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We studied the shape measurement of semiconductor components by holography with photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal as holographic medium and two diode lasers emitting in the red region as light sources. By properly tuning and aligning the lasers a synthetic wavelength was generated and the resulting holographic image of the studied object appears modulated by cos2-contour fringes which correspond to the intersection of the object surface with planes of constant elevation. The position of such planes as a function of the illuminating beam angle and the tuning of the lasers was studied, as well as the fringe visibility. The fringe evaluation was performed by the four stepping technique for phase mapping and through the branch-cut method for phase unwrapping. A damage in an integrated circuit was analysed as well as the relief of a coin was measured, and a precision up to 10 μm was estimated. © 2009 SPIE.


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A novel optical setup for imaging through reflection holography with Bi12TiO20 (BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. Aiming a compact, robust and simple optical setup the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was chosen, using a He-Ne red laser as light source. In this setup the holographic medium is placed between the light source and the object. The beam impinging the crystal front face is the reference one, while the light scattered by the surface is the object beam in a holographic recording by diffusion. In order to allow the readout of the diffracted wave only and to keep the setup simplicity a polarizing beam splitter cube (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input. The reference beam is s-polarized (polarization direction perpendicular to the table top) and the crystal. 〈001〉-axis is rotated by an angle γ with respect to the input polarization in order to make the transmitted object beam and the diffracted beam to have orthogonal polarizations. While the transmitted wave is reflected by the PBS at a right angle, the diffracted wave carrying the holographic reconstruction of the object passes through the PBS, being collected by a positive lens in order to form the holographic image at a CCD camera. The holographic recording with the grating vector is parallel to the 〈100〉-axis. An expression for the diffracted wave intensity as a function of γ was derived, and this relation was experimentally investigated. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate experimentally and theoretically the dependence of the amplitude of the spatial fundamental grating, created by a pair of coherent light beams while using the running grating technique [M.P. Petrov, S.I. Stepanov and A.V. Khomenko, Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer, 1991); P. Refregier, L. Solymar, H. Rajbenbach and J.P. Huignard, J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 45], as a function of detuning frequency and beam ratio ß in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown that for ß > 0.05, in addition to the main peak in the frequency dependence of the amplitude, there is an additional peak of lower frequency which, as a rule, dominates the main peak. The position of the main peak depends on ß. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the general ideas about excitation and nonlinear interaction of weakly damped space-charge waves.


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Using a new experimental geometry, we have proved for the first time that the generation of spatial subharmonic gratings in photorefractive crystals is not dependent on optical nonlinearity. We present results which confirm that the subharmonic gratings result from a parametric excitation of ultra low-frequency eigenmodes of a crystal by a time modulated fundamental grating.


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Using a new experimental geometry, we have proved for the first time that the generation of spatial subharmonic gratings in photorefractive crystals is not dependent on optical nonlinearity. We present results which confirm that the subharmonic gratings result from a parametric excitation of ultra low-frequency eigenmodes of a crystal by a time modulated fundamental grating.


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We investigate experimentally and theoretically the dependence of the amplitude of the spatial fundamental grating, created by a pair of coherent light beams while using the running grating technique [M.P. Petrov, S.I. Stepanov and A.V. Khomenko, Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer, 1991); P. Refregier, L. Solymar, H. Rajbenbach and J.P. Huignard, J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 45], as a function of detuning frequency and beam ratio ß in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown that for ß > 0.05, in addition to the main peak in the frequency dependence of the amplitude, there is an additional peak of lower frequency which, as a rule, dominates the main peak. The position of the main peak depends on ß. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the general ideas about excitation and nonlinear interaction of weakly damped space-charge waves.


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An interesting application of optical phase conjugation is phase conjugate interferometry. We report here a new approach to real-time interferometry which combines the high phase conjugate efficiency of photorefractive crystals and the fast response times offered by dye-doped polymer films by using a composite structure. The ability of this material to generate two independent but overlapping phase conjugate waves. which can interfere to reveal the phase changes in a test object, is discussed and demonstrated with a specific example.


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The anisotropic Bragg diffraction of the volume holographic gratings in photorefractive crystals are investigated based on the model of anisotropic coupled-wave theory. The effect of the initial intensity ratio and the recording angles of the two recording waves on the anisotropic Bragg diffraction properties is discussed. It is shown that both the ratio of the initial intensity and the incident angles of the recording waves are selective action for the anisotropic Bragg diffraction efficiency of the volume holographic gratings, while these two recording conditions are not selective action for the isotropic Bragg diffraction. Furthermore, the Bragg phase matching condition of anisotropic diffraction is analyzed when the recording angles change. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work is to study the potentialities in the phase-shifting real-time holographic interferometry using photorefractive crystals as the recording medium for wave-optics analysis in optical elements and non-linear optical materials. This technique was used for obtaining quantitative measurements from the phase distributions of the wave front of lens and lens systems along the propagation direction with in situ visualization, monitoring and analysis in real time. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A method for improving the accuracy of surface shape measurement by multiwavelength holography is presented. In our holographic setup, a Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium, and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. on employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered with interference fringes corresponding to the object relief, and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser's free spectral range (FSR). Our method consists in increasing the effective free spectral range of the laser by positioning a Fabry-Perot etalon at the laser output for mode selection. As larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, higher-spatial-frequency interferograms were obtained and therefore more sensitive and accurate measurements were performed. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was made through the phase-stepping technique, and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the cellular-automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared with respect to measurement noise and visual inspection. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The application of multi-wavelength holography for surface shape measurement is presented. In our holographic setup a Bi12TiO 20 (BTO) photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. The holographic imaging with multimode lasers results in multiple holograms in the BTO. By employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered of interference fringes corresponding to the object relief and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser free spectral range (FSR). We used a Fabry-Perot étalon at the laser output for laser mode selection. Thus, larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, leading to higher-spatial frequency interferograms and therefore to more sensitive and accurate measurements. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was performed through the phase stepping technique (PST) and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the Cellular-Automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared, concerning measurement noise and visual inspection.


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We report experimental and theoretical studies of nonvolatile photorefractive holographic recording in LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals with two illumination schemes: (1) UV light for sensitization and a red interfering pattern for recording and (2) blue light for sensitization and a red pattern for recording. The results show that the oxidized LiNbO3:Cu:Ce crystals can provide high, persistent refractive-index modulation with weak lightinduced scattering. The optimal working conditions and the prescription for doping and oxidation-reduction processing that yields the maximum refractive-index modulation are discussed. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 050.7330, 190.5330, 090.2900.


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The influence of the recording conditions, including the widths of the recording beams, the width ratio of the recording beams, and the recording angles, on the properties of crossed-beam photorefractive gratings in doubly doped LiNbO3 crystals is studied. A theoretical model that combines the band transport model with two-dimensional coupled-wave theory is proposed. The numerical calculations of the space-charge field, the intensity profiles of the diffracted beam, and the diffraction efficiency are presented. (C) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We present a comprehensive study of the one-dimensional modulation instability of broad optical beams in biased photo refractive-photovoltaic crystals under steady-state conditions. We obtain the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rate by globally treating the space-charge field and by considering distinction between values of Eo in nonlocal effects and local effects in the space-charge field, where Eo is the field constant correlated with terms in the space-charge field, which depends on the external bias field, the bulk photovoltaic effect, and the ratio of the optical beam's intensity to that of the dark irradiance. The one-dimensional modulation instability growth rate in local effects can be determined from that in nonlocal effects. When the bulk photovoltaic effect is neglectable, irrespective of distinction between values of Eo in nonlocal effects and local effects in the space-charge field, the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rates in nonlocal effects and local effects are those of broad optical beams studied previously in biased photorefractive-nonphotovoltaic crystals. When the external bias field is absent, the one-dimensional modulation instability growth rates in nonlocal effects and local effects predict those of broad optical beams in open- and closed-circuit photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that bright-dark vector solitons are possible in biased photorefractive-photovoltaic crystals under steady-state conditions, which result from both the bulk photovoltaic effect and the spatially nonuniform screening of the external bias field. The analytical solutions of these vector solitons can be obtained in the case of \sigma\ much less than 1, where sigma is the parameter controlling the intensities of the two optical beams. In the limit of -1 < sigma much less than 1, these vector solitons can also be determined by use of simple numerical integration procedures. When the bulk photovoltaic effect is neglectable, these vector solitons are bright-dark vector screening solitons studied previously in the \sigma\ much less than 1 regime, and predict bright-dark vector screening solitons in the -1 < sigma less than or equal to 1 regime. When the external bias field is absent, these vector solitons predict bright-dark vector photovoltaic solitons in closed and open circuits. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.