982 resultados para Overhead passage


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The behavior of T. cruzi strains from S. Felipe - BA (19 SF, 21 SF and 22 SF) classified as Type II Zymodeme 2, was investigated after passage through the authoctonous (P. megistus) and foreign vectors (T. infestans and R. prolixus). For each strain Swiss mice were infected: I - with blood forms (control); II - with metacyclic forms (MF) from P. megistus; III - with MF from T. infestans; IV - with MF from R. prolixus. Inocula: MF from the three species of triatomine, 60 to 120 days after feeding in infected mice, adjusted to 10 4. Biological behavior in mice (parasitemia, morphology, mortality, virulence and pathogenicity) after passage through triatomine was compared with data from the same strain in control mice. Isoenzymic electrophoresis (ASAT, ALAT, PGM, GPI) were also performed after culture into Warren medium. The three strains maintained the isoenzyme profiles (zymodeme 2), in the control groups and after passages through different species of triatomine. Biological characterization disclosed Type II strains patterns for all groups. An increased virulence was observed with the 22 SF strain isolated from P. megistus and T. infestans and higher levels of parasitemia and predominance of slender forms in mice inoculated with the 19 SF and 21 SF from these same species. Results indicate that the passage through the two species T. infestans and P. megistus had a positive influence on the virulence of the regional strains of S. Felipe, regardless of being autocthonous (P. megistus) or foreign to the area (T. infestans).


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Relatório de Estágio do Mestrado em Migrações, Inter-etnicidades e Transnacionalismo


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The basis for virulence in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is not completely understood. There is a consensus that the sequencial in vitro subcultivation of P. brasiliensis leads to loss of its pathogenicity, which can be reverted by reisolation from animal passage. Attention to morphological and biochemical properties that are regained or demonstrated after animal passage may provide new insights into factors related to the pathogenicity and virulence of P. brasiliensis. We evaluated morphological characters: the percentage of budding cells, number of buds by cell and the diameter of 100 mother cells of yeast-like cells of 30 P. brasiliensis isolates, before and after animal passage. The isolates were obtained from patients with different clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM): acute form (group A, n=15) and chronic form (group C, n=15). The measurement of the yeast cell sizes was carried out with the aid of an Olympus CBB microscope coupled with a micrometer disc. We measured the major transverse and longitudinal axes of 100 viable cells of each preparation. The percentage of budding cells as also the number of buds by cell was not influenced by animal passage, regardless of the source of the strain (acute or chronic groups). The size values of P. brasiliensis isolates from groups A and C, measured before the animal passage exhibited the same behavior. After animal passage, there was a statistically significant difference between the cell sizes of P. brasiliensis isolates recovered from testicles inoculated with strains from groups A and C. The maximum diameter of mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a size of 42.1mm in contrast with 32.9mm exhibited by mother cells from group C (p<0.05). The diameter of 1500 mother cells from group A isolates exhibited a medium size of 16.0mm (SD ± 4.0), a value significantly higher than the 14.1mm (SD = ± 3.3) exhibited by 1500 mother cells from group C isolates (p<0.05). Our results reinforce the polymorphism exhibited by P. brasiliensis in biological material and the need for further investigations to elucidate the role of morphological parameters of the fungus in the natural history of the disease.


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Presented at IEEE 21st International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2015). 19 to 21, Aug, 2015.


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From an initial double infection in mice, established by simultaneous and equivalent inocula of bloodstream forms of strains Y and F of Trypanosoma cruzi, two lines were derived by subinoculations: one (W) passaged every week, the other (M) every month. Through biological and biochemical methods only the Y strain was identified at the end of the 10th and 16th passages of line W and only the F strain at the 2nd and 4th passages of line M. The results illustrate strain selection through laboratory manipulation of initially mixed populations of T. cruzi.


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We report preliminary findings from analysis of a database under construction. The paper explores the legislative process in search for some of the alleged consequences of cabinet coalitions in a presidential system. Coalition effects should be less evident in the success of executive initiatives: strategic behavior hampers this intuitive measure of performance. Better measures, because less subject to strategic considerations, are the odds of passage of legislators' bills and the time proposals take to be approved. Thus measured, coalition effects are discernible. Analysis of the universe of proposals processed in the fragmented Uruguayan Parliament between 1985 and 2000 reveals that coalition, observed about half the period, swells success rates of coalition members by 60% on average (and by as much as 150% for those close to the president). Event history analysis shows that coalitions cut the wait for an executive bill by 3 months, 1/6th the average wait. The reverse effect is felt on the duration of legislators' bills.


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Une représentation sociale communément admise postule que le couple plurilingue et l'un de ses prolongements possibles, la vie en commun dans un pays, favorisent l'appropriation de la langue et la socialisation du partenaire alloglotte. Or, si c'est souvent le cas, il s'agit de dégager les conditions nécessaires à un tel processus positif d'apprentissage de la langue. De là découle l'intérêt d'une observation ethnographique des caractéristiques d'un mode d'apprentissage de la langue du milieu (ici, le français) qui s'actualise dans les couples plurilingues. Dans cet article je montrerai, par l'exemple d'un couple francophone/hispanophone établi en Suisse romande, comment la situation matrimoniale hétéroglotte propose un contexte spécifique à l'apprentissage de la langue. Je porterai particulièrement mon attention sur la construction par le partenaire alloglotte d'un sentiment de légitimité quant à son statut de locuteur plurilingue francophone