18 resultados para Ohjelmistotestaus
The goal of this thesis is to make a case study of test automation’s profitability in the development of embedded software in a real industrial setting. The cost-benefit analysis is done by considering the costs and benefits test automation causes to software development, before the software is released to customers. The potential benefits of test automation regarding software quality after customer release were not estimated. Test automation is a significant investment which often requires dedicated resources. When done accordingly, the investment in test automation can produce major cost savings by reducing the need for manual testing effort, especially if the software is developed with an agile development framework. It can reduce the cost of avoidable rework of software development, as test automation enables the detection of construction time defects in the earliest possible moment. Test automation also has many pitfalls such as test maintainability and testability of the software, and if those areas are neglected, the investment in test automation may become worthless or it may even produce negative results. The results of this thesis suggest that test automation is very profitable at the company under study.
The purpose of this study was to explore software development methods and quality assurance practices used by South Korean software industry. Empirical data was collected by conducting a survey that focused on three main parts: software life cycle models and methods, software quality assurance including quality standards, the strengths and weaknesses of South Korean software industry. The results of the completed survey showed that the use of agile methods is slightly surpassing the use of traditional software development methods. The survey also revealed an interesting result that almost half of the South Korean companies do not use any software quality assurance plan in their projects. For the state of South Korean software industry large number of the respondents thought that despite of the weakness, the status of software development in South Korea will improve in the future.
Ohjelmistotestauksen merkitys ja testausosaamisen tarve ovat lisääntyneet sen myötä, kun ohjelmistojen koko on kasvanut ja toteutus monimutkaistunut. Testaustaidot kehittyvät parhaiten käytännön kokemuksen kautta mutta testausosaamisen perusta ja edellytykset käytännön taitojen kehittymiselle rakentuvat testauksen keskeisten avainasioiden, näkökulmien ja käytäntöjen teoreettiseen tuntemukseen ja ammattisanaston hyvään hallintaan. Tässä raportissa kuvataan Lappeenrannan teknilliselle yliopistolle tehty työ, jonka tuloksena koostettiin suomenkielinen oppimateriaali uudelle, keväällä 2015 kurssitarjontaan lisätylle opintojaksolle Ohjelmistotestauksen perusteet.