920 resultados para OpenStack DevStack Migration Cold_Migration Live_Migration Cloud IaaS
Ogni giorno vengono generati grandi moli di dati attraverso sorgenti diverse. Questi dati, chiamati Big Data, sono attualmente oggetto di forte interesse nel settore IT (Information Technology). I processi digitalizzati, le interazioni sui social media, i sensori ed i sistemi mobili, che utilizziamo quotidianamente, sono solo un piccolo sottoinsieme di tutte le fonti che contribuiscono alla produzione di questi dati. Per poter analizzare ed estrarre informazioni da questi grandi volumi di dati, tante sono le tecnologie che sono state sviluppate. Molte di queste sfruttano approcci distribuiti e paralleli. Una delle tecnologie che ha avuto maggior successo nel processamento dei Big Data, e Apache Hadoop. Il Cloud Computing, in particolare le soluzioni che seguono il modello IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), forniscono un valido strumento all'approvvigionamento di risorse in maniera semplice e veloce. Per questo motivo, in questa proposta, viene utilizzato OpenStack come piattaforma IaaS. Grazie all'integrazione delle tecnologie OpenStack e Hadoop, attraverso Sahara, si riesce a sfruttare le potenzialita offerte da un ambiente cloud per migliorare le prestazioni dell'elaborazione distribuita e parallela. Lo scopo di questo lavoro e ottenere una miglior distribuzione delle risorse utilizzate nel sistema cloud con obiettivi di load balancing. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi, si sono rese necessarie modifiche sia al framework Hadoop che al progetto Sahara.
Cloud computing and, more particularly, private IaaS, is seen as a mature technology with a myriad solutions tochoose from. However, this disparity of solutions and products has instilled in potential adopters the fear of vendor and data lock-in. Several competing and incompatible interfaces and management styles have given even more voice to these fears. On top of this, cloud users might want to work with several solutions at the same time, an integration that is difficult to achieve in practice. In this paper, we propose a management architecture that tries to tackle these problems; it offers a common way of managing several cloud solutions, and an interface that can be tailored to the needs of the user. This management architecture is designed in a modular way, and using a generic information model. We have validated our approach through the implementation of the components needed for this architecture to support a sample private IaaS solution: OpenStack
En este documento está descrito detalladamente el trabajo realizado para completar todos objetivos marcados para este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que tiene como meta final el desarrollo de un dashboard configurable de gestión y administración para instancias de OpenStack. OpenStack es una plataforma libre y de código abierto utilizada como solución de Infraestructura como Servicio (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) en clouds tanto públicos, que ofrecen sus servicios cobrando el tiempo de uso o los recursos utilizados, como privados para su utilización exclusiva en el entorno de una empresa. El proyecto OpenStack se inició como una colaboración entre la NASA y RackSpace, y a día de hoy es mantenido por las empresas más potentes del sector tecnológico a través de la Fundación OpenStack. La plataforma OpenStack permite el acceso a sus servicios a través de una Interfaz de Linea de Comandos (Command Line Interface, CLI), una API RESTful y una interfaz web en forma de dashboard. Esta última es ofrecida a través del servicio Horizon. Este servicio provee de una interfaz gráfica para acceder, gestionar y automatizar servicios basados en cloud. El dashboard de Horizon presente algunos problemas como que: solo admite opciones de configuración mediante código Python, lo que hace que el usuario no tenga ninguna capacidad de configuración y que el administrador esté obligado a interactuar directamente con el código. no tiene soporte para múltiples regiones que permitan que un usuario pueda distribuir sus recursos por distintos centros de datos en diversas localizaciones como más le convenga. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que es la fase inicial del proyecto FI-Dash, pretende solucionar estos problemas mediante el desarrollo de un catálogo de widget de la plataformaWireCloud que permitirán al usuario tener todas las funcionalidades ofrecidas por Horizon a la vez que le ofrecen capacidades de configuración y añaden funcionalidades no presentes en Horizon como el soporte de múltiples regiones. Como paso previo al desarrollo del catálogo de widgets se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de las tecnologías y servicios ofrecidos por OpenStack, así como de las herramientas que pudieran ser necesarias para la realización del trabajo. El proceso de desarrollo ha sido dividido en distintas fases de acuerdo con los distintos componentes que forman parte del dashboard cada uno con una funcion de gestion sobre un tipo de recurso distinto. Las otras fases del desarrollo han sido la integración completa del dashboard en la plataforma WireCloud y el diseño de una interfaz gráfica usable y atractiva.---ABSTRACT---Throughout this document it is described the work performed in order to achieve all of the objectives set for this Final Project, which has as its main goal the development of a configurable dashboard for managing and administrating OpenStack instances. OpenStack is a free and open source platform used as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for both public clouds, which offer their services through payments on time or resources used, and private clouds for use only in the company’s environment. The OpenStack project started as a collaboration between NASA and Rackspace, and nowadays is maintained by the most powerful companies in the technology sector through the OpenStack Foundation. The OpenStack project provides access to its services through a Command Line Interface (CLI), a RESTful API and a web interface as dashboard. The latter is offered through a service called Horizon. This service provides a graphical interface to access, manage and automate cloud-based services. Horizon’s dashboard presents some problems such as: Only supports configuration options using Python code, which grants the user no configuration capabilities and forces the administrator to interact directly. No support for multiple regions that allow a user to allocate his resources by different data centers in different locations at his convenience. This Final Project, which is the initial stage of the FI-Dash project, aims to solve these problems by developing a catalog of widgets for the WireCloud platform that will allow the user to have all the features offered by Horizon while offering configuration capabilities and additional features not present in Horizon such as support for multiple regions. As a prelude to the development of the widget catalog, a study of technologies and services offered by OpenStack as well as tools that may be necessary to carry out the work has been conducted. The development process has been split in phases matching the different components that are part of the dashboard, having each one of them a function of management of one kind of resource. The other development phases have been the achieving of full integration with WireCloud and the design of a graphical interface that is both usable and atractive.
Cloud computing can be defined as a distributed computational model by through resources (hardware, storage, development platforms and communication) are shared, as paid services accessible with minimal management effort and interaction. A great benefit of this model is to enable the use of various providers (e.g a multi-cloud architecture) to compose a set of services in order to obtain an optimal configuration for performance and cost. However, the multi-cloud use is precluded by the problem of cloud lock-in. The cloud lock-in is the dependency between an application and a cloud platform. It is commonly addressed by three strategies: (i) use of intermediate layer that stands to consumers of cloud services and the provider, (ii) use of standardized interfaces to access the cloud, or (iii) use of models with open specifications. This paper outlines an approach to evaluate these strategies. This approach was performed and it was found that despite the advances made by these strategies, none of them actually solves the problem of lock-in cloud. In this sense, this work proposes the use of Semantic Web to avoid cloud lock-in, where RDF models are used to specify the features of a cloud, which are managed by SPARQL queries. In this direction, this work: (i) presents an evaluation model that quantifies the problem of cloud lock-in, (ii) evaluates the cloud lock-in from three multi-cloud solutions and three cloud platforms, (iii) proposes using RDF and SPARQL on management of cloud resources, (iv) presents the cloud Query Manager (CQM), an SPARQL server that implements the proposal, and (v) comparing three multi-cloud solutions in relation to CQM on the response time and the effectiveness in the resolution of cloud lock-in.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
El propósito de este documento es adentrarnos en los nuevos modelos de negocio basados en las tecnologías Cloud Computing con el objetivo de consolidar nuevos conocimientos complementarios a los estudios de ingeniería informática. Se quiere realizar un estudio de productos open-source basados en un modelo de servicio como infraestructura (IaaS), y, implementarlos desde la vertiente más práctica.
El presente proyecto consiste en una introducción al "cloud computing" y un estudio en profundidad de las herramientas OpenNebula, dentro del modelo IaaS (Infraestructure as a Service), y Hadoop, dentro del modelo PaaS (Platform as a Service). El trabajo también incluye la instalación, integración, configuración y puesta en marcha de una plataforma "cloud computing" utilizando OpenNebula y Hadoop con el objetivo de aplicar los conceptos teóricos en una solución real dentro de un entorno de laboratorio que puede ser extrapolable a una instalación real.
Cloud computing and its three facets (Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)) are terms that denote new developments in the software industry. In particular, PaaS solutions, also referred to as cloud platforms, are changing the way software is being produced, distributed, consumed, and priced. Software vendors have started considering cloud platforms as a strategic option but are battling to redefine their offerings to embrace PaaS. In contrast to SaaS and IaaS, PaaS allows for value co-creation with partners to develop complementary components and applications. It thus requires multisided business models that bring together two or more distinct customer segments. Understanding how to design PaaS business models to establish a flourishing ecosystem is crucial for software vendors. This doctoral thesis aims to address this issue in three interrelated research parts. First, based on case study research, the thesis provides a deeper understanding of current PaaS business models and their evolution. Second, it analyses and simulates consumers' preferences regarding PaaS business models, using a conjoint approach to find out what determines the choice of cloud platforms. Finally, building on the previous research outcomes, the third part introduces a design theory for the emerging class of PaaS business models, which is grounded on an extensive action design research study with a large European software vendor. Understanding PaaS business models from a market as well as a consumer perspective will, together with the design theory, inform and guide decision makers in their business model innovation plans. It also closes gaps in the research related to PaaS business model design and more generally related to platform business models.
En el presente proyecto se ha abordado la tarea de acercar las tecnologías existentes de plataformas de gestión de infraestructuras ofrecidas en la nube (Cloud Management Platform, aka CMP) al mundo empresarial. En concreto, se ha desplegado una solución de explotación de infraestructuras privadas en la nube (IaaS) enfocada a la gestión de un datacenter virtualizado, utilizando para ello soluciones completamente basadas en software libre, en concreto, OpenNebula.
El contenido de este documento ilustra cómo realizar el despliegue de recursos informáticos en la nube para múltiples propósitos como aplicaciones, bases de datos y contenedores. Para lo cual se empleará Ansible como herramienta de automatización de configuraciones y OpenStack para controlar la infraestructura de cloud.
The main objective of this master’s thesis is to provide a comprehensive view to cloud computing and SaaS, and analyze how well CADM, a unit of Capgemini Finland Ltd., would fit to the cloud-based SaaS business. Another objective for this thesis is to investigate how public clouds would fit for CADM as a delivery model, if they would provide SaaS applications to their customers. This master’s thesis is executed by investigating characteristics of cloud computing and SaaS especially from application provider point of view. This is done by exploring what kinds of researches and analysis there have been done regarding these two phenomena during past few years. Then CADM’s current business model and operations are analyzed from SaaS’s and public cloud’s perspective. This analyzing part is conducted by using SWOT analysis which is widely used analytical tool when observing company’s strategic position and when figuring out possibilities how to improve company’s operations. The conducted analysis and observations reveals that CADM should pursue SaaS business as it could provide remarkable advantages and strengthen their position in current markets. However, pure SaaS model would not be the optimal solution for CADM because they do not have own product which could be transformed to SaaS model, and they lack of Infrastructure Management ability. Also public cloud would not be the most suitable delivery model for them if providing SaaS services. The main observation of this thesis is that CADM should adopt the SaaS model via Capgemini Immediate offering.
Video transcoding refers to the process of converting a digital video from one format into another format. It is a compute-intensive operation. Therefore, transcoding of a large number of simultaneous video streams requires a large amount of computing resources. Moreover, to handle di erent load conditions in a cost-e cient manner, the video transcoding service should be dynamically scalable. Infrastructure as a Service Clouds currently offer computing resources, such as virtual machines, under the pay-per-use business model. Thus the IaaS Clouds can be leveraged to provide a coste cient, dynamically scalable video transcoding service. To use computing resources e ciently in a cloud computing environment, cost-e cient virtual machine provisioning is required to avoid overutilization and under-utilization of virtual machines. This thesis presents proactive virtual machine resource allocation and de-allocation algorithms for video transcoding in cloud computing. Since users' requests for videos may change at di erent times, a check is required to see if the current computing resources are adequate for the video requests. Therefore, the work on admission control is also provided. In addition to admission control, temporal resolution reduction is used to avoid jitters in a video. Furthermore, in a cloud computing environment such as Amazon EC2, the computing resources are more expensive as compared with the storage resources. Therefore, to avoid repetition of transcoding operations, a transcoded video needs to be stored for a certain time. To store all videos for the same amount of time is also not cost-e cient because popular transcoded videos have high access rate while unpopular transcoded videos are rarely accessed. This thesis provides a cost-e cient computation and storage trade-o strategy, which stores videos in the video repository as long as it is cost-e cient to store them. This thesis also proposes video segmentation strategies for bit rate reduction and spatial resolution reduction video transcoding. The evaluation of proposed strategies is performed using a message passing interface based video transcoder, which uses a coarse-grain parallel processing approach where video is segmented at group of pictures level.
Cloud computing, despite its success and promises, presents issues for businesses migrating their legacy applications to cloud. In this research legacy-to-cloud migration issues are reviewed based on literature findings and an experience report. Solutions are applied to Tieto Open Application Suite (TOAS) software development platform running on cloud infrastructure. It is observed that the migration strategy heavily affects the migration approach. For TOAS a strategy of redesigning the applications for cloud is suggested. Common migration-driven application level modifications include adaptation to service-oriented architecture, load balancing, and runtime and technology changes. A cloud platform such as TOAS might introduce additional needs. Decision making on migration strategy is found to be an issue to be solved case by case. Use of assistive decision making tools is suggested.
Hoy en día el uso de las TIC en una empresa se ha convertido en indispensable sin importar su tamaño o industria a tal punto que ya no es una ventaja competitiva el simple hecho de usarla sino que la clave es determinar cuál es la mejor para la empresa. Existen en el mercado servicios en-línea que igualan o sobrepasan los estándares de tecnologías pagadas que incluso deben ser instaladas dentro de la empresa consumiendo recursos y en algunos casos subutilizándolos, los servicios del cloud computing poseen la flexibilidad y capacidad que la empresa requiere de acuerdo a sus necesidades de crecimiento y de cambio continuo que el mercado exige en la actualidad. Algunas empresas no invierten en dichas tecnologías porque no saben que pueden accederlas a costos bajos e incluso en algunos casos sin pagar un solo centavo y pierden competitividad y productividad por simple desconocimiento. El uso de servicios SaaS e IaaS afecta al flujo de caja de manera positiva comparada con una inversión en infraestructura propia, sobre todo en empresas que están empezando a funcionar o en aquellas que están en proceso de renovación tecnológica. Después de realizada esta investigación se recomienda el uso de los servicios de cloud computing, pero es evidente que no son útiles para todas las empresas y la utilidad depende de la criticidad de las aplicaciones o infraestructuras, el momento por el que pasa la compañía, tamaño de la empresa, ¿Cloud pública o Cloud privada?, en ocasiones, virtualizar también es racionalizar y la visión integral de la seguridad. Por otro lado, después de tabular los datos obtenidos en la encuesta número 2 se evidenció que el lanzamiento del Servicio en la nube de EcuFlow incrementó la demanda de esta herramienta en el mercado.
Radar has been applied to the study of insect migration for almost 40 years, but most entomological radars operate at X-band (9.4 GHz, 3.2 cm wavelength), and can only detect individuals of relatively large species, such as migratory grasshoppers and noctuid moths, over all of their flight altitudes. Many insects (including economically important species) are much smaller than this, but development of the requisite higher power and/or higher frequency radar systems to detect these species is often prohibitively expensive. In this paper, attention is focussed upon the uses of some recently-deployed meteorological sensing devices to investigate insect migratory flight behaviour, and especially its interactions with boundary layer processes. Records were examined from the vertically-pointing 35 GHz ‘Copernicus’ and 94 GHz ‘Galileo’ cloud radars at Chilbolton (Hampshire, England) for 12 cloudless and convective occasions in summer 2003, and one of these occasions (13 July) is presented in detail. Insects were frequently found at heights above aerosol particles, which represent passive tracers, indicating active insect movement. It was found that insect flight above the convective boundary layer occurs most often during the morning. The maximum radar reflectivity (an indicator of aerial insect biomass) was found to be positively correlated with maximum screen temperature.