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Recent studies have shown that delusion-like experiences (DLEs) are common among general populations. This study investigates whether the prevalence of these experiences are linked to the embracing of New Age thought. Logistic regression analyses were performed using data derived from a large community sample of young adults (N = 3777). Belief in a spiritual or higher power other than God was found to be significantly associated with endorsement of 16 of 19 items from Peters et al. (1999b) Delusional Inventory following adjustment for a range of potential confounders, while belief in God was associated with endorsement of four items. A New Age conception of the divine appears to be strongly associated with a wide range of DLEs. Further research is needed to determine a causal link between New Age philosophy and DLEs (e.g. thought disturbance, suspiciousness, and delusions of grandeur).


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BACKGROUND: Stimulants, such as methylphenidate, are among the most commonly used medications in children and adolescents. Psychotic symptoms have been reported as rare adverse reactions to stimulants but have not been systematically inquired about in most previous studies. Family history of mental illness may increase the vulnerability to drug-induced psychotic symptoms. We examined the association between stimulant use and psychotic symptoms in sons and daughters of parents with major mood and psychotic disorders. METHODS: We assessed psychotic symptoms, psychotic-like experiences, and basic symptoms in 141 children and youth (mean ± SD age: 11.8 ± 4.0 years; range: 6–21 years), who had 1 or both parents with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, and of whom 24 (17.0%) had taken stimulant medication. RESULTS: Psychotic symptoms were present in 62.5% of youth who had taken stimulants compared with 27.4% of participants who had never taken stimulants. The association between stimulant use and psychotic experiences remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders (odds ratio: 4.41; 95% confidence interval: 1.82–10.69; P = .001) and was driven by hallucinations occurring during the use of stimulant medication. A temporal relationship between use of stimulants and psychotic symptoms was supported by an association between current stimulant use and current psychotic symptoms and co-occurrence in cases that were assessed on and off stimulants. CONCLUSIONS: Psychotic symptoms should be monitored during the use of stimulants in children and adolescents. Family history of mood and psychotic disorders may need to be taken into account when considering the prescription of stimulants.


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The 3rd Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference was held in Florence, Italy, April 14-18, 2012 and this year had as its emphasis, "The Globalization of Research". Student travel awardees served as rapporteurs for each oral session and focused their summaries on the most significant findings that emerged and the discussions that followed. The following report is a composite of these summaries. We hope that it will provide an overview for those who were present, but could not participate in all sessions, and those who did not have the opportunity to attend, but who would be interested in an update on current investigations ongoing in the field of schizophrenia research. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The clinical validity of at-risk criteria of psychosis had been questioned based on epidemiological studies that have reported much higher prevalence and annual incidence rates of psychotic-like experiences (PLEs as assessed by either self rating questionnaires or layperson interviews) in the general population than of the clinical phenotype of psychotic disorders (van Os et al., 2009). Thus, it is unclear whether “current at-risk criteria reflect behaviors so common among adolescents and young adults that a valid distinction between ill and non-ill persons is difficult” (Carpenter, 2009). We therefore assessed the 3-month prevalence of at-risk criteria by means of telephone interviews in a randomly drawn general population sample from the at-risk age segment (age 16–35 years) in the Canton Bern, Switzerland. Eighty-five of 102 subjects had valid phone numbers, 21 of these subjects refused (although 6 of them signaled willingness to participate at a later time), 4 could not be contacted. Sixty subjects (71% of the enrollment fraction) participated. Two participants met exclusion criteria (one for being psychotic, one for lack of language skills). Twenty-two at-risk symptoms were assessed for their prevalence and severity within the 3 months prior to the interview by trained clinical raters using (i) the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS; Miller et al., 2002) for the evaluation of 5 attenuated psychotic and 3 brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (APS, BLIPS) as well as state-trait criteria of the ultra-high-risk (UHR) criteria and (ii) the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult version (SPI-A; Schultze-Lutter et al., 2007) for the evaluation of the 14 basic symptoms included in COPER and COGDIS (Schultze-Lutter et al., 2008). Further, psychiatric axis I diagnoses were assessed by means of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview, M.I.N.I. (Sheehan et al., 1998), and psychosocial functioning by the Scale of Occupational and Functional Assessment (SOFAS; APA, 1994). All interviewees felt ‘rather’ or ‘very’ comfortable with the interview. Of the 58 included subjects, only 1 (2%) fulfilled APS criteria by reporting the attenuated, non-delusional idea of his mind being literally read by others at a frequency of 2–3 times a week that had newly occurred 6 weeks ago. BLIPS, COPER, COGDIS or state-trait UHR criteria were not reported. Yet, twelve subjects (21%) described sub-threshold at-risk symptoms: 7 (12%) reported APS relevant symptoms but did not meet time/frequency criteria of APS, and 9 (16%) reported COPER and/or COGDIS relevant basic symptoms but at an insufficient frequency or as a trait lacking increase in severity; 4 of these 12 subjects reported both sub-threshold APS and sub-threshold basic symptoms. Table 1 displays type and frequency of the sub-threshold at-risk symptoms.


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It is barely 15 years since, in 1996, the issue theme of Schizophrenia Bulletin (Vol 22, 2) “Early Detection, and Intervention in Schizophrenia” signified the commencement of this field of research. Since that time the field of early detection research has developed rapidly and it may be translated into clinical practice by the introduction of an Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, (DSM-5) (www.dsm5.org/ProposedRevisions/Pages/proposedrevision.aspx?rid=412#). Attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) had first been suggested as a clinical predictor of first-episode psychosis by the Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation (PACE) Clinic group as part of the ultrahigh risk (UHR) criteria.1 The term ultrahigh risk became broadly accepted for this set of criteria for imminent risk of developing psychosis in the late 1990s. The use of the term “prodrome” for a state characterized by at-risk (AR) criteria was criticized as a retrospective concept inevitably followed by the full-blown disorder.1 Although alternative terms have been suggested, prodrome is still used in prospective studies (eg, prodromally symptomatic, potentially or putatively prodromal, prodrome-like state/symptoms). Some alternative suggestions such as prepsychotic state/symptoms, subthreshold psychotic symptoms, early psychosis, subsyndromal psychosis, hypopsychosis, or subpsychosis were short-lived. Other terms still in use include UHR, at-risk mental state (ARMS), AR, high risk, clinical high risk (CHR), or early and late AR state. Further, the term psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) has recently (re-)entered early detection research. …


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RÉSUMÉ L’étiologie de la schizophrénie est complexe et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress (Nuechterlein & Dawson, 1984) propose que des facteurs de vulnérabilité d’ordre génétique combinés à une histoire environnementale de stress particulier pousseraient l’individu vers un état clinique de psychose. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre la réaction physiologique des personnes schizophrènes face à un stress psychologique, tout en conceptualisant les symptômes psychotiques comme faisant partie d’un continuum, plutôt que de les restreindre sur un plan catégoriel. Afin de faire la différence entre les patients schizophrènes et les individus de la population générale, au-delà de la sévérité de leurs symptômes psychotiques, leur réaction au stress est comparée et le phénomène de seuil critique dans la réaction de cortisol est exploré en tant que point décisif pouvant distinguer entre les deux groupes. La première étude de cette thèse (Brenner et al., 2007) examine la fiabilité, la validité et la structure factorielle du Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) (Stefanis et al., 2002), avec un échantillon francophone et anglophone de la population nord américaine, un questionnaire auto-administré de 42 items qui évalue les expériences quasi-psychotiques présentes dans la population générale : des symptômes positifs (ou psychotiques), négatifs (ou végétatifs) et dépressifs. Ce questionnaire a été complété par un échantillon de 2 275 personnes de la population montréalaise. Les résultats appuient la consistance interne des 3 sous-échelles originales. De plus, l’analyse factorielle exploratoire suggère des solutions de 3-5 facteurs, où les solutions à 4 et 5 facteurs proposent de séparer les symptômes positifs en sous-catégories plus spécifiques. Finalement, cette étude suggère une version plus courte du CAPE, avec seulement 23 items, tout en préservant les mêmes trois échelles originales. La toile de fond de cet article confirme l’existence du phénomène du continuum de la psychose, où une variation de symptômes psychotiques peut se retrouver aussi bien dans la population générale que dans la population clinique. Dans une deuxième étude (Brenner et al., 2009), cette thèse examine à quel point la réponse de l’hormone de stress, le cortisol, à un test de stress psychosocial nommé le Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) (Kirschbaum, Pirke, & Hellhammer, 1993), peut établir une différence entre les sujets témoins et les patients schizophrènes, tout en contrôlant des variables importantes. Un groupe de 30 personnes schizophrènes et un groupe de 30 sujets de la population générale, recrutés lors de la première étude de cette thèse, ont participé à cette recherche qui est construite selon un plan expérimental. Le groupe témoin inclut des personnes légèrement symptomatiques et un chevauchement des scores psychotiques existe entre les deux groupes. Suite au stresseur, les deux groupes démontrent une augmentation significative de leur rythme cardiaque et de leur pression artérielle. Cependant, leur réponse de cortisol a tendance à différer : les patients schizophrènes présentent une réponse de cortisol plus petite que celle des témoins, mais en atteignant un seuil statistique significatif seulement à la mesure qui suit immédiatement le stresseur. Ces résultats significatifs sont obtenus en contrôlant pour la sévérité des symptômes positifs, un facteur discriminant significatif entre les deux groupes. Ainsi, le niveau de cortisol mesuré immédiatement après le stresseur se révèle être un marqueur de seuil critique pouvant établir une distinction entre les deux groupes. Aussi, leur réponse de cortisol maximale a tendance à apparaître plus tard que chez les sujets témoins. De façon générale, la réaction au stress des deux groupes étudiés est un autre moyen d’observer la continuité d’un comportement présent chez les individus, jusqu’à ce qu’un seuil critique soit atteint. Ainsi, il est possible de trancher, à un moment donné, entre psychose clinique ou absence de diagnostic.


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Les déficits cognitifs sont centraux à la psychose et sont observables plusieurs années avant le premier épisode psychotique. L’atteinte de la mémoire épisodique est fréquemment identifiée comme une des plus sévères, tant chez les patients qu’avant l’apparition de la pathologie chez des populations à risque. Chez les patients psychotiques, l’étude neuropsychologique des processus mnésiques a permis de mieux comprendre l’origine de cette atteinte. Une altération des processus de mémoire de source qui permettent d’associer un souvenir à son origine a ainsi été identifiée et a été associée aux symptômes positifs de psychose, principalement aux hallucinations. La mémoire de source de même que la présence de symptômes sous-cliniques n’ont pourtant jamais été investiguées avant l’apparition de la maladie chez une population à haut risque génétique de psychose (HRG). Or, leur étude permettrait de voir si les déficits en mémoire de source de même que le vécu d’expériences hallucinatoires sont associés à l’apparition de la psychose ou s’ils en précèdent l’émergence, constituant alors des indicateurs précoces de pathologie. Afin d’étudier cette question, trois principaux objectifs ont été poursuivis par la présente thèse : 1) caractériser le fonctionnement de la mémoire de source chez une population HRG afin d’observer si une atteinte de ce processus précède l’apparition de la maladie, 2) évaluer si des manifestations sous-cliniques de symptômes psychotiques, soit les expériences hallucinatoires, sont identifiables chez une population à risque et 3) investiguer si un lien est présent entre le fonctionnement en mémoire de source et la symptomatologie sous-clinique chez une population à risque, à l’instar de ce qui est documenté chez les patients. Les résultats de la thèse ont permis de démontrer que les HRG présentent une atteinte de la mémoire de source ciblée à l’attribution du contexte temporel des souvenirs, ainsi que des distorsions mnésiques qui se manifestent par une fragmentation des souvenirs et par une défaillance de la métacognition en mémoire. Il a également été observé que les expériences hallucinatoires sous-cliniques étaient plus fréquentes chez les HRG. Des associations ont été documentées entre certaines distorsions en mémoire et la propension à halluciner. Ces résultats permettent d’identifier de nouveaux indicateurs cliniques et cognitifs du risque de développer une psychose et permettent de soulever des hypothèses liant l’attribution de la source interne-externe de l’information et le développement de la maladie. Les implications empiriques, théoriques, méthodologiques et cliniques de la thèse sont discutées.


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Elevated schizotypy relates to similar cognitive attenuations as seen in psychosis and cannabis/polydrug use. Also, in schizotypal populations cannabis and polydrug (including licit drug) use are enhanced.These cognitive attenuations may therefore either be a behavioral marker of psychotic (-like) symptoms or the consequence of enhanced drug use in schizotypal populations.To elucidate this, we investigated the link between cognitive attenuation and cannabis use in largely pure cannabis users (35) and non-using controls (48), accounting for the potential additional influence of both schizotypy and licit drug use (alcohol, nicotine). Cognitive attenuations commonly seen in psychosis were associated with cannabis and alcohol use, but not schizotypy. Future studies should therefore consider (i) non-excessive licit substance use (e.g., alcohol) in studies investigating the effect of cannabis use on cognition and (ii) both enhanced illicit and licit substance use in studies investigating cognition in schizotypal populations.


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Among the many changes occurring across Chinese society in the early phase of Y2K is the construction and implementation of a new physical education (PE) curriculum. Not unlike recent changes in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, this process has seen a heightening of the profile of health. Presented within a wider framework for making the school curriculum more relevant, PE is more closely aligned with China's emerging health concerns around young people. Foremost here are burgeoning social anxieties about decreased levels of physical activity, dietary practices, risk-taking tendencies, and a general decline of social cohesion/connection across the profile of contemporary youth. This paper reports on a study undertaken to explore the experiences of Chinese PE teachers as they engage with the new curriculum.

The data reveals a number of structural, personal and cultural factors that work against teachers taking up the opportunities presented in the new curriculum. Prominent here are; low professional status, an expanding generation gap, lack of training and the grip of deeply rooted cultural values. Juxtaposed against the like experiences of PE teachers in Australia and the UK the paper concludes with practical recommendations for nurturing curriculum change in China.


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Although the experience of vicarious sensations when observing another in pain have been described postamputation, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We investigated whether vicarious sensations are related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and chronic pain. In Study 1, 236 amputees completed questionnaires about phantom limb phenomena and vicarious sensations to both innocuous and painful sensory experiences of others. There was a 10.2% incidence of vicarious sensations, which was significantly more prevalent in amputees reporting PTSD-like experiences, particularly increased arousal and reexperiencing the event that led to amputation (φ = .16). In Study 2, 63 amputees completed the Empathy for Pain Scale and PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version. Cluster analyses revealed 3 groups: 1 group did not experience vicarious pain or PTSD symptoms, and 2 groups were vicarious pain responders, but only 1 had increased PTSD symptoms. Only the latter group showed increased chronic pain severity compared with the nonresponder group (p = .025) with a moderate effect size (r = .35). The findings from both studies implicated an overlap, but also divergence, between PTSD symptoms and vicarious pain reactivity postamputation. Maladaptive mechanisms implicated in severe chronic pain and physical reactivity posttrauma may increase the incidence of vicarious reactivity to the pain of others.


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Synaesthesia is a condition in which a stimulus elicits an additional subjective experience. For example, the letter E printed in black (the inducer) may trigger an additional colour experience as a concurrent (e.g., blue). Synaesthesia tends to run in families and thus, a genetic component is likely. However, given that the stimuli that typically induce synaesthesia are cultural artefacts, a learning component must also be involved. Moreover, there is evidence that synaesthetic experiences not only activate brain areas typically involved in processing sensory input of the concurrent modality; synaesthesia seems to cause a structural reorganisation of the brain. Attempts to train non-synaesthetes with synaesthetic associations have been successful in mimicking certain behavioural aspects and posthypnotic induction of synaesthetic experiences in non-synaesthetes has even led to the according phenomenological reports. These latter findings suggest that structural brain reorganization may not be a critical precondition, but rather a consequence of the sustained coupling of inducers and concurrents. Interestingly, synaesthetes seem to be able to easily transfer synaesthetic experiences to novel stimuli. Beyond this, certain drugs (e.g., LSD) can lead to synaesthesia-like experiences and may provide additional insights into the neurobiological basis of the condition. Furthermore, brain damage can both lead to a sudden presence of synaesthetic experiences in previously non-synaesthetic individuals and a sudden absence of synaesthesia in previously synaesthetic individuals. Moreover, enduring sensory substitution has been effective in inducing a kind of acquired synaesthesia. Besides informing us about the cognitive mechanisms of synaesthesia, synaesthesia research is relevant for more general questions, for example about consciousness such as the binding problem, about crossmodal correspondences and about how individual differences in perceiving and experiencing the world develop. Hence the aim of the current Research Topic is to provide novel insights into the development of synaesthesia both in its genuine and acquired form. We welcome novel experimental work and theoretical contributions (e.g., review and opinion articles) focussing on factors such as brain maturation, learning, training, hypnosis, drugs, sensory substitution and brain damage and their relation to the development of any form of synaesthesia.


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Stress has been identified as a common trigger for psychosis. Dopamine pathways are suggested to be affected by chronic and severe stress and to play an important role in psychosis. This pilot study investigates the potential relationship of stress and psychosis in subclinical psychotic experiences. It was hypothesized that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously found to be associated with psychiatric disorders would be associated with both stress and subclinical psychotic experiences. University students (N=182) were genotyped for 17 SNPs across 11 genes. Higher stress reporting was associated with rs4680 COMT, rs13211507 HLA region, and rs13107325 SLC39A8. Reports of higher subclinical psychotic experiences were associated with DRD2 SNPs rs17601612 and rs658986 and an AKT1 SNP rs2494732. Replication studies are recommended to further pursue this line of research for identification of markers of psychosis for early diagnosis and intervention.


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While teaching is largely a White, middle-class profession, some teachers, including White teachers, come from low socio-economic backgrounds. This paper examines how one working-class pe-service teacher in Australia experiences studying in a predominantly middle-class teacher education program. Drawing on Bourdieu, this paper seeks to explore what we can learn from the pre-service teaching reflections of one woman who is a member of this smaller group of teachers and who brings to her teaching the habitus and life history that aligns with many of her students and the low socio-economic communities in which she teaches.


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Background: The issue of unhelpful and harmful therapy outcome has received an increasing amount of attention within the research literature in recent years. However, little research exists on the client's perspective of what constitutes unhelpful therapy. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore clients’ experiences of unhelpful therapy. Method: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with ten therapists who, as clients, experienced unhelpful therapy. Interview transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Findings: Participants recounted therapy episodes characterised by an absence of negotiation, collaboration and care; pivotal moments when they knew that they would not return; and ongoing negative effects. Conclusions: The findings of this study have implications for training and strategies for supporting clients who have been harmed by therapy.