941 resultados para Outstanding housewives
The societal need for reliable climate predictions and a proper assessment of their uncertainties is pressing. Uncertainties arise not only from initial conditions and forcing scenarios, but also from model formulation. Here, we identify and document three broad classes of problems, each representing what we regard to be an outstanding challenge in the area of mathematics applied to the climate system. First, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of simple physically based models of the global climate. Second, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of the components of complex models such as general circulation models. Third, there is the problem of the development and evaluation of appropriate statistical frameworks. We discuss these problems in turn, emphasizing the recent progress made by the papers presented in this Theme Issue. Many pressing challenges in climate science require closer collaboration between climate scientists, mathematicians and statisticians. We hope the papers contained in this Theme Issue will act as inspiration for such collaborations and for setting future research directions.
This position paper argues that at this time of Mexico’s ongoing big transformation, legal educators and researchers in Mexico need to pay greater attention to international economic law, and that a renewal and perhaps some re-orientation of the approach to teaching international economic law, could provide significant contributions to and shape and support both the objectives and outcomes of reform in Mexico. International Economic Law courses and research can be made more useful, not only for students themselves, but also for their contribution towards the role that academics, lawyers, and other epistemic communities need to play in the political, economic and social evolution that is accelerating in Mexico.
We show that the same route that leads to Maxwell's electrodynamics leads also to Podolsky's electrodynamics, provided we start from Podolsky's electrostatic force law instead of the usual Coulomb's law.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A prescription for computing the symmetric energy-momentum tensor from the field equations is presented. The method is then used to obtain the total energy and momentum for the electromagnetic field described by Maxwell electrodynamics, Born-Infeld nonlinear electrodynamics, and Podolsky generalized electrodynamics, respectively. © 1997 American Association of Physics Teachers.
We apply the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) to three outstanding gauges: Feynman, light-cone, and Coulomb gauges. Our aim is to show that NDIM is a very suitable technique to deal with loop integrals, regardless of which gauge choice that originated them. In the Feynman gauge we perform scalar two-loop four-point massless integrals; in the light-cone gauge we calculate scalar two-loop integrals contributing to two-point functions without any kind of prescriptions, since NDIM can abandon such devices - this calculation is the first test of our prescriptionless method beyond one-loop order; and finally, for the Coulomb gauge we consider a four-propagator massless loop integral, in the split-dimensional regularization context. © 2001 Academic Press.
Spanish version available at the Library
Diese Arbeit analysiert, welche Erziehungsziele ein gymnasiales Mädcheninternat in der Upper West Region in Ghana verfolgt und wie diese Erziehungsziele im Schulalltag praktisch umsetzt werden. Angeregt durch das Goffmansche Konzept der „totalen Institution“ untersucht die Arbeit den umfassenden Einfluss der katholischen Internatsschule auf die Schülerinnen, die mit dem Eintritt in die Schule ihre dörfliche Herkunftswelt verlassen und ein Übergangsstadium durchlaufen. Die Schülerinnen werden nicht nur im Unterricht erzogen, sondern der gesamte Schulalltag wird von Regeln bestimmt, die aus den Schülerinnen gute Staatsbürgerinnen machen sollen. Dabei entwickelte sich die 1959 gegründete St. Francis Girls’ Secondary School im Lauf der Zeit von einer Institution, die vor allem christliche Haus- und Ehefrauen produzieren wollte, zu einer Schule, die die Mädchen auch akademisch gut ausbilden will und ihnen vermittelt, dass sie künftig zu einer „Elite“ gehören werden. Dass der Einfluss des Internats aber weder „total“ ist, noch die Schülerinnen passiv sind, zeigt sich daran, dass die Schülerinnen zum einen die Schulregeln nicht immer befolgen und sich zum anderen auch gegenseitig, und dies nicht immer im Sinne der Regeln, disziplinieren.
by Gdal Saleski
A commercially available dense carbon monolith (CM) and four carbon monoliths obtained from it have been studied as electrochemical capacitor electrodes in a two-electrode cell. CM has: (i) very high density (1.17 g cm−3), (ii) high electrical conductivity (9.3 S cm−1), (iii) well-compacted and interconnected carbon spheres, (iv) homogeneous microporous structure and (v) apparent BET surface area of 957 m2g−1. It presents interesting electrochemical behaviors (e.g., excellent gravimetric capacitance and outstanding volumetric capacitance). The textural characteristics of CM (porosity and surface chemistry) have been modified by means of different treatments. The electrochemical performances of the starting and treated monoliths have been analyzed as a function of their porous textures and surface chemistry, both on gravimetric and volumetric basis. The monoliths present high specific and volumetric capacitances (292 F g−1 and 342 F cm−3), high energy densities (38 Wh kg−1 and 44 Wh L−1), and high power densities (176 W kg−1 and 183 W L−1). The specific and volumetric capacitances, especially the volumetric capacitance, are the highest ever reported for carbon monoliths. The high values are achieved due to a suitable combination of density, electrical conductivity, porosity and oxygen surface content.