Maintenance chain integration using Petri-net enabled multiagent system modeling and implementation approach

Autoria(s): Trappey, Amy; Hsiao, David W.; Ma, Lin



Engineering asset management (EAM) is a broad discipline and the EAM functions and processes are characterized by its distributed nature. However, engineering asset nowadays mostly relies on self-maintained experiential rule bases and periodic maintenance, which is lacking a collaborative engineering approach. This research proposes a collaborative environment integrated by a service center with domain expertise such as diagnosis, prognosis, and asset operations. The collaborative maintenance chain combines asset operation sites, service center (i.e., maintenance operation coordinator), system provider, first tier collaborators, and maintenance part suppliers. Meanwhile, to realize the automation of communication and negotiation among organizations, multiagent system (MAS) technique is applied to enhance the entire service level. During the MAS design processes, this research combines Prometheus MAS modeling approach with Petri-net modeling methodology and unified modeling language to visualize and rationalize the design processes of MAS. The major contributions of this research include developing a Petri-net enabled Prometheus MAS modeling methodology and constructing a collaborative agent-based maintenance chain framework for integrated EAM.








Trappey, Amy, Hsiao, David W., & Ma, Lin (2011) Maintenance chain integration using Petri-net enabled multiagent system modeling and implementation approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C : Applications and Reviews, 41(3), pp. 306-315.


Copyright 2010 IEEE

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Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering; School of Engineering Systems

Palavras-Chave #080600 INFORMATION SYSTEMS #099900 OTHER ENGINEERING #179900 OTHER PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES #Engineering Asset Management (EAM) #Petri-net #Maintenance Chain Integration #Multiagent System (MAS)

Journal Article