30 resultados para Parenthesis


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Based on functional theory, the text discusses the relations between spoken language and written language, defending not only the existence of a sole grammatical system for both, but also the relevance of studies contemplating specificities of use, some of these being more directed toward interaction, and others being more directed toward system. The investigation that aims to prove these premises used the chronicle as examination material, due to its linguistic colloquialism in general and due to the chronicler’s personal engagement, which involve linguistic strategies available for the expression of information and for the reader’s understanding. The investigation was concentrated on the discourse parenthesis, especially on its connection with the degree of language planning and with the creation of view plans and the establishment of emphasis. It was concluded that the resource of parenthesis both represents linguistic informality (which is more directed toward speaking) and shows the care with preparation and marking of style (which is more directed toward writing), illustrating specificities.


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This paper is the result of a research developed in one of the subgroups of the Project Toward a History of “Paulista” Portuguese which focuses on the investigation of the “Diachrony of the constitutive processes of the text”. The aim of this research is to study the Portuguese item assim in the parenthesis contexts using specifically the letter Discursive Tradition in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Focusing on the Textual Interactive theory/perspective, the main purpose is to proceed with a qualitative analysis of the functionality of assim in the process of textual construction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic infl ammatory changes resulting from direct action and the immune response to the spirochete Borrelia burgdoferi transmitted by inoculation of the fl ow of the genus Ixodes tick and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. This disease can lead to facial and peripheral neurological manifestations, such as Bell’s palsy, eye changes, disorders in the temporo-mandibular joint in addition to paresthesia of superior and inferior alveolar nerves. In Brazil, the diagnosis of LD is primarily based on clinical presentation, the erythema migrans skin, and epidemiological information of the patient. Recognition of the onset of the DL by health professionals is essential for the correct antibiotic treatment preventing the progression of the disease, and also relevant preventive guidelines for those living or working in endemic areas.


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Postcruise X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for 95 whole-rock samples from Holes 1188A, 1188F, 1189A, and 1189B are presented. The samples represent alteration types recovered during Leg 193. The data set is incorporated into the shipboard XRD data set. Based on the newly obtained XRD data, distribution of alteration phases were redrawn for Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1188 and 1189.


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This article analyses a number of social and cultural aspects of the blog phenomenon with the methodological aid of a complexity model, the New Techno-social Environment (hereinafter also referred to by its Spanish acronym, NET, or Nuevo Entorno Tecnosocial) together with the socio-technical approach of the two blogologist authors. Both authors are researchers interested in the new reality of the Digital Universal Network (DUN). After a review of some basic definitions, the article moves on to highlight some key characteristics of an emerging blog culture and relates them to the properties of the NET. Then, after a brief practical parenthesis for people entering the blogosphere for the first time, we present some reflections on blogs as an evolution of virtual communities and on the changes experienced by the inhabitants of the infocity emerging from within the NET. The article concludes with a somewhat disturbing question; whether among these changes there might not be a gradual transformation of the structure and form of human intelligence.


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This research aims to show the main points of convergence between hegemonic schools of economic and sociological theory from the Scottish Enlightenment until today. To this end, on the one hand, we set three basic families of economic thought (the mainstream, the Austrian school and Marxism); and, on the other, we divide the history of sociology in five major generations (pioneers, founders, institutionalizers, compilers and constructivist). Subsequently, we set five historical periods as reference to our respective chapters and compare, within each of them, the theoretical contributions from these two areas. Thus, in the first chapter, called "the liberal parenthesis", we consider the relationship between the classical school of economics and the pioneers and founders of sociology. In the second, entitled "the social question" we analyze, on the one hand, the theoretical consistency of both the neoclassical school, as Austrian, with the principles defended by the institutionalizers of sociology; and, on the other, the influence of Karl Marx, as founder of sociology and classical economist, in the work of Soviet revolutionary theorists. In chapter three, called the "new industrial state", we demonstrate the theoretical proximity between both Keynesianism and the Austrian school of economics, with the doctrine defended by the generation of compilers in sociology. The fourth chapter, entitled "second industrial divide", refers to the similarities between the theoretical contributions of the monetarist Chicago school and the Austrian school with sociological constructivism. Finally, chapter five, the "global market", shows that the two hegemonic schools in economics, "integrated model", and sociology, "analytical sociology", are composed of the same three schools of thought: the rational choice, the neo-institutionalism and network approach. Thus, we can conclude that, if we look at their respective areas of influence, during this historical period occurs an manifest agreement between the theoretical contributions from the economic and sociological fields.


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El trabajo analiza los antecedentes históricos de la nutrición comunitaria española a través del estudio de los primeros intentos de institucionalización que tuvieron lugar en la Sección de Higiene de la Alimentación y Nutrición de la Escuela Nacional de Sanidad (ENS), limitando la búsqueda al período 1930-1936. Junto a la formación de los profesionales de la salud pública en las materias relacionadas con la nutrición y la alimentación se desarrolló un programa de investigación que contemplaba tres grandes áreas de trabajo. Para poder conocer cuál era la alimentación media habitual de los españoles y orientar las medidas preventivas encaminadas a conseguir una adecuada alimentación se llevaron a cabo estudios y encuestas sobre consumo. Se estudió la composición química de los alimentos españoles, con el objeto de determinar las posibles carencias. Por último, se analizaron los problemas de salud que acarreaba una alimentación deficiente en grupos de riesgo como las personas diabéticas. Los resultados de las investigaciones pusieron de manifiesto que la alimentación media de los españoles, especialmente la de las clases trabajadoras, estaba muy lejos de poder ser considerada equilibrada desde el punto de vista nutricional. Los mayores problemas residían en un déficit de proteínas animales, así como importantes deficiencias en aportes de minerales y vitaminas. El estallido de la guerra civil en julio de 1936 interrumpió el desarrollo del proceso de institucionalización. Sólo en la década de 1960, tras el paréntesis del primer franquismo, se recuperó el interés sanitario por los problemas de la alimentación.


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Calcium carbonate and organic carbon concentrations are from measurements made on board the JOIDES Resolution during Leg 117 (Prell, Niitsuma, et al., 1989, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.117.1989). Values are for samples immdiately adjacent to fabric samples, or for Site 723 within 25 cm of the fabric sample interval. Intervals for which carbon analyses were not performed are represented by values in parenthesis which are from the nearest interval of similar lithology. Organic carbon analyses were not performed for samples below 402 mbsf at Site 731. Analyses performed on similar sediments at Sites 722 and 731 indicate the organic carbon concentration is probably <0.20%.


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The subtitle "Serie geológica" does not appear on the first four numbers, as the Trabajos were not originally divided into series. The original numbering of nos. 1-4 is given in parenthesis following contents.


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In his important book on evolutionary theory, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, Daniel Dennett warns that Darwin's idea seeps through every area of human discourse like a "universal acid" (Dennett, 1995). Art and the aesthetic response cannot escape its influence. So my approach in this chapter is essentially naturalistic. Friedrich Nietzsche writes of observing the human comedy from afar, "like a cold angel...without anger, but without warmth" (Nietzsche, 1872, p. 164). Whether Nietzsche, of all people, could have done this is a matter of debate. But we know what he means. It describes a stance outside the human world as if looking down on human folly from Mount Olympus. From this stance, humans, their art and neurology are all part of the natural world, all part of the evolutionary process, the struggle for existence. The anthropologist David Dutton, in his contribution to the Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, says that all humans have an aesthetic sense (Dutton, 2001). It is a human universal. Biologists argue that such universals have an evolutionary basis. Furthermore, many have argued that not only humans but also animals, at least the higher mammals and birds, have an appreciation of the beautiful and the ugly (Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1988).11Charles Darwin indeed writes "Birds appear to be the most aesthetic of all animals, excepting, of course, man, and they have nearly the same sense of the beautiful that we have" (1871, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, London: John Murray, vol.2, xiii, 39). This again suggests that aesthetics has an evolutionary origin. In parenthesis here, I should perhaps say that I am well aware of the criticism leveled at evolutionary psychology. I am well aware that it has been attacked as just so many "just-so" stories. This is neither the time nor the place to mount a defense but simply just to say that I believe that a defense is eminently feasible. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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NEC(ROMANTIC) is a poetry collection thematically linked through images of insects, celestial bodies, bones, and other elements of the supernatural. These images are indicative of spells, but the parenthesis around romantic in the collection’s title also implies idealism. The poems explore the author’s experiences with death, grief, love, oppression, and addiction. NEC(ROMANTIC) employs the use of traditional forms such as the villanelle, sestina, and haiku to organize these experiences. Prose poetry and a peca kucha ground the center of NEC(ROMANTIC) which alternates between lyrical and narrative gestures. NEC(ROMANTIC) is influenced by Sylvia Plath. The author uses Plath’s methods of compression, sound, and rhythm to create a swift, child-like tone when examining emotionally laden topics. Ilya Kaminsky influences lyrical elements of the poems, including surrealism. Spencer Reese’s combination of the natural and personal world is also paramount to this book. Adrienne Rich and Audre Lorde influence NEC(ROMANTIC)’s political poetry.