844 resultados para Other Engineering


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This is my penultimate report as National President of the Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management, Inc. As an academic, I would like to take this opportunity to raise some issues and challenges I see in transport professional education in Australia. My general view is that the transport profession has until recently been less conspicuous to others as an identifiable discipline. This is both a blessing and somewhat of a curse. People mostly enter, or sometimes fall into, the transport profession having taken a degree in civil engineering, other engineering, urban and regional planning, economics, industrial psychology, business, followed by the less obvious disciplines. This order is probably about relative to the proportion of members’ background qualifications in our ranks too. However, once a graduate destined to become a transport professional has spent about five years or so out of the academic estuary, they tend to specialise in an area that cannot necessarily be easily correlated to the well known courses I have rattled off above. I can say from experience that it is not out of the question to see SIDRA models having been prepared by a transport professional who did not take traffic engineering as part of a civil engineering degree. So I see a couple of key challenges for the transport profession, which happens to be represented by a number of bodies, with our AITPM perhaps being the peak body, into the future,


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Engineering asset management (EAM) is a broad discipline and the EAM functions and processes are characterized by its distributed nature. However, engineering asset nowadays mostly relies on self-maintained experiential rule bases and periodic maintenance, which is lacking a collaborative engineering approach. This research proposes a collaborative environment integrated by a service center with domain expertise such as diagnosis, prognosis, and asset operations. The collaborative maintenance chain combines asset operation sites, service center (i.e., maintenance operation coordinator), system provider, first tier collaborators, and maintenance part suppliers. Meanwhile, to realize the automation of communication and negotiation among organizations, multiagent system (MAS) technique is applied to enhance the entire service level. During the MAS design processes, this research combines Prometheus MAS modeling approach with Petri-net modeling methodology and unified modeling language to visualize and rationalize the design processes of MAS. The major contributions of this research include developing a Petri-net enabled Prometheus MAS modeling methodology and constructing a collaborative agent-based maintenance chain framework for integrated EAM.


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Spectrum sensing optimisation techniques maximise the efficiency of spectrum sensing while satisfying a number of constraints. Many optimisation models consider the possibility of the primary user changing activity state during the secondary user's transmission period. However, most ignore the possibility of activity change during the sensing period. The observed primary user signal during sensing can exhibit a duty cycle which has been shown to severely degrade detection performance. This paper shows that (a) the probability of state change during sensing cannot be neglected and (b) the true detection performance obtained when incorporating the duty cycle of the primary user signal can deviate significantly from the results expected with the assumption of no such duty cycle.


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Due to increasing recognition by industry that partnerships with universities can lead to more effective knowledge and skills acquisition and deployment, corporate learning programmes are currently experiencing a resurgence of interest. Rethinking of corporations’ approaches to what has traditionally been classed as ‘training’ has resulted in a new focus on learning and the adoption of philosophies that underlie the academic paradigm. This paper reports on two studies of collaboration between major international engineering corporations and an Australian university, the aim of which was to up-skill the workforce in response to changing markets. The paper highlights the differences between the models of learning adopted in such collaboration and those in more conventional, university-based environments. The learning programmes combine the ADDIE (analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate) development and workplace learning models. Adaptations that have added value for industry partners and recommendations as to how these can be evolved to cope with change are discussed. The learning is contextualised by industry- based subject matter experts working in close collaboration with university experts and learning designers to develop programmes that are reflective of current and future needs in the organisation. Results derived from user feedback indicate that the learning programmes are effectively aligned with the needs of the industry partners whilst simultaneously upholding academic ideals. In other words, it is possible to combine academic and more traditional approaches to develop corporate learning programmes that satisfy requirements in the workplace. Emerging from the study, a new conceptual framework for the development of corporate learning is presented.


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It is well known that track defects cause profound effects to the dynamics of railway wagons; normally such problems are examined for cases of wagons running at a constant speed. Brake/traction torques affect the speed profile due to the wheel–rail contact characteristics but most of the wagon–track interaction models do not explicitly consider them in simulation. The authors have recently published a model for the dynamics of wagons subject to braking traction torques on a perfect track by explicitly considering the pitch degree of freedom for wheelsets. The model is extended for cases of lateral and vertical track geometry defects and worn railhead and wheel profiles. This paper presents the results of the analyses carried out using the model extended to the dynamics of wagons containing less ideal wheel profiles running on tracks with geometry defects and worn rails.


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Spectrum sensing is considered to be one of the most important tasks in cognitive radio. One of the common assumption among current spectrum sensing detectors is the full presence or complete absence of the primary user within the sensing period. In reality, there are many situations where the primary user signal only occupies a portion of the observed signal and the assumption of primary user duty cycle not necessarily fulfilled. In this paper we show that the true detection performance can degrade from the assumed achievable values when the observed primary user exhibits a certain duty cycle. Therefore, a two-stage detection method incorporating primary user duty cycle that enhances the detection performance is proposed. The proposed detector can improve the probability of detection under low duty cycle at the expense of a small decrease in performance at high duty cycle.


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BACKGROUND There is a growing volume of open source ‘education material’ on energy efficiency now available however the Australian government has identified a need to increase the use of such materials in undergraduate engineering education. Furthermore, there is a reported need to rapidly equip engineering graduates with the capabilities in conducting energy efficiency assessments, to improve energy performance across major sectors of the economy. In January 2013, building on several years of preparatory action-research initiatives, the former Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) offered $600,000 to develop resources for energy efficiency related graduate attributes, targeting Engineers Australia college disciplines, accreditation requirements and opportunities to address such requirements. PURPOSE This paper discusses a $430,000 successful bid by a university consortium led by QUT and including RMIT, UA, UOW, and VU, to design and pilot several innovative, targeted open-source resources for curriculum renewal related to energy efficiency assessments, in Australian engineering programs (2013-2014), including ‘flat-pack’, ‘media-bites’, ‘virtual reality’ and ‘deep dive’ case study initiatives. DESIGN/ METHOD The paper draws on literature review and lessons learned by the consortium partners in resource development over the last several years to discuss methods for selecting key graduate attributes and providing targeted resources, supporting materials, and innovative delivery options to assist universities deliver knowledge and skills to develop such attributes. This includes strategic industry and key stakeholders engagement. The paper also discusses processes for piloting, validating, peer reviewing, and refining these resources using a rigorous and repeatable approach to engaging with academic and industry colleagues. RESULTS The paper provides an example of innovation in resource development through an engagement strategy that takes advantage of existing networks, initiatives, and funding arrangements, while informing program accreditation requirements, to produce a cost-effective plan for rapid integration of energy efficiency within education. By the conference, stakeholder workshops will be complete. Resources will be in the process of being drafted, building on findings from the stakeholder engagement workshops. Reporting on this project “in progress” provides a significant opportunity to share lessons learned and take on board feedback and input. CONCLUSIONS This paper provides a useful reference document for others considering significant resource development in a consortium approach, summarising benefits and challenges. The paper also provides a basis for documenting the second half of the project, which comprises piloting resources and producing a ‘good practice guide’ for energy efficiency related curriculum renewal.


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BACKGROUND As engineering schools adopt outcomes - focused learning approaches in response to government expectations and industry requirements of graduates capable of learning and applying knowledge in different contexts, university academics must be capable of developing and delivering programs that meet these requirements. Those academics are increasingly facing challenges in progressing their research and also acquiring different skill sets to meet the learning and teaching requirements. PURPOSE The goal of this study was to identify the types of development and support structures in place for academic staff, especially early career ones, and examine how the type of institution and the rank or role of the staff member affects these structures. DESIGN/METHOD We conducted semi - structured interviews with 21 individuals in a range of positions pertaining to teaching and learning in engineering education. Open coding was used to identify main themes from the guiding questions raised in the interviews and refined to address themes relevant to the development of institutional staff . The interview data was then analysed based on the type of institution and the rank/ role of the participant. RESULTS While development programs that focus on improving teaching and learning are available, the approach on using these types of programs differed based on staff perspective. Fewer academics, regardless of rank/role, had knowledge of support structures related to other areas of scholarship, e.g. disciplinary research, educational research, learning the institutional culture. The type of institution also impacted how they weighted and encouraged multiple forms of scholarship. We found that academic staff holding higher ranking positions, e.g. dean or associate dean, were not only concerned with the success of their respective programs, but also in how to promote other academic staff participation throughout the process. CONCLUSIONS The findings from this stud y extend the premise that developing effective academic staff ultimately leads to more effective institutions and successful graduates and accomplishing this requires staff buy - in at multiple stages of instructional and program development. Staff and administration developing approaches for educational innovation together (Besterfield - Sacre et al., 2014) and getting buy - in from all academic staff to invest in engineering education development will ultimately lead to more successful engineering graduates.


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Background: A major challenge for assessing students’ conceptual understanding of STEM subjects is the capacity of assessment tools to reliably and robustly evaluate student thinking and reasoning. Multiple-choice tests are typically used to assess student learning and are designed to include distractors that can indicate students’ incomplete understanding of a topic or concept based on which distractor the student selects. However, these tests fail to provide the critical information uncovering the how and why of students’ reasoning for their multiple-choice selections. Open-ended or structured response questions are one method for capturing higher level thinking, but are often costly in terms of time and attention to properly assess student responses. Purpose: The goal of this study is to evaluate methods for automatically assessing open-ended responses, e.g. students’ written explanations and reasoning for multiple-choice selections. Design/Method: We incorporated an open response component for an online signals and systems multiple-choice test to capture written explanations of students’ selections. The effectiveness of an automated approach for identifying and assessing student conceptual understanding was evaluated by comparing results of lexical analysis software packages (Leximancer and NVivo) to expert human analysis of student responses. In order to understand and delineate the process for effectively analysing text provided by students, the researchers evaluated strengths and weakness for both the human and automated approaches. Results: Human and automated analyses revealed both correct and incorrect associations for certain conceptual areas. For some questions, that were not anticipated or included in the distractor selections, showing how multiple-choice questions alone fail to capture the comprehensive picture of student understanding. The comparison of textual analysis methods revealed the capability of automated lexical analysis software to assist in the identification of concepts and their relationships for large textual data sets. We also identified several challenges to using automated analysis as well as the manual and computer-assisted analysis. Conclusions: This study highlighted the usefulness incorporating and analysing students’ reasoning or explanations in understanding how students think about certain conceptual ideas. The ultimate value of automating the evaluation of written explanations is that it can be applied more frequently and at various stages of instruction to formatively evaluate conceptual understanding and engage students in reflective


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The Energy Efficiency (EE) Graduate Attributes Project focuses on engineering as a priority profession that has a significant role to play in addressing energy demand and supply issues in Australia. Specifically, this project aims to support embedding EE knowledge and skills throughout the engineering undergraduate curriculum, to help build capacity within the Australian workforce across major sectors of the economy, from mining, manufacturing and industrial applications to design, construction, maintenance and retrofitting built environments. The resultant report is intended to assist in future consultation with key groups such as Engineers Australia (EA), the Australian Council of Engineering Deans (ACED) and the eight EA colleges, to support systemic curriculum renewal and promote the design and development of high quality EE engineering education resources. The project is based on a whole-of-program outcomes-based approach to curriculum renewal, creating a transparent framework for integrating EE. This comprises collaborative consideration by academics and professional engineers who have experience in teaching and practising EE, to identify what students should learn to be equipped with relevant competencies by the time they graduate.


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Assessing students’ conceptual understanding of technical content is important for instructors as well as students to learn content and apply knowledge in various contexts. Concept inventories that identify possible misconceptions through validated multiple-choice questions are helpful in identifying a misconception that may exist, but do not provide a meaningful assessment of why they exist or the nature of the students’ understanding. We conducted a case study with undergraduate students in an electrical engineering course by testing a validated multiple-choice response concept inventory that we augmented with a component for students to provide written explanations for their multiple-choice selection. Results revealed that correctly chosen multiple-choice selections did not always match correct conceptual understanding for question testing a specific concept. The addition of a text-response to multiple-choice concept inventory questions provided an enhanced and meaningful assessment of students’ conceptual understanding and highlighted variables associated with current concept inventories or multiple choice questions.


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A survey was conducted across three Australian universities to identify the types and format of support services available for higher degree research (HDR, or MA and Ph.D.) students. The services were classified with regards to availability, location and accessibility. A comparative tool was developed to help institutions categorise their services in terms of academic, administrative, social and settlement, language and miscellaneous (other) supports. All three universities showed similarities in the type of academic support services offered, while differing in social and settlement and language support services in terms of the location and the level of accessibility of these services. The study also examined the specific support services available for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students. The three universities differed in their emphases in catering to CALD needs, with their allocation of resources reflecting these differences. The organisation of these services within the universities was further assessed to determine possible factors that may influence the effective delivery of these services, by considering HDR and CALD student specific issues. The findings and tools developed by this study may be useful to HDR supervisors and university administrators in identifying key support services to better improve outcomes for the HDR students and universities.


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BACKGROUND OR CONTEXT The higher education sector plays an important role in encouraging students into the STEM pipeline through fostering partnerships with schools, building on universities long tradition in engagement and outreach to secondary schools. Numerous activities focus on integrated STEM learning experiences aimed at developing conceptual scientific and mathematical knowledge with opportunities for students to show and develop skills in working with each other and actively engaging in discussion, decision making and collaborative problem solving. (NAS, 2013; AIG, 2015; OCS, 2014). This highlights the importance of the development and delivery of engaging integrated STEM activities connected to the curriculum to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers and generally preparing students for post-secondary success. The broad research objective is to gain insight into which engagement activities and to what level they influence secondary school students’ selection of STEM-related career choices at universities. PURPOSE OR GOAL To evaluate and determine the effectiveness of STEM engagement activities impacting student decision making in choosing a STEM-related degree choice at university. APPROACH A survey was conducted with first-year domestic students studying STEM-related fieldswithin the Science and Engineering Faculty at Queensland University of Technology. Of the domestic students commencing in 2015, 29% responded to the survey. The survey was conducted using Survey Monkey and included a variety of questions ranging from academic performance at school to inspiration for choosing a STEM degree. Responses were analysed on a range of factors to evaluate the influence on students’ decisions to study STEM and whether STEM high school engagement activities impacted these decisions. To achieve this the timing of decision making for students choice in study area, degree, and university is compared with the timing of STEM engagement activities. DISCUSSION Statistical analysis using SPSS was carried out on survey data looking at reasons for choosing STEM degrees in terms of gender, academic performance and major influencers in their decision making. It was found that students choose their university courses based on what subjects they enjoyed and exceled at in school. These results found a high correlation between enjoyment of a school subject and their interest in pursuing this subject at university and beyond. Survey results indicated students are heavily influenced by their subject teachers and parents in their choice of STEM-related disciplines. In terms of career choice and when students make their decision, 60% have decided on a broad area of study by year 10, whilst only 15% had decided on a specific course and 10% had decided on which university. The timing of secondary STEM engagement activities is seen as a critical influence on choosing STEM disciplines or selection of senior school subjects with 80% deciding on specific degree between year 11 and 12 and 73% making a decision on which university in year 12. RECOMMENDATIONS/IMPLICATIONS/CONCLUSION Although the data does not support that STEM engagement activities increase the likelihood of STEM-related degree choice, the evidence suggests the students who have participated in STEM activities associate their experiences with their choice to pursue a STEM-related course. It is important for universities to continue to provide quality engaging and inspirational learning experiences in STEM, to identify and build on students’ early interest and engagement, increase STEM knowledge and awareness, engage them in interdisciplinary project-based STEM practices, and provide them with real-world application experiences to sustain their interest.