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Curaua fibers were treated with ionized air to improve the fiber/phenolic matrix adhesion.The treatment with ionized air did not change the thermal stability of the fibers. The impact strength increased with increase in the fiber treatment time. SEM micrographs of the fibers showed that the ionized air treatment led to separation of the fiber bundles. Treatment for 12 h also caused a partial degradation of the fibers, which prompted the matrix to transfer the load to a poorer reinforcing agent during impact, thereby decreasing the impact strength of the related composite. The composites reinforced with fibers treated with ionized air absorbed less water than those reinforced with untreated fibers.


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Sisal fibers have been chemically modified by reaction with lignins, extracted from sugarcane bagasse and Pinus-type wood and then hydroxymethylated, to increase adhesion in resol-type phenolic thermoset matrices. Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) results showed that acidic sites predominate for unmodified/modified sisal fibers and for phenolic thermoset, indicating that the phenolic matrix has properties that favor the interaction with sisal fibers. The IGC results also showed that the phenolic thermoset has a dispersive component closer to those of the modified fibers suggesting that thermoset interactions with the less polar modified fibers are favored. Surface SEM images of the modified fibers showed that the fiber bundle deaggregation increased after the treatment, making the interfibrillar structure less dense in comparison with that of unmodified fibers, which increased the contact area and encouraged microbial biodegradation in simulated soil. Water diffusion was observed to be faster for composites reinforced with modified fibers, since the phenolic resin penetrated better into modified fibers, thereby blocking water passage through their channels. Overall, composites` properties showed that modified fibers promote a significant reduction in the hydrophilic character, and consequently of the reinforced composite without a major effect on impact strength and with increased storage modulus. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lignocellulosic materials can significantly contribute to the development of biobased composites. In this work, glyoxal-phenolic resins for composites were prepared using glyoxal, which is a dialdehyde obtained from several natural resources. The resins were characterized by (1)H, (13)C, (2)D, and (31)P NMR spectroscopies. Resorcinol (10%) was used as an accelerator for curing the glyoxal-phenol resins in order to obtain the thermosets. The impact-strength measurement showed that regardless of the cure cycle used, the reinforcement of thermosets by 30% (w/w) sisal fibers improved the impact strength by one order of magnitude. Curing with cycle 1 (150 degrees C) induced a high diffusion coefficient for water absorption in composites, due to less interaction between the sisal fibers and water. The composites cured with cycle 2 (180 degrees C) had less glyoxal resin coverage of the cellulosic fibers, as observed by images of the fractured interface observed by SEM. This study shows that biobased composites with good properties can be prepared using a high proportion of materials obtained from natural resources. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present work was to investigate the toughening of phenolic thermoset and its composites reinforced with sisal fibers, using hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene rubber (HTPB) as both impact modifier and coupling agent. Substantial increase in the impact strength of the thermoset was achieved by the addition 10% of HTPB. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the material with 15% HTPB content revealed the formation of some rubber aggregates that reduced the efficiency of the toughening mechanism. In composites, the toughening effect was observed only when 2.5% of HTPB was added. The rubber aggregates were found located mainly at the matrix-fiber interface suggesting that HTPB could be used as coupling agent between the sisal fibers and the phenolic matrix. A composite reinforced with sisal fibers pre-impregnated with HTPB was then prepared; its SEM images showed the formation of a thin coating of HTPB on the surface of the fibers. The ability of HTBP as coupling agent between sisal fibers and phenolic matrix was then investigated by preparing a composite reinforced with sisal fibers pre-treated with HTPB. As revealed by its SEM images, the HTPB pre-treatment of the fibers resulted on the formation of a thin coating of HTPB on the surface of the fibers, which provided better compatibility between the fibers and the matrix at their interface, resulting in a material with low water absorption capacity and no loss of impact strength. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Curaua fibers were treated with ionized air to improve the fiber/phenolic matrix adhesion.The treatment with ionized air did not change the thermal stability of the fibers. The impact strength increased with increase in the fiber treatment time. SEM micrographs of the fibers showed that the ionized air treatment led to separation of the fiber bundles. Treatment for 12 h also caused a partial degradation of the fibers, which prompted the matrix to transfer the load to a poorer reinforcing agent during impact, thereby decreasing the impact strength of the related composite. The composites reinforced with fibers treated with ionized air absorbed less water than those reinforced with untreated fibers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aluminum matrix composites are currently considered as promising materials for tribological applications in the automotive, aircraft and aerospace industries due to their great advantage of a high strength-to-weight ratio. A superior combination of surface and bulk mechanical properties can be attained if these composites are processed as functionally graded materials (FGM's). In this work, homogeneous aluminum based matrix composite, cast by gravity, and aluminum composites with functionally graded properties, obtained by centrifugal cast, are tested against nodular cast iron in a pin-on-disc tribometer. Three different volume fractions of SiC reinforcing particles in each FGM were considered in order to evaluate their friction and wear properties. The sliding experiments were conducted without lubrication, at room temperature, under a normal load of 5 N and constant sliding speed of 0.5 ms-1. The worn surfaces as well as the wear debris were characterized by SEM/EDS and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The friction coefficient revealed a slightly decrease (from 0.60 to 0.50) when FGM's are involved in the contact instead of the homogeneous composite. Relatively low values of the wear coefficient were obtained for functionally graded aluminum matrix composites (≈10-6 mm3N-1 m-1), which exhibited superior wear resistance than the homogeneous composite and the opposing cast iron surface. Characterization of worn surfaces indicated that the combined effect of reinforcing particles as load bearing elements and the formation of protective adherent iron-rich tribolayers has a decisive role on the friction and wear properties of aluminum matrix composites.


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SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiCf/SiC) is one of the leading candidates in ceramic materials for engineering applications due to its unique combination of properties such as high thermal conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and working conditions. Fiber-reinforced composites are materials which exhibit a significant improvement in properties like ductility in comparison to the monolithic SiC ceramic. The SiCf/SiC composite was obtained from a C/C composite precursor using convertion reaction under high temperature and controlled atmosphere. In this work, SiC phase presented the stacking faults in the structure, being not possible to calculate the unit cell size, symmetry and bond lengths but it seem equal card number 29-1129 of JCPDS.


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Continuous strip metal matrix composite (MMC) casting of 0.3 mm diameter hard-drawn stainless steel (316L) wire in a quasi-eutectic SnPb (64Sn36Pb) matrix was performed by a two-roll melt drag processing (TRMDping) method, with the wire being dragged through a semisolid puddle with a fibre contact time of approximately 0.2 s. A slag weir placed at the nozzle contained two wire guide holes: one located near the upper roll, and the other located between the rolls. A successful continuous composite strip casting with good fibre alignment was achieved by inserting and embedding the wire into the matrix using the guide hole between the rolls. Degeneration of eutectic/dendrite structures led to the formation of globular structures. The occurrence and formation mechanisms of cracks, de-lamination and voids in the matrix were discussed. TRMDping is economically viable and has significant benefits over other MMC fabrication methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Specimens of aluminum-based composites reinforced by silicon carbide nanoparticles (Al/SiCnp) produced by powder metallurgy (PM) were anodized under voltage control in tartaric-sulfuric acid (TSA). In this work, the influence of the amount of SiCnp on the film growth during anodizing was investigated. The current density versus time response and the morphology of the porous alumina film formed at the composite surface are compared to those concerning a commercial aluminum alloy (AA1050) anodized under the same conditions. The processing method of the aluminum alloys influences the efficiency of the anodizing process, leading to a lower thicknesses for the unreinforced Al-PM alloy regarding the AA1050. The current density versus time response is strongly dependent on the amount of SiCnp. The current peaks and the steady-state current density recorded at each voltage step increases with the SiCnp volume fraction due to the oxidation of the SiCnp. The formation mechanism of the anodic film on Al/SiCnp composites is different from that occurring in AA1050, partly due the heterogeneous distribution of the reinforcement particles in the metallic matrix, but also to the entrapment of SiCnp in the anodic film.


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Los recubrimientos lubricantes sólidos son requeridos para reducir la fricción y prevenir el desgaste en componentes que operan a altas temperaturas o en vacío (vehículos espaciales, industria química, motores diésel, turbinas aeronáuticas y de generación de energía…). Los lubricantes líquidos pierden sus características cuando las condiciones de presión, temperatura o ambientales son severas (oxidación, inestabilidad térmica, volatilidad,…), por ejemplo los aceites minerales convencionales se descomponen a temperaturas próximas a 200 ºC. Por tanto, la única manera de poder conseguir una adecuada lubricación a temperaturas extremas es por medio de sólidos, que cada vez más, se aplican en forma de recubrimientos. Estos recubrimientos podrían ser empleados en componentes de vehículos espaciales reutilizables, donde se pueden alcanzar, en la reentrada en la atmósfera, temperaturas de 700 ºC (bisagras, rodamientos, articulaciones y zonas de sellado en las superficies de control, y rodamientos de las turbobombas y las cajas de engranajes). Dichos recubrimientos también deberían ser capaces de proporcionar una lubricación efectiva a bajas temperaturas para las operaciones en tierra, para las operaciones de arranque en frío, incluso en el espacio. El conjunto de requisitos que tendrían que satisfacer las capas tribológicas relacionadas con estas condiciones extremas es muy diverso, lo que hace que el concepto de capas tipo composite (aquéllas constituidas por varios componentes) sea, en principio, muy adecuado para estas aplicaciones. Recubrimientos composite proyectados térmicamente constituidos por una matriz dura y conteniendo lubricantes sólidos pueden ser una buena solución desde el punto de vista tribológico. El “Lewis Research Centre” de la NASA ha estado desarrollando recubrimientos autolubricantes tipo composite, constituidos por la combinación de materiales duros como el carburo de cromo, junto con lubricantes sólidos como plata o la eutéctica de fluoruros de calcio y bario, en una matriz de NiCr, para su uso en aplicaciones terrestres a alta temperatura. Estos recubrimientos han sido aplicados mediante proyección térmica, siendo denominados como series PS100, PS200, PS300 y PS400, reduciendo de forma significativa el coeficiente de fricción y mejorando la resistencia al desgaste en un amplio margen de temperaturas. Otra nueva familia de materiales con comportamiento tribológico prometedor son las aleaciones cuasicristalinas (QC). Presentan características muy atractivas: alta dureza, baja fricción, alto límite elástico de compresión... Son muy frágiles como materiales másicos, por lo que se intentan aplicar en forma de recubrimientos. Se pueden depositar mediante proyección térmica. Algunos de estos materiales cuasicristalinos, como AlCoFeCr, poseen coeficientes de dilatación próximos al de los materiales metálicos, alta estabilidad térmica, baja conductividad térmica y una elevada resistencia a la oxidación y a la corrosión en caliente. En esta tesis se han desarrollado recubrimientos tipo composite conteniendo cuasicristales como componente antidesgaste, NiCr como componente tenaz, y Ag y la eutéctica de BaF2-CaF2, como lubricantes sólidos. Estos recubrimientos han sido depositados con diferentes composiciones (denominadas TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) mediante distintos procesos de proyección térmica: plasma en aire (PS), plasma en baja presión (LPPS) y combustión a alta velocidad (HVOF). Los recubrimientos se han generado sobre el sustrato X-750, una superaleación base níquel, endurecible por precipitación, con muy buena resistencia mecánica y a la oxidación hasta temperaturas de 870 ºC y, además, es empleada en aplicaciones aeroespaciales e industriales. Los recubrimientos han sido caracterizados microestructuralmente en INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial), mediante SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) y XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), y tribológicamente mediante medidas de microdureza y ensayos en tribómetro POD (Pin On Disc) para determinar los coeficientes de fricción y de desgaste. Los recubrimientos han sido ensayados tribológicamente a alta temperatura en INTA y en vacío en AMTTARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), en Seibersdorf (Austria). Se ha estudiado la influencia de la carga normal aplicada, la velocidad lineal y el material del pin. De entre las diferentes series de recubrimientos cuasicristalinos tipo composite desarrolladas, dos de ellas, TH100 y TH103 han presentado una excelente calidad microestructural (baja porosidad, distribución uniforme de fases…) y se han mostrado como excelentes recubrimientos antidesgaste. Sin embargo, estas capas presentan un pobre comportamiento como autolubricantes a temperatura ambiente, aunque mejoran mucho a alta temperatura o en vacío. Los resultados del trabajo presentado en esta tesis han proporcionado nuevo conocimiento respecto al comportamiento tribológico de recubrimientos autolubricantes cuasicristalinos tipo composite depositados por proyección térmica. Sin embargo, dichos resultados, aunque son muy prometedores, no han puesto de manifiesto el adecuado comportamiento autolubricante que se pretendía y, además, como ocurre en cualquier trabajo de investigación, durante el desarrollo del mismo siempre aparecen nuevas dudas por resolver. Se proponen nuevas líneas de trabajo futuro que complementen los resultados obtenidos y que puedan encaminar hacia la obtención de un recubrimiento que mejore su comportamiento autolubricante. ABSTRACT Solid lubricant coatings are required to reduce friction and prevent wear in components that operate at high temperatures or under vacuum (space vehicles, chemical industry, diesel engines, power generation turbines and aeronautical turbines, for instance). In these cases neither greases nor liquid lubricants can be employed and the only practicable approach to lubrication in such conditions is by means of solids. These are increasingly applied in the form of coatings which should exhibit low shear strength, whilst maintaining their chemical stability at extremes temperatures and in the space environment. In the space field, these coatings would be employed in re-usable space plane applications, such as elevon hinges, where temperatures of 700 ºC are reached during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. These coatings should also be capable of providing effective lubrication at lower temperatures since “cold start” operation may be necessary, even in the space environment. The diverse and sometimes conflictive requirements in high temperature and space-related tribological coatings make the concept of composite coatings highly suitable for these applications. Thermal-sprayed composites containing solid lubricants in a hard matrix perform well tribologically. NASA‘s Lewis Research Centre had developed self-lubricating composite coatings for terrestrial use, comprising hard materials like chromium carbide as well as solid lubricant additives such as silver and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic on a Ni-Cr matrix. These coatings series, named PS100, PS200, PS300 and PS400, are applied by thermal spray and significantly reduce friction coefficients, improving wear resistance over a wide temperature range. Quasicrystalline alloys (QC) constitute a new family of materials with promising tribological behaviour. Some QC materials exhibit a combination of adequate antifriction properties: low friction coefficient, high hardness and high yield strength under compression, and can be easily produced as coatings on top of metallic and non-metallic materials. Among these QC alloys, AlCoFeCr has high hardness (700 HV0.1), a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of metals, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity and good oxidation and hot corrosion resistance. However most QC materials have the disadvantage of being very brittle. In order to take advantage of the excellent tribological properties of QCs, thick composite lubricant coatings were prepared containing them as the hard phase for wear resistance, Ag and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic as lubricating materials and NiCr as the tough component. These coatings were deposited in different composition mixtures (named TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) by different thermal spray processes: air plasma spray (PS), low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF), on X-750 substrates. X-750 is an age-hardenable nickel-base superalloy with very good strength and a good resistance to oxidising combustion gas environments at temperatures up to about 870 ºC and it is widely used in aerospace and industrial applications. Coatings have been characterized microstructurally, at INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology), by means of SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and tribologically by microhardness measurements and pin-on-disc testing to determine friction coefficients as well as wear resistance. The coatings were tested tribologically at high temperature at INTA and under vacuum at AMTT-ARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), in Seibersdorf (Austria). Different loads, linear speeds and pin materials were studied. TH100 and TH103 QC alloy matrix composite coatings were deposited by HVOF with excellent microstructural quality (low porosity, uniform phase distribution) and showed to be excellent wear resistant coatings. However these QC alloy matrix composite coatings are poor as a self-lubricant at room temperature but much better at high temperature or in vacuum. The results from the work performed within the scope of this thesis have provided new knowledge concerning the tribological behavior of self-lubricating quasicrystalline composite coatings deposited by thermal spraying. Although these results are very promising, they have not shown an adequate self-lubricating behavior as was intended, and also, as in any research, the results have in addition raised new questions. Future work is suggested to complement the results of this thesis in order to improve the selflubricating behaviour of the coatings.


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Medicinal plants bave gained a special attention in the last years, due to its renowned health benefits, such as antimicrobial effects [I]. In fact, several natural matrices bave been increasingly studied, namely for its antifungal activity against opportunistic fungi [2,3]. Candida species, although commensa! microorganisms, have caused severe organic dysfunctions to the host, once current antifungal agents have lost their recognized efficiency [2]. So, numerous studies have been carried out focusing the mechanisms of acquired drug-resistance by Candida species [phenolic matrix, being important to evaluate its in viva efficacy. Therefore, further studies are necessary to deepen knowledge on this field, aiming not only to establish therapeutic and prophylactic doses, but also to improve the clinical intervention in Candida infections.


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This research proposes a solution for integrating RFID - Radio Frequency Identification technology within a structure based on CFRPs - Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers. Therefore, the main objective is to use technology to monitor and track composite components during manufacturing and service life. The study can be divided into two macro-areas. The first portion of the research evaluates the impact of the composite materials used on transmitting the electromagnetic signal to and from the tag. RFID technology communicates through radio frequencies to to track and trace items associated with the tags. In the first instance, a feasibility study was carried out to assess using commercially available tags. Then, after evaluating different solutions, it was decided to incorporate the tags into coupons during production. The second portion of the research is focused on evaluating the impact on the composite material's resistance to tag embedding. It starts with designing tensile test specimens through the FEM model with different housing configurations. Subsequently, the best configuration was tested in the facilities of the In the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, particularly in the Structure & Materials Laboratory, two tests were conducted: the first one based on ASTM D3039/D3039 - 14 - Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials, the second one dividing the path to failure into failure intervals in a load-unload-reload. Both tests were accompanied by instruments such as DIC, AE, C-Scan and Optical Microscopes. The expected result of the inclusion of RFID tags in composite components is that it brings added value to the parts with which it is associated without affecting too much its mechanical properties. This comes first from the automatic identification of RFID during the production cycle and its useful life. As a result, improvements were made in the design of production facilities.


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Freeform fabrication methods allow the direct formation of parts built layer by layer, under the control of a CAD drawing. Most of these methods form parts in thermoplastic or thermoset polymers, but there would be many applications for freeform fabrication of fully functional metal or ceramic parts. We describe here the freeforming of sinterable aluminium alloys. In addition, the building approach allows different materials to be positioned within a monolithic part for an optimal combination of properties. This is illustrated here with the formation of an aluminium gear with a metal-matrix composite wear surface. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.