994 resultados para PHASE-TRANSFORMATIONS


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Thermally induced evolution of phase transformations is a basic physical-chemical process in the dissociation of gas hydrate in sediment (GHS). Heat transfer leads to the weakening of the bed soil and the simultaneous establishment of a time varying stress field accompanied by seepage of fluids and deformation of the soil. As a consequence, ground failure could occur causing engineering damage or/and environmental disaster. This paper presents a simplified analysis of the thermal process by assuming that thermal conduction can be decoupled from the flow and deformation process. It is further assumed that phase transformations take place instantaneously. Analytical and numerical results are given for several examples of simplified geometry. Experiments using Tetra-hydro-furan hydrate sediments were carried out in our laboratory to check the theory. By comparison, the theoretical, numerical and experimental results on the evolution of dissociation fronts and temperature in the sediment are found to be in good agreement.


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High-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used to study the phase transformations in titanium alloys. Three titanium alloys were investigated: Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si and beta21s. Both room and high temperature measurements were performed. The room temperature experiments were performed to study the structure of the alloys after different heat treatments, namely as received (AR), furnace cooling (FC), water quenching (WQ) and water quenching followed by ageing. The alpha, alpha', alpha'' and beta phases were observed in different combinations depending on the heat treatment conditions and the alloy studied. A multicomponent hexagonal close packed (hcp) alpha phase, with different c and the same a lattice parameters, was detected in Ti-6Al-4V after FC. High temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used for 'in situ' study of the transformations on the sample surface at elevated temperatures. The results were used to trace the kinetics of surface oxidation and the concurrent phase transformations taking place under different conditions. The influence of the temperature and oxygen content on the lattice parameters of the alpha phase was derived and new data obtained on the coefficients of thermal expansion in the different directions of the hcp alpha phase, for Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-0.08Si.


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By molecular dynamics (MD) simulations we study the crystallization process in a model system whose particles interact by a spherical pair potential with a narrow and deep attractive well adjacent to a hard repulsive core. The phase diagram of the model displays a solid-fluid equilibrium, with a metastable fluid-fluid separation. Our computations are restricted to fairly small systems (from 2592 to 10368 particles) and cover long simulation times, with constant energy trajectories extending up to 76x10(6) MD steps. By progressively reducing the system temperature below the solid-fluid line, we first observe the metastable fluid-fluid separation, occurring readily and almost reversibly upon crossing the corresponding line in the phase diagram. The nucleation of the crystal phase takes place when the system is in the two-fluid metastable region. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the nucleation time allows us to estimate directly the nucleation free energy barrier. The results are compared with the predictions of classical nucleation theory. The critical nucleus is identified, and its structure is found to be predominantly fcc. Following nucleation, the solid phase grows steadily across the system, incorporating a large number of localized and extended defects. We discuss the relaxation processes taking place both during and after the crystallization stage. The relevance of our simulation for the kinetics of protein crystallization under normal experimental conditions is discussed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Research on the kinetics of precipitate formation and austenite reversion in maraging steels has received great attention due to their importance to steel properties. Judging from the literature in recent years, research into maraging steels has been very active, mainly extending to new types of steels, for new applications beyond the traditional strength requirements. This chapter provides an in-depth overview of the literature in this area. In addition, the kinetics of precipitate formation are analysed using the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) theory.


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A simple numerical model which calculates the kinetics of crystallization involving randomly distributed nucleation and isotropic growth is presented. The model can be applied to different thermal histories and no restrictions are imposed on the time and the temperature dependences of the nucleation and growth rates. We also develop an algorithm which evaluates the corresponding emerging grain-size distribution. The algorithm is easy to implement and particularly flexible, making it possible to simulate several experimental conditions. Its simplicity and minimal computer requirements allow high accuracy for two- and three-dimensional growth simulations. The algorithm is applied to explore the grain morphology development during isothermal treatments for several nucleation regimes. In particular, thermal nucleation, preexisting nuclei, and the combination of both nucleation mechanisms are analyzed. For the first two cases, the universal grain-size distribution is obtained. The high accuracy of the model is stated from its comparison to analytical predictions. Finally, the validity of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model SSSR, is verified for all the cases studied


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Very recently 63Cu NMR has been shown to be extremely sensitive in detecting and differentiating between the precipitate phases that form in Al-Cu alloys during heat treatment. This technique is now used to quantify the effectiveness of small additions of Sn to the alloy Al-1.7 at.% Cu in promoting the rapid nucleation and growth of the θ'-phase precipitate. Two parallel series of 63Cu NMR spectra were recorded for Al-1.7 at.% Cu and Al-1.7 at.% Cu-0.01 at.% Sn: (i) aged at 130° C to observe the comparative rate of phase evolution and (ii) aged at 200° C to observe the rate of growth of θ'-phase and to compare with the Vickers hardness of the alloys aged at 200° C for similar periods. Evidence is presented that a metastable precursor phase to θ' (labelled TPHM2757math001) is formed in Al-Cu-Sn which transforms to θ' on further aging.


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The structural behavior of Mg3N2 has been investigated up to 40.7 GPa at room temperature by means of angle-dispersive X-ray diffraction. A reversible, first-order structural phase transition from the ambient cubic phase (Ia3̅) to a high-pressure monoclinic phase (C2/m) is found to start at ~ 20.6 GPa and complete at ~ 32.5 GPa for the first time. The equation of state determined from our experiments yields bulk moduli of 110.7(2) and 171.5(1) GPa for the cubic and monoclinic phases, respectively, indicating higher incompressibility of the high-pressure phase of Mg3N2. First-principles calculations reproduced the phase stability and transition pressure determined in our experiment. In addition, a second phase transition from the monoclinic phase to a hexagonal phase (P3̅m1) was predicted around 67 GPa for Mg3N2. The electronic band structures of three phases of Mg3N2 are also calculated and discussed.


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The phase transformation and precipitation in a high-strength low-alloy steel have been studied over a large range of cooling rates, and a continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram has been produced. These experiments are unique because the measurements were made from samples cooled directly from the melt, rather than in homogenized and re-heated billets. The purpose of this experimental design was to examine conditions pertinent to direct strip casting. At the highest cooling rates which simulate strip casting, the microstructure was fully bainitic with small regions of pearlite. At lower cooling rates, the fraction of polygonal ferrite increased and the pearlite regions became larger. The CCT diagram and the microstructural analysis showed that the precipitation of NbC is suppressed at high cooling rates, and is likely to be incomplete at intermediate cooling rates.