39 resultados para PDCA
Esta escuela de hostelería y turismo de la Comunidad de Madrid adopta el modelo de gestión organizativa EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management). Este modelo elimina duplicidades e identifica carencias. Por otro lado, ha servido para conseguir mayor satisfacción en sus alumnos, familias, empresas colaboradoras, clientes, personal docente y no docente. Además, gestiona esfuerzos y propicia alternativas de solución. La mejora continua se basa en el ciclo PDCA: planificar, desarrollar, comprobar y actuar. El proceso de evaluación es interno: memorias trimestrales, encuestas, memorias descriptivas y autoevaluaciones. Pero, también es externo, a través de evaluadores certificados y acreditados.
Pappersmakulatur uppstår i tryckpressarna, men orsakerna finns i företagets alla funktioner. För ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete med att minska makulaturen krävs därför att all personal är engagerad.Examensarbetet utfördes på Bobergs Tryckeri AB i Falun, ett familjeägt företag med 60 anställda, som producerar personifierad direktreklam och blanketter. Syftet var att undersöka hur pappersmakulaturen kan minska och målet var att hitta orsaker samt ge förslag på åtgärder för att minska den.Genom intervjuer med personalen kartlades produktionssprocessen och utifrån det utarbetades förbättringsförslag. Exempel på förbättringsförslag är att kontinuerligt mäta och rapportera makulaturen, förbättra kommunikationen mellan avdelningarna och utveckla färgstyrningen. Litteraturstudier och kontakter med nyckelpersoner inom branschorganisationer och andra liknande företag, var till stor hjälp i arbetet. Fördjupningsdelen i projektet har sin grund i boken The Printer’s Guide to Waste Reduction av Tim Dalton.
Esta dissertação apresenta o programa Seis Sigma e o ramo petroquímico. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise crítica do processo de implantação de um projeto Seis Sigma em um setor de uma indústria do ramo petroquímico. A empresa focada desejava obter a diminuição da variabilidade presente na diferença entre os níveis de viscosidade da entrada e da saída em um setor de coagulação e acabamento de látex. Para tanto, é usado um método chamado DMAIC, termo provindo das palavras Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve e Control, que identificam cada uma de suas fases. Na dissertação são abordados Análise dos Modos de Falha e seus Efeitos (FMEA), Projetos de Experimentos (DOE), Controle Estatístico de Processo (CEP), Análise de Sistemas de Medição (ASM), Aprendizagem Organizacional, PDCA e Desdobramento da Função Qualidade (QFD). O autor faz uso da pesquisa-ação, com uma abordagem basicamente quantitativa. Na fase Analisar do projeto detectou-se uma ineficiência do sistema de medição para os objetivos do projeto, assim como, no laboratório as leituras a partir de borracha seca apresentam menor variabilidade que as leituras a partir do látex em estado aquoso. A idade dos rotores e a pressão utilizada nos viscosímetros não são significativas para a redução da variabilidade nas leituras. Porém, a adoção de banho térmico no látex e o reposicionamento dos termosensores nos viscosímetros mostraram-se eficazes. Na fase Controlar ao final do projeto ficou evidenciada uma redução no número de lotes redirecionados. A principal dificuldade encontrada na implementação do método DMAIC foi o acompanhamento inadequado dos indicadores técnicos e financeiros. Houve atrasos no cronograma em função da má definição dos papéis das pessoas envolvidas no projeto, pela falta de uma agenda clara de trabalho e pelo uso de um problema muito complexo em um único projeto.
A demora na tramitação dos processos judiciais constitui grave problema da Justiça. Encontra-se em descompasso com o princípio constitucional da razoável duração do processo judicial. As rotinas cartorárias estão ultrapassadas. Baixa qualidade significa altos custos, exigindo mudanças. Este trabalho tem por objetivo tratar da mudança na Justiça, acerca de seus procedimentos, métodos e custos, fazendo surgir uma nova organização, depois da remoção das práticas anacrônicas e da eliminação da demora. O gerenciamento da qualidade fornece métodos operacionais para a organização por inteiro, com ferramentas de fácil utilização. Toda atividade, qualquer trabalho, é parte de um processo (em qualquer estágio haverá produção) e por isto pode ser aperfeiçoado. Para o método PDCA (planejar, executar, verificar e padronizar), um sistema de melhoria, sem itens defeituosos, exige-se planejamento, melhor distribuição de esforços, controle e, principlamente, aprender como mudar. Através dele, aparece a principal causa da falha, que pode ser associada a seus efeitos. Ademais, um sistema de melhoria da qualidade ajuda na redução de custos. Resultados substanciais já foram obtidos.
We have never talked so much about Human Capital and how important is to invest in development and training in the enterprises. We also have never seen so much merger and acquisions among foreign and Brazilian enterprise, in all the business areas. In consequence of this, was never so important to review the Training Professional role in that structure. The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the educator role of Training Professional within enterprises as responsible for the Human Capital training in the process of technological, economic and social changes and also to wake up that Professionals about need of their own training need in order to reach the best didactical and technical qualification, otherwise they will not have success in their job. In the same purpose we will approach how the workers of community knowledge have to apply in this process change and how the entrepreneurs must to manage the Human Been development in order to keep their enterprises profitable. We will use the bibliographical reference to understand the Human Capital in the knowledge community. We will analyze the Pedagogical Prevailing (TRADITIONAL, NEW, TECHNIQUE, LIBERATOR) which has been applied in the enterprise¿s training as support to research showed in this job. At last, we will propose the application of PDCA (PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACTION) studied by Vicente Falconi Campos, as an evaluation instrument of Education and Training Program
The public sector performance has received much attention in the literature and due to that the purpose of this work is to develop a proposal for a model of performance measurement for a higher education institution unit. First, we performed a theoretical research on public organizations and private institutions of higher education, followed by a literature review on performance measurement and evaluation. This review presents some performance models that are quite frequent in the literature: Total Quality Management (Total Quality Management) - TQM and the PDCA cycle, SMART System, Balanced Scorecard and Môdef Ouanturn. In order to verify the possibility of implementing a performance measurement model for Higher Education Institutions, it was conducted a case study in a support unit of a University, located in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. The study attempted to identify the key processes of the unit and proposed by the use of Quantum model in order to improve the management and operation of the same. The work aims to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in measurement and performance evaluation in higher education institutions that where still lacks scientific production of this subject compared to other areas. This study also identifies better practices and opportunities for improvement in processes to determine the expected performance indicators to aid a decision-making unit.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: In the digital environment, metadata influence both in data access and information retrieval and are used as search elements to facilitate locating resources on the Web. Objective: In this perspective, the aim is to present the methodology BEAM, developed in Biblioteca de Estudos e Aplicação de Metadados, of the Research Group “Novas Tecnologias em Informação” in Universidade Estadual Paulista and used to define the metadata for describing information resources. Methodology: The methodology used for the construction of the research is exploratory and bibliographic and was developed based on the theoretical method Chuttur (2011) and the life cycle of data from the DataOne (2012) and also the PDCA cycle and tool 5W1H . Results: The seven steps of the methodology are presented and also the necessary guidelines for their implementation. Conclusions: We conclude pointing BEAM methodology that can be adopted by libraries in the construction of catalogs aimed at meeting the needs of users.
This work has the purpose of demonstrating how to build a Disaster Recovery Plan. In order to achieve such objective, an adaptation of the PDCA method was applied. This plan aims resuming the IT operations as fast as possible after some kind of incident which result the stop of the services or activities. Besides serving as insurance for the continued functioning of the company’s activities, indeed your non-existence brings up risks of financial loss and threatens the company’s image. As to illustrate the functionality and validity, the method was applied in an IT department of an energy company. It was concluded that the plan was well elaborated living up to the purposes described in the objective section of this work and validating the project developed so far, having a percentage of 85% of the overall success of the systems tested
The easy access to information has been accelerating even more business competitiveness nowadays. To turn a foreign trade company into a more competitive company by improving its services, this work aims the analysis of the Supply Chain processes to enable greater productivity. Using powerful tools of great historical success in the business world – such as Flowcharts, VSM Lean and PDCA –, a structure was created that adapted its main concepts and produced a method which enabled not only improvements on modified processes but also on the subsequent ones. Productivity data were collected, where evidence of quantitative improvements were found in the expedition macro process. Due to a process analysis theme, this paper gives also the thought about process approach, vital step to create a future Quality Management System
The minimization and mitigation of environmental impacts caused by the activities of organizations is increasingly becoming a key concern due to factors such as market demand, including suppliers and consumer markets, quality standards and even marketing strategies. The implementation of an EMS - Environmental Management System - allows the organization to achieve the level of environmental performance for its determined and promotes continuous improvement over time. This system consists of a schedule of activities, so as to eliminate or minimize impacts to the environment through preventive actions. It also provides a structured approach to set and achieve goals and objectives, and to establish procedures, work instructions and control, ensuring that the implementation of the policy can become reality. The objective of this work consists in planning a system using environmental management based on the ISO 14001 - standard internationally more widespread and accepted in the requirements to establish and operate an EMS - the Central Library, UNESP, Rio Claro / SP to stimulate the quest for continuous improvement and sustainability in the educational institution. For making the diagnosis of this planning was used the PDCA methodology, suggested by the standard, as well as all requirements for compliance. The results show that the benefits that the organization will receive involve reducing expenses and cost of energy and water, and improve the organization's reputation before the whole university and other educational institutions, reaching about three thousand people on university
La aproximación de las organizaciones a la mejora de sus procesos ha venido por distintos caminos. Muchas Administraciones Públicas se acercaron a este universo a través del modelo EFQM de calidad y excelencia que surgió en la década de los 80 y que sirvió como referente en el ámbito de la Unión Europea como vía de autoevaluación y determinación de procesos de mejora continua. Está basado en la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles aplicados a diferentes ámbitos de la organización, siendo éstos el punto de partida para el proceso de mejora continua. Se trata de un modelo en el que puedes decir que estás en calidad aunque tu puntuación sea muy pequeña, por lo que, por imagen, muchas empresas públicas empezaron a implantarlo. La empresa privada sin embargo se decantó por los sistemas de calidad basados en normas ISO. En estos sistemas has de tener un nivel mínimo para poder exhibir una certificación o acreditación del sistema de calidad. La más extendida es la ISO 9001:2008 ya que es válida para todo tipo de empresa. Este sistema se centra en la satisfacción del cliente y está basada en gran medida en el PDCA, acrónimo de Plan, Do, Check, Act (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar y Actuar). Al tratarse de sistemas documentados, pasados los años se llega a la misma conclusión, aquellas empresas que simplemente tienen un certificado colgado en la pared y que arreglan los papeles antes de la auditoría no tienen nada que aporte valor añadido a la empresa y se autoengañan. La potencia de todo sistema de gestión de calidad reside en aprovechar el potencial de sus recursos humanos dirigiendo los recursos de la empresa de forma eficiente y haciendo participe de los objetivos de la organización a su personal para que se impliquen y sepan que se espera de cada uno. La formación de ingeniero siempre nos hace ser críticos con los modelos existentes y tratar de buscar caminos alternativos que sean más eficientes. Para ello es necesario tener un conocimiento muy preciso de la organización. Por ello, después de más de cinco años trabajando en la Organización, desempeñando diversos cometidos, analizando diferentes esferas de actuación y tras estudiar informes de diferentes organizaciones que supervisan el funcionamiento de la empresa me di cuenta que la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante podía cambiar de forma de actuar para modernizarse y ser más transparente, eficaz y eficiente. Esta tesis versa sobre la posibilidad de implantar un nuevo servicio en la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante que le permita mejorar su competitividad a nivel mundial, como estado de abanderamiento, y que, dentro de nuestras fronteras, haga que sus servicios se reorienten aprovechando el conocimiento de su personal, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de sus usuarios y los recursos de la Organización. Las cartas de servicio permiten acercar al ciudadano al funcionamiento de la organización. Le informa de las condiciones en las que se presta el servicio, los compromisos de la empresa y la forma en la que puede participar para mejorarlos, entre otros. Por otra parte, la empresa no necesita previamente tener ningún sistema de calidad implantado, aunque, como veremos en el capítulo tres y cuatro siempre ayuda a la hora de tener sistemas de aseguramiento implantados. En el capítulo seis se detallan los objetivos que se lograrían con la implantación de las cartas de servicio en la DGMM y en el capítulo siete se discuten dichos resultados y conclusiones. ABSTRACT Different ways have been used by organizations to approach process improvement. Many Public Administrations chose quality and excellence EFQM model for that approachment. This quality program began in 80 decade and that it was the Europe Unión reference to continuous improvement autoevaluation and determination. It is based on strong and weak points of different organization fields, and they are considered as starting point for continuous improvement. This model allows enterprises to say that they are working on a quality scheme even though their score is very little, and this was why a lot of Public Administrations began using it. Nevertheless private enterprises chose quality management systems based on ISO standards. In these systems there is a threshold you must have to be able to have a certification or an accreditation of quality management system. ISO 9001:2008 is the standard most used because of it can be applied to a great range of enterprises. This system is focused on customer satisfaction and it is based on PDCA, Plan, Do, Check, Act. All these systems are documented ones, so once time goes by the same conclusion is reached: enterprises that have the certificate hung on the wall and that papers are fixed for audits have nothing that give them added value and they self-delusion. Quality management system power is related to the usage of human resources potential to lead enterprise resources efficiently and to make them participate in organization objectives. Naval architect training makes them to be critic with existing models and to try to find alternative ways to be more efficient. To achieve this goal, a precise knowledge of the organization is needed. That is the reason why, after five years in quality related issues in the Organization, in different chores, analyzing our scope and reports of organizations that supervise our operation, I realized that Merchant Marine Directorate could change the way of operation to modernize and be more transparent, efficient and effective. This thesis is about the possibility of implantation of a new service in Merchant Marine Directorate that will make it possible to improve their worldwide competitiveness as Flag State, and that to reorient all services taking into account citizens needs and Organization resources. Citizen’s charters able approachment to organization operation. It gives the following information: which are terms in which service is given, enterprise compromises, ways in which citizen can collaborate to improve them, and etc. Additionally, no quality management system is needed to be implemented. Although we’ll see in chapter three and four that having it is of great help. In chapter six are detailed goals achieved if citizen’s charters are implemented in Merchant Marine Directorate, and in chapter seven conclusions and results are discussed.
Shopfloor Management (SM) empowerment methodologies have traditionally focused on two aspects: goal achievement following rigid structures, such as SQDCME, or evolutional aspects of empowerment factors away from strategic goal achievement. Furthermore, SM Methodologies have been organized almost solely around the hierarchical structure of the organization, failing systematically to cope with the challenges that Industry 4.0 is facing. The latter include the growing complexity of value-stream networks, sustainable empowerment of the workforce (Learning Factory), an autonomous and intelligent process management (Smart Factory), the need to cope with the increasing complexity of value-stream networks (VSN) and the leadership paradigm shift to strategic alignment. This paper presents a novel Lean SM Method (LSM) called ?HOSHIN KANRI Tree? (HKT), which is based on standardization of the communication patterns among process owners (POs) by PDCA. The standardization of communication patterns by HKT technology should bring enormous benefits in value stream (VS) performance, speed of standardization and learning rates to the Industry 4.0 generation of organizations. These potential advantages of HKT are being tested at present in worldwide research.
En la actualidad no se concibe una empresa, por pequeña que esta sea, sin algún tipo de servicio TI. Se presenta para cada empresa el reto de emprender proyectos para desarrollar o contratar servicios de TI que soporten los diferentes procesos de negocio de la empresa. Por otro lado, a menos que los servicios de TI estén aislados de toda red, lo cual es prácticamente imposible en la actualidad, no existe un servicio o un proyecto que lo desarrolle garantizando el 100% de seguridad. Así la empresa maneja una dualidad entre desarrollar productos/servicios de TI seguros y el mantenimiento constante de sus servicios TI en estado seguro. La gestión de los proyectos para el desarrollo de los servicios de TI se aborda, en la mayoría de las empresas, aplicando distintas prácticas, utilizadas en otros proyectos y recomendadas, a tal efecto, por marcos y estándares con mayor reconocimiento. Por lo general, estos marcos incluyen, entre sus procesos, la gestión de los riesgos orientada al cumplimiento de plazos, de costes y, a veces, de la funcionalidad del producto o servicio. Sin embargo, en estas prácticas se obvian los aspectos de seguridad (confidencialidad, integridad y disponibilidad) del producto/servicio, necesarios durante el desarrollo del proyecto. Además, una vez entregado el servicio, a nivel operativo, cuando surge algún fallo relativo a estos aspectos de seguridad, se aplican soluciones ad-hoc. Esto provoca grandes pérdidas y, en ocasiones, pone en peligro la continuidad de la propia empresa. Este problema, se va acrecentando cada día más, en cualquier tipo de empresa y, son las PYMEs, por su la falta de conocimiento del problema en sí y la escasez de recursos metodológicos y técnicos, las empresas más vulnerables. Por todo lo anterior, esta tesis doctoral tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, demostrar la necesidad de contar con un marco de trabajo que, integrado con otros posibles marcos y estándares, sea sencillo de aplicar en distintos tipos y envergaduras de proyectos, y que guíe a las PYMEs en la gestión de proyectos para el desarrollo seguro y posterior mantenimiento de la seguridad de sus servicios de TI. En segundo lugar, cubrir esta necesidad desarrollando un marco de trabajo que ofrezca un modelo de proceso genérico aplicable sobre distintos patrones de proyecto y una librería de activos de seguridad que sirva a las PYMEs de guía durante el proceso de gestión del proyecto para el desarrollo seguro. El modelo de proceso del marco propuesto describe actividades en los tres niveles organizativos de la empresa (estratégico, táctico y operativo). Está basado en el ciclo de mejora continua (PDCA) y en la filosofía Seguridad por Diseño, propuesta por Siemens. Se detallan las prácticas específicas de cada actividad, las entradas, salidas, acciones, roles, KPIs y técnicas aplicables para cada actividad. Estas prácticas específicas pueden aplicarse o no, a criterio del jefe de proyecto y de acuerdo al estado de la empresa y proyecto que se quiera desarrollar, estableciendo así distintos patrones de proceso. Para la validación del marco se han elegido dos PYMEs. La primera del sector servicios y la segunda del sector TIC. El modelo de proceso ha sido aplicado sobre un mismo patrón de proyecto que responde a necesidades comunes a ambas empresas. El patrón de proceso ha sido valorado en los proyectos elegidos en ambas empresas, antes y después de su aplicación. Los resultados del estudio, después de su aplicación en ambas empresas, han permitido la validación del patrón de proceso, en la mejora de la gestión de proyecto para el desarrollo seguro de TI en las PYMEs. ABSTRACT Today a company without any IT service is not conceived, even if it is small either. It presents the challenge for each company to undertake projects to develop or contract IT services that support the different business processes of the company. On the other hand, unless IT services are isolated from whole network, which is virtually impossible at present, there is no service or project, which develops guaranteeing 100% security. So the company handles a duality, develop products / insurance IT services and constant maintenance of their IT services in a safe state. The project management for the development of IT services is addressed, in most companies, using different practices used in other projects and recommended for this purpose by frameworks and standards with greater recognition. Generally, these frameworks include, among its processes, risk management aimed at meeting deadlines, costs and, sometimes, the functionality of the product or service. However, safety issues such as confidentiality, integrity and availability of the product / service, necessary for the project, they are ignored in these practices. Moreover, once the service delivered at the operational level, when a fault on these safety issues arise, ad-hoc solutions are applied. This causes great losses and sometimes threatens the continuity of the company. This problem is adding more every day, in any kind of business and SMEs are, by their lack of knowledge of the problem itself and the lack of methodological and technical resources, the most vulnerable companies. For all these reasons, this thesis has two objectives. Firstly demonstrate the need for a framework that integrated with other possible frameworks and standards, it is simple to apply in different types and wingspans of projects, and to guide SMEs in the management of development projects safely, and subsequent maintenance of the security of their IT services. Secondly meet this need by developing a framework that provides a generic process model applicable to project different patterns and a library of security assets, which serve to guide SMEs in the process of project management for development safe. The process model describes the proposed activities under the three organizational levels of the company (strategic, tactical and operational). It is based on the continuous improvement cycle (PDCA) and Security Design philosophy proposed by Siemens. The specific practices, inputs, outputs, actions, roles, KPIs and techniques applicable to each activity are detailed. These specific practices can be applied or not, at the discretion of the project manager and according to the state of the company and project that the company wants to develop, establishing different patterns of process. Two SMEs have been chosen to validate the frame work. The first of the services sector and the second in the ICT sector. The process model has been applied on the same pattern project that responds to needs common to both companies. The process pattern has been valued at the selected projects in both companies before and after application. The results of the study, after application in both companies have enabled pattern validation process, improving project management for the safe development of IT in SMEs.
A relevância do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos justifica-se pelos impactos à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Resíduos gerados em serviços de saúde podem apresentar periculosidade por suas características físico-químicas e biológicas. No Brasil, todo grande gerador é obrigado a elaborar o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos, e todo estabelecimento de saúde deve criar o Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde. Objetivo: Desenvolver modelo de gestão de resíduos sólidos para apoiar a elaboração e implantação desses planos em instituições públicas de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de produtos de saúde. Métodos: Estudo de caso conduzido no Instituto Butantan, localizado no município de São Paulo/SP. Foi realizado considerando as seguintes etapas: diagnóstico do gerenciamento dos resíduos e elaboração, implantação e avaliação de Plano Integrado de Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos. Todo o processo teve como abordagem a gestão participativa, compartilhada e integrada, envolvendo todos os atores da instituição. Na avaliação foram considerados o atendimento legal quanto à gestão e gerenciamento, às práticas e procedimentos implantados e à atuação dos envolvidos. Resultados: Destacam-se a caracterização e quantificação para cada fluxo de resíduos, a elaboração do Guia Prático de Descarte de Resíduos, o Modelo de Gestão para instituições de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de produtos de uso em saúde humana baseado nas premissas do ciclo PDCA e o sistema informatizado de gerenciamento para estruturação e controle da gestão dos resíduos. Conclusões: Verifica-se que o processo desenvolvido ao longo do estudo propiciou mudança de cultura, envolvimento dos funcionários por meio da capacitação contínua para atuação e segurança do trabalhador e melhoria no gerenciamento dos resíduos, promovendo a redução de custos de destinação e a valorização dos resíduos.