991 resultados para Oriented films
BiFeO3 thin films have been deposited on (111) SrTiO3 single crystal substrates by reactive molecular-beam epitaxy in an adsorption-controlled growth regime. This is achieved by supplying a bismuth overpressure and utilizing the differential vapor pressures between bismuth oxides and BiFeO3 to control stoichiometry. Four-circle x-ray diffraction reveals phase-pure, untwinned, epitaxial, (0001)-oriented films with rocking curve full width at half maximum values as narrow as 25 arc sec (0.007 degrees). Second harmonic generation polar plots combined with diffraction establish the crystallographic point group of these untwinned epitaxial films to be 3m at room temperature. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Biaxially oriented films produced from semi-crystalline, semi-aromatic polyesters are utilised extensively as components within various applications, including the specialist packaging, flexible electronic and photovoltaic markets. However, the thermal performance of such polyesters, specifically poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(ethylene-2,6-naphthalate) (PEN), is inadequate for several applications that require greater dimensional stability at higher operating temperatures. The work described in this project is therefore primarily focussed upon the copolymerisation of rigid comonomers with PET and PEN, in order to produce novel polyester-based materials that exhibit superior thermomechanical performance, with retention of crystallinity, to achieve biaxial orientation. Rigid biphenyldiimide comonomers were readily incorporated into PEN and poly(butylene-2,6-naphthalate) (PBN) via a melt-polycondensation route. For each copoly(ester-imide) series, retention of semi-crystalline behaviour is observed throughout entire copolymer composition ratios. This phenomenon may be rationalised by cocrystallisation between isomorphic biphenyldiimide and naphthalenedicarboxylate residues, which enables statistically random copolymers to melt-crystallise despite high proportions of imide sub-units being present. In terms of thermal performance, the glass transition temperature, Tg, linearly increases with imide comonomer content for both series. This facilitated the production of several high performance PEN-based biaxially oriented films, which displayed analogous drawing, barrier and optical properties to PEN. Selected PBN copoly(ester-imide)s also possess the ability to either melt-crystallise, or form a mesophase from the isotropic state depending on the applied cooling rate. An equivalent synthetic approach based upon isomorphic comonomer crystallisation was subsequently applied to PET by copolymerisation with rigid diimide and Kevlar®-type amide comonomers, to afford several novel high performance PET-based copoly(ester-imide)s and copoly(ester-amide)s that all exhibited increased Tgs. Retention of crystallinity was achieved in these copolymers by either melt-crystallisation or thermal annealing. The initial production of a semi-crystalline, PET-based biaxially oriented film with a Tg in excess of 100 °C was successful, and this material has obvious scope for further industrial scale-up and process development.
Lamellar systems composed of lipid bilayers have been widely used as model system for investigating properties of biological membranes, interactions between membranes and with biomolecules. The composition of the membrane determines its three dimensional shape and its properties such as rigidity and compressibility which play an important role on membrane fusion, protein adhesion, interactions between proteins, etc. We present a systematic study of a lamellar system composed of lecithin and a commercial co-surfactant (Simusol), which is a mixture of ethoxylated fatty acids. Using X ray scattering and a new procedure to fit X-ray experimental data, we determine relevant parameters characterizing the lamellar structure, varying membrane composition from 100% of lecithin to 100% of Simulsol. We present experimental data illustrating the swelling behavior for the membrane of different compositions and the respective behavior of the Caillé parameter. From and GISAXS experiments on oriented films under controlled humidity we investigate the compressibility of the lamellar phase and the effect of incorporating co-surfactant. Combining the Caillé parameter and compressibility studies we determine the bending rigidity of membranes. The results obtained with this experimental approach and new procedure to fit X-ray experimental allows us to identify structural changes in the bilayer depending both on hydration and co-surfactant content, with implications on elastic properties of membranes.
„Photovernetzbare flüssigkristalline Polymere unterschiedlicher Kettentopologien“, Patrick Beyer, Mainz 2007 Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Synthese und Charakterisierung flüssigkristalliner Elastomere unterschiedlicher Polymertopologien vorgestellt. Dabei wurden Systeme synthetisiert, bei denen die mesogenen Einheiten entweder als Seitengruppen an ein Polymerrückgrat angebunden (Seitenkettenelastomere) oder direkt in die Polymerkette integriert (Hauptkettenelastomere) sind (siehe Abbildung). Bezüglich der Seitenkettensysteme konnten erstmals photovernetzbare smektische Seitenkettenpolymere, in denen aufgrund der Anknüpfung eines photoisomerisierbaren Azobenzols eine Photo- modulation der ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften möglich ist, dargestellt werden. Homöotrop orientierte freistehende Filme dieser Materialien konnten durch Spincoaten dargestellt und unter Ausnutzung des Dichroismus der Azobenzole durch geeignete Wahl der Bestrahlungsgeometrie photovernetzt werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Untersuchungen wurde anhand eines nicht vernetzbaren Modellsystems im Detail der Einfluss der trans-cis Isomerisierung des Azobenzols auf die ferroelektrischen Parameter untersucht. Durch zeitaufgelöste Messungen der Absorption der Azobenzole, der spontanen Polarisation und des Direktorneigungswinkels und Auswertung der kinetischen Prozesse konnte eine lineare Abhängigkeit der ferroelektrischen Eigenschaften vom Grad der Isomerisierungsreaktion festgestellt werden. Durch Vergleich dieser in der flüssigkristallinen Phase erhaltenen Ergebnisse mit der Kinetik der thermischen Reisomerisierung in Lösung (Toluol) konnte ferner eine deutliche Reduzierung der Relaxationszeiten in der anisotropen flüssigkristallinen Umgebung festgestellt und auf eine Absenkung der Aktivierungsenergie zurückgeführt werden. Makroskopische Formänderungen der Seitenkettenelastomere am Phasenübergang von der flüssigkristallinen in die isotrope Phase konnten jedoch nicht festgestellt werden. Aus diesem Grund wurden neue Synthesestrategien für die Darstellung von Hauptkettenelastomeren entwickelt, die sich aufgrund der direkten Kopplung von flüssigkristallinem Ordnungsgrad und Polymerkettenkonformation besser für die Herstellung thermischer Aktuatoren eignen. Auf Basis flüssigkristalliner Polymalonate konnten dabei lateral funktionalisierte smektische Hauptkettenpolymere synthetisiert werden, welche erstmals die Darstellung von LC-Hauptkettenelastomeren durch Photovernetzung in der flüssigkristallinen Phase erlauben. Durch laterale Bromierung konnte in diesen Systemen die Kristallisationstendenz der verwendeten Biphenyleinheiten unterdrückt werden. Bezüglich der Photovernetzung konnten zwei neue Synthesemethoden entwickelt werden, bei denen der Vernetzungsschritt entweder durch radikalische Polymerisation lateral angebundener Acrylatgruppen oder durch photoaktive Benzophenongruppen erfolgte. Basierend auf den Benzophenon funktionalisierten Systemen konnte ein neuartiges Verfahren zur Darstellung makroskopisch orientierter Hauptkettenelastomere durch Photovernetzung entwickelt werden. Die Elastomerproben, deren Ordnungsgrad durch Röntgenuntersuchungen ermittelt werden konnte, zeigen am Phasenübergang von der flüssigkristallinen in die isotrope Phase eine reversible Formänderung von 40%. Im Gegensatz zu anderen bekannten smektischen Systemen konnten die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Elastomere ohne Zerstörung der Phase bis zu 60% entlang der smektischen Schichtnormalen gestreckt werden, was im Kontext einer geringen Korrelation der smektischen Schichten in Hauptkettenelastomeren diskutiert wurde.
In this paper we describe the fabrication and frequency characterization of different structures intended for the lateral excitation of shear modes in AlN c-axis-oriented films, which are at the same time designed to minimize the excitation of longitudinal modes. Laterally excited resonators were built on partially metallic (SiO2, W) and insulating (SiOC, Si3N4) acoustic mirrors built on silicon substrates, and on insulating mirrors (SiO2, TaOx) built on insulating glass plates. TiOx seed layers were used to stimulate the growth of highly c-axis oriented AlN films, which was confirmed by XRD and SAW measurements. Coplanar Mo electrodes of different geometries were defined on top of the AlN films to excite the shear modes. All the structures analyzed displayed a clear longitudinal mode, corresponding to an acoustic velocity of 11000 m/s, but a null or extremely weak shear response corresponding to a sound velocity of around 6350 m/s. The simulation of the frequency response based on Mason's model confirms that the shear resonance is extremely weak. The observed longitudinal modes are attributed either to the field applied between the electrodes and a conductive plane (metallic layer or Si substrate) or to the electric field parallel to the c-axis in the edges of the electrodes or in tilted grains. The low excitation of shear modes is attributed to the very low values of electric field strength parallel to the surface.
An oriented graphitic nanostructured carbon film has been employed as a conductometric hydrogen gas sensor. The carbon film was energetically deposited using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc with a -75 V bias applied to a stainless steel grid placed 1cm from the surface of the Si substrate. The substrate was heated to 400°C prior to deposition. Electron microscopy showed evidence that the film consisted largely of vertically oriented graphitic sheets and had a density of 2.06 g/cm3. 76% of the atoms were bonded in sp2 or graphitic configurations. A change in the device resistance of >; 1.5% was exhibited upon exposure to 1 % hydrogen gas (in synthetic, zero humidity air) at 100°C. The time for the sensor resistance to increase by 1.5 % under these conditions was approximately 60 s and the baseline (zero hydrogen exposure) resistance remained constant to within 0.01% during and after the hydrogen exposures.
A systematic study of Ar ion implantation in cupric oxide films has been reported. Oriented CuO films were deposited by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique on (1 0 0) YSZ substrates. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra showed the highly oriented nature of the deposited CuO films. The films were subjected to ion bombardment for studies of damage formation, Implantations were carried out using 100 keV Arf over a dose range between 5 x 10(12) and 5 x 10(15) ions/cm(2). The as-deposited and ion beam processed samples were characterized by XRD technique and resistance versus temperature (R-T) measurements. The activation energies for electrical conduction were found from In [R] versus 1/T curves. Defects play an important role in the conduction mechanism in the implanted samples. The conductivity of the film increases, and the corresponding activation energy decreases with respect to the dose value.
Graphene oxide (GO) is assembled on a gold substrate by a layer-by-layer technique using a self-assembled cystamine monolayer. The negatively charged GO platelets are attached to the positively charged cystamine monolayer through electrostatic interactions. Subsequently, it is shown that the GO can be reduced electrochemically using applied DC bias by scanning the potential from 0 to -1 V vs a saturated calomel electrode in an aqueous electrolyte. The GO and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are characterized by Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). A clear shift of the G band from 1610 cm-1 of GO to 1585 cm-1 of RGO is observed. The electrochemical reduction is followed in situ by micro Raman spectroscopy by carrying out Raman spectroscopic studies during the application of DC bias. The GO and RGO films have been characterized by conductive AFM that shows an increase in the current flow by at least 3 orders of magnitude after reduction. The electrochemical method of reducing GO may open up another way of controlling the reduction of GO and the extent of reduction to obtain highly conducting graphene on electrode materials.
Electrochemical reduction of exfoliated graphene oxide, prepared from pre-exfoliated graphite, in acetamide-urea-ammonium nitrate ternary eutectic melt results in few layer-graphene thin films. Negatively charged exfoliated graphene oxide is attached to positively charged cystamine monolyer self-assembled on a gold surface. Electrochemical reduction of the oriented graphene oxide film is carried out in a room temperature, ternary molten electrolyte. The reduced film is characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), conductive AFM, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Ternary eutectic melt is found to be a suitable medium for the regulated reduction of graphene oxide to reduced graphene oxide-based sheets on conducting surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nebulized spray pyrolysis provides a good low?temperature chemical route for preparing thin films of PbTiO3, (Pb0.9,La0.1)TiO3 and Pb(Zr0.52,Ti0.48)O3. The films are a? or c? axis oriented, with spherical grains of ?30 nm and give satisfactory P?E hysteresis loops. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.
Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.
Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.
Zn1−xMgxO (x = 0.3) thin films have been fabricated on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si substrates using multimagnetron sputtering technique. The films with wurtzite structure showed a (002) preferred orientation. Ferroelectricity in Zn1−xMgxO films was established from the temperature dependent dielectric constant and the polarization hysteresis loop. The temperature dependent study of dielectric constant at different frequencies exhibited a dielectric anomaly at 110 °C. The resistivity versus temperature characteristics showed an anomalous increase in the vicinity of the dielectric transition temperature. The Zn1−xMgxO thin films exhibit well-defined polarization hysteresis loop, with a remanent polarization of 0.2 μC/cm2 and coercive field of 8 kV/cm at room temperature.
Highly (110) preferred orientated antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and La-modified PZ thin films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using sol-gel process. Dielectric properties, electric field induced ferroelectric polarization, and the temperature dependence of the dielectric response have been explored as a function of composition. The Tc has been observed to decrease by ∼ 17 °C per 1 mol % of La doping. Double hysteresis loops were seen with zero remnant polarization and with coercive fields in between 176 and 193 kV/cm at 80 °C for antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transformation. These slim loops have been explained by the high orientation of the films along the polar direction of the antiparallel dipoles of a tetragonal primitive cell and by the strong electrostatic interaction between La ions and oxygen ions in an ABO3 perovskite unit cell. High quality films exhibited very low loss factor less than 0.015 at room temperature and pure PZ; 1 and 2 mol % La doped PZs have shown the room temperature dielectric constant of 135, 219, and 142 at the frequency of 10 kHz. The passive layer effects in these films have been explained by Curie constants and Curie temperatures. The ac conductivity and the corresponding Arrhenius plots have been shown and explained in terms of doping effect and electrode resistance.
This paper reports optical and nanomechanical properties of predominantly a-axis oriented AlN thin films. These films were deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering technique at an optimal target to substrate distance of 180 mm. X-ray rocking curve (FWHM = 52 arcsec) studies confirmed the preferred orientation. Spectroscopic ellipsometry revealed a refractive index of 1.93 at a wavelength of 546 nm. The hardness and elastic modulus of these films were 17 and 190 GPa, respectively, which are much higher than those reported earlier can be useful for piezoelectric films in bulk acoustic wave resonators. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4772204]