31 resultados para PMSG


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The cryopreservation of oocytes has been only marginally successful with any of the current protocols, including slow cooling, rapid cooling and vitrification. We wished to test the hypothesis that oocytes from a single mouse strain would freeze successfully by 1 of the 3 mentioned protocols. Unfertilized Kunming mouse oocytes obtained 14 h after PMSG/hCG administration were randomly assigned to be cryopreserved after slow cooling, ultra rapid cooling and vitrification. Oocytes were thawed by straws being placed into 37 degrees C water, and their morphological appearance and in vitro fertilization capability were compared with that of oocytes that had not undergone cryopreservation. Survival of oocytes was indicated by the absence of darkened ooplasm or by broken membranes or zona pellucida. Functional integrity was evaluated by the formation of a 2-cell embryo after IVF. Survival rate of slow cooled oocytes did not differ from that seen in vitrified oocytes (55.1 vs 65.9%) but was significantly lower in the rapidly cooled oocytes (24.2%; P<0.01). The results of NF of slow cooled and vitrified oocytes were similar to those of the control group (72 and 73 vs 77%; P>0.05). It appears that Kunming mouse oocytes can be successfully cryopreserved using the slow cooling method with 1,2-propanediol and vitrification, which contains both permeating and nonpermeating cryoprotectants. (C) 1997 by Elsevier Science Inc.


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The induction of ovulation by exogenous gonadotrophins is an important approach for recovering oocytes used for studies on the reproductive biology of some mammals. In the present study, pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadot


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In this paper, two wind turbines equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) and respectively with a two-level or a multilevel converter are simulated in order to access the malfunction transient performance. Three different drive train mass models, respectively, one, two and three mass models, are considered in order to model the bending flexibility of the blades. Moreover, a fractional-order control strategy is studied comparatively to a classical integer-order control strategy. Computer simulations are carried out, and conclusions about the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the electric current injected into the electric grid are in favor of the fractional-order control strategy.


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In distributed energy production, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are often connected to the grid via frequency converters, such as voltage source line converters. The price of the converter may constitute a large part of the costs of a generating set. Some of the permanent magnet synchronous generators with converters and traditional separately excited synchronous generators couldbe replaced by direct-on-line (DOL) non-controlled PMSGs. Small directly networkconnected generators are likely to have large markets in the area of distributed electric energy generation. Typical prime movers could be windmills, watermills and internal combustion engines. DOL PMSGs could also be applied in island networks, such as ships and oil platforms. Also various back-up power generating systems could be carried out with DOL PMSGs. The benefits would be a lower priceof the generating set and the robustness and easy use of the system. The performance of DOL PMSGs is analyzed. The electricity distribution companies have regulations that constrain the design of the generators being connected to the grid. The general guidelines and recommendations are applied in the analysis. By analyzing the results produced by the simulation model for the permanent magnet machine, the guidelines for efficient damper winding parameters for DOL PMSGs are presented. The simulation model is used to simulate grid connections and load transients. The damper winding parameters are calculated by the finite element method (FEM) and determined from experimental measurements. Three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) is carried out. The results from the simulation model and 3D FEA are compared with practical measurements from two prototype axial flux permanent magnet generators provided with damper windings. The dimensioning of the damper winding parameters is case specific. The damper winding should be dimensioned based on the moment of inertia of the generating set. It is shown that the damper winding has optimal values to reach synchronous operation in the shortest period of time after transient operation. With optimal dimensioning, interferenceon the grid is minimized.


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Avaliaram-se o efeito do IGF-I na maturação in vitro (MIV) (experimento I) e no desenvolvimento embrionário (DE) (experimento II) de oócitos bovinos fecundados in vitro, quanto às taxas de clivagem (TC), de blastocistos (TB) e de eclosão (TE). Para MIV, complexos cumulus-oócitos imaturos foram cultivados em meio TCM-199 suplementado com HEPES, bicarbonato e piruvato de sódio, aditivos, soro fetal bovino (meio B-199) e gonadotrofinas 14U/ml de PMSG e 7U/ml de hCG). Para o desenvolvimento embrionário, os oócitos/zigotos foram cultivados em meio B-199 com células epiteliais do oviduto bovino em suspensão sob óleo de silicone. As condições de cultivo in vitro para ambos os experimentos seguiram os tratamentos: 1- meio B-199 + 200 ng/ml IGF-I; 2- B-199 + 100 ng/ml IGF-I; 3- B-199 + 50 ng/ml IGF-I; 4- B-199 + 10 ng/ml IGF-I; 5- B-199 + 0 ng/ml IGF-I. Todas as culturas foram realizadas a 38,5° C em atmosfera com 5% de CO2 e os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No experimento I, não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto às TC, TB e TE, quando o meio de MIV foi suplementado com IGF-I. No experimento II, a adição de IGF-I ao meio de DE resultou em aumento na TC (P<0,05) mas não influenciou a TB e a TE. A adição de 200 ng/ml de IGF-I ao meio DE melhorou a TC (71,1%) quando comparada com a TC dos grupos de 100 ng/ml de IGF-I (57,6%) ou controle (56,7%), entretanto não houve diferença quando comparada com a dos grupos de 50 ng/ml (69,4%) ou 10 ng/ml (73,1%) de IGF-I. Não houve efeito benéfico na adição de 10 a 200 ng/ml de IGF-I nos meios de MIV e de DE com relação ao desenvolvimento de embriões produzidos a partir de oócitos maturados e fecundados in vitro.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de diferentes fontes de gonadotrofinas para maturação in vitro dos oócitos bovinos fecundados e desenvolvidos in vitro sobre as taxas de clivagem (TC) e de blastocistos (TBL). Oócitos imaturos provenientes de ovários de vacas de abatedouro foram submetidos a maturação in vitro sob diferentes condições: meio TCM 199, acrescido de 10% de soro de vaca em estro (SVE), aditivos, hepes, NaHCO3, piruvato de sódio, antibióticos (meio B-199), 20 UI/mL de PMSG e 10 UI/mL de hCG (PMSG/hCG) ou meio B-199, acrescido de 5 mig/mL de FSH e 5 mig/mL de LH (FSH/LH). Seguidos 24 h de cultura a 38,5ºC em atmosfera com 5% de CO2, os oócitos maturos foram incubados com sêmen descongelado durante 18 a 21 horas. Após esse período, os oócitos foram transferidos para placas contendo microgotas de meio Ménezo suplementado com 10% de SVE e células epiteliais do oviduto bovino em suspensão, cobertas com óleo de silicone, os quais permaneceram em cultura por mais 9 dias. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste do Qui-quadrado. A TC e a TBL, para PMSG/hCG e FSH/LH, foram 60 e 13,9% e 61,2 e 10,6%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos com relação a TC ou a TBL. Esses resultados sugerem que ambas as fontes de gonadotrofinas podem ser utilizadas para maturação in vitro dos oócitos fecundados e desenvolvidos in vitro.


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Currently, there are several power converter topologies applied to wind power generation. The converters allow the use of wind turbines operating at variable speed, enabling better use of wind forces. The high performance of the converters is being increasingly demanded, mainly because of the increase in the power generation capacity by wind turbines, which gave rise to various converter topologies, such as parallel or multilevel converters. The use of converters allow effective control of the power injected into the grid, either partially, for the case using partial converter, or total control for the case of using full converter. The back-to-back converter is one of the most used topologies in the market today, due to its simple structure, with few components, contributing to robust and reliable performance. In this work, is presented the implementation of a wind cogeneration system using a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) associated with a back-to-back power converter is proposed, in order to inject active power in an electric power system. The control strategy of the active power delivered to the grid by cogeneration is based on the philosophy of indirect control


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Verificou-se a eficiência de protocolos para sincronizar a ovulação em porcas desmamadas precocemente. Trinta porcas com média de 4,4± 2,0 partos e estádio de lactação de 14,8± 0,7 dias foram distribuídas em três grupos de 10 animais: 1- nenhum tratamento hormonal; 2- 1000 UI de PMSG, via intramuscular (IM), 48h pós-desmame e 0,25mg de GnRH, IM, 72h após a aplicação do PMSG; 3- 1000 UI de PMSG, IM, 48h pós-desmame e 500 UI de hCG, IM, 72h após o PMSG. O momento da ovulação foi detectado por ultra-sonografia transretal. A taxa de sincronização (ovulação até 48h após aplicação de hCG ou GnRH) dos grupos 2 e 3 (94,7%) foi maior (P<0,01) que no grupo controle (40%). Com o uso dos protocolos de sincronização de ovulação, as fêmeas tratadas apresentaram, em relação ao grupo controle, tendência de maior taxa de prenhez (95% vs. 70%; P<0,10) e similares intervalo do desmame ao estro (96,5± 3,0 vs. 130,2± 31,4h) e número de leitões nascidos vivos por fêmea gestante no primeiro cio pós-desmame (10,9± 0,8 vs. 12,0± 0,9). Dessa maneira, os protocolos de sincronização usados neste estudo foram eficientes em sincronizar a ovulação, e podem viabilizar o uso da inseminação artificial em horários predeterminados.


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Superovulation was induced in 15 Nelore cows with porcine follicle stimulating hormone (FSH-P) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG), and embryos were collected to compare the response of this breed of cattle to these hormones. FSH-P was given in 30-and 40-mg doses for 5 d as a single daily injection or fractionated into two daily injections. PMSG was given in doses of 1000 and 2000 IU. The animals were killed immediately after embryo collection and the ovaries and genitalia were examined clinically. PMSG proved to be more effective in inducing superovulation than FSH-P, probably because PMSG caused no stress since it was administered as a single dose. No differences were observed between the 30-and 40-mg dose of FSH-P or between the application as a single or fractionated dose. Differences did occur, however, between the number of ovulations and embryos obtained at each collection. On the basis of postmortem analysis, we concluded that lack of egg uptake by the infundibulum had occurred in cases of increased ovulation, with excessive increase in volume of the ovary. We also recommend using smaller doses of FSH-P and suggest that avoiding stress in handling is essential for a good response to hormonal stimulation by Zebu cattle. © 1986.


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This paper presents the analysis of some usual MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) strategies intended for small wind energy conversion (up to 1kW) based on permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG), considering the stand-alone application for a novel buck-boost integrated inverter. Each MPPT method is analytically introduced and then it is simulated using MatLab/Simulink considering standard conditions of wind and also commercially available turbines and generators. The extracted power in each case is compared with the maximum available power, so the tracking factor is calculated for each method. Thus, the focus is on the application to improve the efficiency of stand-alone wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with battery chargers and AC load supplied by inverter. Therefore, for this purpose a novel single phase buck-boost integrated inverter is introduced. Finally, the main experimental results for the introduced inverter are presented. © 2011 IEEE.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a ativação e o crescimento de folículos préantrais de Sapajus apella, submetidos a um sistema de cultivo in vitro em curto-prazo. Nesse sentido, dois experimentos foram realizados neste trabalho. Experimento I: exposição à fresco e à crioprotetores de biopsias de fragmentos do córtex ovariano. Ambos os fragmentos ovarianos foram submetidos à extração total de RNA e síntese de cDNA. Após a amplificação do cDNA por PCR em tempo-real (RT-PCR), os software GeNorm, bestkeeper e Normfinder foram usados para avaliar a estabilidade dos genes GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-2-phosphate dehydrogenase), HPRT1 (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1) e TBP (TATA-binding protein). Experimento II: o tecido do córtex ovariano de quatro fêmeas foi oletado e dividido em nove pedaços de 1 mm³. Um fragmento ovariano (grupo controle) foi imediatamente dividido em dois pedaços, os quais foram destinados para análise da viabilidade ou por RT-PCR. Os 8 fragmentos restantes foram individualmente cultivados in vitro em um meio constituído de TCM suplementado com 100 ng/mL EGF (T1), com adição de 10 μM de BME (T2), 100 ng/mL de BMP4 (T3), 25 IU de PMSG (T4), 10 μM de BME e 100 ng/mL de BMP4 (T5), 10 μM de BME, 25 IU de PMSG (T6), 100 ng/mL de BMP4, 25 IU de PMSG (T7) ou 10 μM de BME, 100 ng/mL de BMP4, 25 IU de PMSG (T8). Os resultados demonstraram que no tecido do córtex ovariano de S. apella, os genes HPRT1 e TBP foram os mais apropriados como genes de referência, podendo ser usados como parâmetro para normalizar dados em estudos futuros. Ao contrário, o GAPDH se apresentou como menos estável dos genes de referencia testados. Após o cultivo in vitro, todos os tratamentos alcançaram percentuais similares da viabilidade de folículos pré-antrais. O tecido ovariano cultivado na presença de GF+BME/BMP4/PMSG resultou no aumento da taxa de ativação e crescimento folicular, assim como no aumento da expressão de AMH, BMP15 e GDF9, genes conhecidos como indicadores específicos de desenvolvimento folicular. Dessa forma, o HPRT1 e TBP são os genes de referência mais estáveis, na exposição à crioprotetores, a fresco e no o cultivo de tecidos de córtex ovariano de S. apella. Os folículos pré-antrais são capazes de desenvolverem-se in vitro quando cultivados em meio suplementado com PMSG, BME e BMP4. A viabilidade folicular, entretanto, permaneceu independentemente do meio de cultivo in vitro e o uso de fatores de crescimento, como marcadores de desenvolvimento folicular, foi crucial para identificar o melhor meio de cultivo in vitro.


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The PMSG-based wind power generation system protection is presented in this paper. For large-scale systems, a voltagesource converter rectifier is included. Protection circuits for this topology are studied with simulation results for cable permanent fault conditions. These electrical protection methods are all in terms of dumping redundant energy resulting from disrupted path of power delivery. Pitch control of large-scale wind turbines are considered for effectively reducing rotor shaft overspeed. Detailed analysis and calculation of damping power and resistances are presented. Simulation results including fault overcurrent, DC-link overvoltage and wind turbine overspeed are shown to illustrate the system responses under different protection schemes to compare their application and effectiveness.


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Human development requires a broad balance between ecological, social and economic factors in order to ensure its own sustainability. In this sense, the search for new sources of energy generation, with low deployment and operation costs, which cause the least possible impact to the environment, has been the focus of attention of all society segments. To do so, the reduction in exploration of fossil fuels and the encouragement of using renewable energy resources for distributed generation have proved interesting alternatives to the expansion of the energy matrix of various countries in the world. In this sense, the wind energy has acquired an increasingly significant role, presenting increasing rates of power grid penetration and highlighting technological innovations such as the use of permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG). In Brazil, this fact has also been noted and, as a result, the impact of the inclusion of this source in the distribution and sub-transmission power grid has been a major concern of utilities and agents connected to Brazilian electrical sector. Thus, it is relevant the development of appropriate computational tools that allow detailed predictive studies about the dynamic behavior of wind farms, either operating with isolated load, either connected to the main grid, taking also into account the implementation of control strategies for active/reactive power generation and the keeping of adequate levels of voltage and frequency. This work fits in this context since it comprises mathematical and computational developments of a complete wind energy conversion system (WECS) endowed with PMSG using time domain techniques of Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which prides itself a recognized reputation by scientific and academic communities as well as by electricity professionals in Brazil and elsewhere. The modeling procedures performed allowed the elaboration of blocks representing each of the elements of a real WECS, comprising the primary source (the wind), the wind turbine, the PMSG, the frequency converter, the step up transformer, the load composition and the power grid equivalent. Special attention is also given to the implementation of wind turbine control techniques, mainly the pitch control responsible for keeping the generator under the maximum power operation point, and the vector theory that aims at adjusting the active/reactive power flow between the wind turbine and the power grid. Several simulations are performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of the wind farm when subjected to different operating conditions and/or on the occurrence of wind intensity variations. The results have shown the effectiveness of both mathematical and computational modeling developed for the wind turbine and the associated controls.