è il bgaPEST, un software gratuito per la soluzione di problemi inversi fortemente parametrizzati, sviluppato sulla base dei protocolli del software PEST. La metodologia inversa stima il campo di conducibilità idraulica combinando osservazioni sullo stato del sistema (livelli piezometrici nel caso in esame) e informazioni a-priori sulla struttura dei parametri incogniti. La procedura inversa richiede il calcolo della sensitività di ciascuna osservazione a ciascuno dei parametri stimati; questa è stata valutata in maniera efficiente facendo ricorso ad una formulazione agli stati aggiunti del codice in avanti MODFLOW_2005_Adjoint. I risultati della metodologia sono coerenti con la natura alluvionale dell'acquifero indagato e con le informazioni raccolte nei punti di osservazione. Il modello calibrato può quindi essere utilizzato come supporto alla progettazione e gestione dell’opera di laminazione. La seconda parte di questa tesi tratta l'analisi delle sollecitazioni indotte dai percorsi di flusso preferenziali causati da fenomeni di piping all’interno dei rilevati arginali. Tali percorsi preferenziali possono essere dovuti alla presenza di gallerie scavate da animali selvatici. Questo studio è stato ispirato dal crollo del rilevato arginale del Fiume Secchia (Modena), che si è verificato in gennaio 2014 a seguito di un evento alluvionale, durante il quale il livello dell'acqua non ha mai raggiunto la sommità arginale. La commissione scientifica, la cui relazione finale fornisce i dati utilizzati per questo studio, ha attribuito, con molta probabilità, il crollo del rilevato alla presenza di tane di animali. Con lo scopo di analizzare il comportamento del rilevato in condizioni integre e in condizioni modificate dall'esistenza di un tunnel che attraversa il manufatto arginale, è stato realizzato un modello numerico 3D dell’argine mediante i noti software Femwater e Feflow. I modelli descrivono le infiltrazioni all'interno del rilevato considerando il terreno in entrambe le porzioni sature ed insature, adottando la tecnica agli elementi finiti. La tana è stata rappresentata da elementi con elevata permeabilità e porosità, i cui valori sono stati modificati al fine di valutare le diverse influenze sui flussi e sui contenuti idrici. Per valutare se le situazioni analizzate presentino o meno il verificarsi del fenomeno di erosione, sono stati calcolati i valori del fattore di sicurezza. Questo è stato valutato in differenti modi, tra cui quello recentemente proposto da Richards e Reddy (2014), che si riferisce al criterio di energia cinetica critica. In ultima analisi è stato utilizzato il modello di Bonelli (2007) per calcolare il tempo di erosione ed il tempo rimanente al collasso del rilevato.


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The method of isotope substitution in neutron diffraction was used to measure the structure of liquid ZnCl2 at 332(5)?°C and glassy ZnCl2 at 25(1)?°C. The partial structure factors were obtained from the measured diffraction patterns by using the method of singular value decomposition and by using the reverse Monte Carlo procedure. The partial structure factors reproduce the diffraction patterns measured by high-energy x-ray diffraction once a correction for the resolution function of the neutron diffractometer has been made. The results show that the predominant structural motif in both phases is the corner sharing ZnCl4 tetrahedron and that there is a small number of edge-sharing configurations, these being more abundant in the liquid. The tetrahedra organize on an intermediate length scale to give a first sharp diffraction peak in the measured diffraction patterns at a scattering vector kFSDP?1 Å-1 that is most prominent for the Zn-Zn correlations. The results support the notion that the relative fragility of tetrahedral glass forming MX2 liquids is related to the occurrence of edge-sharing units.


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The full set of partial structure factors for glassy germania, or GeO2, were accurately measured by using the method of isotopic substitution in neutron diffraction in order to elucidate the nature of the pair correlations for this archetypal strong glass former. The results show that the basic tetrahedral Ge(O-1/2)(4) building blocks share corners with a mean inter-tetrahedral Ge-O-Ge bond angle of 132(2)degrees. The topological and chemical ordering in the resultant network displays two characteristic length scales at distances greater than the nearest neighbour. One of these describes the intermediate range order, and manifests itself by the appearance of a first sharp diffraction peak in the measured diffraction patterns at a scattering vector k(FSDP) approximate to 1.53 angstrom(-1), while the other describes so-called extended range order, and is associated with the principal peak at k(PP) = 2.66( 1) angstrom(-1). We find that there is an interplay between the relative importance of the ordering on these length scales for tetrahedral network forming glasses that is dominated by the extended range ordering with increasing glass fragility. The measured partial structure factors for glassy GeO2 are used to reproduce the total structure factor measured by using high energy x-ray diffraction and the experimental results are also compared to those obtained by using classical and first principles molecular dynamics simulations.


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The natural and anthropogenic changes that are occurring at the coastal zone around the world represent the greatest problem to society in this century. This problem becomes more evident due to high density of coastal cities, to growing tourist-estate speculation of those areas and to climate change that tend to trigger and accelerate the erosive processes that operating in the littoral. In this context, it‟s possible perceive ever more a significant increase of problems associated to the coastal erosion and retreat of cliffs in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, where this study area of this search is located. The area is located in the coastal zone of the city of Baía Formosa/RN, in south-eastern coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and has a extension of about 1200 meters along the Porto beach. The main objective of this study is to analyze the stability of these cliffs in this region. Through field investigations, testings and computational analysis using the Finite Element Method and Equilibrium Limit Methods. The area was divided into four sections, and were applied checklists, and also realized characterization tests and direct shear tests with materials obtained along these sections. In this manner, it was found that the segments of cliff in this coastal zone have heights around 4 meters to 14 meters and inclinations of approximately 40° to 90°.However the constituents soils of the cliffs were classified, in general terms in accordance to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), as clayey sands or silty sands, clays of low plasticity, clayey gravels and poorly graduaded sands. The most variegated and clayey soils belong to base of the cliff. The stability analysis showed that the safety factors ranged in section 01, from 1.92 to 4.93, in the section 02, from 1.00 to 1.43, in the section 03, from 1.36 to 1.75 , and section 04, from 1.00 to 3.64. Thus, the sections 02 and 03 were considered more unstable. However, the section 03 can be considered as the most critical section due to the absence of coastal protection structures and the narrow strip of beach.


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The coastline from Rio Grande do Norte state is characterized for the presence of dunes and cliffs. The latter consist of slopes with height up to 40 meters and inclinations ranging from 30° to 90° wich horizontal. Thus, this dissertation had as objective the evaluation of the stability of cliff from Ponta do Pirambu in Tibau do Sul/RN, and the realization of a parametric study on the stability of a homogeneous cliff considering as variables the material's cohesion, the cliff height and the slope inclination. The study in Ponta do Pirambu considered yet the possibility of the existence of a colluvial cover with thickness ranging from 0.50 to 5.00 meters. The analyzes were performed by Bishop method, using GEO5 software. In parametric analysis were produced graphics that relate height cliff with the inclination, to safety factors equals to 1.00 and 1.50; besides graphics where it is possible easily get the lowest safety factor as from the cohesion, cliff height and its inclination. It was concluded that these graphs are very useful to preliminary analyzes, for the definition of critical areas in risk mappings in areas of cliffs and for determination of an equation for obtaining the lowest safety factor function of the strength parameters and of slope geometry. Regarding the cliff from Ponta do Pirambu, the results showed that the cliff is subject to superficial landslides located in the points where may there be the presence of colluvium with thicknesses greater than two meters. However, the cliff remains stable presenting the global safety factor equal or superior to 2.50 in the saturated condition.


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Ce mémoire décrit, en premier lieu, l’analyse géotechnique et géomorphologique du glissement de 1971 à Casselman, Ontario. Les caractéristiques morphologiques identifiées à l’intérieur de la cicatrice confirment qu’il s’agit d’un étalement. Le sol impliqué est une argile sensible de la mer de Champlain, normalement à légèrement surconsolidée (OCR entre 1,0 et 1,2) dont les indices de liquidité varient entre 1,0 et 2,0. La résistance au cisaillement intacte mesurée au scissomètre de chantier varie entre 50 kPa et 87 kPa. L’argile adopte un comportement anti-écrouissage (perte de 40 % de la résistance en pic) lorsque soumise à des essais de cisaillement non-drainé. Une surface de rupture quasi-horizontale à deux niveaux principaux a été identifiée à partir des sondages au piézocône réalisés à l’intérieur de la cicatrice. Les coefficients de sécurité élevés obtenus à partir de méthodes à l’équilibre limite démontrent que la rétrogression ne peut être expliquée par des méthodes d’analyses conventionnelles. La deuxième partie du mémoire présente l’application numérique du principe de rupture progressive aux étalements de Casselman (1971) et de Saint-Luc-de-Vincennes (1986). Une étude paramétrique a été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’influence de la fragilité du comportement après la résistance en pic du sol, reliée dans l’étude à une épaisseur de bande de cisaillement, ainsi que de la résistance à grande déformation, sur l’initiation et la rétrogression résultant du processus de rupture progressive. Les résultats démontrent que la résistance à grande déformation a très peu d’influence sur l’initiation du processus de rupture progressive, qui est principalement influencé par la fragilité du comportement du sol. Il a aussi été observé que la rétrogression était majoritairement influencée par la résistance à grande déformation.


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Rapid climatic changes are taking place in Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where predictions point to an increase in freeze-thaw events, changes in precipitation, evaporation and salinity patterns. Climate change may therefore result in large impacts in ecosystem functioning and dynamics, especially in the presence of contaminants due to intense anthropogenic activities. Even though multiple stress approaches have received increasing interest in the last decades, the number of such studies is limited. In particular, knowledge on the effect of freezethaw events and salinity fluctuations on ecotoxicology of soil invertebrates is lacking, especially important when considering supralittoral species. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of low temperature and salinity fluctuations, singly and in combination with contaminants, in the freeze-tolerant and euryhaline enchytraeid Enchytraeus albidus. The assessment of population level endpoints (survival and reproduction), along with physiological and biochemical parameters such as levels of cryoprotectants, ice/water content, oxidative stress biomarkers, cellular energy allocation, and tissue concentration of chemicals (when applied), provided new and valuable knowledge on the effects of selected physical and chemical stressors in E. albidus, and allowed the understanding of adjustments in the primary response mechanisms that enable worms to maintain homeostasis and survival in harsh environments such as polar and temperate-cold regions. The presence of moderate levels of salinity significantly increased freeze-tolerance (mainly evaluated as survival, cryoprotection and ice fraction) and reproduction of E. albidus. Moreover, it contributed to the readjustments of cryoprotectant levels, restoration of antioxidant levels and changed singnificantly the effect and uptake of chemicals (copper cadmium, carbendazim and 4-nonylphenol). Temperature fluctuations (simulated as daily freeze-thaw cycles, between -2ºC and -4ºC) caused substancial negative effect on survival of worms previsouly exposed to non-lethal concentrations of 4-nonylphenol, as compared with constant freezing (-4ºC) and control temperature (2ºC). The decrease in cryoprotectants, increase in energy consumption and the highest concentration of 4-nonylphenol in the tissues have highlighted the high energy requirements and level of toxicity experienced by worms exposed to the combined effect of contaminants and freezing-thawing events. The findings reported on this thesis demonstrate that natural (physical) and chemical stressors, singly or in combination, may alter the dynamics of E. albidus, affecting not only their survival and reproduction (and consequent presence/distribution) but also their physiological and biochemical adaptations. These alterations may lead to severe consequences for the functioning of the ecosystems along the Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where they play an important role for decomposition of dead organic matter. This thesis provides a scientific basis for improving the setting of safety factors for natural soil ecosystems, and to underline the integration of similar investigations in ecotoxicology, and eventually in risk assessment of contaminants.


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Persistent use of safety restraints prevents deaths and reduces the severity and number of injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes. However, safety-restraint use rates in the United States have been below those of other nations with safety-restraint enforcement laws. With a better understanding of the relationship between safety-restraint law enforcement and safety-restraint use, programs can be implemented to decrease the number of deaths and injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes. Does safety-restraint use increase as enforcement increases? Do motorists increase their safety-restraint use in response to the general presence of law enforcement or to targeted law enforcement efforts? Does a relationship between enforcement and restraint use exist at the countywide level? A logistic regression model was estimated by using county-level safety-restraint use data and traffic citation statistics collected in 13 counties within the state of Florida in 1997. The model results suggest that safety-restraint use is positively correlated with enforcement intensity, is negatively correlated with safety-restraint enforcement coverage (in lanemiles of enforcement coverage), and is greater in urban than rural areas. The quantification of these relationships may assist Florida and other law enforcement agencies in raising safety-restraint use rates by allocating limited funds more efficiently either by allocating additional time for enforcement activities of the existing force or by increasing enforcement staff. In addition, the research supports a commonsense notion that enforcement activities do result in behavioral response.


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Background. To establish whether sensorimotor function and balance are associated with on-road driving performance in older adults. Methods. The performance of 270 community-living adults aged 70–88 years recruited via the electoral roll was measured on a battery of peripheral sensation, strength, flexibility, reaction time, and balance tests and on a standardized measure of on-road driving performance. Results. Forty-seven participants (17.4%) were classified as unsafe based on their driving assessment. Unsafe driving was associated with reduced peripheral sensation, lower limb weakness, reduced neck range of motion, slow reaction time, and poor balance in univariate analyses. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified poor vibration sensitivity, reduced quadriceps strength, and increased sway on a foam surface with eyes closed as significant and independent risk factors for unsafe driving. These variables classified participants into safe and unsafe drivers with a sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 70%. Conclusions. A number of sensorimotor and balance measures were associated with driver safety and the multivariate model comprising measures of sensation, strength, and balance was highly predictive of unsafe driving in this sample. These findings highlight important determinants of driver safety and may assist in developing efficacious driver safety strategies for older drivers.


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The accident record of the repair, maintenance, minor alteration, and addition (RMAA) sector has been alarmingly high; however, research in the RMAA sector remains limited. Unsafe behavior is considered one of the key causes of accidents. Thus, the organizational factors that influence individual safety behavior at work continue to be the focus of many studies. The safety climate, which reflects the true priority of safety in an organization, has drawn much attention. Safety climate measurement helps to identify areas for safety improvement. The current study aims to identify safety climate factors in the RMAA sector. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the RMAA sector in Hong Kong. Data were randomly split into the calibration and the validation samples. The RMAA safety climate factors were determined by exploratory factor analysis on the calibration sample. Three safety climate factors of the RMAA works were identified: (1) management commitment to occupational health and safety (OHS) and employee involvement, (2) application of safety rules and work practices, and; (3) responsibility for health and safety. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was then conducted on the validation sample. The CFA model showed satisfactory goodness of fit, reliability, and validity. The suggested RMAA safety climate factors can be utilized by construction industry practitioners in developed economies to measure the safety climate of their RMAA projects, thereby enhancing the safety of RMAA works.


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This paper describes a safety data recording and analysis system that has been developed to capture safety occurrences including precursors using high-definition forward-facing video from train cabs and data from other train-borne systems. The paper describes the data processing model and how events detected through data analysis are related to an underlying socio-technical model of accident causation. The integrated approach to safety data recording and analysis insures systemic factors that condition, influence or potentially contribute to an occurrence are captured both for safety occurrences and precursor events, providing a rich tapestry of antecedent causal factors that can significantly improve learning around accident causation. This can ultimately provide benefit to railways through the development of targeted and more effective countermeasures, better risk models and more effective use and prioritization of safety funds. Level crossing occurrences are a key focus in this paper with data analysis scenarios describing causal factors around near-miss occurrences. The paper concludes with a discussion on how the system can also be applied to other types of railway safety occurrences.